FNCNOT = 146 ;($92) function not implemented in handler
SCRMEM = 147 ;($93) insufficient memory for screen mode
+DSKFMT = 148 ;($94) SpartaDOS: urecognized disk format
+INCVER = 149 ;($95) SpartaDOS: disk was made with incompat. version
+DIRNFD = 150 ;($96) SpartaDOS: directory not found
+FEXIST = 151 ;($97) SpartaDOS: file exists
+NOTBIN = 152 ;($98) SpartaDOS: file not binary
+LSYMND = 154 ;($9A) SDX: loader symbol not defined
+BADPRM = 156 ;($9C) SDX: bad parameter
+OUTOFM = 158 ;($9E) SDX: out of memory
+INVDEV = 160 ;($A0) invalid device number
+TMOF = 161 ;($A1) too many open files
+DSKFLL = 162 ;($A2) disk full
+FATLIO = 163 ;($A3) fatal I/O error
+FNMSMT = 164 ;($A4) internal file number mismatch
+INVFNM = 165 ;($A5) invalid file name
+PDLERR = 166 ;($A6) point data length error
+EPERM = 167 ;($A7) permission denied
+DINVCM = 168 ;($A8) command invalid for disk
+DIRFLL = 169 ;($A9) directory full
+FNTFND = 170 ;($AA) file not found
+PNTINV = 171 ;($AB) point invalid
+BADDSK = 173 ;($AD) bad disk
+INCFMT = 176 ;($B0) DOS 3: incompatible file system
; DCB Device Bus Equates
DISKID = $31 ;##rev2## disk bus ID
.byte EIO ;TIMOUT = 138 ;($8A) peripheral device timeout error
.byte EIO ;DNACK = 139 ;($8B) device does not acknowledge command
.byte EIO ;FRMERR = 140 ;($8C) serial bus framing error
- .byte EINVAL ;CRSROR = 141 ;($8D) cursor overrange error
+ .byte EINVAL ;CRSROR = 141 ;($8D) cursor out of range error
.byte EIO ;OVRRUN = 142 ;($8E) serial bus data overrun error
.byte EIO ;CHKERR = 143 ;($8F) serial bus checksum error
- .byte EIO ;DERROR = 144 ;($90) device done (operation incomplete)
+ .byte EIO ;DERROR = 144 ;($90) general device failure
.byte EINVAL ;BADMOD = 145 ;($91) bad screen mode number error
.byte ENOSYS ;FNCNOT = 146 ;($92) function not implemented in handler
.byte ENOMEM ;SCRMEM = 147 ;($93) insufficient memory for screen mode
; codes below taken from "Mein Atari Computer" (german version of "Your Atari Computer")
- .byte EUNKNOWN ; 148 - haven't found documentation
- .byte EUNKNOWN ; 149 - haven't found documentation
+; also SpartaDOS codes from http://www.atari-central.com/programming/cio_errors.txt
+ .byte EUNKNOWN ; 148 - [SpartaDOS] unrecognized disk format
+ .byte EUNKNOWN ; 149 - [SpartaDOS] disk created by incompatible version of SD
.byte EBUSY ; 150 - serial port already open
+ ; [SpartaDOS] directory not found
.byte EACCES ; 151 - concurrent mode I/O not enabled (serial)
+ ; [SpartaDOS] file exists
.byte EINVAL ; 152 - invalid buffer address for concurrent mode
+ ; [SpartaDOS] not binary format
.byte EAGAIN ; 153 - concurrent mode enabled (and another access tried)
.byte EACCES ; 154 - concurrent mode I/O not active (serial)
+ ; [SpartaDOS X] loader symbol not defined
.byte EUNKNOWN ; 155 - haven't found documentation
- .byte EUNKNOWN ; 156 - haven't found documentation
+ .byte EUNKNOWN ; 156 - [SpartaDOS X] bad parameter
.byte EUNKNOWN ; 157 - haven't found documentation
- .byte EUNKNOWN ; 158 - haven't found documentation
+ .byte EUNKNOWN ; 158 - [SpartaDOS X] out of memory
.byte EUNKNOWN ; 159 - haven't found documentation
.byte ENOENT ; 160 - drive number error (DOS)
.byte EMFILE ; 161 - too many open files
.byte ENOENT ; 165 - invalid file name (e.g. lowercase)
.byte ESPIPE ; 166 - point data length error
.byte EACCES ; 167 - file locked (read-only)
- .byte ENOSYS ; 168 - command invalid
+ .byte ENOSYS ; 168 - command invalid for disk
.byte ENOSPC ; 169 - directory full
.byte ENOENT ; 170 - file not found
.byte ESPIPE ; 171 - point command invalid
+ .byte EUNKNOWN ; 172 - haven't found documentation
+ .byte EUNKNOWN ; 173 - bad disk - format couldn't complete
+ .byte EUNKNOWN ; 174 - haven't found documentation
+ .byte EUNKNOWN ; 175 - haven't found documentation
+ .byte EUNKNOWN ; 176 - [DOS 3] incompatible file system
MAX_OSERR_VAL = (* - maptable)