--- /dev/null
+Philippe Chauvat
+18-octobre-2013 First edition
+21-octobre-2013 - Adding: tree example; what's changed; special needs;
+ images management; coverpage process; images
+ management*
+24-octobre-2013: Known bug: Currently, the perl 5.18.1 version has a bug which
+ have a big impact on latex2html
+What has changed?
+Some important thigs has changed with this new manual design:
+- initial Makefile.in in ./docs to include thde two steps process: PDF and WEB
+- Makefile.in into docs/manuals/en/{the-manual-name}
+- new web.Makefile in each docs/manuals/en/{the-manual-name} directory
+- tables management
+- images management
+What do you need to produce the documentation?
+- a complete latex distribution
+- a working inkscape
+- a working latex2html
+- the atxy.sty package (currently provided into the docs/bsysmanual/ directory)
+On Debian stable version, the following are sufficient to produce the manuals:
+aptitude install make
+aptitude install inkscape
+aptitude install texlive-full
+aptitude install latex2html
+aptitude install gawk
+It could be necessary to define an "EXPORT TEXMFLOCAL=~/texmf".
+General layout of the manual building process
+Directories and files
+- The LaTeX sources are still in the same directories. In the TYPICAL
+ BACULA MANUALS TREE below not all files are displayed and some directories
+ are empty to save some space.
+- two tools, located into the docs/tools directory: htmls.sh and
+ translatedoc.pl. See the docs/tools/README for more information.
+- external references management. See the REFERENCES MANAGEMENT part
+ below.
+- The DVI documentation is no longer generated.
+- Because of the references, building only one specific manual is more
+ or less useless. Re-builiding everything would probably be faster
+ and more secure.
+The overall process is the following
+a) References building management
+b) PDF files generation
+c) HTML documentation generation
+The process to build one PDF manual is the following:
+a) Linking the coverpage to the class directory
+b) Building PDF images from svg files using inkscape
+c) Managing common files like Gnu GPL licence and other files shared
+ over manuals.
+d) Compiling the tex files with pdflatex command
+The process to build an HTML manual is the following:
+a) Building the PNG images from svg files using inkscape
+b) Convert the high-level LaTeX code into LaTeX that may be interpreted
+ by latex2html
+c) Run the latex2html command on the code produce in step b)
+d) Run the htmls.sh script to convert the latex2html code into something
+ useful for current HTML / CSS technology.
+Since the Bacula manual was split into several parts, external references
+were broken. The should be OK now using the LaTeX xr and xr-hyper packages.
+Because those references are using LaTeX compiling process to generate the
+appropriate files and because references are used over several manuals,
+this process must be ran over all the manuals, whatever the actual manual
+on which the modification(s) is (are) made.
+Restriction: External references process does not work for the HTML
+ documentation.
+How it works?
+The main Makefile (docs/Makefile) find all .tex files containing a "\label{}"
+LaTeX command and create a line for each. The line follows this templace
+- the-manual-name is one of console, developers, main, etc.
+- a_file_name is the file name on which the Makefile found the \label
+ command.
+The source coverpage file for a manual is located into the docs/covers/svg
+(aka: COVERSDIR in the Makefiles) directory. Each manual has its own cover
+named coverpage-{the-manual-name}.svg where {the-manual-name} is the name of the manual. The coverpage
+sourcefile is name SVGCOVERSDIR. To build to PDF manuals, LaTeX will search
+for a file into the PDF coverpage directory name PDFCOVERSDIR into the
+Makefiles. Finally the coverpage filename (without any extension) is named
+Because the LaTeX class is supposed to compile each and every manuals,
+the coverpage filename inclusion is made against BSYSMANNAME. Therefore
+the process will link the real coverpage to the BSYSMANNAME file
+|-- bsysmanual
+| |-- bsysmanual.cls
+| |-- bsysmanual-coverpagebackground.pdf -> /home/pchauvat/BaculaSystems/git/docs-bee/docs/manuals/en/utility/../../../covers/pdf/coverpage-utility.pdf
+| |-- console.lang.tex
+| `-- external-references.tex
+|-- covers
+| |-- pdf
+| | |-- coverpage-console.pdf
+| | |-- coverpage-developers.pdf
+| | |-- coverpage-main.pdf
+| | |-- coverpage-misc.pdf
+| | |-- coverpage-problems.pdf
+| | |-- coverpage-utility.pdf
+| `-- svg
+| |-- coverpage-console.svg
+| |-- coverpage-developers.svg
+| |-- coverpage-main.svg
+| |-- coverpage-misc.svg
+| |-- coverpage-problems.svg
+| |-- coverpage-utility.svg
+| |-- Makefile
+| `-- Makefile.in
+There are a lot of images into the Bacula manuals, into several format:
+svg, png, pdf, eps, jpg, ...
