--- /dev/null
+LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) Gordon Good
+INTERNET-DRAFT Netscape Communications
+ 22 February 1999
+ The LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) - Technical Specification
+ Filename: draft-good-ldap-ldif-03.txt
+Status of this Memo
+ This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance
+ with all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026.
+ Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
+ Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that
+ other groups may also distribute working documents as
+ Internet-Drafts.
+ Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
+ months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other
+ documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-
+ Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as
+ "work in progress."
+ To view the list Internet-Draft Shadow Directories, see
+ http://www.ietf.org/shadow.html.
+ This Internet Draft expires August 22nd, 1999.
+ This document describes a file format suitable for describing
+ directory information or modifications made to directory information.
+ The file format, known as LDIF, for LDAP Data Interchange Format, is
+ typically used to import and export directory information between
+ LDAP-based directory servers, or to describe a set of changes which
+ are to be applied to a directory.
+Background and Intended Usage
+ There are a number of situations where a common interchange format is
+ desirable. For example, one might wish to export a copy of the
+ contents of a directory server to a file, move that file to a
+ different machine, and import the contents into a second directory
+ server.
+ Additionally, by using a well-defined interchange format, development
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+INTERNET-DRAFT LDAP Data Interchange Format 22 February 1999
+ of data import tools from legacy systems is facilitated. A fairly
+ simple set of tools written in awk or perl can, for example, convert
+ a database of personnel information into an LDIF file. Thie file can
+ then be imported into a directory server, regardless of the internal
+ database representation the target directory server uses.
+ The LDIF format was originally developed and used in the University
+ of Michigan LDAP implementation. The first use of LDIF was in
+ describing directory entries. Later, the format was expanded to
+ allow representation of changes to directory entries.
+ Relationship to the application/directory MIME content-type:
+ The application/directory MIME content-type [1] is a general
+ framework and format for conveying directory information, and is
+ independent of any particular directory service. The LDIF format is
+ a simpler format which is perhaps easier to create, and also may also
+ be used, as noted, to describe a set of changes to be applied to a
+ directory.
+ The key words "MUST", "MAY", and "SHOULD" used in this document are
+ to be interpreted as described in [7].
+Definition of the LDAP Data Interchange Format
+ The LDIF format is used to convey directory information, or a
+ description of a set of changes made to directory entries. An LDIF
+ file consists of a series of records separated by line separators. A
+ record consists of a sequence of lines describing a directory entry,
+ or a sequence of lines describing a set of changes to a directory
+ entry. An LDIF file specifies a set of directory entries, or a set
+ of changes to be applied to directory entries, but not both.
+ There is a one-to-one correlation between LDAP operations which
+ modify the directory (add, delete, modify, and modrdn), and the types
+ of changerecords described below ("add", "delete", "modify", and
+ "modrdn" or "moddn"). This correspondence is intentional, and
+ permits a straightforward translation from LDIF changerecords to
+ protocol operations.
+Formal Syntax Definition of LDIF
+ The following definition uses the augmented Backus-Naur Form
+ specified in RFC 822 [2].
+ ldif-file = ldif-content / ldif-changes
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+INTERNET-DRAFT LDAP Data Interchange Format 22 February 1999
+ ldif-content = version-spec 1*SEP
+ ldif-attrval-record *(1*SEP ldif-attrval-record)
+ ldif-changes = version-spec 1*SEP
+ ldif-change-record *(1*SEP ldif-change-record)
+ ldif-attrval-record = dn-spec SEP 1*(attrval-spec SEP)
+ ldif-change-record = dn-spec SEP 1*(changerecord SEP)
+ version-spec = "version:" *SPACE version-number
+ version-number = 1*DIGIT ; version-number MUST be "1" for the
+ ; LDIF format described in this document.
