volatile portDOUBLE dAnswer;\r
short sError = pdFALSE;\r
+ /* Some ports require that tasks that use a hardware floating point unit\r
+ tell the kernel that they require a floating point context before any\r
+ floating point instructions are executed. */\r
d1 = 123.4567;\r
d2 = 2345.6789;\r
d3 = -918.222;\r
volatile portDOUBLE dAnswer;\r
short sError = pdFALSE;\r
+ /* Some ports require that tasks that use a hardware floating point unit\r
+ tell the kernel that they require a floating point context before any\r
+ floating point instructions are executed. */\r
d1 = -389.38;\r
d2 = 32498.2;\r
d3 = -2.0001;\r
size_t xPosition;\r
short sError = pdFALSE;\r
+ /* Some ports require that tasks that use a hardware floating point unit\r
+ tell the kernel that they require a floating point context before any\r
+ floating point instructions are executed. */\r
/* The variable this task increments to show it is still running is passed in \r
as the parameter. */\r
pusTaskCheckVariable = ( unsigned short * ) pvParameters;\r
size_t xPosition;\r
short sError = pdFALSE;\r
+ /* Some ports require that tasks that use a hardware floating point unit\r
+ tell the kernel that they require a floating point context before any\r
+ floating point instructions are executed. */\r
/* The variable this task increments to show it is still running is passed in \r
as the parameter. */\r
pusTaskCheckVariable = ( unsigned short * ) pvParameters;\r