+To be able to prioritize them, we need to use some LaTeX directives
+like the following:
+\graphicspath{{../../../images/pdf/}{../../../images/png/} \
+The images may be included from the directories specified on the
+\graphicspath{} directive.
+Depending on the output format, we want to prioritize differently. E.g.
+the definitions above are PDF output oriented for what we definitely
+prefer PDF, then PNG, then JPG, etc.
+Since the new version, I choose to preferably designed images with
+inkscape / svg format. Why: two main reasons. Vertorized images are much
+more nice than bitmap (IMHO) and inkscape is able to automatically
+produce PNG or PDF on the fly (e.g. into Makefile process).
+As tables are always a bit difficult to manage, since the new design,
+tables are progressively moved into specific files. Why?
+- it let us to use the longtable package and then be able to have a
+ better control on how tables are displayed.
+- it let us not to have data tables, which don't change frenquently
+ and, IMHO, don't give a change to have an overall perspective on
+ the text being written.
+The source document is written in LaTeX. The HTML version uses latex2html
+converter. Because of the LaTeX possibility to define some "macros", we
+use a three step process:
+- convert 'high level' LaTeX to 'low level' LaTeX during the make process
+- convert 'low level' LaTeX to 'raw' HTML using latex2html
+- convert 'raw' HTML to 'recent' HTML using dedicated script
+ (docs/tools/htmls.sh)
+During the HTML compilation process, some temporary directories are created.
+They are named www-{the-manual-name} where {the-manual-name} is the name of the manual. Therefore
+you will find:
+- www-console
+- www-developers
+- www-main
+- www-misc
+- www-problems
+- www-utility
+in the bacula manuals tree.
+Please notice that the process described for IMAGES MANAGEMENT is used also
+with different values.
+|-- images
+| |-- access-is-denied.eps
+| |-- access-is-denied.jpg
+| |-- access-is-denied.pdf
+| |-- access-is-denied.png
+| |-- back.eps
+| |-- ...
+| |-- contents.png
+| |-- different_time.dia
+| |-- different_time.eps
+| |-- different_time.png
+| |-- duplicate-real.eps
+| |-- duplicate-real.svg
+| |-- eps
+| | |-- BackupOverWan1.eps
+| | |-- bacula-applications.eps
+| | |-- bacula-objects.eps
+| | |-- baculasystems-logo.eps
+| | |-- Conf-Diagram.eps
+| | |-- different_time.eps
+| | |-- duplicate.eps
+| | |-- duplicate-real.eps
+| | |-- flow.eps
+| | |-- git-edit-commit.eps
+| | |-- k7-error.eps
+| | |-- k7-idle.eps
+| | |-- k7-ok.eps
+| | |-- nsis.eps
+| | `-- philosophical-gnu-sm.eps
+| |-- error.eps
+| |-- error.gif
+| |-- ...
+| |-- flow.png
+| |-- git-edit-commit.dia
+| |-- git-edit-commit.eps
+| |-- git-edit-commit.png
+| |-- hires
+| | |-- access-is-denied.eps
+| | |-- back.eps
+| | |-- bacula-applications.eps
+| | |-- bacula-logo.eps
+| | |-- bacula-objects.eps
+| | |-- Bacula-tray-monitor.eps
+| | |-- bat11.eps
+| | |-- bat12.eps
+| | |-- bat13.eps
+| | |-- bat-brestore.eps
+| | |...
+| | |-- win32-nsis.eps
+| | |-- win32-pkg.eps
+| | |-- win32-service.eps
+| | |-- win32-service-ok.eps
+| | |-- win32-start.eps
+| | |-- win32-welcome.eps
+| | |-- wx-console-restore1.eps
+| | `-- wx-console-restore2.eps
+| |-- home.eps
+| |-- home.gif
+| |-- home.pdf
+| |...
