See: <tt><ref id=".LOWORD" name=".LOWORD"></tt>
+<sect1><tt>.IDENT</tt><label id=".IDENT"><p>
+ The function expects a string as its argument, and converts this argument
+ into an identifier. If the string starts with the current <tt/<ref
+ id=".LOCALCHAR" name=".LOCALCHAR">/, it will be converted into a cheap local
+ identifier, otherwise it will be converted into a normal identifier.
+ Example:
+ <tscreen><verb>
+ .macro makelabel arg1, arg2
+ .ident (.concat (arg1, arg2)):
+ .endmacro
+ makelabel "foo", "bar"
+ .word foobar ; Valid label
+ </verb></tscreen>
<sect1><tt>.LEFT</tt><label id=".LEFT"><p>
Builtin function. Extracts the left part of a given token list.