+ dn-spec = ("dn:" *SPACE dn) / ("dn::" *SPACE base64-dn)
+ dn = <a distinguished name, as defined in RFC 2253 [3]>
+ base64-dn = <a dn which has been base-64 encoded, as
+ defined in RFC 1521 [5]>
+ rdn = <a relative distinguished name, as defined in RFC
+ 2253 [3]>
+ base64-rdn = <an rdn which has been base-64 encoded, as
+ defined in RFC 1521 [5]>
+ attrval-spec = attribute-description ((":") / (":" *SPACE value) /
+ ("::" *SPACE base64-value) /
+ (":<" *SPACE url))
+ url = <a Uniform Resource Locator, as defined in [6]>
+ ; (See Note 6, below)
+ attribute-description = <an attribute description, as defined in [4].
+ An attribute description MAY NOT contain a
+ colon ":">
+ value = 1*safe-initval *safe
+ ; (See Note 9, below)
+ safe = <any value except CR or LF>
+ safe-initval = <any value except CR, LF, colon (":", ASCII 58
+ decimal), SPACE, and less-than ("<" , ASCII 60
+ decimal)>
+ base64-value = <base-64-encoded value, as defined in RFC 1521 [5]>
+ changerecord = change-add / change-delete / change-modify /
+ change-moddn
+ change-add = "changetype:" *SPACE "add" 1*(SEP attrval-spec)
+ change-delete = "changetype:" *SPACE "delete"
+ change-moddn = "changetype:" *SPACE ("modrdn" / "moddn") SEP
+ ("newrdn:" *SPACE rdn /
+ "newrdn::" *SPACE base-64-rdn) SEP
+ "deleteoldrdn:" *SPACE ("0" / "1")
+ 0,1*(SEP (("newsuperior:" *SPACE dn) /
+ ("newsuperior::" *SPACE base-64-dn)))
+ change-modify = "changetype:" *SPACE "modify" 1*(SEP mod-spec)
+ mod-spec = mod-add-spec / mod-delete-spec / mod-replace-spec
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+INTERNET-DRAFT LDAP Data Interchange Format 22 February 1999
+ mod-add-spec = "add:" *SPACE attribute-description
+ 1*(SEP attrval-spec) SEP "-"
+ mod-delete-spec = "delete:" *SPACE attribute-description
+ *(SEP attrval-spec) SEP "-"
+ mod-replace-spec = "replace:" *SPACE attribute-description
+ *(SEP attrval-spec) SEP "-"
+ SPACE = <ASCII SP, space>
+ SEP = (CR LF / LF)
+ CR = <ASCII CR, carriage return>
+ LF = <ASCII LF, line feed>
+ DIGIT = <any ASCII decimal digit (60 - 71 decimal) >
+ Notes on LDIF Syntax
+ 1) For the LDIF format described in this document, the version number
+ MUST be "1". If the version number is absent, implementations MAY
+ choose to interpret the contents as an older LDIF file format,
+ supported by the University of Michigan ldap-3.3 implementation [8].
+ 2) Any line, including comment lines, in an LDIF file MAY be wrapped
+ by inserting a line separator (SEP) and a SPACE. Any line which
+ begins with a single space MUST be treated as a continuation of the
+ previous line. When joining folded lines, exactly one space character
+ at the beginning of each continued line must be discarded.
+ 3) Any line which begins with a pound-sign ("#", ASCII 35) is a
+ comment line, and MUST be ignored when parsing an LDIF file.
+ 4) Any dn or value which contains characters other than those defined
+ as "safe", or begins with a character other than those defined as
+ "safe-initval", above, MUST be base-64 encoded. Other values MAY be
+ base-64 encoded.
+ 5) To represent a zero-length attribute value, use an attrval-spec of
+ "attribute-description:". For example, "seeAlso:" represents a
+ zero-length "seeAlso" attribute value.
+ 6) When a URL is specified in an attrval-spec, the following
+ conventions apply:
+ a) Implementations SHOULD support the file:// URL format. The
+ contents of the referenced file are to be included verbatim
+ in the interpreted output of the LDIF file.
