+static unsigned OptPtrStore3 (CodeSeg* S)
+/* Search for the sequence:
+ *
+ * lda #<(label+0)
+ * ldx #>(label+0)
+ * ldy aaa
+ * clc
+ * adc (sp),y
+ * bcc L
+ * inx
+ * L: jsr pushax
+ * ldx #$00
+ * lda yyy
+ * ldy #$00
+ * jsr staspidx
+ *
+ * and replace it by:
+ *
+ * ldy aaa
+ * ldx #$00
+ * lda (sp),y
+ * tay
+ * lda yyy
+ * sta label,y
+ */
+ unsigned Changes = 0;
+ /* Walk over the entries */
+ unsigned I = 0;
+ while (I < CS_GetEntryCount (S)) {
+ CodeEntry* L[11];
+ unsigned Len;
+ /* Get next entry */
+ L[0] = CS_GetEntry (S, I);
+ /* Check for the sequence */
+ if (L[0]->OPC == OP65_LDA &&
+ L[0]->AM == AM65_IMM &&
+ CS_GetEntries (S, L+1, I+1, 11) &&
+ L[1]->OPC == OP65_LDX &&
+ L[1]->AM == AM65_IMM &&
+ L[2]->OPC == OP65_LDY &&
+ L[3]->OPC == OP65_CLC &&
+ L[4]->OPC == OP65_ADC &&
+ L[4]->AM == AM65_ZP_INDY &&
+ strcmp (L[4]->Arg, "sp") == 0 &&
+ (L[5]->OPC == OP65_BCC || L[5]->OPC == OP65_JCC) &&
+ L[5]->JumpTo != 0 &&
+ L[5]->JumpTo->Owner == L[7] &&
+ L[6]->OPC == OP65_INX &&
+ CE_IsCallTo (L[7], "pushax") &&
+ L[8]->OPC == OP65_LDX &&
+ L[9]->OPC == OP65_LDA &&
+ L[10]->OPC == OP65_LDY &&
+ CE_IsKnownImm (L[10], 0) &&
+ CE_IsCallTo (L[11], "staspidx") &&
+ !CS_RangeHasLabel (S, I+1, 6) &&
+ !CS_RangeHasLabel (S, I+8, 4) &&
+ /* Check the label last because this is quite costly */
+ (Len = strlen (L[0]->Arg)) > 3 &&
+ L[0]->Arg[0] == '<' &&
+ L[0]->Arg[1] == '(' &&
+ strlen (L[1]->Arg) == Len &&
+ L[1]->Arg[0] == '>' &&
+ memcmp (L[0]->Arg+1, L[1]->Arg+1, Len-1) == 0) {
+ CodeEntry* X;
+ char* Label;
+ /* We will create all the new stuff behind the current one so
+ * we keep the line references.
+ */
+ X = NewCodeEntry (OP65_LDY, L[2]->AM, L[2]->Arg, 0, L[2]->LI);
+ CS_InsertEntry (S, X, I+12);
+ X = NewCodeEntry (OP65_LDX, L[8]->AM, L[8]->Arg, 0, L[8]->LI);
+ CS_InsertEntry (S, X, I+13);
+ X = NewCodeEntry (OP65_LDA, L[4]->AM, L[4]->Arg, 0, L[4]->LI);
+ CS_InsertEntry (S, X, I+14);
+ X = NewCodeEntry (OP65_TAY, AM65_IMP, 0, 0, L[4]->LI);
+ CS_InsertEntry (S, X, I+15);
+ X = NewCodeEntry (OP65_LDA, L[8]->AM, L[8]->Arg, 0, L[8]->LI);
+ CS_InsertEntry (S, X, I+16);
+ Label = memcpy (xmalloc (Len-2), L[0]->Arg+2, Len-3);
+ Label[Len-3] = '\0';
+ X = NewCodeEntry (OP65_STA, AM65_ABSY, Label, 0, L[11]->LI);
+ CS_InsertEntry (S, X, I+17);
+ xfree (Label);
+ /* Remove the old code */
+ CS_DelEntries (S, I, 12);
+ /* Remember, we had changes */
+ ++Changes;
+ }
+ /* Next entry */
+ ++I;
+ }
+ /* Return the number of changes made */
+ return Changes;
/* Decouple operations */
static OptFunc DOptPtrLoad17 = { OptPtrLoad17, "OptPtrLoad17", 190, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
static OptFunc DOptPtrStore1 = { OptPtrStore1, "OptPtrStore1", 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
static OptFunc DOptPtrStore2 = { OptPtrStore2, "OptPtrStore2", 40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+static OptFunc DOptPtrStore3 = { OptPtrStore3, "OptPtrStore3", 50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
static OptFunc DOptPush1 = { OptPush1, "OptPush1", 65, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
static OptFunc DOptPush2 = { OptPush2, "OptPush2", 50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
static OptFunc DOptPushPop = { OptPushPop, "OptPushPop", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+ &DOptPtrStore3,
Changes += RunOptFunc (S, &DOptStackPtrOps, 5);
Changes += RunOptFunc (S, &DOptPtrStore1, 1);
Changes += RunOptFunc (S, &DOptPtrStore2, 1);
+ Changes += RunOptFunc (S, &DOptPtrStore3, 1);
Changes += RunOptFunc (S, &DOptAdd3, 1); /* Before OptPtrLoad5! */
Changes += RunOptFunc (S, &DOptPtrLoad1, 1);
Changes += RunOptFunc (S, &DOptPtrLoad2, 1);