As i3 uses keycodes in the default configuration, it does not matter which
keyboard layout you actually use. The key positions are what matters (of course
-you can also use keysymbols, see below).
+you can also use keysymbols, see <<keybindings>>).
The red keys are the modifiers you need to press (by default), the blue keys
are your homerow.
You can enable floating mode for a window by pressing +Mod1+Shift+Space+. By
dragging the window’s titlebar with your mouse you can move the window
-around. By grabbing the borders and moving them you can resize the window.
+around. By grabbing the borders and moving them you can resize the window. You
+can also do that by using the <<floating_modifier>>.
-Bindings for doing this with your keyboard will follow.
+For resizing floating windows with your keyboard, see <<resizingconfig>>.
Floating windows are always on top of tiling windows.
font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
=== Keyboard bindings
A keyboard binding makes i3 execute a command (see below) upon pressing a
bindings. For example, when typing, capslock+1 or capslock+2 for switching
workspaces is totally convenient. Try it :-).
=== The floating modifier
To move floating windows with your mouse, you can either grab their titlebar
exec sudo i3status | dzen2 -dock
-=== Automatically putting workspaces on specific screens
+=== Automatically putting workspaces on specific screens
If you assign clients to workspaces, it might be handy to put the
workspaces on specific screens. Also, the assignment of workspaces to screens
will determine which workspace i3 uses for a new screen when adding screens
bindsym Mod1+Shift+e exit
-== Multiple monitors
+== Multiple monitors
As you can see in the goal list on the website, i3 was specifically developed
with support for multiple monitors in mind. This section will explain how to
handle multiple monitors.