-; 2003-09-21, Piotr Fusik
-; 2017-02-07, Greg King
+; 2017-02-12, Piotr Fusik
; unsigned __fastcall__ inflatemem (char* dest, const char* source);
-; Two "lda (0,x)" instructions can't be assembled for the PC-Engine library
-; because an implied ".setdp $2000" changes $00 into a non-zero-page address.
-; Therefore, this file isn't assembled for that target.
-.ifndef __PCE__
+; NOTE: Be extremely careful with modifications, because this code is heavily
+; optimized for size (for example assumes certain register and flag values
+; when its internal routines return). Test with the gunzip65 sample.
.export _inflatemem
.import incsp2
- .importzp sp, sreg, ptr1, ptr2, ptr3, ptr4, tmp1
- .macpack cpu
+ .importzp sp, sreg, ptr1, ptr2, ptr3, ptr4
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Constants
-; Maximum length of a Huffman code.
-MAX_BITS = 15
-; All Huffman trees are stored in the bitsCount, bitsPointer_l
-; and bitsPointer_h arrays. There may be two trees: the literal/length tree
-; and the distance tree, or just one - the temporary tree.
+; Argument values for getBits.
+GET_1_BIT = $81
+GET_2_BITS = $82
+GET_3_BITS = $84
+GET_4_BITS = $88
+GET_5_BITS = $90
+GET_6_BITS = $a0
+GET_7_BITS = $c0
-; Index in the mentioned arrays for the beginning of the literal/length tree
-; or the temporary tree.
+; Huffman trees.
-; Index in the mentioned arrays for the beginning of the distance tree.
-; Size of each array.
+; Alphabet.
+LENGTH_SYMBOLS = 1+29+2 ; EOF, 29 length symbols, two unused symbols
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Pointer to the compressed data.
-inputPointer := ptr1 ; 2 bytes
+inputPointer := ptr1 ; 2 bytes
; Pointer to the uncompressed data.
-outputPointer := ptr2 ; 2 bytes
+outputPointer := ptr2 ; 2 bytes
; Local variables.
; As far as there is no conflict, same memory locations are used
; for different variables.
-inflateDynamicBlock_cnt := ptr3 ; 1 byte
-inflateCodes_src := ptr3 ; 2 bytes
-buildHuffmanTree_src := ptr3 ; 2 bytes
-getNextLength_last := ptr3 ; 1 byte
-getNextLength_index := ptr3+1 ; 1 byte
-buildHuffmanTree_ptr := ptr4 ; 2 bytes
-fetchCode_ptr := ptr4 ; 2 bytes
-getBits_tmp := ptr4 ; 1 byte
-moveBlock_len := sreg ; 2 bytes
-inflateDynamicBlock_np := sreg ; 1 byte
-inflateDynamicBlock_nd := sreg+1 ; 1 byte
-getBit_hold := tmp1 ; 1 byte
+inflateStored_pageCounter := ptr3 ; 1 byte
+inflateDynamic_symbol := ptr3 ; 1 byte
+inflateDynamic_lastLength := ptr3+1 ; 1 byte
+ .assert ptr4 = ptr3 + 2, error, "Need three bytes for inflateDynamic_tempCodes"
+inflateDynamic_tempCodes := ptr3+1 ; 3 bytes
+inflateDynamic_allCodes := inflateDynamic_tempCodes+1 ; 1 byte
+inflateDynamic_primaryCodes := inflateDynamic_tempCodes+2 ; 1 byte
+inflateCodes_sourcePointer := ptr3 ; 2 bytes
+inflateCodes_lengthMinus2 := ptr4 ; 1 byte
+getBits_base := sreg ; 1 byte
+getBit_buffer := sreg+1 ; 1 byte
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
sta inputPointer
stx inputPointer+1
; outputPointer = dest
-.if (.cpu & CPU_ISET_65SC02)
- lda (sp)
ldy #1
- ldy #0
- lda (sp),y
- iny
- sta outputPointer
lda (sp),y
sta outputPointer+1
+ dey
+ lda (sp),y
+ sta outputPointer
+; ldy #0
+ sty getBit_buffer
-; ldy #1
- sty getBit_hold
; Get a bit of EOF and two bits of block type
- ldx #3
- lda #0
+; ldy #0
+ sty getBits_base
+ lda #GET_3_BITS
jsr getBits
lsr a
; A and Z contain block type, C contains EOF flag
; Save EOF flag
-; Go to the routine decompressing this block
- jsr callExtr
+ bne inflateCompressed
+; Decompress a 'stored' data block.
