ldy #$80
- sty tmp2 ; set flag for ucase_fn
+ ldy #$00
+ sty tmp2 ; set flag for ucase_fn
jsr ucase_fn
bcc ucok1
invret: lda #<EINVAL ; file name is too long
stx ptr4+1
- ; bit #0 of tmp2 is used as a flag whether device name is present in passed string (1 = present, 0 = not present)
+ lda tmp2
+ beq hasdev ; don't fiddle with device part
+ ; bit #0 of tmp2 is used as an additional flag whether device name is present in passed string (1 = present, 0 = not present)
ldy #1
inc tmp2 ; initialize flag: device present
lda #':'
lda #1
- bit tmp2
+ bit tmp2 ; is a device present in the string?
bne hasdev2 ; yes, don't prepend something
- bpl hasdev2
+ bpl hasdev2 ; check input parameter (tmp2 != $80)
- ldy #128+3 ; no, prepend "D:" (or other device)
+ ldy #128+3 ; no, prepend "Dn:" (__defdev)
sty tmp3 ; adjust stack size used
ldy #3
jsr subysp ; adjust stack pointer