--- /dev/null
+; Extended memory driver for the C256K memory expansion
+; Marco van den Heuvel, 2010-01-27
+ .include "zeropage.inc"
+ .include "em-kernel.inc"
+ .include "em-error.inc"
+ .macpack generic
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Header. Includes jump table
+.segment "JUMPTABLE"
+; Driver signature
+ .byte $65, $6d, $64 ; "emd"
+ .byte EMD_API_VERSION ; EM API version number
+; Jump table.
+ .word INSTALL
+ .word MAP
+ .word USE
+ .word COMMIT
+ .word COPYFROM
+ .word COPYTO
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Constants
+BASE = $4000
+PAGES = 3 * 256
+CHECKC256K = $0200
+TRANSFERC256K = $0200
+pia = $DFC0
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Data.
+; This function is used to copy code from and to the extended memory
+.proc c256kcopycode
+.org ::TRANSFERC256K ; Assemble for target location
+ stx pia
+::STASHC256K := * ; Location and opcode is patched at runtime
+::VECC256K := *+1
+ lda ($00),y
+ ldx #$dc
+ stx pia
+ rts
+; This function is used to check for the existence of the extended memory
+.proc c256kcheckcode
+.org ::CHECKC256K
+ ldy #$00 ; Assume hardware not present
+ lda #$fc
+ sta pia
+ lda $01
+ tax
+ and #$f8
+ sta $01
+ lda $4000
+ cmp $c000
+ bne done ; Jump if not found
+ inc $c000
+ cmp $4000
+ beq done ; Jump if not found
+ ; Hardware is present
+ iny
+done: stx $01
+ ldx #$dc
+ stx pia
+ rts
+; Since the functions above are copied to $200, the current contents of this
+; memory area must be saved into backup storage. Calculate the amount of
+; space necessary.
+.if .sizeof (c256kcopycode) > .sizeof (c256kcheckcode)
+backupspace = .sizeof (c256kcopycode)
+backupspace = .sizeof (c256kcheckcode)
+curpage: .res 2 ; Current page number
+curbank: .res 1 ; Current bank
+backup: .res backupspace ; Backup area of data in the location
+ ; where the copy and check routines will be
+window: .res 256 ; Memory "window"
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; INSTALL routine. Is called after the driver is loaded into memory. If
+; possible, check if the hardware is present and determine the amount of
+; memory available.
+; Must return an EM_ERR_xx code in a/x.
+ lda pia+1 ; Select Peripheral Registers
+ ora #4
+ sta pia+1
+ tax
+ lda pia+3
+ ora #4
+ sta pia+3
+ tay
+ lda #$DC ; Set the default memory bank data
+ sta pia
+ lda #$FE
+ sta pia+2
+ txa ; Select Data Direction Registers
+ and #$FB
+ sta pia+1
+ tya
+ and #$FB
+ sta pia+3
+ lda #$FF ; Set the ports to output
+ sta pia
+ sta pia+2
+ txa
+ and #$C7
+ ora #$30 ; Set CA1 and
+ sta pia+1 ; select Peripheral Registers
+ sty pia+3
+ jsr backup_and_setup_check_routine
+ jsr CHECKC256K
+ cli
+ ldx #$29
+ jsr restore_data
+ cpy #$01
+ beq @present
+ rts
+ lda #<EM_ERR_OK
+ ldx #>EM_ERR_OK
+; rts ; Run into UNINSTALL instead
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; UNINSTALL routine. Is called before the driver is removed from memory.
+; Can do cleanup or whatever. Must not return anything.
+ rts
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; PAGECOUNT: Return the total number of available pages in a/x.
+ lda #<PAGES
+ ldx #>PAGES
+ rts
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; MAP: Map the page in a/x into memory and return a pointer to the page in
+; a/x. The contents of the currently mapped page (if any) may be discarded
+; by the driver.
+ sei
+ sta curpage ; Remember the new page
+ stx curpage+1
+ jsr adjust_page_and_bank
+ stx curbank
+ clc
+ adc #>BASE
+ sta ptr1+1
+ ldy #0
+ sty ptr1
+ jsr backup_and_setup_copy_routine
+ ldx #<ptr1
+ stx VECC256K
+ ldx curbank
+ ldx ptr1
+ sta window,x
+ inc ptr1
+ bne @L1
+; Return the memory window
+ ldx #$0A
+ jsr restore_data
+ lda #<window
+ ldx #>window ; Return the window address
+ cli
+ rts
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; USE: Tell the driver that the window is now associated with a given page.
+USE: sta curpage ; Remember the page
+ stx curpage+1
+ lda #<window
+ ldx #>window ; Return the window
+ rts
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; COMMIT: Commit changes in the memory window to extended storage.
+ sei
+ lda curpage ; Get the current page
+ ldx curpage+1
+ jsr adjust_page_and_bank
+ stx curbank
+ clc
+ adc #>BASE
+ sta ptr1+1
+ ldy #0
+ sty ptr1
+ jsr backup_and_setup_copy_routine
+ ldx #<ptr1
+ stx VECC256K
+ stx STASHC256K
+ ldx ptr1
+ lda window,x
+ ldx curbank
+ inc ptr1
+ bne @L1
+; Return the memory window
+ ldx #$0A
+ jsr restore_data
+ cli
+ rts
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; COPYFROM: Copy from extended into linear memory. A pointer to a structure
+; describing the request is passed in a/x.
