use Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(update_some_files create_many_files check_multiple_copies
+ update_client $HOST $BASEPORT
$cwd $bin $scripts $conf $rscripts $tmp $working
$db_name $db_user $db_password $src $tmpsrc);
+use File::Copy qw/copy/;
our ($cwd, $bin, $scripts, $conf, $rscripts, $tmp, $working,
- $db_name, $db_user, $db_password, $src, $tmpsrc);
+ $db_name, $db_user, $db_password, $src, $tmpsrc, $HOST, $BASEPORT);
# start by loading the ./config file
$ENV{tmpsrc} = $tmpsrc = $ENV{tmpsrc} || "$cwd/tmp/build";
$ENV{working} = $working = $ENV{working} || "$cwd/working";
$ENV{rscripts} = $rscripts = $ENV{rscripts} || "$cwd/scripts";
+ $ENV{HOST} = $HOST = $ENV{HOST} || "localhost";
+# update client definition for the current test
+# it permits to test remote client
+sub update_client
+ my ($new_passwd, $new_address, $new_port) = @_;
+ my $in_client=0;
+ open(FP, "$conf/bacula-dir.conf") or die "can't open source $!";
+ open(NEW, ">$tmp/bacula-dir.conf.$$") or die "can't open dest $!";
+ while (my $l = <FP>) {
+ if (!$in_client && $l =~ /^Client {/) {
+ $in_client=1;
+ }
+ if ($in_client && $l =~ /Address/i) {
+ $l = "Address = $new_address\n";
+ }
+ if ($in_client && $l =~ /FDPort/i) {
+ $l = "FDPort = $new_port\n";
+ }
+ if ($in_client && $l =~ /Password/i) {
+ $l = "Password = \"$new_passwd\"\n";
+ }
+ if ($in_client && $l =~ /^}/) {
+ $in_client=0;
+ }
+ print NEW $l;
+ }
+ close(FP);
+ close(NEW);
+ my $ret = copy("$tmp/bacula-dir.conf.$$", "$conf/bacula-dir.conf");
+ unlink("$tmp/bacula-dir.conf.$$");
+ return $ret;
# open a directory and update all files