--- /dev/null
+; Oliver Schmidt, 2012-09-04
+; Christian Groessler, 2017-12-28
+; unsigned char getfirstdevice (void);
+; unsigned char __fastcall__ getnextdevice (unsigned char device);
+ .include "atari.inc"
+ .export _getfirstdevice
+ .export _getnextdevice
+; _getfirstdevice
+ lda #$FF
+ ; Fall through
+; _getnextdevice
+ tax
+next: inx
+ beq none
+ jsr check_device
+ bmi next
+done: txa
+ ldx #$00
+ rts
+none: ldx #255 ; INVALID_DEVICE (see include/device.h)
+ bne done ; jump always
+; check_device - checks if a disk device is present
+; input: X - device id (0 = D1, 1 = D2, ...)
+; output: NF - 0/1 for detected/not detected
+; X register preserved
+ txa
+ pha
+ lda #SIO_STAT
+ sta DCOMND ; set command into DCB
+ lda #%01000000 ; direction value, "receive data"
+ sta DSTATS ; set data flow directon
+ lda #15
+ sta DTIMLO ; value got from DOS source
+ lda #4
+ sta DAUX1 ; set sector # (dummy: 4)
+ sta DBYTLO ; # of bytes to transfer
+ lda #0
+ sta DAUX2
+ sta DBYTHI
+ lda #>DVSTAT
+ sta DBUFHI
+ lda #<DVSTAT
+ sta DBUFLO ; set buffer address into DCB
+ lda #DISKID ; SIO bus ID of diskette drive
+ sta DDEVIC
+ inx
+ stx DUNIT ; unit number (1-based)
+ jsr SIOV ; execute SIO command
+ pla
+ tax
+ lda DSTATS
+ rts
+ .end