+ b) Implementations MAY support other URL formats. The semantics
+ associated with each supported URL will be documented in
+ an associated Applicability Statement.
+ 7) While it is permissible for character values larger than 126 to be
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+INTERNET-DRAFT LDAP Data Interchange Format 22 February 1999
+ contained in an attribute value, implementations SHOULD base-64
+ encode any value which contains such characters when generating LDIF.
+ However, implementations MAY leave the values unencoded. This
+ relaxation is designed to allow editing of LDIF files containing
+ UTF-8 data.
+ 8) Attribute values contained in LDIF files represent directory data,
+ and therefore MUST be valid UTF-8 strings. Implementations which read
+ LDIF MAY interpret files in which the values are stored in some other
+ character set encoding, but implementations MUST NOT generate LDIF
+ content which does not contain valid UTF-8 data.
+ 9) Values that end with SPACE SHOULD be base-64 encoded.
+Examples of LDAP Data Interchange Format
+ Example 1: An simple LDAP file with two entries
+ version: 1
+ dn: cn=Barbara Jensen, ou=Product Development, dc=airius, dc=com
+ objectclass: top
+ objectclass: person
+ objectclass: organizationalPerson
+ cn: Barbara Jensen
+ cn: Barbara J Jensen
+ cn: Babs Jensen
+ sn: Jensen
+ uid: bjensen
+ telephonenumber: +1 408 555 1212
+ description: A big sailing fan.
+ dn: cn=Bjorn Jensen, ou=Accounting, dc=airius, dc=com
+ objectclass: top
+ objectclass: person
+ objectclass: organizationalPerson
+ cn: Bjorn Jensen
+ sn: Jensen
+ telephonenumber: +1 408 555 1212
+ Example 2: A file containing an entry with a folded attribute value
+ version: 1
+ dn:cn=Barbara Jensen, ou=Product Development, dc=airius, dc=com
+ objectclass:top
+ objectclass:person
+ objectclass:organizationalPerson
+ cn:Barbara Jensen
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+INTERNET-DRAFT LDAP Data Interchange Format 22 February 1999
+ cn:Barbara J Jensen
+ cn:Babs Jensen
+ sn:Jensen
+ uid:bjensen
+ telephonenumber:+1 408 555 1212
+ description:Babs is a big sailing fan, and travels extensively in search of
+ perfect sailing conditions.
+ title:Product Manager, Rod and Reel Division
+ Example 3: A file containing a base-64-encoded value
+ version: 1
+ dn: cn=Gern Jensen, ou=Product Testing, dc=airius, dc=com
+ objectclass: top
+ objectclass: person
+ objectclass: organizationalPerson
+ cn: Gern Jensen
+ cn: Gern O Jensen
+ sn: Jensen
+ uid: gernj
+ telephonenumber: +1 408 555 1212
+ description:: V2hhdCBhIGNhcmVmdWwgcmVhZGVyIHlvdSBhcmUhICBUaGlzIHZhbHVlIGlzIGJ
+ hc2UtNjQtZW5jb2RlZCBiZWNhdXNlIGl0IGhhcyBhIGNvbnRyb2wgY2hhcmFjdGVyIGluIGl0ICh
+ hIENSKS4NICBCeSB0aGUgd2F5LCB5b3Ugc2hvdWxkIHJlYWxseSBnZXQgb3V0IG1vcmUu
+ Example 4: A file containing an entries with UTF-8-encoded attribute
+ values, including language tags. Comments indicate the contents
+ of UTF-8-encoded attributes and distinguished names.
