my ($self) = @_ ;
my $query = "
- FROM brestore_pathhierarchy
+ FROM brestore_pathhierarchy
WHERE PathId IN ($self->{cwdid}) ";
my $all = $self->dbh_selectall_arrayref($query);
my ($self, $pathid) = @_;
$self->debug("Call with pathid = $pathid");
- my $query =
+ my $query =
"SELECT Path FROM Path WHERE PathId IN (?)";
my $sth = $self->dbh_prepare($query);
my $result = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref();
- return $result->[0];
+ return $result->[0];
sub set_curjobids
sub get_pathid
my ($self, $dir) = @_;
- my $query =
+ my $query =
"SELECT PathId FROM Path WHERE Path = ?";
my $sth = $self->dbh_prepare($query);
my $result = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();
return join(',', map { $_->[0] } @$result);
my $query = "
- SELECT JobId from Job
+ SELECT JobId from Job
WHERE JobId NOT IN (SELECT JobId FROM brestore_knownjobid) AND JobStatus IN ('T', 'f', 'A') ORDER BY JobId";
my $jobs = $self->dbh_selectall_arrayref($query);
$self->update_brestore_table(map { $_->[0] } @$jobs);
print STDERR "Cleaning path visibility\n";
my $nb = $self->dbh_do("
DELETE FROM brestore_pathvisibility
(SELECT 1 FROM Job WHERE JobId=brestore_pathvisibility.JobId)");
print STDERR "$nb rows affected\n";
$nb = $self->dbh_do("
DELETE FROM brestore_knownjobid
(SELECT 1 FROM Job WHERE JobId=brestore_knownjobid.JobId)");
print STDERR "$nb rows affected\n";
next if ($retour and ($retour->[0] == 1)); # We have allready done this one ...
print STDERR "Inserting path records for JobId $job\n";
- $query = "INSERT INTO brestore_pathvisibility (PathId, JobId)
+ $query = "INSERT INTO brestore_pathvisibility (PathId, JobId)
(SELECT DISTINCT PathId, JobId FROM File WHERE JobId = $job)";
print STDERR "Creating missing recursion paths for $job\n";
- $query = "SELECT brestore_pathvisibility.PathId, Path FROM brestore_pathvisibility
+ $query = "SELECT brestore_pathvisibility.PathId, Path FROM brestore_pathvisibility
JOIN Path ON( brestore_pathvisibility.PathId = Path.PathId)
LEFT JOIN brestore_pathhierarchy ON (brestore_pathvisibility.PathId = brestore_pathhierarchy.PathId)
WHERE brestore_pathvisibility.JobId = $job
my $pathid; my $path;
while ($sth->fetch)
my $ppath = parent_dir($path);
my $ppathid = $self->return_pathid_from_path($ppath);
$self->{cache_ppathid}->{$pathid}= $ppathid;
$query = "INSERT INTO brestore_pathhierarchy (pathid, ppathid) VALUES (?,?)";
$sth2 = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached($query);
$sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached($query);
$query = "SELECT PathId FROM Path WHERE Path = ?";
#print STDERR $query,"\n" if $debug;
$sth = $self->{dbh}->prepare_cached($query);
my $inclause = $self->{curjobids};
my $inlistpath = $self->{cwdid};
- my $query =
+ my $query =
"SELECT File.FilenameId, listfiles.id, listfiles.Name, File.LStat, File.JobId
(SELECT Filename.Name, max(File.FileId) as id
ORDER BY Filename.Name) AS listfiles,
WHERE File.FileId = listfiles.id";
my $result = $self->dbh_selectall_arrayref($query);
return $result;
my $result = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref();
my $dir_filenameid = $result->[0];
