Small Business Server versions of Exchange can not ordinarily have more
than one Storage Group.
-To create the Recovery Storage Group, drill down to the Server in
-Exchange System Manager, right click, and select
-{\bf "New -> Recovery Storage Group..."}. Accept or change the file locations and click OK. On
-the Recovery Storage Group, right click and select
-{\bf "Add Database to Recover..."} and select the database you will be restoring.
-In Bacula, select the Database and the log files, making sure to mark
-the Storage Group directory itself too. Once you have selected the files
-to back up, use the RegexWhere clause to remove the prefix of
-"/@EXCHANGE/Microsoft Information Store/\lt{}storage group name\gt{}/" and
-replace it with "/@EXCHANGE/Microsoft Information Store/Recovery Storage Group/".
+To create the Recovery Storage Group, drill down to the Server in Exchange
+System Manager, right click, and select
+{\bf "New -> Recovery Storage Group..."}. Accept or change the file
+locations and click OK. On the Recovery Storage Group, right click and
+select {\bf "Add Database to Recover..."} and select the database you will
+be restoring.
+Restore only the single database nominated as the database in the
+Recovery Storage Group. Exchange will redirect the restore to the
+Recovery Storage Group automatically.
Then run the restore.
\subsection{Restoring on Microsoft Server 2007}
-Apparently the {\bf Exmerge} program no longer exists in Microsoft Server 2007, and henc
-you use a new proceedure for recovering a single mail box.
+Apparently the {\bf Exmerge} program no longer exists in Microsoft Server
+2007, and henc you use a new proceedure for recovering a single mail box.
This procedure is ducomented by Microsoft at:
-and involves using the {\bf Restore-Mailbox} and {\bf Get-MailboxStatistics} shell commands.
+and involves using the {\bf Restore-Mailbox} and {\bf
+Get-MailboxStatistics} shell commands.
This plugin is still being developed, so you should consider it
currently in BETA test, and thus use in a production environment
should be done only after very careful testing.
+When doing a full backup, the Exchange database logs are truncated by
+Exchange as soon as the plugin has completed the backup. If the data
+never makes it to the backup medium (eg because of spooling) then the
+logs will still be truncated, but they will also not have been backed
+up. A solution to this is being worked on.
The "Enable Circular Logging" option cannot be enabled or the plugin
will fail.
we recommend either carefully testing or that you avoid this option for
the current time.
-The Exchange plugin is not called during processing the bconsole {\bf estimate} command,
-and so anything that would be backed up by the plugin will not be added
-to the estimate total that is displayed.
+The Exchange plugin is not called during processing the bconsole {\bf
+estimate} command, and so anything that would be backed up by the plugin
+will not be added to the estimate total that is displayed.
\section{libdbi Framework}