backup of your system to that point in time so that if you do a restore, it
will restore your system exactly. One note of caution about using Accurate backup is that
it requires more resources (CPU and memory) on both the Director and
-the Client machine to create the list of previous files backed up, to send that
-list to the File daemon, and do comparisons on the File daemon between every file
-and the list.
+the Client machines to create the list of previous files backed up, to send that
+list to the File daemon, for the File daemon to keep the list (possibly very big)
+in memory, and for the File daemon to do comparisons between every file in the
+FileSet and the list.
\section{Copy Jobs}
in advanced job tunning. {\bf SpoolSize={\it bytes}}
+\section{Building Bacula Plugins}
+There is currently one sample program {\bf example-plugin-fd.c} and
+one working plugin {\bf bpipe-fd.c} that can be found in the Bacula
+{\bf src/plugins/fd} directory. Both are built with the following:
+ cd <bacula-source>
+ ./configure <your-options>
+ make
+ ...
+ cd src/plugins/fd
+ make
+ make test
+After building Bacula and changing into the src/plugins/fd directory,
+the {\bf make} command will build the {\bf} plugin, which
+is a very useful and working program.
+The {\bf make test} command will build the {\bf}
+plugin and a binary named main, which is build from the source
+code located in {\bf src/filed/fd\_plugins.c}.
+If you execute {\bf ./main}, it will load and run the example-plugin-fd
+plugin simulating a small number of the calling sequences that Bacula uses
+in calling a real plugin. This allows you to do initial testing of
+your plugin prior to trying it with Bacula.
+You can get a good idea of how to write your own plugin by first
+studying the example-plugin-fd, and actually running it. Then
+it can also be instructive to read the bpipe-fd.c code as it is
+a real plugin, which is still rather simple and small.
+When actually writing your own plugin, you may use the example-plugin-fd.c
+code as a template for your code.
+\section{Bacula FD Plugin API}
+To write a Bacula plugin, you cread a dynamic shared object
+program (or dll on Win32) with a particular name and two
+entry points, place it in the {\bf Plugins Directory}, and when the FD
+starts, it will load all the plugins found in that directory.
+Once it loads them, it calls the {\bf loadPlugin} entry point (see below)
+then later, it will call particular functions that are defined by the
+{\bf loadPlugin} interface. When Bacula is finished with the plugin
+(when Bacula is going to exit), it will call the {\bf unloadPlugin}
+entry point.
+The two entry points are:
+bRC loadPlugin(bInfo *lbinfo, bFuncs *lbfuncs, pInfo **pinfo, pFuncs **pfuncs)
+bRC unloadPlugin()
+both these entry points to the shared object are defined as C entry points
+to avoid name mangling complications with C++. However, the shared object
+can actually be written in any language.
+The definitions for {\bf bRC} and the arguments are {\bf
+src/filed/fd-plugins.h} and so this header file needs to be included in
+your plug. It along with {\bf lib/plugins.h} define basically the whole
+plugin interface. Within this header file, it includes the fillowing
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include "config.h"
+#include "bc_types.h"
+#include "lib/plugins.h"
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+Aside from the {\bf bc\_types.h} header, the plugin definition uses the
+minimum code from Bacula. The bc\_types.h file is required to ensure that
+the data type defintions in arguments correspond to the Bacula core code.
+At a future point in time, we hope to make the Bacula libbac.a into a
+shared object so that the plugin can use much more of Bacula's
+infrastructure, but for this first cut, we have tried to minimize the
+dependence on Bacula.
+As previously mentioned, the {\bf loadPlugin} entry point in the plugin
+is called immediately after Bacula loads the plugin. In calling the
+plugin, the first two arguments are information from Bacula that
+is passed to the plugin, and the last two arguments are information
+about the plugin that is returned to Bacula. The call is:
+bRC loadPlugin(bInfo *lbinfo, bFuncs *lbfuncs, pInfo **pinfo, pFuncs **pfuncs)
+and the arguments are:
+\item [lbinfo]
+This is information about Bacula in general. Currently, the only value
+defined in the bInfo structure is version, which is the Bacula plugin
+interface version, currently defined as 1.
+The exact definition as of this writing is:
+typedef struct s_baculaInfo {
+ uint32_t size;
+ uint32_t version;
+} bInfo;
+\item [lbfuncs]
+The bFuncs structure defines the callback entry points within Bacula
+that the plugin can use register events, get Bacula values, set
+Bacula values, and send messages to the Job output.
+The exact definition as of this writing is:
+ypedef struct s_baculaFuncs {
+ uint32_t size;
+ uint32_t version;
+ bRC (*registerBaculaEvents)(bpContext *ctx, ...);
+ bRC (*getBaculaValue)(bpContext *ctx, bVariable var, void *value);
+ bRC (*setBaculaValue)(bpContext *ctx, bVariable var, void *value);
+ bRC (*JobMessage)(bpContext *ctx, const char *file, int line,
+ int type, time_t mtime, const char *fmt, ...);
+ bRC (*DebugMessage)(bpContext *ctx, const char *file, int line,
+ int level, const char *fmt, ...);
+} bFuncs;
+We will discuss these entry points and how to use them a bit later when
+describing the plugin code.