+| |-- next.gif
+| |-- next_g.png
+| |-- next.pdf
+| |-- next.png
+| |-- pdf
+| | |-- BackupOverWan1.pdf
+| | |-- bacula-applications.pdf
+| | |-- bacula-objects.pdf
+| | |-- baculasystems-logo.pdf
+| | |-- Conf-Diagram.pdf
+| | |-- different_time.pdf
+| | |-- duplicate.pdf
+| | |-- duplicate-real.pdf
+| | |-- flow.pdf
+| | |-- git-edit-commit.pdf
+| | |-- k7-error.pdf
+| | |-- k7-idle.pdf
+| | |-- k7-ok.pdf
+| | |-- nsis.pdf
+| | `-- philosophical-gnu-sm.pdf
+| |-- philosophical-gnu-sm.eps
+| |-- philosophical-gnu-sm.jpg
+| |-- philosophical-gnu-sm.pdf
+| |-- philosophical-gnu-sm.png
+| |-- png
+| | |-- BackupOverWan1.png
+| | |-- bacula-applications.png
+| | |-- bacula-objects.png
+| | |-- baculasystems-logo.png
+| | |-- Conf-Diagram.png
+| | |-- different_time.png
+| | |-- duplicate.png
+| | |-- duplicate-real.png
+| | |-- flow.png
+| | |-- git-edit-commit.png
+| | |-- k7-error.png
+| | |-- k7-idle.png
+| | |-- k7-ok.png
+| | |-- nsis.png
+| | `-- philosophical-gnu-sm.png
+| |-- prev.eps
+| |-- prev.gif
+| |-- prev_g.png
+| |-- prev.pdf
+| |-- prev.png
+| |-- properties-security-advanced-owner.eps
+| |-- properties-security-advanced-owner.jpg
+| |-- properties-security-advanced-owner.pdf
+| |-- properties-security-advanced-owner.png
+| |-- properties-security.eps
+| |-- properties-security.jpg
+| |-- properties-security.pdf
+| |-- properties-security.png
+| |-- README
+| |-- running.eps
+| |-- running.gif
+| |-- running.pdf
+| |-- running.png
+| |-- smartall.eps
+| |-- smartall.gif
+| |-- smartall.pdf
+| |-- smartall.png
+| |-- svg
+| | |-- BackupOverWan1.svg
+| | |-- bacula-applications.svg
+| | |-- bacula-objects.svg
+| | |-- baculasystems-logo.svg
+| | |-- Conf-Diagram.svg
+| | |-- different_time.svg
+| | |-- duplicate-real.svg
+| | |-- duplicate.svg
+| | |-- flow.svg
+| | |-- git-edit-commit.svg
+| | |-- inkscape.log
+| | |-- k7-error.svg
+| | |-- k7-idle.svg
+| | |-- k7-ok.svg
+| | |-- Makefile
+| | |-- Makefile.in
+| | |-- nsis.svg
+| | `-- philosophical-gnu-sm.svg
+| |-- thanks.eps
+| |-- thanks.gif
+| |-- thanks.pdf
+| |...
+| |-- xp-windows-firewall-advanced-settings-service-details.pdf
+| |-- xp-windows-firewall-advanced-settings-service-details.png
+| |-- xp-windows-firewall.eps
+| |-- xp-windows-firewall.pdf
+| `-- xp-windows-firewall.png
+|-- Makefile
+|-- Makefile.in
+|-- manuals
+| |-- bacula.sty
+| |-- bacula.sty.in
+| |-- bsys-latex-mode.tex
+| |-- bsys-pdflatex-mode.tex
+| |-- bsys-web-mode.tex
+| |-- de
+| | |-- console
+| | |-- developers
+| | |-- main
+| | |-- misc
+| | |-- problems
+| | `-- utility
+| |-- en
+| | |-- console
+| | | |-- bacula.sty
+| | | |-- bconsole.tex
+| | | |-- bonsole.tex
+| | | |-- bsys-compiler-mode.tex -> ../../bsys-pdflatex-mode.tex
+| | | |-- console
+| | | | |-- About_this_document.html
+| | | | |-- Bacula_Enterprise_Console.html
+| | | | |-- Console_Operators_Guide.html
+| | | | |-- Contents.html
+| | | | |-- GNU_Free_Documentation_Lice.html
+| | | | |-- index.html
+| | | | `-- Index.html
+| | | |-- console.pdf
+| | | |-- console.tex
+| | | |-- coverpage.tex -> ../../licences/coverpage.tex
+| | | |-- fdl.tex -> ../../licences/fdl.tex
+| | | |-- gpl.tex -> ../../licences/gpl.tex
+| | | |-- header-footer.tex -> ../../licences/header-footer.tex
+| | | |-- lesser.tex -> ../../licences/lesser.tex
+| | | |-- license.tex -> ../../licences/license.tex
+| | | |-- Makefile
+| | | |-- Makefile.in
+| | | |-- version.tex
+| | | `-- web.makefile
+| | |-- css
+| | | |-- bsys.css
+| | | |-- console.css
