; .org $0200
; ; 1. force Mikey to be in memory
-; stz MAPCTL
+; stz MAPCTL
; ; 3. set ComLynx to open collector
; lda #4 ; a = 00000100
; ; 5. read in secondary exe + 8 bytes from the cart and store it in $f000
; ldx #0 ; x = 0
-; ldy #$AB ; y = secondary loader size (171 bytes)
+; ldy #$97 ; y = secondary loader size (151 bytes)
;rloop1: lda RCART0 ; read a byte from the cart
; sta EXE,X ; EXE[X] = a
; inx ; x++
; After compilation, encryption and obfuscation it turns into this.
- .byte $ff, $dc, $e3, $bd, $bc, $7f, $f8, $94
- .byte $b7, $dd, $68, $bb, $da, $5b, $50, $5c
- .byte $ea, $9f, $2b, $df, $96, $80, $3f, $7e
- .byte $ef, $15, $81, $ae, $ad, $e4, $6e, $b3
- .byte $46, $d7, $72, $58, $f7, $76, $8a, $4a
- .byte $c7, $99, $bd, $ff, $02, $3e, $5b, $3f
- .byte $0c, $49, $1b, $22
+ .byte $ff, $30, $73, $35, $4a, $a8, $54, $ef
+ .byte $54, $20, $f5, $38, $f4, $35, $7e, $31
+ .byte $7a, $c3, $f6, $eb, $ee, $30, $e3, $e5
+ .byte $81, $91, $85, $bf, $4b, $d9, $cf, $80
+ .byte $5f, $54, $36, $b5, $8a, $b0, $50, $d6
+ .byte $38, $22, $3e, $c1, $01, $a6, $dd, $f5
+ .byte $4b, $5e, $6b, $21
; Now we have the secondary loader
jsr seclynxblock
; 3. Skip over the block offset
- lda _FileBlockOffset
- ldx _FileBlockOffset+1
- phx ; The BLL kit uses negative offsets
- plx ; while the basic Lynx uses positive
- bmi @1 ; Make all offsets negative
+ lda _FileBlockOffset+1
eor #$FF
- pha
- txa
+ tay
+ lda _FileBlockOffset
eor #$FF
- bra @2
-@1: pha
- txa
-@2: tay
- plx
+ tax
jsr seclynxskip0
; 4. Read in the main exe to RAM
ldx _FileDestAddr+1
sta _FileDestPtr
stx _FileDestPtr+1
- lda _FileFileLen
- ldx _FileFileLen+1
- phx ; The BLL kit uses negative counts
- plx ; while the basic Lynx uses positive
- bmi @3 ; make all counts negative
+ lda _FileFileLen+1
eor #$FF
- pha
- txa
+ tay
+ lda _FileFileLen
eor #$FF
- bra @4
-@3: pha
- txa
-@4: tay
- plx
+ tax
jsr seclynxread0
; 5. Jump to start of the main exe code
exit: rts