+\item [pInfo]
+When the loadPlugin entry point is called, the plugin must initialize
+an information structure about the plugin and return a pointer to
+this structure to Bacula.
+The exact definition as of this writing is:
+typedef struct s_pluginInfo {
+ uint32_t size;
+ uint32_t version;
+ const char *plugin_magic;
+ const char *plugin_license;
+ const char *plugin_author;
+ const char *plugin_date;
+ const char *plugin_version;
+ const char *plugin_description;
+} pInfo;
+ \begin{description}
+ \item [version] is the current plugin interface version, currently
+ set to 1.
+ \item [plugin\_magic] is a pointer to the string "*FDPluginData*", a
+ sort of sanity check.
+ \item [plugin\_license] is a pointer to a string that describes the
+ plugin license.
+ \item [plugin\_author] is a pointer to the name of the author of the program.
+ \item [plugin\_date] is the pointer string containing the date of the plugin.
+ \item [plugin\_version] is a pointer to a string containing the version of
+ the plugin.
+ \item [plugin\_description] is a pointer to a string describing what the
+ plugin does.
+ \end{description}
+The pInfo structure must be defined in static memory because Bacula does not
+copy it and may refer to the values at any time while the plugin is
+\item [pFuncs]
+When the loadPlugin entry point is called, the plugin must initialize
+an entry point structure about the plugin and return a pointer to
+this structure to Bacula. This structure contains pointer to each
+of the entry points that the plugin must provide for Bacula. When
+Bacula is actually running the plugin, it will call the defined
+entry points at particular times. All entry points must be defined.
+The pFuncs structure must be defined in static memory because Bacula does not
+copy it and may refer to the values at any time while the plugin is
+The exact definition as of this writing is:
+typedef struct s_pluginFuncs {
+ uint32_t size;
+ uint32_t version;
+ bRC (*newPlugin)(bpContext *ctx);
+ bRC (*freePlugin)(bpContext *ctx);
+ bRC (*getPluginValue)(bpContext *ctx, pVariable var, void *value);
+ bRC (*setPluginValue)(bpContext *ctx, pVariable var, void *value);
+ bRC (*handlePluginEvent)(bpContext *ctx, bEvent *event, void *value);
+ bRC (*startBackupFile)(bpContext *ctx, struct save_pkt *sp);
+ bRC (*endBackupFile)(bpContext *ctx);
+ bRC (*startRestoreFile)(bpContext *ctx, const char *cmd);
+ bRC (*endRestoreFile)(bpContext *ctx);
+ bRC (*pluginIO)(bpContext *ctx, struct io_pkt *io);
+ bRC (*createFile)(bpContext *ctx, struct restore_pkt *rp);
+ bRC (*setFileAttributes)(bpContext *ctx, struct restore_pkt *rp);
+} pFuncs;
+ \begin{description}
+ \item [size] is the size of the structure.
+ \item [version] is the plugin interface version.
+ \item [newPlugin] is the entry point that Bacula will call
+ when a new instance of the plugin is created. This typically
+ happens at the beginning of a Job. If 10 Jobs are running
+ simultaneously, there will be at least 10 instances of the
+ plugin.
+ The bpContext structure will be passed to the plugin, and
+ during this call, if the plugin needs to have any private
+ working storage that is associated with the particular
+ instance of the plugin, it should create it from the heap
+ (malloc the memory). The plugin then puts a pointer to
+ its private working storage in the {\bf pContext} variable.
+typedef struct s_bpContext {
+ void *pContext; /* Plugin private context */
+ void *bContext; /* Bacula private context */
+} bpContext;
+ This context pointer will be passed as the first argument to all
+ the entry points that Bacula can call within the plugin. Needless
+ to say, the plugin should not change the bContext variable, which
+ is Bacula's private context pointer for this instance of this
+ plugin.
+ \item [freePlugin] this entry point is called when the
+ this instance of the plugin is no longer needed (the Job is
+ ending), and the plugin should release any memory it may
+ have allocated for the pContext.
+ \item [getPluginValue] Bacula will call this entry point to get
+ a value from the plugin. This entry point is currently not called.
+ \item [setPluginValue] Bacula will call this entry point to set
+ a value in the plugin. This entry point is currently not called.
+ \item [handlePluginEvent] This entry point is called when Bacula
+ encounters certain events. Bacula passes the pointer to an event
+ structure (bEvent), which currently has one item, the eventType:
+typedef struct s_bEvent {
+ uint32_t eventType;
+} bEvent;
+ which defines what event has been triggered, and for each event,
+ Bacula will pass a pointer to a value associated with that event.
+ If no value is associated with a particular event, Bacula will
+ pass a NULL pointer, so you must always check for it.
+ The current list of events are:
+typedef enum {
+ bEventJobStart = 1,
+ bEventJobEnd = 2,
+ bEventStartBackupJob = 3,
+ bEventEndBackupJob = 4,
+ bEventStartRestoreJob = 5,
+ bEventEndRestoreJob = 6,
+ bEventStartVerifyJob = 7,
+ bEventEndVerifyJob = 8,
+ bEventBackupCommand = 9,
+ bEventRestoreCommand = 10,
+ bEventLevel = 11,
+ bEventSince = 12,
+} bEventType;
+Most of which are pretty explanatory.
+ \end{description}