class Bweb extends DB {
- var $StartDate;
- var $EndDate;
- var $driver;
+ var $StartDate;
+ var $EndDate;
+ var $driver;
var $dbs;
var $dbs_name;
- function Bweb() {
- $conf = new Config_File (CONFIG_DIR);
+ public $db_link; // Database link
+ private $db_dsn; // Data Source Name
+ private $config_file; // Config filename
+ private $config; // Loaded config from bacula.conf
+ private $catalogs = array(); // Catalog array
+ function __construct()
+ {
+ $this->catalogs = array();
+ // Loading configuration
+ $this->config_file = getcwd() . '/configs/bacula.conf';
+ if( !$this->load_config() )
+ die( "Unable to load configuration");
+ //echo "Number of catalog defined " . count($this->catalogs) . "<br />";
+ /*
+ $conf = new Config_File (CONFIG_DIR);
$this->dbs = array();
$i = 2;
$sections = $conf->get(CONFIG_FILE,"DATABASE","host");
array_push($this->dbs, "DATABASE");
while ( !empty($sections) ) {
$sections = $conf->get(CONFIG_FILE,"DATABASE".$i,"host");
if ( !empty($sections) )
- $this->dsn['hostspec'] = $conf->get(CONFIG_FILE,$sec,"host");
- $this->dsn['username'] = $conf->get(CONFIG_FILE,$sec,"login");
- $this->dsn['password'] = $conf->get(CONFIG_FILE,$sec,"pass");
- $this->dsn['database'] = $conf->get(CONFIG_FILE,$sec,"db_name");
- $this->dsn['phptype'] = $conf->get(CONFIG_FILE,$sec,"db_type"); // mysql, pgsql
- if ( $conf->get(CONFIG_FILE,$sec,"db_port") )
- $this->dsn[port] = $conf->get(CONFIG_FILE,$sec,"db_port");
- $this->link =& $this->connect($this->dsn);
- if (DB::isError($this->link))
- die($this->link->getMessage());
- $this->driver = $this->dsn['phptype'];
- register_shutdown_function(array(&$this,'close'));
- $this->dbs_name = $this->dsn['database'];
+ $this->dsn['hostspec'] = $conf->get(CONFIG_FILE,$sec,"host");
+ $this->dsn['username'] = $conf->get(CONFIG_FILE,$sec,"login");
+ $this->dsn['password'] = $conf->get(CONFIG_FILE,$sec,"pass");
+ $this->dsn['database'] = $conf->get(CONFIG_FILE,$sec,"db_name");
+ $this->dsn['phptype'] = $conf->get(CONFIG_FILE,$sec,"db_type"); // mysql, pgsql
+ if ( $conf->get(CONFIG_FILE,$sec,"db_port") )
+ $this->dsn[port] = $conf->get(CONFIG_FILE,$sec,"db_port");
+ */
+ // Construct a valid dsn
+ $this->db_dsn['hostspec'] = $this->catalogs[0]["host"];
+ $this->db_dsn['username'] = $this->catalogs[0]["login"];
+ $this->db_dsn['password'] = $this->catalogs[0]["pass"];
+ $this->db_dsn['database'] = $this->catalogs[0]["db_name"];
+ $this->db_dsn['phptype'] = $this->catalogs[0]["db_type"];
+ $this->db_link = $this->connect($this->db_dsn);
+ if (DB::isError($this->db_link)) {
+ die($this->db_link->getMessage());
+ }else {
+ $this->driver = $this->db_dsn['phptype'];
+ register_shutdown_function(array(&$this,'close'));
+ $this->dbs_name = $this->db_dsn['database'];
+ }
- function close() {
- $this->link->disconnect();
- }
+ function load_config()
+ {
+ $this->config = parse_ini_file( $this->config_file, true );
+ if( !$this->config == false ) {
+ // Loading database connection information
+ foreach( $this->config as $parameter => $value )
+ {
+ //echo "Param $parameter = $value <br />";
+ if( is_array($value) ){ // Parsing database section
+ array_push( $this->catalogs, $value );
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }else
+ return false;
+ }
+ public function get_config_param( $param )
+ {
+ if( isset( $this->config[$param] ) )
+ return $this->config[$param];
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ public function Get_Nb_Catalogs()
+ {
+ return count( $this->catalogs );
+ }
+ function close()
+ {
+ $this->db_link->disconnect();
+ }
function CalculateBytesPeriod($server,$StartDate,$EndPeriod) { // Bytes transferred in a period.
