; 3. Special semantics: An interruptor called by callirq must tell by
; setting or resetting the carry flag if the interrupt has been handled
; (which means that the interrupt is no longer active at the interrupt
-; source). callirq will call no other interruptors if this happens.
+; source). callirq will call no other interruptors if this happens. To
+; simplify code, all interrupt routines will be called with carry clear
+; on entry.
; As the normal condes routine, this one has the limitation of 127 table
; entries.
ldy #.lobyte(__INTERRUPTOR_COUNT__*2)
- dey
+ clc ; Preset carry flag
+loop: dey
sta jmpvec+2 ; Modify code below
jmpvec: jsr $FFFF ; Patched at runtime
bcs done ; Bail out if interrupt handled
index: ldy #$FF ; Patched at runtime
- bne callirq_y
+ bne loop
done: rts