i3 testsuite
Michael Stapelberg <michael+i3@stapelberg.de>
-October 2011
+September 2011
This document explains how the i3 testsuite works, how to use it and extend it.
It is targeted at developers who not necessarily have been doing testing before
testcases by default, but you can be more specific and let it only run one or
more testcases. Also, it takes care of starting up a separate instance of i3
with an appropriate configuration file and creates a folder for each run
-containing the appropriate i3 logfile for each testcase. The latest folder can
-always be found under the symlink +latest/+. It is recommended that you run the
-tests on one or more separate X server instances (you can only start one window
-manager per X session), for example using the provided Xdummy script.
-+complete-run.pl+ takes one or more X11 display specifications and parallelizes
-the testcases appropriately:
+containing the appropriate i3 logfile for each testcase. The latest folder can
+always be found under the symlink +latest/+. Unless told differently, it will
+run the tests on a separate X server instance (using the Xdummy script).
.Example invocation of complete-run.pl+
$ cd ~/i3/testcases
-# start two dummy X11 instances in the background
-$ ./Xdummy :1 &
-$ ./Xdummy :2 &
-$ ./complete-run.pl -d :1,:2
+$ ./complete-run.pl
# output omitted because it is very long
All tests successful.
Files=78, Tests=734, 27 wallclock secs ( 0.38 usr 0.48 sys + 17.65 cusr 3.21 csys = 21.72 CPU)
Result: PASS
-$ ./complete-run.pl -d :1 t/04-floating.t
+$ ./complete-run.pl t/04-floating.t
[:3] i3 startup: took 0.07s, status = 1
[:3] Running t/04-floating.t with logfile testsuite-2011-09-24-16-06-04-4.0.2-226-g1eb011a/i3-log-for-04-floating.t
[:3] t/04-floating.t finished
├── testcases
│ ├── complete-run.pl
│ ├── i3-test.config
+│ ├── lib
+│ │ ├── i3test.pm
+│ │ ├── SocketActivation.pm
+│ │ └── StartXDummy.pm
│ ├── t
│ │ ├── 00-load.t
│ │ ├── 01-tile.t
│ │ ├── ...
│ │ ├── omitted for brevity
│ │ ├── ...
-│ │ ├── 74-regress-focus-toggle.t
-│ │ └── lib
-│ │ └── i3test.pm
+│ │ └── 74-regress-focus-toggle.t
│ └── Xdummy