- $result =& $this->link->query("select SUM(JobBytes) from Job WHERE EndTime < '$EndPeriod' and EndTime > '$StartDate' and Name='$server'")
+ $result =& $this->db_link->query("select SUM(JobBytes) from Job WHERE EndTime < '$EndPeriod' and EndTime > '$StartDate' and Name='$server'")
or die(" Error query: 1");
$return =& $result->fetchRow();
return $return[0];
function CalculateFilesPeriod($server,$StartDate,$EndPeriod) { // Number of files transferred in a period.
- $result =& $this->link->query("select SUM(JobFiles) from Job WHERE EndTime < '$EndPeriod' and EndTime > '$StartDate' and Name='$server'")
+ $result =& $this->db_link->query("select SUM(JobFiles) from Job WHERE EndTime < '$EndPeriod' and EndTime > '$StartDate' and Name='$server'")
or die(" Error query: 2");
$return =& $result->fetchRow();
return $return[0];
function GetDataVolumes() {
$volume = array();
- $res = $this->link->query("SELECT Name FROM Pool");
+ $res = $this->db_link->query("SELECT Name FROM Pool");
while ( $tmp =& $res->fetchRow() ) {
if ($this->driver == "mysql" )
- $result = $this->link->query("select Media.VolumeName, Media.VolBytes,Media.VolStatus,Pool.Name,Media.MediaType,Media.LastWritten,FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(Media.LastWritten)+Media.VolRetention ) as expire from Pool LEFT JOIN Media ON Media.PoolId=Pool.PoolId where Name='$tmp[0]' order by Media.VolumeName");
+ $result = $this->db_link->query("select Media.VolumeName, Media.VolBytes,Media.VolStatus,Pool.Name,Media.MediaType,Media.LastWritten,FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(Media.LastWritten)+Media.VolRetention ) as expire from Pool LEFT JOIN Media ON Media.PoolId=Pool.PoolId where Name='$tmp[0]' order by Media.VolumeName");
else if ($this->driver == "pgsql")
- $result = $this->link->query("select Media.VolumeName, Media.VolBytes,Media.VolStatus,Pool.Name,Media.MediaType,Media.LastWritten, Media.LastWritten + Media.VolRetention * interval '1 second' as expire from Pool LEFT JOIN Media ON Media.PoolId=Pool.PoolId where Name='$tmp[0]' order by Media.VolumeName");
+ $result = $this->db_link->db_query("select Media.VolumeName, Media.VolBytes,Media.VolStatus,Pool.Name,Media.MediaType,Media.LastWritten, Media.LastWritten + Media.VolRetention * interval '1 second' as expire from Pool LEFT JOIN Media ON Media.PoolId=Pool.PoolId where Name='$tmp[0]' order by Media.VolumeName");
while ( $tmp1 = $result->fetchRow() ) {
$pos = array_key_exists($tmp[0],$volume);
if ($pos != FALSE)
$database_size = 0;
if ( $this->driver == "mysql") {
- $dbsize = $this->link->query("show table status") or die (" Error query: 3");
+ $dbsize = $this->db_link->query("show table status") or die (" Error query: 3");
if ( $dbsize->numRows() ) {
while ( $res = $dbsize->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC) )
} // end if else
} // end if
else if ( $this->driver == "pgsql") {
- $dbsize = $this->link->query("select pg_database_size('$this->dbs_name')") or die (" Error query: 4");
+ $dbsize = $this->db_link->query("select pg_database_size('$this->dbs_name')") or die (" Error query: 4");
if (PEAR::isError($dbsize))
- if ( $dbsize->numRows() ) {
- while ( $res = $dbsize->fetchRow() )
- $database_size += $res[0];
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
+ if ( $dbsize->numRows() ) {
+ while ( $res = $dbsize->fetchRow() )
+ $database_size += $res[0];
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
} // end if
return $this->human_file_size( $database_size );
} // end function GetDbSize()
+ public function Get_Nb_Clients()
+ {
+ $clients = $this->db_link->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS nb_client FROM Client");
+ if( PEAR::isError($clients) )
+ die( "Unable to get client number" );
+ else
+ return $clients->fetchRow( DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC );
+ }
// Return an array of volumes ordered by poolid and volume name
function GetVolumeList() {
// Get the list of pools id
$query = "SELECT Pool.poolid, FROM Pool ORDER BY Pool.poolid";
- $this->link->setFetchMode(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
- $pools = $this->link->query( $query );
+ $this->db_link->setFetchMode(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
+ $pools = $this->db_link->query( $query );
if( PEAR::isError( $pools ) )
die("Error: Failed to get pool list <br />SQL Query: $query<br />" . $pools->getMessage() );
} // end switch
- $this->link->setFetchMode(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
- $medias = $this->link->query( $query );
+ $this->db_link->setFetchMode(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
+ $medias = $this->db_link->query( $query );
if( PEAR::isError( $medias ) ) {
die( "Failed to get media list for pool $volume[0] <br /> " . $medias->getMessage() );
- $result = $DB_bacula->link->query("select $derecha,$izquierda from Job where Name='$servidor' and EndTime < '$this->EndDate' and EndTime > '$this->StartDate' order by SchedTime asc")
+ $result = $DB_bacula->db_link->query("select $derecha,$izquierda from Job where Name='$servidor' and EndTime < '$this->EndDate' and EndTime > '$this->StartDate' order by SchedTime asc")
or die (" Error at query: 5");
while ( $row = $result->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC) ) {
$whole_result[] = $this->array_merge_php4($row["$derecha"],$row[$izquierda]);
switch ( $tipo_dato )
case '30': // Unused, at this time.