+; ldy #0
+ sty getBit_buffer ; ignore bits until byte boundary
+ jsr getWord ; skip the length we don't need
+ jsr getWord ; get the two's complement length
+ sta inflateStored_pageCounter
+ bcs inflateStored_firstByte ; jmp
+ jsr getByte
+; sec
+ jsr storeByte
+ bcc inflateCodes_loop
+ inx
+ bne inflateStored_copyByte
+ inc inflateStored_pageCounter
+ bne inflateStored_copyByte
+; Block decompressed.
- bcc inflatemem_1
-; C flag is set!
+ bcc inflate_blockLoop
-; return outputPointer - dest;
+; Decompression complete.
+; return outputPointer - dest
lda outputPointer
-.if (.cpu & CPU_ISET_65SC02)
- sbc (sp) ; C flag is set
- ldy #1
- ldy #0
- sbc (sp),y ; C flag is set
+; ldy #0
+; sec
+ sbc (sp),y
lda outputPointer+1
sbc (sp),y
; pop dest
jmp incsp2
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Go to proper block decoding routine.
- bne inflateCompressedBlock
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Decompress a 'stored' data block.
-; Ignore bits until byte boundary
- ldy #1
- sty getBit_hold
-; Get 16-bit length
- ldx #inputPointer
- lda (0,x)
- sta moveBlock_len
- lda (inputPointer),y
- sta moveBlock_len+1
-; Skip the length and one's complement of it
- lda #4
- clc
- adc inputPointer
- sta inputPointer
- bcc moveBlock
- inc inputPointer+1
-; jmp moveBlock
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Copy block of length moveBlock_len from (0,x) to the output.
- ldy moveBlock_len
- beq moveBlock_1
-.if (.cpu & CPU_ISET_65SC02)
- ldy #0
- inc moveBlock_len+1
- lda (0,x)
-.if (.cpu & CPU_ISET_65SC02)
- sta (outputPointer)
- sta (outputPointer),y
- inc 0,x
- bne moveBlock_2
- inc 1,x
- inc outputPointer
- bne moveBlock_3
- inc outputPointer+1
-.if (.cpu & CPU_ISET_65SC02)
- dey
- dec moveBlock_len
- bne moveBlock_1
- dec moveBlock_len+1
- bne moveBlock_1
- rts
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Decompress a Huffman-coded data block
-; (A = 1: fixed, A = 2: dynamic).
+; A=1: fixed block, initialize with fixed codes
+; A=2: dynamic block, start by clearing all code lengths
+; A=3: invalid compressed data, not handled in this routine
+ eor #2
- lsr a
- bne inflateDynamicBlock
-; Note: inflateDynamicBlock may assume that A = 1
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Decompress a Huffman-coded data block with default Huffman trees
-; (defined by the DEFLATE format):
-; literalCodeLength: 144 times 8, 112 times 9
-; endCodeLength: 7
-; lengthCodeLength: 23 times 7, 6 times 8
-; distanceCodeLength: 30 times 5+DISTANCE_TREE, 2 times 8
-; (two 8-bit codes from the primary tree are not used).
- ldx #159
- stx distanceCodeLength+32
- lda #8
- sta literalCodeLength-1,x
- sta literalCodeLength+159-1,x
- dex
- bne inflateFixedBlock_1
- ldx #112
-; lda #9
- inc literalCodeLength+144-1,x ; sta
- dex
- bne inflateFixedBlock_2
- ldx #24
-; lda #7
- dec endCodeLength-1,x ; sta
- dex
- bne inflateFixedBlock_3
- ldx #30
- sta distanceCodeLength-1,x
- dex
- bne inflateFixedBlock_4
- beq inflateCodes ; branch always
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Decompress a Huffman-coded data block, reading Huffman trees first.
