ldy #0 ; Stack offset
- php
sei ; Disable interrupts
sta YMax
lda (sp),y
sta XMin+1 ; minx
- plp ; Enable interrupts
+ cli ; Enable interrupts
jmp addysp1 ; Drop params, return
ldy #0 ; Structure offset
- php
sei ; Disable interrupts
lda XPos ; Transfer the position
sta (ptr1),y
- plp ; Restore initial interrupt state
+ cli ; Restore initial interrupt state
rts ; Done
lda VIC_SPR_HI_X ; Get high X bits of all sprites
and NotMask-1,x ; Mask out sprite bit
- ldy XPos+1 ; Test Y position
+ ldy XPos+1 ; Test Y position
beq @L1
ora BitMask-1,x ; Set high X bit
@L1: sta VIC_SPR_HI_X ; Set hi X sprite values
; Set the low X byte
- asl a ; Index*2
+ asl a ; Index*2
lda XPos
sta VIC_SPR0_X-2,x ; Set low byte
; Set the Y position
- ldy YPos+1 ; Negative or too large?
+ ldy YPos+1 ; Negative or too large?
bne MoveSpriteDone ; Jump if yes
lda YPos
sta VIC_SPR0_Y-2,x ; Set Y position