- $result = $DB_bacula->link->query("select JobBytes,JobFiles,Jobid from Job where Name='$servidor' order by EndTime asc")
+ $result = $DB_bacula->db_link->query("select JobBytes,JobFiles,Jobid from Job where Name='$servidor' order by EndTime asc")
or die (" Error at query: 6");
while ( $row = $result->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC) )
$whole_result[] = array_merge($row["Jobid"],$row["JobFiles"],$row["JobBytes"]);
$i2 = 0; // Counter of number of keys of array. SP: Contador del nmero de valores del array.
if ($DB_bacula->driver == "mysql") {
- $res = $DB_bacula->link->query("select Name from Job where UNIX_TIMESTAMP(EndTime) > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())-$this->elapsed group by Name order by Name desc")
+ $res = $DB_bacula->db_link->query("select Name from Job where UNIX_TIMESTAMP(EndTime) > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())-$this->elapsed group by Name order by Name desc")
or die (" Error at query: 7");
- $resdata = $DB_bacula->link->query("select date_format(EndTime,\"%Y-%m-%d\") from Job where UNIX_TIMESTAMP(EndTime) > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())-$this->elapsed group by date_format(EndTime, \"%Y-%m-%d\") order by EndTime")
+ $resdata = $DB_bacula->db_link->query("select date_format(EndTime,\"%Y-%m-%d\") from Job where UNIX_TIMESTAMP(EndTime) > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())-$this->elapsed group by date_format(EndTime, \"%Y-%m-%d\") order by EndTime")
or die (" Error at query: 8");
else if ($DB_bacula->driver == "pgsql") {
- $res = $DB_bacula->link->query("select Name from Job where EndTime > now() - 1*interval'$this->elapsed s' group by Name order by Name desc")
+ $res = $DB_bacula->db_link->query("select Name from Job where EndTime > now() - 1*interval'$this->elapsed s' group by Name order by Name desc")
or die (" Error at query: 8");
- $resdata = $DB_bacula->link->query("select to_char(EndTime,'YY-MM-DD') from Job where EndTime > NOW() - 1*interval'$this->elapsed s' group by EndTime order by EndTime")
+ $resdata = $DB_bacula->db_link->query("select to_char(EndTime,'YY-MM-DD') from Job where EndTime > NOW() - 1*interval'$this->elapsed s' group by EndTime order by EndTime")
or die (" Error at query: 9");
// echo "</pre>";
- $spr = array(); // Temporal array
- $spr2 = array(); // Temporal array
- $whole_result = array();
+ $spr = array(); // Temporal array
+ $spr2 = array(); // Temporal array
+ $whole_result = array();
+ $count = 0;
while ( $tmpdata = $resdata->fetchRow() ) {
if ($DB_bacula->driver == "mysql")
- $result = $DB_bacula->link->query("select date_format(EndTime,\"%Y-%m-%d\"),SUM(JobBytes) as sum,Name as name,count(Name) as Nname from Job WHERE EndTime like '$tmpdata[0]%' group by Name order by Name desc")
+ $result = $DB_bacula->db_link->query("select date_format(EndTime,\"%Y-%m-%d\"),SUM(JobBytes) as sum,Name as name,count(Name) as Nname from Job WHERE EndTime like '$tmpdata[0]%' group by Name order by Name desc")
or die (" Error at query: 10");
else if ($DB_bacula->driver == "pgsql") {
$query = "select to_char(EndTime,'YY-MM-DD'),SUM(JobBytes) as sum,Name,count(Name) as Nname from Job WHERE EndTime like '%$tmpdata[0]%' group by EndTime,Name order by Name desc";
- $result = $DB_bacula->link->query($query)
+ $result = $DB_bacula->db_link->query($query)
or die (" Error at query: 11");
while ( $row = $result->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC) ) {