-; numberOfPrimaryCodes = 257 + getBits(5)
- ldx #5
-; lda #1
- jsr getBits
- sta inflateDynamicBlock_np
-; numberOfDistanceCodes = 1 + getBits(5)
- ldx #5
- lda #1+29+1
- jsr getBits
- sta inflateDynamicBlock_nd
-; numberOfTemporaryCodes = 4 + getBits(4)
- lda #4
+; ldy #0
- jsr getBits
- sta inflateDynamicBlock_cnt
-; Get lengths of temporary codes in the order stored in tempCodeLengthOrder
- txa ; lda #0
- tay
- ldx #3 ; A = 0
- jsr getBits ; does not change Y
- ldx tempCodeLengthOrder,y
- sta literalCodeLength,x
- lda #0
+ beq inflateCompressed_setLiteralCodeLength
+; fixed Huffman literal codes:
+; 144 8-bit codes
+; 112 9-bit codes
+ lda #4
+ cpy #144
+ rol a
+ sta literalSymbolCodeLength,y
+ beq inflateCompressed_setControlCodeLength
+; fixed Huffman control codes:
+; 24 7-bit codes
+; 6 8-bit codes
+; 2 meaningless 8-bit codes
+; 30 5-bit distance codes
+ bcs inflateCompressed_setControlCodeLength
+ cpy #24
+ adc #$100+2-DISTANCE_TREE
+ bcs inflateCompressed_noControlSymbol
+ sta controlSymbolCodeLength,y
- cpy inflateDynamicBlock_cnt
- bcc inflateDynamicBlock_1
- cpy #19
- bcc inflateDynamicBlock_2
- ror literalCodeLength+19 ; C flag is set, so this will set b7
-; Build the tree for temporary codes
- jsr buildHuffmanTree
+ bne inflateCompressed_setCodeLengths
-; Use temporary codes to get lengths of literal/length and distance codes
- ldx #0
- ldy #1
- stx getNextLength_last
- jsr getNextLength
- sta literalCodeLength,x
- inx
- bne inflateDynamicBlock_3
- jsr getNextLength
- sta endCodeLength,x
- inx
- cpx inflateDynamicBlock_np
- bcc inflateDynamicBlock_4
- lda #0
- cpx #1+29
- bcc inflateDynamicBlock_5
- jsr getNextLength
- cmp #0
- beq inflateDynamicBlock_7
- adc #DISTANCE_TREE-1 ; C flag is set
- sta endCodeLength,x
- inx
- cpx inflateDynamicBlock_nd
- bcc inflateDynamicBlock_6
- ror endCodeLength,x ; C flag is set, so this will set b7
-; jmp inflateCodes
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Decompress a data block basing on given Huffman trees.
+ tax
+ beq inflateDynamic
+; Decompress a block
jsr buildHuffmanTree
jsr fetchPrimaryCode
- bcs inflateCodes_2
-; Literal code
-.if (.cpu & CPU_ISET_65SC02)
- sta (outputPointer)
- ldy #0
- sta (outputPointer),y
- inc outputPointer
- bne inflateCodes_1
- inc outputPointer+1
- bcc inflateCodes_1 ; branch always
-; End of block
- rts
- beq inflateCodes_ret
-; Restore a block from the look-behind buffer
- jsr getValue
- sta moveBlock_len
+ bcc inflateStoreByte
+ beq inflate_nextBlock
+; Copy sequence from look-behind buffer
+; ldy #0
+ sty getBits_base
+ cmp #9
+ bcc inflateCodes_setSequenceLength
- jsr getBits
- sta moveBlock_len+1
+; lda #0
+ cpx #1+28
+ bcs inflateCodes_setSequenceLength
+ dex
+ txa
+ lsr a
+ ror getBits_base
+ inc getBits_base
+ lsr a
+ rol getBits_base
+ jsr getAMinus1BitsMax8
+; sec
+ adc #0
+ sta inflateCodes_lengthMinus2
jsr fetchCode
- jsr getValue
- sec
+ cmp #4
+ bcc inflateCodes_setOffsetLowByte
+ inc getBits_base
+ lsr a
+ jsr getAMinus1BitsMax8
eor #$ff
- adc outputPointer
- sta inflateCodes_src
- php
- tya
+ sta inflateCodes_sourcePointer
+ lda getBits_base
+ cpx #10
+ bcc inflateCodes_setOffsetHighByte
+ lda getNPlus1Bits_mask-10,x
jsr getBits
- plp
+ clc
eor #$ff
+; clc
adc outputPointer+1
- sta inflateCodes_src+1
- ldx #inflateCodes_src
- jsr moveBlock
- beq inflateCodes_1 ; branch always
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Build Huffman trees basing on code lengths (in bits).
-; stored in the *CodeLength arrays.
-; A byte with its highest bit set marks the end.
