portSTACK_TYPE *pxPortInitialiseStack( portSTACK_TYPE * pxTopOfStack, pdTASK_CODE pxCode, void *pvParameters )
- /* For the time being, mimic the stack when using the
- __attribute__((interrupt)) plus the extra caller saved registers. */
- This leaves a buffer of two works unused. */
- pxTopOfStack -= 18;
+ /* Make space on the stack for the context - this leaves a couple of spaces
+ empty. */
+ pxTopOfStack -= 20;
- /* RTT */
- pxTopOfStack[ 16 ] = ( portSTACK_TYPE )pxCode;
- /* PSR */
+ /* Fill the registers with known values to assist debugging. */
pxTopOfStack[ 15 ] = portINITIAL_PSR;
- /* R14 and R15 aka FuncSP and LR, respectively */
- pxTopOfStack[ 14 ] = 0x00000000;
- pxTopOfStack[ 13 ] = ( portSTACK_TYPE )( pxTopOfStack + 17 );
- /* R7 to R2 */
- pxTopOfStack[ 12 ] = 0x07070707;
- pxTopOfStack[ 11 ] = 0x06060606;
- pxTopOfStack[ 10 ] = 0x05050505;
- pxTopOfStack[ 9 ] = 0x04040404;
- pxTopOfStack[ 8 ] = 0x03030303;
- pxTopOfStack[ 7 ] = ( portSTACK_TYPE )pvParameters;
- /* Set the Interrupt Priority on Task entry. */
- /* R13 to R8. */
- pxTopOfStack[ 5 ] = 0x0D0D0D0D;
- pxTopOfStack[ 4 ] = 0x0C0C0C0C;
- pxTopOfStack[ 3 ] = 0x0B0B0B0B;
- pxTopOfStack[ 2 ] = 0x0A0A0A0A;
- pxTopOfStack[ 1 ] = 0x09090909;
- pxTopOfStack[ 0 ] = 0x08080808;
+ pxTopOfStack[ 14 ] = ( unsigned long ) pxCode;
+ pxTopOfStack[ 13 ] = 0x00000000UL; /* R15. */
+ pxTopOfStack[ 12 ] = 0x00000000UL; /* R14. */
+ pxTopOfStack[ 11 ] = 0x0d0d0d0dUL;
+ pxTopOfStack[ 10 ] = 0x0c0c0c0cUL;
+ pxTopOfStack[ 9 ] = 0x0b0b0b0bUL;
+ pxTopOfStack[ 8 ] = 0x0a0a0a0aUL;
+ pxTopOfStack[ 7 ] = 0x09090909UL;
+ pxTopOfStack[ 6 ] = 0x08080808UL;
+ pxTopOfStack[ 5 ] = 0x07070707UL;
+ pxTopOfStack[ 4 ] = 0x06060606UL;
+ pxTopOfStack[ 3 ] = 0x05050505UL;
+ pxTopOfStack[ 2 ] = 0x04040404UL;
+ pxTopOfStack[ 1 ] = 0x03030303UL;
+ pxTopOfStack[ 0 ] = ( unsigned long ) pvParameters;
return pxTopOfStack;
/* Restore callee saved registers. */
- /* Mimic an ISR epilogue to start the task executing. */
- asm __volatile__( \
- "ldd r6, [r1]+0x20 \n" \
- "mov psr, r6 \n" \
- "mov rtt, r7 \n" \
- "ldd r14, [r1]+0x18 \n" \
- "ldq r4, [r1]+0x8 \n" \
- "ldd r2, [r1] \n" \
- "add r1, #0x28 \n" \
- "rti \n" \
- ); \
/* Should not get here. */
return 0;
-void interrupt_handler( portIRQ_TRAP_YIELD )
+/* Trap 31 handler. */
+void interrupt31_handler( void ) __attribute__((naked));
+void interrupt31_handler( void )
- /* Save remaining registers. */
- vTaskSwitchContext();
- /* Restore the first lot of registers, the remains will be restored when
- this function exits. */
+ __asm volatile ( "call vTaskSwitchContext" );
-/* Timer tick interrupt handler */
-void interrupt_handler( IRQ_COUNTER1 )
+static void prvProcessTick( void ) __attribute__((noinline));
+static void prvProcessTick( void )
#if configUSE_PREEMPTION == 1
/* Clear the Tick Interrupt. */
counter1->expired = 0;
+/* Timer 1 interrupt handler, used for tick interrupt. */
+void interrupt7_handler( void ) __attribute__((naked));
+void interrupt7_handler( void )
+ prvProcessTick();
#define portSTACK_GROWTH ( -1 )