+; The function must not return anything.
+ sei
+ jsr setup
+ jsr backup_and_setup_copy_routine
+; Setup is:
+; - ptr1 contains the struct pointer
+; - ptr2 contains the linear memory buffer
+; - ptr3 contains -(count-1)
+; - ptr4 contains the page memory buffer plus offset
+; - tmp1 contains zero (to be used for linear memory buffer offset)
+; - tmp2 contains the bank value
+ lda #<ptr4
+ sta VECC256K
+ jmp @L3
+ ldx tmp2
+ ldy #0
+ ldy tmp1
+ sta (ptr2),y
+ inc tmp1
+ bne @L2
+ inc ptr2+1
+ inc ptr4
+ beq @L4
+; Bump count and repeat
+ inc ptr3
+ bne @L1
+ inc ptr3+1
+ bne @L1
+ ldx #$0A
+ jsr restore_data
+ cli
+ rts
+; Bump page register
+ inc ptr4+1
+ lda ptr4+1
+ cmp #$80
+ bne @L3
+ lda #>BASE
+ sta ptr4+1
+ lda tmp2
+ clc
+ adc #$10
+ sta tmp2
+ jmp @L3
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; COPYTO: Copy from linear into extended memory. A pointer to a structure
+; describing the request is passed in a/x.
+; The function must not return anything.
+ sei
+ jsr setup
+ jsr backup_and_setup_copy_routine
+; Setup is:
+; - ptr1 contains the struct pointer
+; - ptr2 contains the linear memory buffer
+; - ptr3 contains -(count-1)
+; - ptr4 contains the page memory buffer plus offset
+; - tmp1 contains zero (to be used for linear memory buffer offset)
+; - tmp2 contains the bank value
+ lda #<ptr4
+ sta VECC256K
+ sta STASHC256K
+ jmp @L3
+ ldy tmp1
+ lda (ptr2),y
+ ldx tmp2
+ ldy #0
+ inc tmp1
+ bne @L2
+ inc ptr2+1
+ inc ptr4
+ beq @L4
+; Bump count and repeat
+ inc ptr3
+ bne @L1
+ inc ptr3+1
+ bne @L1
+ ldx #$0A
+ jsr restore_data
+ cli
+ rts
+; Bump page register
+ inc ptr4+1
+ lda ptr4+1
+ cmp #$80
+ bne @L3
+ lda #>BASE
+ sta ptr4+1
+ lda tmp2
+ clc
+ adc #$10
+ sta tmp2
+ jmp @L3
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Helper function for COPYFROM and COPYTO: Store the pointer to the request
+; structure and prepare data for the copy
+ sta ptr1
+ stx ptr1+1 ; Save passed pointer
+; Get the page number from the struct and adjust it so that it may be used
+; with the hardware. That is: ptr4 has the page address and page offset
+; tmp2 will hold the bank value
+ ldy #EM_COPY::PAGE+1
+ lda (ptr1),y
+ tax
+ ldy #EM_COPY::PAGE
+ lda (ptr1),y
+ jsr adjust_page_and_bank
+ clc
+ adc #>BASE
+ sta ptr4+1
+ stx tmp2
+; Get the buffer pointer into ptr2
+ ldy #EM_COPY::BUF
+ lda (ptr1),y
+ sta ptr2
+ iny
+ lda (ptr1),y
+ sta ptr2+1
+; Get the count, calculate -(count-1) and store it into ptr3
+ lda (ptr1),y
+ eor #$FF
+ sta ptr3
+ iny
+ lda (ptr1),y
+ eor #$FF
+ sta ptr3+1
+; Get the page offset into ptr4 and clear tmp1
+ ldy #EM_COPY::OFFS
+ lda (ptr1),y
+ sta ptr4
+ lda #0
+ sta tmp1
+; Done
+ rts
+; Helper routines for copying to and from the +256k ram
+ ldx #.sizeof (c256kcopycode) - 1
+ lda TRANSFERC256K,x
+ sta backup,x
+ lda c256kcopycode,x
+ sta TRANSFERC256K,x
+ dex
+ bpl @L1
+ rts
+ ldx #.sizeof (c256kcheckcode) - 1
+ lda CHECKC256K,x
+ sta backup,x
+ lda c256kcheckcode,x
+ sta CHECKC256K,x
+ dex
+ bpl @L1
+ rts
+ lda backup,x
+ sta CHECKC256K,x
+ dex
+ bpl restore_data
+ rts
+; Helper routine to correct for the bank and page
+ sta tmp4
+ lda #$0C
+ sta tmp3
+ lda tmp4
+ and #$c0
+ lsr
+ lsr
+ ora tmp3
+ sta tmp3
+ txa
+ asl
+ asl
+ asl
+ asl
+ asl
+ asl
+ ora tmp3
+ tax
+ lda tmp4
+ and #$3f
+ rts