+ sta inflateCodes_sourcePointer+1
+ jsr copyByte
+ jsr copyByte
+ jsr copyByte
+ dec inflateCodes_lengthMinus2
+ bne inflateCodes_copyByte
+ beq inflateCodes_loop ; jmp
+; Decompress a block reading Huffman trees first
+; ldy #0
+; numberOfPrimaryCodes = 257 + getBits(5)
+; numberOfDistanceCodes = 1 + getBits(5)
+; numberOfTemporaryCodes = 4 + getBits(4)
+ ldx #3
+ lda inflateDynamic_headerBits-1,x
+ jsr getBits
+; sec
+ adc inflateDynamic_headerBase-1,x
+ sta inflateDynamic_tempCodes-1,x
+ dex
+ bne inflateDynamic_getHeader
- lda #<literalCodeLength
- sta buildHuffmanTree_src
- lda #>literalCodeLength
- sta buildHuffmanTree_src+1
-; Clear bitsCount and bitsPointer_l
- ldy #2*TREES_SIZE+1
- lda #0
- sta bitsCount-1,y
- dey
- bne buildHuffmanTree_1
- beq buildHuffmanTree_3 ; branch always
-; Count number of codes of each length
- tax
- inc bitsPointer_l,x
- iny
- bne buildHuffmanTree_3
- inc buildHuffmanTree_src+1
- lda (buildHuffmanTree_src),y
- bpl buildHuffmanTree_2
-; Calculate a pointer for each length
- ldx #0
- lda #<sortedCodes
- ldy #>sortedCodes
- clc
- sta bitsPointer_l,x
- tya
- sta bitsPointer_h,x
- lda bitsPointer_l+1,x
- adc bitsPointer_l,x ; C flag is zero
- bcc buildHuffmanTree_5
- iny
- inx
- bcc buildHuffmanTree_4
- lda #>literalCodeLength
- sta buildHuffmanTree_src+1
+; Get lengths of temporary codes in the order stored in inflateDynamic_tempSymbols
+; ldx #0
+ lda #GET_3_BITS
+ jsr getBits
+ ldy inflateDynamic_tempSymbols,x
+ sta literalSymbolCodeLength,y
ldy #0
- bcs buildHuffmanTree_9 ; branch always
-; Put codes into their place in sorted table
- beq buildHuffmanTree_7
- tax
- lda bitsPointer_l-1,x
- sta buildHuffmanTree_ptr
- lda bitsPointer_h-1,x
- sta buildHuffmanTree_ptr+1
- tya
- ldy bitsCount-1,x
- inc bitsCount-1,x
- sta (buildHuffmanTree_ptr),y
- tay
- iny
- bne buildHuffmanTree_9
- inc buildHuffmanTree_src+1
- ldx #MAX_BITS-1
- lda bitsCount,x
- sta literalCount,x
- dex
- bpl buildHuffmanTree_8
- lda (buildHuffmanTree_src),y
- bpl buildHuffmanTree_6
- rts
+ inx
+ cpx inflateDynamic_tempCodes
+ bcc inflateDynamic_getTempCodeLengths
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Decode next code length using temporary codes.
+; Build the tree for temporary codes
+ jsr buildHuffmanTree
- stx getNextLength_index
- dey
- bne getNextLength_1
+; Use temporary codes to get lengths of literal/length and distance codes
+; ldx #0
+; sec
+; C=1: literal codes
+; C=0: control codes
+ stx inflateDynamic_symbol
+ php
; Fetch a temporary code
jsr fetchPrimaryCode
; Temporary code 0..15: put this length
- ldy #1
- cmp #16
- bcc getNextLength_2
+ bpl inflateDynamic_storeLengths
; Temporary code 16: repeat last length 3 + getBits(2) times
; Temporary code 17: put zero length 3 + getBits(3) times
; Temporary code 18: put zero length 11 + getBits(7) times
- tay
- ldx tempExtraBits-16,y
- lda tempBaseValue-16,y
+ tax
jsr getBits
- cpy #17
+ cpx #GET_3_BITS
+ bcc inflateDynamic_code16
+ beq inflateDynamic_code17
+; sec
+ adc #7
+; ldy #0
+ sty inflateDynamic_lastLength
- txa ; lda #0
- bcs getNextLength_2
- lda getNextLength_last
- sta getNextLength_last
- ldx getNextLength_index
- rts
+ lda inflateDynamic_lastLength
+ iny
+ iny
+ iny
+ plp
+ ldx inflateDynamic_symbol
+ bcc inflateDynamic_controlSymbolCodeLength
+ sta literalSymbolCodeLength,x
+ inx
+ cpx #1
+ dey
+ bne inflateDynamic_storeLength
+ sta inflateDynamic_lastLength
+ beq inflateDynamic_decodeLength ; jmp
+ cpx inflateDynamic_primaryCodes
+ bcc inflateDynamic_storeControl
+; the code lengths we skip here were zero-initialized
+; in inflateCompressed_setControlCodeLength
+ bne inflateDynamic_noStartDistanceTree
+ sta controlSymbolCodeLength,x
+ inx
+ cpx inflateDynamic_allCodes
+ bcc inflateDynamic_storeNext
+ dey
+; ldy #0
+ jmp inflateCodes
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Read a code basing on the primary tree.
