example libyajl), transform the layout file to a JSON-conforming file, or
link:http://cr.i3wm.org/[submit a patch] to make +i3-save-tree(1)+ optionally
output standard-conforming JSON.
+== Troubleshooting
+=== Restoring a vertically split workspace
+When using +i3-save-tree+ with the +--workspace+ switch, only the *contents* of
+the workspace will be dumped. This means that properties of the workspace
+itself will be lost.
+This is relevant for, e.g., a vertically split container as the base container of
+a workspace. Since the split mode is a property of the workspace, it will not be
+stored. In this case, you will have to manually wrap your layout in such a
+// vim:ts=4:sw=4:et
+ // this is a manually added container to restore the vertical split
+ "layout": "splitv",
+ "percent": 0.5,
+ "type": "con",
+ "nodes": [
+ // the dumped workspace layout goes here
+ ]