; int __fastcall__ vsnprintf (char* Buf, size_t size, const char* Format, va_list ap);
-; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2009-09-26
+; 2009-09-26, Ullrich von Bassewitz
+; 2015-07-09, Greg King
.export _vsnprintf, vsnprintf
.import _memcpy, __printf
.importzp sp, ptr1
+ .include "errno.inc"
.macpack generic
sta ccount+1 ; Clear ccount
; Get the size parameter and replace it by a pointer to outdesc. This is to
-; build a stack frame for the call to _printf.
-; If size is zero, there's nothing to do.
+; build a stack frame for the call to _printf. The size must not be greater
+; than INT_MAX because the return type is int. If the size is zero,
+; then nothing will be written into the buffer; but, the arguments still will
+; be formatted and counted.
ldy #2
lda (sp),y
lda (sp),y
+ bmi L9 ; More than $7FFF
sta ptr1+1
- ora ptr1
- beq L9
lda #>outdesc
sta (sp),y
-; Write size-1 to outdesc.uns
+; Write size-1 to outdesc.uns. It will be -1 if there is no buffer.
ldy ptr1+1
ldx ptr1
jsr __printf
-; Terminate the string. The last char is either at bufptr+ccount or
-; bufptr+bufsize, whichever is smaller.
+; Terminate the string if there is a buffer. The last char. is at either
+; bufptr+bufsize or bufptr+ccount, whichever is smaller.
- lda ccount+0
- ldx ccount+1
- cpx bufsize+1
+ ldx bufsize+1
+ bmi L4 ; -1 -- No buffer
+ lda bufsize+0
+ cpx ccount+1
bne L2
- cmp bufsize+0
+ cmp ccount+0
L2: bcc L3
- lda bufsize+0
- ldx bufsize+1
+ lda ccount+0
+ ldx ccount+1
L3: adc bufptr+0
sta ptr1
; Return the number of bytes written and drop buf
- lda ccount+0
+L4: lda ccount+0
ldx ccount+1
jmp incsp2
-; Bail out if size is zero.
+; Bail out if size is too high.
-L9: pla
- pla ; Discard ap
- lda #0
- tax
+L9: lda #ERANGE
+ jsr __directerrno ; Return -1
jmp incsp6 ; Drop parameters
sbc ccount+0 ; Low byte of bytes already written
sta ptr1
lda bufsize+1
+ bmi @L9 ; -1 -- No buffer
sbc ccount+1
sta ptr1+1
bcs @L0 ; Branch if space left
- lda #$00
+@L9: lda #$0000
sta ptr1
sta ptr1+1 ; No space left