+ version: 1
+ dn:: b3U95Za25qWt6YOoLG89QWlyaXVz
+ # dn:: ou=<JapaneseOU>,o=Airius
+ objectclass: top
+ objectclass: organizationalUnit
+ ou:: 5Za25qWt6YOo
+ # ou:: <JapaneseOU>
+ ou;lang-ja:: 5Za25qWt6YOo
+ # ou;lang-ja:: <JapaneseOU>
+ ou;lang-ja;phonetic:: 44GI44GE44GO44KH44GG44G2
+ # ou;lang-ja:: <JapaneseOU_in_phonetic_representation>
+ ou;lang-en: Sales
+ description: Japanese office
+ dn:: dWlkPXJvZ2FzYXdhcmEsb3U95Za25qWt6YOoLG89QWlyaXVz
+ # dn:: uid=<uid>,ou=<JapaneseOU>,o=Airius
+ userpassword: {SHA}O3HSv1MusyL4kTjP+HKI5uxuNoM=
+ objectclass: top
+ objectclass: person
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+INTERNET-DRAFT LDAP Data Interchange Format 22 February 1999
+ objectclass: organizationalPerson
+ objectclass: inetOrgPerson
+ uid: rogasawara
+ mail: rogasawara@airius.co.jp
+ givenname;lang-ja:: 44Ot44OJ44OL44O8
+ # givenname;lang-ja:: <JapaneseGivenname>
+ sn;lang-ja:: 5bCP56yg5Y6f
+ # sn;lang-ja:: <JapaneseSn>
+ cn;lang-ja:: 5bCP56yg5Y6fIOODreODieODi+ODvA==
+ # cn;lang-ja:: <JapaneseCn>
+ title;lang-ja:: 5Za25qWt6YOoIOmDqOmVtw==
+ # title;lang-ja:: <JapaneseTitle>
+ preferredlanguage: ja
+ givenname:: 44Ot44OJ44OL44O8
+ # givenname:: <JapaneseGivenname>
+ sn:: 5bCP56yg5Y6f
+ # sn:: <JapaneseSn>
+ cn:: 5bCP56yg5Y6fIOODreODieODi+ODvA==
+ # cn:: <JapaneseCn>
+ title:: 5Za25qWt6YOoIOmDqOmVtw==
+ # title:: <JapaneseTitle>
+ givenname;lang-ja;phonetic:: 44KN44Gp44Gr44O8
+ # givenname;lang-ja;phonetic::
+ <JapaneseGivenname_in_phonetic_representation_kana>
+ sn;lang-ja;phonetic:: 44GK44GM44GV44KP44KJ
+ # sn;lang-ja;phonetic:: <JapaneseSn_in_phonetic_representation_kana>
+ cn;lang-ja;phonetic:: 44GK44GM44GV44KP44KJIOOCjeOBqeOBq+ODvA==
+ # cn;lang-ja;phonetic:: <JapaneseCn_in_phonetic_representation_kana>
+ title;lang-ja;phonetic:: 44GI44GE44GO44KH44GG44G2IOOBtuOBoeOCh+OBhg==
+ # title;lang-ja;phonetic:: <JapaneseTitle_in_phonetic_representation_kana>
+ givenname;lang-en: Rodney
+ sn;lang-en: Ogasawara
+ cn;lang-en: Rodney Ogasawara
+ title;lang-en: Sales, Director
+ Example 5: A file containing a reference to an external file
+ version: 1
+ dn: cn=Horatio Jensen, ou=Product Testing, dc=airius, dc=com
+ objectclass: top
+ objectclass: person
+ objectclass: organizationalPerson
+ cn: Horatio Jensen
+ cn: Horatio N Jensen
+ sn: Jensen
+ uid: hjensen
+ telephonenumber: +1 408 555 1212
+ jpegphoto:< file:///usr/local/directory/photos/hjensen.jpg
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+INTERNET-DRAFT LDAP Data Interchange Format 22 February 1999
+ Example 6: A file containing a series of change records and comments
+ version: 1
+ # Add a new entry
+ dn: cn=Fiona Jensen, ou=Marketing, dc=airius, dc=com
+ changetype: add
+ objectclass: top
+ objectclass: person
+ objectclass: organizationalPerson
+ cn: Fiona Jensen
+ sn: Jensen
+ uid: fiona
+ telephonenumber: +1 408 555 1212
+ jpegphoto:< file:///usr/local/directory/photos/fiona.jpg
+ # Delete an existing entry
+ dn: cn=Robert Jensen, ou=Marketing, dc=airius, dc=com
+ changetype: delete
+ # Modify an entry's relative distinguished name
+ dn: cn=Paul Jensen, ou=Product Development, dc=airius, dc=com
+ changetype: modrdn
+ newrdn: cn=Paula Jensen
+ deleteoldrdn: 1
+ # Rename an entry and move all of its children to a new location in
+ # the directory tree (only implemented by LDAPv3 servers).
