crt0.o \
ctype.o \
cvline.o \
+ dioclose.o \
+ diocommon.o \
+ dioopen.o \
+ dioread.o \
+ diowrite.o \
dosdetect.o \
get_ostype.o \
getenv.o \
joy_stddrv.o \
kbhit.o \
mainargs.o \
+ mli.o \
oserrlist.o \
randomize.o \
rcout.o \
--- /dev/null
+; Oliver Schmidt, 24.03.2005
+; unsigned char __fastcall__ dio_close (dhandle_t handle);
+ .export _dio_close
+ .import dioepilog
+ lda #$00
+ jmp dioepilog
--- /dev/null
+; Oliver Schmidt, 24.03.2005
+ .export dioprolog, diocommon, dioepilog
+ .import popax
+ .include ""
+ .include ""
+ ; Set buffer
+ sta mliparam + MLI::RW_BLOCK::DATA_BUFFER
+ stx mliparam + MLI::RW_BLOCK::DATA_BUFFER+1
+ ; Get and set sect_num
+ jsr popax
+ sta mliparam + MLI::RW_BLOCK::BLOCK_NUM
+ stx mliparam + MLI::RW_BLOCK::BLOCK_NUM+1
+ ; Get and set handle
+ jsr popax
+ sta mliparam + MLI::RW_BLOCK::UNIT_NUM
+ rts
+ ; Call read_block or write_block
+ jsr callmli
+ ; Return success or error
+ sta __oserror
+ ldx #$00
+ rts
--- /dev/null
+; Oliver Schmidt, 24.03.2005
+; dhandle_t __fastcall__ dio_open (driveid_t drive_id);
+; drive_id = (slot * 2) + (drive - 1)
+ .export _dio_open
+ .import decaxy, return0
+ .include ""
+ .include ""
+ .include ""
+ ; Convert drive id into unit number
+ lsr
+ bcc :+
+ ora #%00001000
+: asl
+ asl
+ asl
+ asl
+ sta mliparam + MLI::ON_LINE::UNIT_NUM
+ ; Alloc 16-byte buffer just below stack
+ ldy #16
+ lda sp
+ ldx sp+1
+ jsr decaxy
+ sta mliparam + MLI::ON_LINE::DATA_BUFFER
+ stx mliparam + MLI::ON_LINE::DATA_BUFFER+1
+ ; Get device state
+ jsr callmli
+ bcc :+
+ ; DIO level access doesn't necessarily need a
+ ; ProDOS 8 disk so ignore "high level" errors
+ cmp #$40
+ bcc oserr
+ ; Return success
+: lda mliparam + MLI::ON_LINE::UNIT_NUM
+ ldx #$00
+ stx __oserror
+ rts
+ ; Return oserror
+oserr: sta __oserror
+ jmp return0
--- /dev/null
+; Oliver Schmidt, 24.03.2005
+; unsigned char __fastcall__ dio_read (dhandle_t handle, sectnum_t sect_num, void *buffer);
+ .export _dio_read
+ .import dioprolog, diocommon
+ .include ""
+ jsr dioprolog
+ jmp diocommon
--- /dev/null
+; Oliver Schmidt, 24.03.2005
+; unsigned char __fastcall__ dio_write (dhandle_t handle, sectnum_t sect_num, const void *buffer);
+ .export _dio_write
+ .import dioprolog, diocommon
+ .include ""
+ jsr dioprolog
+ jmp diocommon
; Apple ProDOS 8 MLI
.struct MLI
+ .struct RW_BLOCK
+ UNIT_NUM .byte
+ BLOCK_NUM .word
+ .endstruct
.struct CREATE
--- /dev/null
+; Oliver Schmidt, 30.12.2004
+; Apple ProDOS 8 MLI
+ .import __dos_type
+ .include ""
+ .bss
+mliparam: .tag MLI
+ .data
+ ; Store parameters
+ sta call
+ stx mliparam
+ ; Check for ProDOS 8
+ lda __dos_type
+ beq oserr
+ ; Call MLI and return
+ jsr ENTRY
+call: .byte $00
+ .word mliparam
+ rts
+ ; Load oserror code and return
+oserr: lda #$01 ; "Invalid MLI function code number"
+ sec
+ rts
\ No newline at end of file