include_once( 'config/' );
$dbSql = new Bweb();
$clientid = '';
$client = '';
$client_jobs = array();
+ $backup_jobs = array();
+ $job_levels = array( 'D' => 'Differential', 'I' => 'Incremental', 'F' => 'Full' );
$http_post = CHttpRequest::getRequestVars( $_POST );
$http_get = CHttpRequest::getRequestVars( $_GET );
// Client informations
$client = $dbSql->getClientInfos($clientid);
+ // Client's backup jobs
+ $query = 'SELECT Job.Name, Job.Jobid, Job.Level, Job.Jobbytes, Job.Jobfiles, Status.JobStatusLong FROM Job ';
+ $query .= "LEFT JOIN Status ON Job.JobStatus = Status.JobStatus ";
+ $query .= "WHERE Job.ClientId = '$clientid' AND Job.JobStatus = 'T' ";
+ $query .= 'ORDER BY Job.EndTime DESC ';
+ $query .= 'LIMIT 1';
+ try{
+ $jobs_result = $dbSql->db_link->runQuery($query);
+ foreach( $jobs_result->fetchAll() as $job ) {
+ $job['level'] = $job_levels[ $job['level'] ];
+ $job['jobfiles'] = number_format( $job['jobfiles'], 0, '.', "'");
+ $job['jobbytes'] = CUtils::Get_Human_Size( $job['jobbytes'] );
+ $backup_jobs[] = $job;
+ }
+ }catch(PDOException $e) {
+ CDBError::raiseError($e);
+ }
+ $dbSql->tpl->assign( 'backup_jobs', $backup_jobs);
$dbSql->tpl->assign( 'client_name', $client['name']);
$dbSql->tpl->assign( 'client_os', $client['os']);
$dbSql->tpl->assign( 'client_arch', $client['arch']);
{include file=header.tpl}
<div id="nav">
- <a href="index.php" title="Back to the dashboard">Dashboard</a> > Client(s) report
+ <a href="index.php" title="Back to the dashboard">Dashboard</a> > Client report
<div id="main_center">
<div class="box">
- <p class="title">Client(s) Report</p>
+ <p class="title">Client Report</p>
<h4>Client informations</h4>
<table width="300px">
+ <h4>Last good backup job</h4>
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <td class="tbl_header">Name</td>
+ <td class="tbl_header">Jod Id</td>
+ <td class="tbl_header">Level</td>
+ <td class="tbl_header">Bytes</td>
+ <td class="tbl_header">Files</td>
+ <td class="tbl_header">Status</td>
+ </tr>
+ {foreach from=$backup_jobs item=job}
+ <tr>
+ <td class="{$job.Job_classe}">{$}</td>
+ <td class="{$job.Job_classe}">{$job.jobid}</td>
+ <td class="{$job.Job_classe}">{$job.level}</td>
+ <td class="{$job.Job_classe}">{$job.jobbytes}</td>
+ <td class="{$job.Job_classe}">{$job.jobfiles}</td>
+ <td class="{$job.Job_classe}">{$job.jobstatuslong}</td>
+ </tr>
+ {/foreach}
+ </table>
</div> <!-- end div class=box -->
</div> <!-- end div id=main_center -->