+; Build Huffman trees basing on code lengths (in bits)
+; stored in the *SymbolCodeLength arrays
+; Clear nBitCode_totalCount, nBitCode_literalCount, nBitCode_controlCount
+ tya
+; lda #0
+ sta nBitCode_clearFrom,y
+ iny
+ bne buildHuffmanTree_clear
+; Count number of codes of each length
+; ldy #0
+ ldx literalSymbolCodeLength,y
+ inc nBitCode_literalCount,x
+ inc nBitCode_totalCount,x
+ bcs buildHuffmanTree_noControlSymbol
+ ldx controlSymbolCodeLength,y
+ inc nBitCode_controlCount,x
+ inc nBitCode_totalCount,x
+ iny
+ bne buildHuffmanTree_countCodeLengths
+; Calculate offsets of symbols sorted by code length
+; lda #0
+ ldx #$100-3*TREE_SIZE
+ sta nBitCode_literalOffset+3*TREE_SIZE-$100,x
+ clc
+ adc nBitCode_literalCount+3*TREE_SIZE-$100,x
+ inx
+ bne buildHuffmanTree_calculateOffsets
+; Put symbols in their place in the sorted array
+; ldy #0
+ tya
+ ldx literalSymbolCodeLength,y
+ ldy nBitCode_literalOffset,x
+ inc nBitCode_literalOffset,x
+ sta codeToLiteralSymbol,y
+ tay
+ bcs buildHuffmanTree_noControlSymbol2
+ ldx controlSymbolCodeLength,y
+ ldy nBitCode_controlOffset,x
+ inc nBitCode_controlOffset,x
+ sta codeToControlSymbol,y
+ tay
+ iny
+ bne buildHuffmanTree_assignCode
+ rts
+; Read Huffman code using the primary tree
-; jmp fetchCode
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Read a code from input basing on the tree specified in X.
+; Read a code from input using the tree specified in X.
; Return low byte of this code in A.
-; For the literal/length tree, the C flag is set if the code is non-literal.
+; Return C flag reset for literal code, set for length code.
- lda #0
+; ldy #0
+ tya
jsr getBit
rol a
- sbc bitsCount-1,x
- bcs fetchCode_1
- adc bitsCount-1,x ; C flag is zero
- cmp literalCount-1,x
- sta fetchCode_ptr
- ldy bitsPointer_l-1,x
- lda bitsPointer_h-1,x
- sta fetchCode_ptr+1
- lda (fetchCode_ptr),y
+ sbc nBitCode_totalCount,x
+ bcs fetchCode_nextBit
+; clc
+ adc nBitCode_controlCount,x
+ bcs fetchCode_control
+; clc
+ adc nBitCode_literalOffset,x
+ tax
+ lda codeToLiteralSymbol,x
+ clc
+ rts
+; sec
+ adc nBitCode_controlOffset-1,x
+ tax
+ lda codeToControlSymbol-1,x
+ and #$1f ; make distance symbols zero-based
+ tax
+ sec
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Decode low byte of a value (length or distance), basing on the code in A.
-; The result is the base value for this code plus some bits read from input.
- tay
- ldx lengthExtraBits-1,y
- lda lengthBaseValue_l-1,y
- pha
- lda lengthBaseValue_h-1,y
- tay
- pla
-; jmp getBits
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Read X-bit number from the input and add it to A.
-; Increment Y if overflow.
-; If X > 8, read only 8 bits.