# Then we get all the dir entries from File ...
$query = "
SELECT PathId, Path, JobId, Lstat FROM (
SELECT Path1.PathId, Path1.Path, lower(Path1.Path),
listfile1.JobId, listfile1.Lstat
$prev_dir = $dirid;
- return \@return_list;
+ return \@return_list;
# TODO : we want be able to restore files from a bad ended backup
-# we have JobStatus IN ('T', 'A', 'E') and we must
+# we have JobStatus IN ('T', 'A', 'E') and we must
# Data acces subs from here. Interaction with SGBD and caching
if (!$client or !$date) {
return ();
+ my $filter = $self->get_client_filter();
# The algorithm : for a client, we get all the backups for each
# fileset, in reverse order Then, for each fileset, we store the 'good'
# incrementals and differentials until we have found a full so it goes
# like this : store all incrementals until we have found a differential
- # or a full, then find the full #
+ # or a full, then find the full
my $query = "SELECT JobId, FileSet, Level, JobStatus
- FROM Job, Client, FileSet
- WHERE Job.ClientId = Client.ClientId
- AND FileSet.FileSetId = Job.FileSetId
- AND EndTime <= $date
+ FROM Job JOIN FileSet USING (FileSetId)
+ JOIN Client USING (ClientId) $filter
+ WHERE EndTime <= $date
AND Client.Name = '$client'
AND Type IN ('B')
AND JobStatus IN ('T')
ORDER BY FileSet, JobTDate DESC";
my @CurrentJobIds;
my $result = $self->dbh_selectall_arrayref($query);
my %progress;
my $jobid = $refrow->[0];
my $fileset = $refrow->[1];
my $level = $refrow->[2];
defined $progress{$fileset} or $progress{$fileset}='U'; # U for unknown
next if $progress{$fileset} eq 'F'; # It's over for this fileset...
if ($level eq 'I')
next unless ($progress{$fileset} eq 'U' or $progress{$fileset} eq 'I');
# Returns list of versions of a file that could be restored
-# returns an array of
+# returns an array of
# (jobid,fileindex,mtime,size,inchanger,md5,volname,fileid)
# there will be only one jobid in the array of jobids...
sub get_all_file_versions
my ($self,$pathid,$fileid,$client,$see_all)=@_;
defined $see_all or $see_all=0;
my @versions;
my $query;
- $query =
-"SELECT File.JobId, File.FileId, File.Lstat,
+ $query =
+"SELECT File.JobId, File.FileId, File.Lstat,
File.Md5, Media.VolumeName, Media.InChanger
FROM File, Job, Client, JobMedia, Media
WHERE File.FilenameId = $fileid
AND Client.Name = '$client'";
my $result = $self->dbh_selectall_arrayref($query);
foreach my $refrow (@$result)
my ($jobid, $fid, $lstat, $md5, $volname, $inchanger) = @$refrow;
my @attribs = parse_lstat($lstat);
my $mtime = array_attrib('st_mtime',\@attribs);
my $size = array_attrib('st_size',\@attribs);
my @list = ($pathid,$fileid,$jobid,
$fid, $mtime, $size, $inchanger,
$md5, $volname);
push @versions, (\@list);
# We have the list of all versions of this file.
# We'll sort it by mtime desc, size, md5, inchanger desc
# the rest of the algorithm will be simpler
# ('FILE:',filename,jobid,fileindex,mtime,size,inchanger,md5,volname)
- @versions = sort { $b->[4] <=> $a->[4]
- || $a->[5] <=> $b->[5]
- || $a->[7] cmp $a->[7]
+ @versions = sort { $b->[4] <=> $a->[4]
+ || $a->[5] <=> $b->[5]
+ || $a->[7] cmp $a->[7]
|| $b->[6] <=> $a->[6]} @versions;
my @good_versions;
my %allready_seen_by_mtime;
my %allready_seen_by_md5;
# Now we should create a new array with only the interesting records
foreach my $ref (@versions)
- {
+ {
if ($ref->[7])
# The file has a md5. We compare his md5 to other known md5...
# We take size into account. It may happen that 2 files
# have the same md5sum and are different. size is a supplementary
# criterion
# If we allready have a (better) version
- next if ( (not $see_all)
- and $allready_seen_by_md5{$ref->[7] .'-'. $ref->[5]});
+ next if ( (not $see_all)
+ and $allready_seen_by_md5{$ref->[7] .'-'. $ref->[5]});
# we never met this one before...
$allready_seen_by_md5{$ref->[7] .'-'. $ref->[5]}=1;
# Even if it has a md5, we should also work with mtimes
# We allready have a (better) version
next if ( (not $see_all)
- and $allready_seen_by_mtime{$ref->[4] .'-'. $ref->[5]});
+ and $allready_seen_by_mtime{$ref->[4] .'-'. $ref->[5]});
$allready_seen_by_mtime{$ref->[4] .'-'. $ref->[5] . '-' . $ref->[7]}=1;