+| | | |-- developers.css
+| | | |-- main.css
+| | | |-- misc.css
+| | | |-- problems.css
+| | | `-- utility.css
+| | |-- developers
+| | | |-- bacula.sty
+| | | |-- bsys-compiler-mode.tex -> ../../bsys-pdflatex-mode.tex
+| | | |-- catalog.tex
+| | | |-- coverpage.tex -> ../../licences/coverpage.tex
+| | | |-- daemonprotocol.tex
+| | | |-- developers
+| | | | |-- About_this_document.html
+| | | | |-- Bacula_Developer_Notes.html
+| | | | |-- Bacula_FD_Plugin_API.html
+| | | | |-- Bacula_Git_Usage.html
+| | | | |-- Bacula_MD5_Algorithm.html
+| | | | |-- Bacula_Memory_Management.html
+| | | | |-- Bacula_Porting_Notes.html
+| | | | |-- Bacula_Regression_Testing.html
+| | | | |-- Catalog_Services.html
+| | | | |-- Contents.html
+| | | | |-- Daemon_Protocol.html
+| | | | |-- Developer_s_Guide.html
+| | | | |-- Director_Services_Daemon.html
+| | | | |-- File_Services_Daemon.html
+| | | | |-- GNU_Free_Documentation_Lice.html
+| | | | |-- Implementing_GUI_Interface.html
+| | | | |-- index.html
+| | | | |-- Index.html
+| | | | |-- Platform_Support.html
+| | | | |-- Smart_Memory_Allocation.html
+| | | | |-- Storage_Daemon_Design.html
+| | | | |-- Storage_Media_Output_Format.html
+| | | | |-- TCP_IP_Network_Protocol.html
+| | | | `-- TLS.html
+| | | |-- developers.pdf
+| | | |-- developers.tex
+| | | |-- director.tex
+| | | |-- fdl.tex -> ../../licences/fdl.tex
+| | | |-- file.tex
+| | | |-- generaldevel.tex
+| | | |-- git.tex
+| | | |-- gpl.tex -> ../../licences/gpl.tex
+| | | |-- gui-interface.tex
+| | | |-- header-footer.tex -> ../../licences/header-footer.tex
+| | | |-- index.perl
+| | | |-- latex2html-init.pl
+| | | |-- lesser.tex -> ../../licences/lesser.tex
+| | | |-- license.tex -> ../../licences/license.tex
+| | | |-- Makefile
+| | | |-- Makefile.in
+| | | |-- Makefile.web
+| | | |-- md5.tex
+| | | |-- mediaformat.tex
+| | | |-- mempool.tex
+| | | |-- netprotocol.tex
+| | | |-- platformsupport.tex
+| | | |-- pluginAPI.tex
+| | | |-- porting.tex
+| | | |-- regression.tex
+| | | |-- smartall.tex
+| | | |-- storage.tex
+| | | |-- table_databasetables.tex
+| | | |-- table_dbbasefiles.tex
+| | | |-- table_dbclient.tex
+| | | |-- table_dbcounter.tex
+| | | |-- table_dbfilename.tex
+| | | |-- table_dbfileset.tex
+| | | |-- table_dbfile.tex
+| | | |-- table_dbjobhistory.tex
+| | | |-- table_dbjobmedia.tex
+| | | |-- table_dbjobstatuses.tex
+| | | |-- table_dbjob.tex
+| | | |-- table_dbjobtypes.tex
+| | | |-- table_dblocationlog.tex
+| | | |-- table_dblocation.tex
+| | | |-- table_dblog.tex
+| | | |-- table_dbmedia.tex
+| | | |-- table_dbpath.tex
+| | | |-- table_dbpool.tex
+| | | |-- table_dbstorage.tex
+| | | |-- table_dbversion.tex
+| | | |-- table_errorcodes.tex
+| | | |-- table_fileattributes.tex
+| | | |-- table_filesystemsfunctions.tex
+| | | |-- table_systemsfunctions.tex
+| | | |-- tls-techdoc.tex
+| | | |-- version.tex
+| | | `-- web.makefile
+| | |-- images
+| | | |-- access-is-denied.png
+| | | |-- back.png
+| | | |-- BackupOverWan1.png
+| | | |-- bacula-applications.png
+| | | |-- bacula-logo.png
+| | | |-- bacula-objects.png
+| | | |-- baculasystems-logo.png
+| | | |-- Bacula-tray-monitor.png
+| | | |-- bacula-usage.png
+| | | |-- bat11.png
+| | | |-- bat12.png
+| | | |-- bat13.png
+| | | |-- bat14.png
+| | | |-- bat15.png
+| | | |-- bat16.png
+| | | |-- bat-brestore.png
+| | | |-- bat_icon.png
+| | | |-- bat-mediaview.png
+| | | |-- bclogo.png
+| | | |-- bimagemgr1.png
+| | | |-- bimagemgr2.png
+| | | |-- bimagemgr3.png
+| | | |-- bsys-doctitle.png
