--- /dev/null
+; 2014-03-27, Oliver Schmidt
+; 2014-05-08, Greg King
+; CC65 library: 8x8 => 16 signed multiplication
+ .export _cc65_imul8x8r16
+ .import imul8x8r16, popa, ptr1:zp
+; 8x8 => 16 signed multiplication routine.
+.proc _cc65_imul8x8r16
+ sta ptr1
+ jsr popa
+ jmp imul8x8r16
--- /dev/null
+; 2010-11-02, Ullrich von Bassewitz
+; 2014-05-10, Greg King
+; CC65 runtime: 8x8 => 16 signed multiplication
+ .export imul8x8r16, imul8x8r16m
+ .importzp ptr1, ptr3, tmp1
+ .macpack generic
+; 8x8 => 16 signed multiplication routine.
+; multiplicand multiplier product
+; LHS RHS result
+; -------------------------------------------------------------
+; .A (ptr3-low) ptr1-low .XA
+ sta ptr3
+ ldx #>0
+ bit ptr3
+ bpl @L7
+ dex
+@L7: stx ptr3+1 ; Extend sign of Left-Hand Side
+ ldy #<0 ; Clear .XY accumulator
+ ldx #>0
+ lda ptr1
+ bmi NegMult
+ bpl @L2 ; Branch always
+@L0: tya ; Add current multiplicand
+ add ptr3
+ tay
+ txa
+ adc ptr3+1
+ tax
+@L1: asl ptr3
+ rol ptr3+1
+@L2: lsr ptr1 ; Get next bit of Right-Hand Side into carry
+ bcs @L0
+ bnz @L1 ; Loop if more one-bits in multiplier
+ tya ; Put result into cc65's accumulator
+ rts
+; The multiplier is negative.
+; Therefore, make it positive; and, subtract when multiplying.
+ eor #%11111111
+ sta ptr1
+ inc ptr1
+ bnz @L2 ; Branch always
+@L0: tya ; Subtract current multiplicand
+ sub ptr3
+ tay
+ txa
+ sbc ptr3+1
+ tax
+@L1: asl ptr3
+ rol ptr3+1
+@L2: lsr ptr1 ; Get next bit of Right-Hand Side into carry
+ bcs @L0
+ bnz @L1 ; Loop if more one-bits in multiplier
+ tya ; Put result into cc65's accumulator
+ rts