# We reached there. The file hasn't been seen.
push @good_versions,($ref);
# To be nice with the user, we re-sort good_versions by
# inchanger desc, mtime desc
- @good_versions = sort { $b->[4] <=> $a->[4]
+ @good_versions = sort { $b->[4] <=> $a->[4]
|| $b->[2] <=> $a->[2]} @good_versions;
return \@good_versions;
my ($attrib,$ref_attrib)=@_;
return $ref_attrib->[$attrib_name_id{$attrib}];
sub file_attrib
{ # $file = [filenameid,listfiles.id,listfiles.Name, File.LStat, File.JobId]
my ($file, $attrib)=@_;
if (defined $attrib_name_id{$attrib}) {
my @d = split(' ', $file->[3]) ; # TODO : cache this
return from_base64($d[$attrib_name_id{$attrib}]);
} elsif ($attrib eq 'jobid') {
} elsif ($attrib eq 'name') {
return $file->[2];
} else {
die "Attribute not known : $attrib.\n";
sub lstat_attrib
my ($lstat,$attrib)=@_;
- if ($lstat and defined $attrib_name_id{$attrib})
+ if ($lstat and defined $attrib_name_id{$attrib})
my @d = split(' ', $lstat) ; # TODO : cache this
return from_base64($d[$attrib_name_id{$attrib}]);
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '+', '/'
@base64_map = (0) x 128;
for (my $i=0; $i<64; $i++) {
$base64_map[ord($base64_digits[$i])] = $i;
my $val = 0;
my $i = 0;
my $neg = 0;
if (substr($where, 0, 1) eq '-') {
$neg = 1;
$where = substr($where, 1);
while ($where ne '') {
$val *= 64;
my $d = substr($where, 0, 1);
$val += $base64_map[ord(substr($where, 0, 1))];
$where = substr($where, 1);
return $val;
+sub get_jobids
+ my ($self, @jobid) = @_;
+ my $filter = $self->get_client_filter();
+ if ($filter) {
+ my $jobids = $self->dbh_join(@jobid);
+ my $q="
+ FROM Job JOIN Client USING (ClientId) $filter
+ WHERE Jobid IN ($jobids)";
+ my $res = $self->dbh_selectall_arrayref($q);
+ @jobid = map { $_->[0] } @$res;
+ }
+ return @jobid;
my $args = $bvfs->get_form('pathid', 'filenameid', 'fileid', 'qdate',
'limit', 'offset', 'client');
-my @jobid = grep { /^\d+$/ } CGI::param('jobid');
-if (!scalar(@jobid) and $args->{qdate} and $args->{client}) {
- @jobid = $bvfs->set_job_ids_for_date($args->{client}, $args->{qdate});
-$bvfs->set_limits($args->{limit}, $args->{offset});
print CGI::header('application/x-javascript');
if ($action eq 'list_client') {
- my $q = 'SELECT Name FROM Client';
+ my $filter = $bvfs->get_client_filter();
+ my $q = "SELECT Name FROM Client $filter";
my $ret = $bvfs->dbh_selectall_arrayref($q);
print "[";
} elsif ($action eq 'list_job') {
+ my $filter = $bvfs->get_client_filter();
my $query = "
SELECT Job.EndTime, FileSet.FileSet, Job.Level, Job.JobStatus, Job.JobId
- FROM Job,Client,FileSet
- WHERE Job.ClientId=Client.ClientId
- AND Client.Name = '$args->{client}'
- AND Job.Type = 'B'
- AND JobStatus IN ('f', 'T')
- AND Job.FileSetId = FileSet.FileSetId
- ORDER BY EndTime desc";
+ FROM Job JOIN FileSet USING (FileSetId) JOIN Client USING (ClientId) $filter
+ WHERE Client.Name = '$args->{client}'
+ AND Job.Type = 'B'
+ AND JobStatus IN ('f', 'T')
+ ORDER BY EndTime desc";
my $result = $bvfs->dbh_selectall_arrayref($query);
print "[";
} @$result);
print "]\n";
+ exit 0;
+} elsif ($action eq 'list_storage') { # TODO: use .storage hier
+ my $q="SELECT Name FROM Storage";
+ my $lst = $bvfs->dbh_selectall_arrayref($q);
+ print "[";
+ print join(',', map { "[ '$_->[0]' ]" } @$lst);
+ print "]\n";
+ exit 0;
+my @jobid = $bvfs->get_jobids(grep { /^\d+$/ } CGI::param('jobid'));