+| | | |-- bsys-hindex.png
+| | | |-- bsys-logo.png
+| | | |-- bweb1.png
+| | | |-- bweb2.png
+| | | |-- bweb3.png
+| | | |-- bweb4.png
+| | | |-- bweb5.png
+| | | |-- bweb6.png
+| | | |-- bweb-index.png
+| | | |-- bweb-report.png
+| | | |-- Conf-Diagram.png
+| | | |-- confirm.png
+| | | |-- contents.png
+| | | |-- different_time.png
+| | | |-- down.png
+| | | |-- duplicate.png
+| | | |-- duplicate-real.png
+| | | |-- error.png
+| | | |-- Exchange1.png
+| | | |-- Exchange2.png
+| | | |-- Exchange.png
+| | | |-- file.png
+| | | |-- flow.png
+| | | |-- git-edit-commit.png
+| | | |-- home.png
+| | | |-- idle.png
+| | | |-- img25.png
+| | | |-- index.png
+| | | |-- k7-error.png
+| | | |-- k7-idle.png
+| | | |-- k7-ok.png
+| | | |-- md5.png
+| | | |-- menu.png
+| | | |-- next_g.png
+| | | |-- next.png
+| | | |-- nsis.png
+| | | |-- philosophical-gnu-sm.png
+| | | |-- prev_g.png
+| | | |-- prev.png
+| | | |-- properties-security-advanced-owner.png
+| | | |-- properties-security.png
+| | | |-- right.png
+| | | |-- running.png
+| | | |-- smartall.png
+| | | |-- svg
+| | | | |-- down.svg
+| | | | |-- left.svg
+| | | | |-- right.svg
+| | | | `-- up.svg
+| | | |-- thanks.png
+| | | |-- tray-icon.png
+| | | |-- tray-monitor1.png
+| | | |-- tray-monitor.png
+| | | |-- up_g.png
+| | | |-- up.png
+| | | |-- view-only.png
+| | | |-- win32-config.png
+| | | |-- win32-finish.png
+| | | |-- win32-installation-type.png
+| | | |-- win32-installing.png
+| | | |-- win32-location.png
+| | | |-- win32-menu.png
+| | | |-- win32-nsis.png
+| | | |-- win32-pkg.png
+| | | |-- win32-service-ok.png
+| | | |-- win32-service.png
+| | | |-- win32-start.png
+| | | |-- win32-welcome.png
+| | | |-- wx-console-restore1.png
+| | | |-- wx-console-restore2.png
+| | | |-- xp-control-panel.png
+| | | |-- xp-windows-firewall-advanced.png
+| | | |-- xp-windows-firewall-advanced-settings-after.png
+| | | |-- xp-windows-firewall-advanced-settings-before.png
+| | | |-- xp-windows-firewall-advanced-settings-service-details.png
+| | | `-- xp-windows-firewall.png
+| | |-- js
+| | | `-- pct-bsys.js
+| | |-- main
+| | | |-- ansi-labels.tex
+| | | |-- autochangerres.tex
+| | | |-- autochangers.tex
+| | | |-- bacula.sty
+| | | |-- basejob.tex
+| | | |-- bootstrap.tex
+| | | |-- bsplugins.tex
+| | | |-- bsys-compiler-mode.tex -> ../../bsys-pdflatex-mode.tex
+| | | |-- bugs.tex
+| | | |-- catmaintenance.tex
+| | | |-- check_tex.pl
+| | | |-- configure.tex
+| | | |-- consoleconf.tex
+| | | |-- coverpage.tex -> ../../licences/coverpage.tex
+| | | |-- critical.tex
+| | | |-- dataencryption.tex
+| | | |-- dirdconf.tex
+| | | |-- disk.tex
+| | | |-- fdl.tex -> ../../licences/fdl.tex
+| | | |-- filedconf.tex
+| | | |-- fileset.tex
+| | | |-- general.tex
+| | | |-- gpl.tex -> ../../licences/gpl.tex
+| | | |-- header-footer.tex -> ../../licences/header-footer.tex
+| | | |-- index.perl
+| | | |-- latex2html-init.pl
+| | | |-- lesser.tex -> ../../licences/lesser.tex
+| | | |-- license.tex -> ../../licences/license.tex
+| | | |-- main
+| | | | |-- About_this_document.html
+| | | | |-- ANSI_IBM_Tape_Labels.html
+| | | | |-- Autochanger_Resource.html
+| | | | |-- Autochanger_Support.html
+| | | | |-- Automated_Disk_Backup.html
+| | | | |-- Automatic_Volume_Recycling.html
+| | | | |-- Backup_Strategies.html
+| | | | |-- Bacula_Copyright_Trademark_.html
+| | | | |-- Bacula_Security_Issues.html
+| | | | |-- Bacula_TLS_Communications_E.html
+| | | | |-- Basic_Volume_Management.html
+| | | | |-- Bootstrap_File.html