+ dn: ou=PD Accountants, ou=Product Development, dc=airius, dc=com
+ changetype: modrdn
+ newrdn: ou=Product Development Accountants
+ deleteoldrdn: 0
+ newsuperior: ou=Accounting, dc=airius, dc=com
+ # Modify an entry: add an additional value to the postaladdress attribute,
+ # completely delete the description attribute, replace the telephonenumber
+ # attribute with two values, and delete a specific value from the
+ # facsimiletelephonenumber attribute
+ dn: cn=Paula Jensen, ou=Product Development, dc=airius, dc=com
+ changetype: modify
+ add: postaladdress
+ postaladdress: 123 Anystreet $ Sunnyvale, CA $ 94086
+ -
+ delete: description
+ -
+ replace: telephonenumber
+ telephonenumber: +1 408 555 1234
+ telephonenumber: +1 408 555 5678
+ -
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+INTERNET-DRAFT LDAP Data Interchange Format 22 February 1999
+ delete: facsimiletelephonenumber
+ facsimiletelephonenumber: +1 408 555 9876
+ -
+Security Considerations
+ Given typical directory applications, an LDIF file is likely to
+ contain sensitive personal data. Appropriate measures should be
+ taken to protect the privacy of those persons whose data is contained
+ in an LDIF file.
+ Since ":<" directives can cause external content to be included when
+ processing an LDIF file, one should be cautious of accepting LDIF
+ files from external sources. A "trojan" LDIF file could name a file
+ with sensitive contents and cause it to be included in a directory
+ entry, which a hostile entity could read via LDAP.
+ LDIF does not provide any method for carrying authentication
+ information with an LDIF file. Users of LDIF files must take care to
+ verify the integrity of an LDIF file received from an external
+ source.
+Appendix A: Differences from previous versions of this document
+ This section summarizes the differences between previous revisions of
+ this draft, as an aid to document reviewers. This section will be
+ deleted prior to publication as an RFC.
+ Differences between draft-ietf-asid-ldif-00.txt and draft-ietf-asid-
+ ldif-01.txt
+ 1) The BNF has been modified to explicitly disallow ldif content and
+ change records in the same file. In other words, a given LDIF file
+ is either a series of directory entries, or a series of
+ modifications. An LDIF file MUST NOT contain both types of records.
+ 2) External references are now URLs, instead of simple filenames.
+ 3) The BNF has been modified to allow base-64-encoded distinguished
+ names.
+ 4) Multiple separators are now permitted between records.
+ Differences between draft-ietf-asid-ldif-01.txt and draft-ietf-asid-
+ ldif-02.txt
+ 1) The BNF has been modified such that a simple attribute name
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+INTERNET-DRAFT LDAP Data Interchange Format 22 February 1999
+ ("attrname") has been replaced with an "attribute-description" as
+ defined in the LDAPv3 protocol document [4]. This permits language
+ codes and other attribute options to be carried in an LDIF file.
+ 2) A new option, "charset", may be used in attribute descriptions.
+ This facilitates multi-lingual character set conversion.
+ 3) The definition of the "safe" and "safe-initval" productions has
+ been relaxed to allow non-ASCII characters with values greater than
+ 126. This permits more natural expression of character sets such as
+ Latin-1 in LDIF files.