+if (!scalar(@jobid) and $args->{qdate} and $args->{client}) {
+ @jobid = $bvfs->set_job_ids_for_date($args->{client}, $args->{qdate});
+$bvfs->set_limits($args->{limit}, $args->{offset});
+if (!scalar(@jobid)) {
+ exit 0;
if (CGI::param('init')) {
if ($action eq 'list_files') {
print "[";
my $files = $bvfs->ls_files();
-# [ 1, 2, 3, "Bill", 10, '2007-01-01 00:00:00'],
-# File.FilenameId, listfiles.id, listfiles.Name, File.LStat, File.JobId
+# [ 1, 2, 3, "Bill", 10, '2007-01-01 00:00:00'],
+# File.FilenameId, listfiles.id, listfiles.Name, File.LStat, File.JobId
print join(',',
map { "[$_->[1], $_->[0], $pathid, \"$_->[2]\", 10, \"2007-01-01 00:00:00\"]" }
my $dirs = $bvfs->ls_dirs();
# return ($dirid,$dir_basename,$lstat,$jobid)
- print join(',',
+ print join(',',
map { "{ 'id': '$_->[0]', 'text': '$_->[1]', 'cls':'folder'}" }
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
#($pathid,$fileid,$jobid, $fid, $mtime, $size, $inchanger, $md5, $volname);
my $files = $bvfs->get_all_file_versions($args->{pathid}, $args->{filenameid}, $args->{client}, $vafv);
- print join(',',
+ print join(',',
map { "[ $_->[3], $_->[1], $_->[0], $_->[2], '$_->[8]', $_->[6], '$_->[7]', $_->[5], $_->[4] ]" }
print "]\n";
my $jobid = join(',', @jobid);
my $fileid = join(',', grep { /^\d+$/ } CGI::param('fileid'));
-my $q="
+ # TODO: use client filter
+ my $q="
SELECT DISTINCT VolumeName, InChanger
- FROM File,
+ FROM File,
( -- Get all media from this job
SELECT MAX(FirstIndex) AS FirstIndex, MIN(LastIndex) AS LastIndex,
VolumeName, Inchanger
GROUP BY VolumeName, InChanger
) AS allmedia
WHERE File.FileId IN ($fileid)
- AND File.FileIndex >= allmedia.FirstIndex
+ AND File.FileIndex >= allmedia.FirstIndex
AND File.FileIndex <= allmedia.LastIndex;
my $lst = $bvfs->dbh_selectall_arrayref($q);
print join(',', map { "[ '$_->[0]', $_->[1]]" } @$lst);
print "]\n";
-} elsif ($action eq 'list_storage') { # TODO: use .storage hier
- my $q="SELECT Name FROM Storage";
- my $lst = $bvfs->dbh_selectall_arrayref($q);
- print "[";
- print join(',', map { "[ '$_->[0]' ]" } @$lst);
- print "]\n";
} elsif ($action eq 'restore') {
my $fileid = join(',', grep { /^\d+$/ } CGI::param('fileid'));
my @dirid = grep { /^\d+$/ } CGI::param('dirid');
push @union, "(SELECT JobId, FileIndex FROM File WHERE FileId IN ($fileid))";
- # using this is not good because the sql engine doesn't know
+ # using this is not good because the sql engine doesn't know
# what LIKE will use. It will be better to get Path% in perl
# but it doesn't work with accents... :(
foreach my $dirid (@dirid) {
push @union, "
(SELECT File.JobId, File.FileIndex, File.FilenameId, File.PathId
FROM Path JOIN File USING (PathId)
- WHERE Path.Path LIKE
+ WHERE Path.Path LIKE
(SELECT ". $bvfs->dbh_strcat('Path',"'\%'") ." FROM Path
WHERE PathId = $dirid
AND File.JobId IN ($inclause))";
+ return unless scalar(@union);
my $u = join(" UNION ", @union);
$bvfs->dbh_do("CREATE TEMP TABLE btemp AS ($u)");
AND a.FilenameId = btemp.FilenameId
- print "b2$$";
+ print "restore file=?b2$$ done\n";
- SELECT path || name AS name,pathid,filenameid,fileid,jobid
+ SELECT path || name AS name,pathid,filenameid,fileid,jobid
FROM File JOIN FileName USING (FilenameId) JOIN Path USING (PathId);
-SELECT 'drop table ' || tablename || ';'
- FROM pg_tables WHERE tablename ~ '^b[0-9]'
+SELECT 'drop table ' || tablename || ';'
+ FROM pg_tables WHERE tablename ~ '^b[0-9]';