.include "em-kernel.inc"
.include "em-error.inc"
+ .include "c128.inc"
.macpack generic
sty REU_COMMAND ; Issue command
- ldy $01 ; Save the value of the c64 control port...
- tya ;
- ora #$03 ; Turn on lower 3 bits to bank out ROMs, I/O.
+ ldy MMU_CR ; Save the current MMU settings
+ lda #MMU_CFG_RAM0 ;
sei ;
- sta $01
+ sta MMU_CR ; Enable RAM in bank #0
lda REU_TRIGGER ; Don't change $FF00
sta REU_TRIGGER ; Start the transfer...
- sty $01 ; Restore the old configuration
+ sty MMU_CR ; Restore the old configuration