+ Differences between draft-ietf-asid-ldif-02.txt and draft-good-ldap-
+ ldif-00.txt
+ 1) The "charset-option" and "charset-name" productions were removed
+ from the BNF, due to objections within the working group. UTF-8 is
+ the only character set which may be used in LDIF.
+ 2) Examples were reworked to reflect the above change, and to include
+ an example of a non-western language represented in UTF-8.
+ Differences between draft-ietf-good-ldif-00.txt and draft-good-ldap-
+ ldif-01.txt
+ 1) Added version identifiers to the examples - they were missing.
+ 2) Clarified that LDIF file must use UTF-8.
+ Differences between draft-ietf-good-ldif-01.txt and draft-good-ldap-
+ ldif-02.txt
+ 1) Added a recommendation that values ending in SPACE should be
+ base-64 encoded.
+ 2) Clarified the procedure for joining folded lines.
+ 3) Updated header to reflect new IETF I-D guidelines.
+ Differences between draft-ietf-good-ldif-02.txt and draft-good-ldap-
+ ldif-03.txt
+ 1) Fixed reference from RFC 1779 to RFC 2253.
+ 2) Version string is now required.
+ 3) Comment lines may be folded (this is now explicitly mentioned in
+ note 2).
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+INTERNET-DRAFT LDAP Data Interchange Format 22 February 1999
+ 4) Moved this section (differences between draft versions) to an
+ appendix.
+ 5) Updated examples to use "dc=airius, dc=com" instead of "o=Ace
+ Industry, c=US"
+ 6) Cleaned up references section.
+ The LDAP Interchange Format was developed as part of the University
+ of Michigan LDAP reference implementation, and was developed by Tim
+ Howes, Mark Smith, and Gordon Good. It is based in part upon work
+ supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. NCR-
+ 9416667.
+ [1] Howes, T., Smith, M., "A MIME Content-Type for Directory Infor-
+ mation", RFC 2425, September 1998,
+ <URL:http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2245.txt>
+ [2] Crocker, D.H., "Standard for the Format of ARPA Internet Text
+ Messages", RFC 822, August 1982,
+ <URL:http://ds.internic.net/rfc/rfc822.txt>
+ [3] Wahl, M., Kille, S., Howes, T., "A String Representation of Dis-
+ tinguished Names", RFC 2253,
+ <URL:http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2253.txt>
+ [4] Wahl, M., Howes, T., Kille, S., "Lightweight Directory Access
+ Protocol (v3)", RFC 2251, July, 1997,
+ <URL:ftp://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2251.txt>
+ [5] Borenstein, N., Freed, N., "MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail
+ Extensions) Part One: Mechanisms for Specifying and Describing
+ the Format of Internet Message Bodies", section 5.2, "Base64
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding", RFC 1521, December 1993,
+ <URL:http://ds.internic.net/rfc/rfc1521.txt>
+ [6] T. Berners-Lee, L. Masinter, M. McCahill, "Uniform Resource
+ Locators (URL)", RFC 1738, December 1994,
+ <URL:http://ds.internic.net/rfc/rfc1738.txt>
+ [7] S. Bradner, "Key Words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement
+Good February 22, 1999 [Page 11]
+INTERNET-DRAFT LDAP Data Interchange Format 22 February 1999
+ Levels", Harvard University, RFC 2119, March 1997,
+ <URL:http://ds.internic.net/rfc/rfc2119.txt>
+ [8] The SLAPD and SLURPD Administrators Guide. University of Michi-
+ gan, April 1996. <URL:
+ http://www.umich.edu/~dirsvcs/ldap/doc/guides/slapd/toc.html>
+Author's Address
+ Gordon Good
+ Netscape Communications Corp.
+ 501 E. Middlefield Rd.
+ Mailstop MV068
+ Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
+ Phone: +1 650 937-3825
+ EMail: ggood@netscape.com
+ This Internet Draft expires August 22nd, 1999.
+Good February 22, 1999 [Page 12]