; This file provides the __dio_open and __dio_close functions
; Since on the Atari no real open and close is necessary, they
-; do not much. The __dio_open queries the sector size of the
+; do not much. The __dio_open sets the sector size of the
; drive which is later used by the _dio_read and _dio_write
; functions.
-; unsigned char __fastcall__ _dio_open (_driveid_t drive_id);
-; unsigned char __fastcall__ _dio_close (_driveid_t drive_id);
+; _dhandle_t __fastcall__ _dio_open (_driveid_t drive_id);
+; unsigned char __fastcall__ _dio_close (_dhandle_t handle);
.export __dio_open,__dio_close
.export sectsizetab
+ .import __oserror
+ .importzp ptr1,tmp1
.include "atari.inc"
- .res NUMDRVS * 2
+ .res NUMDRVS * sst_size
.proc __dio_open
- asl a ; make index from drive id
+ cmp #NUMDRVS ; valid drive id?
+ bcs _inv_drive
+ tay ; drive #
+ asl a ; make index from drive id
+ asl a
- lda #128 ; currently hardcoded (until I get an 815 :-)
- sta sectsizetab,x
+ lda #128 ; currently hardcoded (until I get an 815 :-)
+ sta sectsizetab+sst_sectsize,x
+ sta sectsizetab+sst_flag,x ; set flag that drive is "open"
lda #0
- sta sectsizetab+1,x
+ sta sectsizetab+sst_sectsize+1,x
+ sta __oserror ; success
+ tya
+ sta sectsizetab+sst_driveno,x
+; lda #SSTIDVAL
+; sta sectsizetab+sst_id+1,x
+ stx tmp1
+ lda #<sectsizetab
+ clc
+ adc tmp1
+ sta tmp1
+ lda #>sectsizetab
+ adc #0
+ tax
+ lda tmp1
+ rts
- ; fall thru to __dio_close
+ lda #NONDEV ; non-existent device
+ sta __oserror
+ lda #0
+ tax
+ rts ; return NULL
.proc __dio_close
+ sta ptr1
+ stx ptr1+1
lda #0
+ ldy #sst_flag
+ sta (ptr1),y
+; ldy #sst_id
+; sta (ptr1),y
+ sta __oserror ; success
- rts ; return no error
+ rts ; return no error