file. See Berkeley DB documentation for details on
configuration options.
-.\" Where there is overlap, settings in
-.\" take precedence.
+Where there is overlap, settings in
+take precedence.
.B slapd.conf
but specifying too much stack will also consume a great deal of memory.
Each search stack uses 512K bytes per level. The default stack depth
is 16, thus 8MB per thread is used.
-.\" .TP
-.\" Undocumented option, should use DB_CONFIG instead
-.\" .B shm_key <integer>
-.\" Specify a key for a shared memory BDB environment. By default the
-.\" BDB environment uses memory mapped files. If a non-zero value is
-.\" specified, it will be used as the key to identify a shared memory
-.\" region that will house the environment.
+.B shm_key <integer>
+Specify a key for a shared memory BDB environment. By default the
+BDB environment uses memory mapped files. If a non-zero value is
+specified, it will be used as the key to identify a shared memory
+region that will house the environment.
.B sessionlog <sid> <limit>
Specify a session log store for the syncrepl replication provider