* xcb-proto-1.3 (2008-12-10)
* libxcb-1.1.93 (2008-12-11)
* xcb-util-0.3.3 (2009-01-31)
- * Xlib, the one that comes with your X-Server
* asciidoc >= 8.3.0 for docs/hacking-howto
+ * asciidoc, xmlto, docbook-xml for man/i3.man
+ * Xlib, the one that comes with your X-Server
* i3lock for locking your screen
* dmenu for launching applications
Section: utils
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Michael Stapelberg <michael+i3@stapelberg.de>
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), libx11-dev, libxcb-wm0-dev (>= 0.3.3), libxcb-aux0-dev (>= 0.3.3), libxcb-keysyms0-dev (>= 0.3.3), libxcb-xinerama0-dev (>= 1.1), asciidoc, xmlto
+Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), libx11-dev, libxcb-wm0-dev (>= 0.3.3), libxcb-aux0-dev (>= 0.3.3), libxcb-keysyms0-dev (>= 0.3.3), libxcb-xinerama0-dev (>= 1.1), asciidoc, xmlto, docbook-xml
Standards-Version: 3.8.0
Homepage: http://i3.zekjur.net/