void vPortEndScheduler( void )\r
- /* It is unlikely that the AVR port will get stopped. If required simply\r
- disable the tick interrupt here. */\r
+ /* Not implemented - unlikely to ever be required as there is nothing to\r
+ return to. */\r
static void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void )\r
+/* The peripheral clock divided by 32 is used by the timer. */\r
+const unsigned portSHORT usReloadValue = ( unsigned portSHORT ) ( ( ( configPER_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) / 32UL ) - 1UL );\r
TMCSR0_CNTE=0; /* Count Disable */\r
TMCSR0_CSL=0x2; /* CLKP/32 */\r
TMCSR0_RELD=1; /* Reload */\r
TMCSR0_UF=0; /* Clear underflow flag */\r
- //TMRLR0=0x1F3; /* Tick = 1 ms*/ \r
- TMRLR0=0x1387; /* Tick = 10 ms*/ \r
+ TMRLR0=usReloadValue;\r
TMCSR0_INTE=1; /* Interrupt Enable */\r
TMCSR0_CNTE=1; /* Count Enable */\r
TMCSR0_TRG=1; /* Trigger */\r
#define portLONG long\r
#define portSHORT int\r
#define portSTACK_TYPE unsigned portSHORT\r
-#define portBASE_TYPE char\r
+#define portBASE_TYPE long\r
/* This is required since SOFTUNE doesn't support inline directive as is. */\r
#define inline\r