+| | | | |-- Brief_Tutorial.html
+| | | | |-- Catalog_Maintenance.html
+| | | | |-- Client_File_daemon_Configur.html
+| | | | |-- Configuring_Director.html
+| | | | |-- Console_Configuration.html
+| | | | |-- Contents.html
+| | | | |-- Critical_Items_Implement_Be.html
+| | | | |-- Current_State_Bacula.html
+| | | | |-- Customizing_Configuration_F.html
+| | | | |-- Data_Encryption.html
+| | | | |-- Data_Spooling.html
+| | | | |-- Disaster_Recovery_Using_Bac.html
+| | | | |-- File_Deduplication_using_Ba.html
+| | | | |-- Getting_Started_with_Bacula.html
+| | | | |-- GNU_Free_Documentation_Lice.html
+| | | | |-- GNU_General_Public_License.html
+| | | | |-- GNU_Lesser_General_Public_L.html
+| | | | |-- index.html
+| | | | |-- Index.html
+| | | | |-- Installing_Bacula.html
+| | | | |-- Installing_Configuring_MySQ.html
+| | | | |-- Installing_Configuring_Post.html
+| | | | |-- Installing_Configuring_SQLi.html
+| | | | |-- Main_Reference.html
+| | | | |-- Messages_Resource.html
+| | | | |-- Migration_Copy.html
+| | | | |-- Monitor_Configuration.html
+| | | | |-- New_Features_in_5_2_x.html
+| | | | |-- New_Features_in_Bacula_Ente.html
+| | | | |-- New_Features_in_Enterprise_.html
+| | | | |-- Released_Version_3_0_3_3_0_.html
+| | | | |-- Restore_Command.html
+| | | | |-- Storage_Daemon_Configuratio.html
+| | | | |-- Supported_Autochangers.html
+| | | | |-- Supported_Operating_Systems.html
+| | | | |-- Supported_Tape_Drives.html
+| | | | |-- System_Requirements.html
+| | | | |-- Thanks.html
+| | | | |-- Using_Bacula_catalog_grab_i.html
+| | | | |-- Using_Bacula_Improve_Comput.html
+| | | | |-- What_is_Bacula_Enterprise.html
+| | | | |-- Windows_Version_Bacula.html
+| | | | `-- Windows_Version_Bacula.html~
+| | | |-- main.pdf
+| | | |-- main.tex
+| | | |-- Makefile
+| | | |-- Makefile.in
+| | | |-- messagesres.tex
+| | | |-- migration.tex
+| | | |-- monitorconf.tex
+| | | |-- mtx-changer.txt
+| | | |-- mysql.tex
+| | | |-- newbs4.0features.tex
+| | | |-- newbsfeatures.tex
+| | | |-- newfeatures.tex
+| | | |-- pools.tex
+| | | |-- postgresql.tex
+| | | |-- quickstart.tex
+| | | |-- recycling.tex
+| | | |-- requirements.tex
+| | | |-- rescue.tex
+| | | |-- restore.tex
+| | | |-- security.tex
+| | | |-- spooling.tex
+| | | |-- sqlite.tex
+| | | |-- state.tex
+| | | |-- statistics.tex
+| | | |-- storedconf.tex
+| | | |-- strategies.tex
+| | | |-- STYLE
+| | | |-- supportedchangers.tex
+| | | |-- supporteddrives.tex
+| | | |-- supportedoses.tex
+| | | |-- table_dependencies.tex
+| | | |-- table_ltodltspec.tex
+| | | |-- table_regexp.tex
+| | | |-- table_resources.tex
+| | | |-- table_restoreportabilitystatus.tex
+| | | |-- table_runscriptshortcuts.tex
+| | | |-- table_runscript.tex
+| | | |-- table_supportedchangers.tex
+| | | |-- table_supportedoses.tex
+| | | |-- table_tapedrives.tex
+| | | |-- thanks.tex
+| | | |-- tls.tex
+| | | |-- tutorial.tex
+| | | |-- verify.tex
+| | | |-- version.tex
+| | | |-- web.makefile
+| | | `-- win32.tex
+| | |-- Makefile.in
+| | |-- makefile.template
+| | |-- makemakefiles.sh
+| | |-- manual.makefile
+| | |-- manual.makefile.in
+| | |-- misc
+| | | |-- bacula.sty
+| | | |-- bsys-compiler-mode.tex -> ../../bsys-pdflatex-mode.tex
+| | | |-- coverpage.tex -> ../../licences/coverpage.tex
+| | | |-- dvd.tex
+| | | |-- fdl.tex -> ../../licences/fdl.tex
+| | | |-- gpl.tex -> ../../licences/gpl.tex
+| | | |-- header-footer.tex -> ../../licences/header-footer.tex
+| | | |-- install.tex
+| | | |-- internaldb.tex
+| | | |-- lesser.tex -> ../../licences/lesser.tex