#define portTICK_RATE_MS ( ( portTickType ) 1000 / configTICK_RATE_HZ )
#define portBYTE_ALIGNMENT 4
-#define portNOP() __asm__ volatile ( "mov r0,r0; nop" )
+#define portNOP() __asm__ volatile ( "mov r0, r0" )
#define portIRQ_TRAP_YIELD 31
-#define portYIELD_FROM_ISR() vTaskSwitchContext()
+#define portYIELD_FROM_ISR( xHigherPriorityTaskWoken ) if( xHigherPriorityTaskWoken != pdFALSE ) vTaskSwitchContext()
#define portSAVE_CONTEXT() \
- asm __volatile__( \
- "sub r1, #0x1c \n" /* Make space on the stack. */ \
- "stq r8, [r1] \n" /* Store the remaining context registers. */ \
- "std r12, [r1]+0x10 \n" \
- "movhi r2, #16384 \n" /* Set the pointer to the IC. */ \
- "ldub r3, [r2]+2 \n" /* Load the current interrupt mask. */ \
- "st r3, [r1]+0x18 \n" /* Store the interrupt mask on the stack. */ \
- "ld r2, [r0]+short(pxCurrentTCB) \n" /* Load the pointer to the TCB. */ \
- "st r1, [r2] \n" /* Save the stack pointer into the TCB. */ \
- "mov r14, r1 \n" /* Compiler expects r14 to be set to the function stack. */ \
- :::"r2","r3","r4","r5","r15" ); /* Clobber list includes all of the caller saved registers so that they are saved as part of the Interrupt handler pre-amble. */
+ asm __volatile__ \
+ ( \
+ "sub r1, #68 \n" /* Make space on the stack for the context. */ \
+ "std r2, [r1] + 0 \n" \
+ "stq r4, [r1] + 8 \n" \
+ "stq r8, [r1] + 24 \n" \
+ "stq r12, [r1] + 40 \n" \
+ "mov r6, rtt \n" \
+ "mov r7, psr \n" \
+ "std r6, [r1] + 56 \n" \
+ "movhi r2, #16384 \n" /* Set the pointer to the IC. */ \
+ "ldub r3, [r2] + 2 \n" /* Load the current interrupt mask. */ \
+ "st r3, [r1]+ 64 \n" /* Store the interrupt mask on the stack. */ \
+ "ld r2, [r0]+short(pxCurrentTCB) \n" /* Load the pointer to the TCB. */ \
+ "st r1, [r2] \n" /* Save the stack pointer into the TCB. */ \
+ "mov r14, r1 \n" /* Compiler expects r14 to be set to the function stack. */ \
+ );
-#define portRESTORE_CONTEXT() \
- asm __volatile__( \
- "ld r2, [r0]+short(pxCurrentTCB) \n" /* Load the TCB to find the stack pointer and context. */ \
- "ld r1, [r2] \n" \
- "movhi r2, #16384 \n" /* Set the pointer to the IC. */ \
- "ld r3, [r1]+0x18 \n" /* Load the previous interrupt mask. */ \
- "stb r3, [r2]+2 \n" /* Set the current interrupt mask to be the previous. */ \
- "ldd r12, [r1]+0x10 \n" /* Restore the callee saved registers. Caller saved registers are restored by the function exit. */ \
- "ldq r8, [r1] \n" \
- "add r1, #0x1c \n" \
- "mov r14, r1 \n" \
- );
+#define portRESTORE_CONTEXT() \
+ asm __volatile__( \
+ "ld r2, [r0]+short(pxCurrentTCB) \n" /* Load the TCB to find the stack pointer and context. */ \
+ "ld r1, [r2] \n" \
+ "movhi r2, #16384 \n" /* Set the pointer to the IC. */ \
+ "ld r3, [r1] + 64 \n" /* Load the previous interrupt mask. */ \
+ "stb r3, [r2] + 2 \n" /* Set the current interrupt mask to be the previous. */ \
+ "ldd r6, [r1] + 56 \n" /* Restore context. */ \
+ "mov rtt, r6 \n" \
+ "mov psr, r7 \n" \
+ "ldd r2, [r1] + 0 \n" \
+ "ldq r4, [r1] + 8 \n" \
+ "ldq r8, [r1] + 24 \n" \
+ "ldq r12, [r1] + 40 \n" \
+ "add r1, #68 \n" \
+ "rti \n" \
+ );