<!-- <item><ref id="_systime" name="_systime"> -->
<!-- <item><ref id="asctime" name="asctime"> -->
-<!-- <item><ref id="clock" name="clock"> -->
+<item><ref id="clock" name="clock">
<!-- <item><ref id="ctime" name="ctime"> -->
<!-- <item><ref id="gmtime" name="gmtime"> -->
<!-- <item><ref id="localtime" name="localtime"> -->
+<sect1>clock<label id="clock"><p>
+<tag/Function/Determine the processor time used.
+<tag/Header/<tt/<ref id="time.h" name="time.h">/
+<tag/Declaration/<tt/clock_t clock (void);/
+<tag/Description/The <tt/clock/ function returns an approximaton of processor
+time used by the program. The time is returned in implementation defined
+units. It can be converted to seconds by dividing by the value if the macro
+<item>Since the machines, cc65 generated programs run on, cannot run multiple
+processes, the function will actually return the time since some
+implementation defined point in the past.
+<tag/Availability/ISO 9899
+<tag/See also/
+<ref id="time" name="time">
<sect1>clrscr<label id="clrscr"><p>
returned value may not be valid.
<tag/Availability/ISO 9899
+<tag/See also/
+<ref id="clock" name="clock">