+| | | |-- license.tex -> ../../licences/license.tex
+| | | |-- Makefile
+| | | |-- Makefile.in
+| | | |-- misc
+| | | | |-- About_this_document.html
+| | | | |-- Bacula_Copyright_Trademark_.html
+| | | | |-- Bacula_Projects.html
+| | | | |-- Contents.html
+| | | | |-- DVD_Volumes.html
+| | | | |-- GNU_Free_Documentation_Lice.html
+| | | | |-- GNU_General_Public_License.html
+| | | | |-- GNU_Lesser_General_Public_L.html
+| | | | |-- index.html
+| | | | |-- Index.html
+| | | | |-- internal_database_is_not_su.html
+| | | | |-- Miscellaneous_Guide.html
+| | | | |-- Python_Scripting.html
+| | | | |-- Using_Stunnel_Encrypt_Commu.html
+| | | | `-- Variable_Expansion.html
+| | | |-- misc.pdf
+| | | |-- misc.tex
+| | | |-- projects.tex
+| | | |-- python.tex
+| | | |-- stunnel.tex
+| | | |-- table_sqlitevsmysql.tex
+| | | |-- vars.tex
+| | | |-- version.tex
+| | | `-- web.makefile
+| | |-- problems
+| | | |-- bacula.sty
+| | | |-- bsys-compiler-mode.tex -> ../../bsys-pdflatex-mode.tex
+| | | |-- coverpage.tex -> ../../licences/coverpage.tex
+| | | |-- faq.tex
+| | | |-- fdl.tex -> ../../licences/fdl.tex
+| | | |-- firewalls.tex
+| | | |-- gpl.tex -> ../../licences/gpl.tex
+| | | |-- header-footer.tex -> ../../licences/header-footer.tex
+| | | |-- index.perl
+| | | |-- kaboom.tex
+| | | |-- lesser.tex -> ../../licences/lesser.tex
+| | | |-- license.tex -> ../../licences/license.tex
+| | | |-- Makefile
+| | | |-- Makefile.in
+| | | |-- problems
+| | | | |-- About_this_document.html
+| | | | |-- Bacula_Frequently_Asked_Que.html
+| | | | |-- Contents.html
+| | | | |-- Dealing_with_Firewalls.html
+| | | | |-- GNU_Free_Documentation_Lice.html
+| | | | |-- index.html
+| | | | |-- Index.html
+| | | | |-- Problem_Resolution_Guide.html
+| | | | |-- Testing_Your_Tape_Drive_Wit.html
+| | | | |-- Tips_Suggestions.html
+| | | | `-- What_Do_When_Bacula_Crashes.html
+| | | |-- problems.lof
+| | | |-- problems.pdf
+| | | |-- problems.tex
+| | | |-- rpm-faq.tex
+| | | |-- tapetesting.tex
+| | | |-- tips.tex
+| | | |-- version.tex
+| | | `-- web.makefile
+| | |-- utility
+| | | |-- bacula.sty
+| | | |-- bimagemgr-chapter.tex
+| | | |-- bsys-compiler-mode.tex -> ../../bsys-pdflatex-mode.tex
+| | | |-- coverpage.tex -> ../../licences/coverpage.tex
+| | | |-- fdl.tex -> ../../licences/fdl.tex
+| | | |-- gpl.tex -> ../../licences/gpl.tex
+| | | |-- header-footer.tex -> ../../licences/header-footer.tex
+| | | |-- index.perl
+| | | |-- lesser.tex -> ../../licences/lesser.tex
+| | | |-- license.tex -> ../../licences/license.tex
+| | | |-- Makefile
+| | | |-- Makefile.in
+| | | |-- progs.tex
+| | | |-- rpm-faq.tex
+| | | |-- utility
+| | | | |-- About_this_document.html
+| | | | |-- Bacula_RPM_Packaging_FAQ.html
+| | | | |-- Contents.html
+| | | | |-- GNU_Free_Documentation_Lice.html
+| | | | |-- index.html
+| | | | |-- Index.html
+| | | | |-- Utility_Programs.html
+| | | | `-- Volume_Utility_Tools.html
+| | | |-- utility.lof
+| | | |-- utility.pdf
+| | | |-- utility.tex
+| | | |-- version.tex
+| | | `-- web.makefile
+| | |-- www-console
+| | |-- www-developers
+| | |-- www-main
+| | |-- www-misc
+| | |-- www-problems
+| | `-- www-utility
+| | |-- access-is-denied.eps -> ../../../images/access-is-denied.eps
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+| | |-- back.png -> ../../../images/back.png
+| | |-- bimagemgr3.eps -> ../../../images/bimagemgr3.eps
+| | |-- bimagemgr3.png -> ../../../images/bimagemgr3.png
+| | |-- bimagemgr-chapter.tex
+| | |...
