--- /dev/null
+; Christian Groessler, 10.02.2009
+; derived from strncmp.s and stricmp.s
+; int __fastcall__ strnicmp (const char* s1, const char* s2, size_t count);
+; int __fastcall__ strncasecmp (const char* s1, const char* s2, size_t count);
+ .export _strnicmp, _strncasecmp
+ .import popax, __ctype
+ .importzp ptr1, ptr2, ptr3, tmp1
+; Convert the given counter value in a/x from a downward counter into an
+; upward counter, so we can increment the counter in the loop below instead
+; of decrementing it. This adds some overhead now, but is cheaper than
+; executing a more complex test in each iteration of the loop. We do also
+; correct the value by one, so we can do the test on top of the loop.
+ eor #$FF
+ sta ptr3
+ txa
+ eor #$FF
+ sta ptr3+1
+; Get the remaining arguments
+ jsr popax ; get s2
+ sta ptr2
+ stx ptr2+1
+ jsr popax ; get s1
+ sta ptr1
+ stx ptr1+1
+; Loop setup
+ ldy #0
+; Start of compare loop. Check the counter.
+Loop: inc ptr3
+ beq IncHi ; Increment high byte
+; Compare a byte from the strings
+Comp: lda (ptr2),y
+ tax
+ lda __ctype,x ; get character classification
+ and #$01 ; lower case char?
+ beq L1 ; jump if no
+ txa ; get character back
+ sec
+ sbc #<('a'-'A') ; make upper case char
+ tax ;
+L1: stx tmp1 ; remember upper case equivalent
+ lda (ptr1),y ; get character from first string
+ tax
+ lda __ctype,x ; get character classification
+ and #$01 ; lower case char?
+ beq L2 ; jump if no
+ txa ; get character back
+ sec
+ sbc #<('a'-'A') ; make upper case char
+ tax
+L2: cpx tmp1 ; compare characters
+ bne NotEqual ; Jump if strings different
+ txa ; End of strings?
+ beq Equal1 ; Jump if EOS reached, a/x == 0
+; Increment the pointers
+ iny
+ bne Loop
+ inc ptr1+1
+ inc ptr2+1
+ bne Loop ; Branch always
+; Increment hi byte
+IncHi: inc ptr3+1
+ bne Comp ; Jump if counter not zero
+; Exit code if strings are equal. a/x not set
+Equal: lda #$00
+ tax
+Equal1: rts
+; Exit code if strings not equal
+ bcs L3
+ ldx #$FF ; Make result negative
+ rts
+L3: ldx #$01 ; Make result positive
+ rts