* and replace it by:
* lda xx
- * sta zzz
- * lda yy
* sta zzz+1
+ * lda yy
+ * sta zzz
* provided that that the X register is not used later. While this is
* no direct optimization, it helps with other optimizations.
!RegXUsed (L2[2])) {
/* Found - replace it */
- NewLineAfter (L2[1], "\tlda\t%s", L->Line+5);
- L2[2]->Line[3] = 'a';
- FreeLine (L);
- L = L2[2];
+ L->Line[3] = 'a';
+ NewLineAfter (L, "\tsta\t%s", L2[2]->Line+5);
+ FreeLine (L2[2]);
+ L = L2[1];
+ /* Search for:
+ *
+ * ldx xx
+ * lda yy
+ * ldy #$zz
+ * jsr staxysp
+ *
+ * and replace it by:
+ *
+ * lda xx
+ * ldy #$zz+1
+ * sta (sp),y
+ * dey
+ * lda yy
+ * sta (sp),y
+ *
+ * provided that that the X register is not used later. This code
+ * sequence is two bytes longer, but a lot faster and it does not
+ * use the X register, so other loads may get removed later.
+ */
+ } else if (LineMatch (L, "\tldx\t") &&
+ GetNextCodeLines (L, L2, 3) &&
+ LineMatch (L2 [0], "\tlda\t") &&
+ LineMatch (L2 [1], "\tldy\t#$") &&
+ LineFullMatch (L2 [2], "\tjsr\tstaxysp") &&
+ !RegXUsed (L2[2])) {
+ /* Found - replace it */
+ L->Line[3] = 'a';
+ L = NewLineAfter (L, "\tldy\t#$%02X", GetHexNum (L2[1]->Line+7)+1);
+ L = NewLineAfter (L, "\tsta\t(sp),y");
+ L = NewLineAfter (L, "\tdey");
+ L = NewLineAfter (L2[0], "\tsta\t(sp),y");
+ /* Remove the remaining lines */
+ FreeLines (L2[1], L2[2]);