; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; IRQ entry point. Is called from the C layer as a subroutine in the
-; interrupt. The routine MUST return carry set if the interrupt has been
-; 'handled' - which means that the interrupt source is gone. Otherwise it
-; MUST return carry clear.
+; COUNT: Return the total number of available joysticks in a/x.
-IRQ: ; cia 2 setup
+ ldx #>JOY_COUNT
+ rts
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; READ: Read a particular joystick passed in A.
+ sei
+ ; cia 2 setup
ldy #$00 ; port b direction
sty $dd03 ; => input
sta temp4
- ; Default Value: $40/64 on PAL
- ; $42/66 on NTSC
+ ; FIXME: to be really 100% correct this should restore the correct timer
+ ; values for the respective machine (PAL: $4025, NTSC: $4295)
+ ; however, this should hardly be a problem in a real world program
lda #$41
sta $dc05
- ; Default Value: $25/37 on PAL
- ; $95/149 on NTSC
lda #0
sta $dc04
- ; We do never "handle" the interrupt, we use it just as a timer.
- clc
- rts
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; COUNT: Return the total number of available joysticks in a/x.
- ldx #>JOY_COUNT
+ cli
-; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; READ: Read a particular joystick passed in A.
+ pha
+ jsr readadapter
+ pla
-READ: tax ; Joystick number into X
+ tax ; Joystick number into X
bne joy2
; Read joystick 1
eor #$1F
ldx #0