-Bweb works well with 1.39 release or later.
+Bweb works well with 2.0 release or later.
1) install Perl lib
2) copy your files
Add (or configure) a writable location to the parameters in bweb.conf
'fv_write_path' => '/var/spool/bweb',
-You MUST use brestore.pl -b to initialize the database, and
+You MUST use brestore.pl -b or bresto.pl action=batch to initialize the database, and
you CAN use bfileview.pl mode=batch jobid=xxx where=/ to compute tree size.
At this time, it's a good idea to schedule brestore.pl -b after your
RunBeforeJob = "/opt/bacula/etc/make_catalog_backup bacula bacula Pei0ahm9"
# This deletes the copy of the catalog
RunAfterJob = "/opt/bacula/etc/delete_catalog_backup"
- RunAfterJob = "/usr/local/bin/brestore.pl -b"
+ RunAfterJob = "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/bweb/bresto.pl action=batch"
To upgrade from an old installation, you can use :