-; On return X holds number of unread bits: X = (X > 8 ? X - 8 : 0);
+; Read A minus 1 bits, but no more than 8
+ rol getBits_base
+ tax
+ cmp #9
+ bcs getByte
+ lda getNPlus1Bits_mask-2,x
- cpx #0
- beq getBits_ret
-.if (.cpu & CPU_ISET_65SC02)
- stz getBits_tmp
- dec getBits_tmp
- pha
- lda #$ff
- sta getBits_tmp
- pla
- jsr getBit
- bcc getBits_2
- sbc getBits_tmp ; C flag is set
- bcc getBits_2
- iny
- dex
- beq getBits_ret
- asl getBits_tmp
- bmi getBits_1
+ jsr getBits_loop
+ lsr getBits_base
+ ror a
+ bcc getBits_normalizeLoop
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Read a single bit from input, return it in the C flag.
+; Read 16 bits
+ jsr getByte
+ tax
+; Read 8 bits
+ lda #$80
+ jsr getBit
+ ror a
+ bcc getBits_loop
+ rts
+; Read one bit, return in the C flag
- lsr getBit_hold
- bne getBit_ret
+ lsr getBit_buffer
+ bne getBit_return
-.if (.cpu & CPU_ISET_65SC02)
- lda (inputPointer)
- sty getBit_hold
- ldy #0
+; ldy #0
lda (inputPointer),y
- ldy getBit_hold
inc inputPointer
- bne getBit_1
+ bne getBit_samePage
inc inputPointer+1
- ror a ; (C flag was set)
- sta getBit_hold
+ sec
+ ror a
+ sta getBit_buffer
+ rts
+; Copy a previously written byte
+ ldy outputPointer
+ lda (inflateCodes_sourcePointer),y
+ ldy #0
+; Write a byte
+; ldy #0
+ sta (outputPointer),y
+ inc outputPointer
+ bne storeByte_return
+ inc outputPointer+1
+ inc inflateCodes_sourcePointer+1
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Arrays for the temporary codes.
-; Order, in which lengths of the temporary codes are stored.
- .byte 16,17,18,0,8,7,9,6,10,5,11,4,12,3,13,2,14,1,15
-; Base values.
- .byte 3,3,11
-; Number of extra bits to read.
- .byte 2,3,7
+ .byte GET_2_BITS,GET_3_BITS,GET_7_BITS,0,8,7,9,6,10,5,11,4,12,3,13,2,14,1,15
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Arrays for the length and distance codes.
-; Base values.
- .byte <3,<4,<5,<6,<7,<8,<9,<10
- .byte <11,<13,<15,<17,<19,<23,<27,<31
- .byte <35,<43,<51,<59,<67,<83,<99,<115
- .byte <131,<163,<195,<227,<258
- .byte <1,<2,<3,<4,<5,<7,<9,<13
- .byte <17,<25,<33,<49,<65,<97,<129,<193
- .byte <257,<385,<513,<769,<1025,<1537,<2049,<3073
- .byte <4097,<6145,<8193,<12289,<16385,<24577
- .byte >3,>4,>5,>6,>7,>8,>9,>10
- .byte >11,>13,>15,>17,>19,>23,>27,>31
- .byte >35,>43,>51,>59,>67,>83,>99,>115
- .byte >131,>163,>195,>227,>258
- .byte >1,>2,>3,>4,>5,>7,>9,>13
- .byte >17,>25,>33,>49,>65,>97,>129,>193
- .byte >257,>385,>513,>769,>1025,>1537,>2049,>3073
- .byte >4097,>6145,>8193,>12289,>16385,>24577
-; Number of extra bits to read.
- .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- .byte 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2
- .byte 3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4
- .byte 5,5,5,5,0
- .byte 0,0,0,0,1,1,2,2
- .byte 3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6
- .byte 7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10
- .byte 11,11,12,12,13,13
+ .byte 3,LENGTH_SYMBOLS,0
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Number of literal codes of each length in the primary tree
-; (MAX_BITS bytes, overlap with literalCodeLength).
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Data for building the primary tree.
+; Data for building trees.
-; Lengths of literal codes.
.res 256
-; Length of the end code.
- .res 1
-; Lengths of length codes.
- .res 29
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Data for building the distance tree.
-; Lengths of distance codes.
- .res 30
-; For two unused codes in the fixed trees and an 'end' mark.
- .res 3
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; The Huffman trees.
-; Number of codes of each length.
-; Pointers to sorted codes of each length.
- .res TREES_SIZE+1
-; Sorted codes.
- .res 256+1+29+30+2
+; Huffman trees.
+ .res 2*TREE_SIZE
+ .res TREE_SIZE
+ .res 2*TREE_SIZE
+ .res TREE_SIZE
+ .res 2*TREE_SIZE
+ .res 256