- * This version of flash .c is for use on systems that have limited stack space\r
- * and no display facilities. The complete version can be found in the \r
- * Demo/Common/Full directory.\r
- * \r
- * Three tasks are created, each of which flash an LED at a different rate. The first \r
- * LED flashes every 200ms, the second every 400ms, the third every 600ms.\r
- *\r
- * The LED flash tasks provide instant visual feedback. They show that the scheduler \r
- * is still operational.\r
- *\r
+ * Defines the tasks and co-routines used to toggle the segments of the two\r
+ * seven segment displays, as described at the top of main.c\r
/* Demo program include files. */\r
#include "partest.h"\r
-#include "flash.h"\r
-#define ledNUMBER_OF_LEDS ( 7 )\r
+/* One task per segment of the left side display. */\r
+#define ledNUM_OF_LED_TASKS ( 7 )\r
+/* Each task toggles at a frequency that is a multiple of 333ms. */\r
#define ledFLASH_RATE_BASE ( ( portTickType ) 333 )\r
-#define ledMAX_FLASH_CO_ROUTINES 7\r
+/* One co-routine per segment of the right hand display. */\r
+#define ledNUM_OF_LED_CO_ROUTINES 7\r
+/* All co-routines run at the same priority. */\r
#define ledCO_ROUTINE_PRIORITY 0\r
-/* The task that is created three times. */\r
+/* The task that is created 7 times. */\r
static void vLEDFlashTask( void *pvParameters );\r
+/* The co-routine that is created 7 times. */\r
static void prvFixedDelayCoRoutine( xCoRoutineHandle xHandle, unsigned short usIndex );\r
/* This task is created once, but itself creates 7 co-routines. */\r
static void vLEDCoRoutineControlTask( void *pvParameters );\r
-static xTaskHandle xFlashTaskHandles[ ledNUMBER_OF_LEDS ] = { 0 };\r
+/* Handles to each of the 7 tasks. Used so the tasks can be suspended\r
+and resumed. */\r
+static xTaskHandle xFlashTaskHandles[ ledNUM_OF_LED_TASKS ] = { 0 };\r
+/* Handle to the task in which the co-routines run. Used so the\r
+co-routines can be suspended and resumed. */\r
static xTaskHandle xCoroutineTask;\r
+ * Creates the tasks and co-routines used to toggle the segments of the two\r
+ * seven segment displays, as described at the top of main.c\r
+ */\r
void vCreateFlashTasksAndCoRoutines( void )\r
signed short sLEDTask;\r
- /* Create the three tasks that flash segments on the first LED. */\r
- for( sLEDTask = 0; sLEDTask < ledNUMBER_OF_LEDS; ++sLEDTask )\r
+ /* Create the tasks that flash segments on the first LED. */\r
+ for( sLEDTask = 0; sLEDTask < ledNUM_OF_LED_TASKS; ++sLEDTask )\r
/* Spawn the task. */\r
- xTaskCreate( vLEDFlashTask, ( signed char * ) "LEDt", ledSTACK_SIZE, ( void * ) sLEDTask, ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1 ), &( xFlashTaskHandles[ sLEDTask ] ) );\r
+ xTaskCreate( vLEDFlashTask, ( signed char * ) "LEDt", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, ( void * ) sLEDTask, ( tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1 ), &( xFlashTaskHandles[ sLEDTask ] ) );\r
- /* Create the task in which the co-routines run. */\r
- xTaskCreate( vLEDCoRoutineControlTask, ( signed char * ) "LEDc", ledSTACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, &xCoroutineTask );\r
+ /* Create the task in which the co-routines run. The co-routines themselves\r
+ are created within the task. */\r
+ xTaskCreate( vLEDCoRoutineControlTask, ( signed char * ) "LEDc", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, &xCoroutineTask );\r
short sLEDTask;\r
- if( ucIndex == 0 )\r
+ if( ucIndex == configLEFT_DISPLAY )\r
- for( sLEDTask = 0; sLEDTask < ledNUMBER_OF_LEDS; ++sLEDTask )\r
+ /* Suspend or resume the tasks that are toggling the segments of the\r
+ left side display. */\r
+ for( sLEDTask = 0; sLEDTask < ledNUM_OF_LED_TASKS; ++sLEDTask )\r
if( xFlashTaskHandles[ sLEDTask ] != NULL )\r
+ /* Suspend or resume the task in which the co-routines are running. The\r
+ co-routines toggle the segments of the right side display. */\r
if( sSuspendTasks == pdTRUE )\r
vTaskSuspend( xCoroutineTask );\r
( void ) pvParameters;\r
- for( usCoroutine = 0; usCoroutine < ledMAX_FLASH_CO_ROUTINES; usCoroutine++ )\r
+ /* Create the co-routines - one of each segment of the right side display. */\r
+ for( usCoroutine = 0; usCoroutine < ledNUM_OF_LED_CO_ROUTINES; usCoroutine++ )\r
xCoRoutineCreate( prvFixedDelayCoRoutine, ledCO_ROUTINE_PRIORITY, usCoroutine );\r
+ /* This task has nothing else to do except scheduler the co-routines it just\r
+ created. */\r
for( ;; )\r
/* The usIndex parameter of the co-routine function is used as an index into\r
the xFlashRates array to obtain the delay period to use. */\r
-static const portTickType xFlashRates[ ledMAX_FLASH_CO_ROUTINES ] = { 150 / portTICK_RATE_MS,\r
+static const portTickType xFlashRates[ ledNUM_OF_LED_CO_ROUTINES ] = { 150 / portTICK_RATE_MS,\r
300 / portTICK_RATE_MS,\r
450 / portTICK_RATE_MS,\r
600 / portTICK_RATE_MS,\r
for( ;; )\r
+ /* Toggle the LED. An offset of 8 is used to skip over the segments of\r
+ the left side display which use the low numbers. */\r
vParTestToggleLED( usIndex + 8 );\r
+ /* Delay until it is time to toggle the segment that this co-routine is\r
+ controlling again. */\r
crDELAY( xHandle, xFlashRates[ usIndex ] );\r