+| | |-- bsys-compiler-mode.tex
+| | |-- bweb1.png -> ../../../images/bweb1.png
+| | |-- bweb2.png -> ../../../images/bweb2.png
+| | |...
+| | |-- confirm.eps -> ../../../images/confirm.eps
+| | |-- confirm.png -> ../../../images/confirm.png
+| | |-- contents.png -> ../../../images/contents.png
+| | |-- coverpage.tex
+| | |-- different_time.eps -> ../../../images/eps/different_time.eps
+| | |-- different_time.png -> ../../../images/png/different_time.png
+| | |...
+| | |-- Exchange2.png -> ../../../images/Exchange2.png
+| | |-- Exchange.png -> ../../../images/Exchange.png
+| | |-- fdl.tex
+| | |-- file.eps -> ../../../images/file.eps
+| | |-- file.png -> ../../../images/file.png
+| | |...
+| | |-- git-edit-commit.png -> ../../../images/png/git-edit-commit.png
+| | |-- gpl.tex
+| | |-- header-footer.tex
+| | |-- home.eps -> ../../../images/home.eps
+| | |-- home.png -> ../../../images/home.png
+| | |...
+| | |-- k7-ok.png -> ../../../images/png/k7-ok.png
+| | |-- lesser.tex
+| | |-- license.tex
+| | |...
+| | |-- Makefile -> ../utility/web.makefile
+| | |-- md5.eps -> ../../../images/md5.eps
+| | |-- smartall.png -> ../../../images/smartall.png
+| | |-- tex.out
+| | |...
+| | |-- up_g.png -> ../../../images/up_g.png
+| | |-- utility.tex
+| | |-- version.tex
+| | |-- view-only.eps -> ../../../images/view-only.eps
+| | |-- view-only.png -> ../../../images/view-only.png
+| | |...
+| | |-- xp-windows-firewall-advanced-settings-after.eps -> ../../../images/xp-windows-firewall-advanced-settings-after.eps
+| | |-- xp-windows-firewall-advanced-settings-after.png -> ../../../images/xp-windows-firewall-advanced-settings-after.png
+| | |-- xp-windows-firewall-advanced-settings-before.eps -> ../../../images/xp-windows-firewall-advanced-settings-before.eps
+| | |-- xp-windows-firewall-advanced-settings-before.png -> ../../../images/xp-windows-firewall-advanced-settings-before.png
+| | |-- xp-windows-firewall-advanced-settings-service-details.eps -> ../../../images/xp-windows-firewall-advanced-settings-service-details.eps
+| | |-- xp-windows-firewall-advanced-settings-service-details.png -> ../../../images/xp-windows-firewall-advanced-settings-service-details.png
+| | |-- xp-windows-firewall.eps -> ../../../images/xp-windows-firewall.eps
+| | `-- xp-windows-firewall.png -> ../../../images/xp-windows-firewall.png
+| |-- es
+| | |-- console
+| | |-- developers
+| | |-- main
+| | |-- misc
+| | |-- problems
+| | `-- utility
+| |-- fr
+| | |-- console
+| | |-- developers
+| | |-- main
+| | |-- misc
+| | |-- problems
+| | `-- utility
+| |-- licences
+| | |-- coverpage.tex
+| | |-- fdl.tex
+| | |-- gpl.tex
+| | |-- header-footer.tex
+| | |-- lesser.tex
+| | `-- license.tex
+| |-- notes
+| |-- update_version
+| |-- update_version.in
+| |-- version.tex
+| `-- version.tex.in
+|-- tools
+| |-- htmls.sh
+| |-- index.pl
+| |-- README
+| |-- sf2bacula_downloads.pl
+| |-- translatedoc.pl
+| `-- wholemenu_console.html
+`-- upload