- cputc was drawing at the wrong position, therefore one line had to be removed as a workaround.
- chline, cvline were drawing one pixel to large lines.
- cclear was drawing an in both directions one pixel to big rect.
- the cursor was drawn at wrong times at wrong places in a wrong size.
git-svn-id: svn://svn.cc65.org/cc65/trunk@5874
chline.o \
clrscr.o \
cputc.o \
- cursor.o \
cvline.o \
dummies.o \
gotoxy.o \
.byte $2c
L1: lda #40 ; 40 columns (more or less)
sta xsize
- lda #24 ; something like that for Y size
+ lda #25 ; something like that for Y size
lda #70 ; 70 columns (more or less)
sta xsize
- lda #23 ; something like that for Y size
+ lda #24 ; something like that for Y size
sta ysize
- ldx #1
- stx cursor_r
- dex
- stx cursor_c
- txa
+ lda #0
+ sta cursor_c
+ sta cursor_r
jmp _cursor ; home and update cursor
lda cursor_y ; level
sta r2L
- adc #8
+ adc #7
sta r2H
txa ; right end
ldx #r4
ldy #3
jsr DShiftLeft
+ clc ; one pixel less
+ lda r4L
+ sbc #0
+ sta r4L
+ lda r4L+1
+ sbc #0
+ sta r4L+1
lda curPattern ; store current pattern
lda #0 ; set pattern to clear
; unsigned char cgetc (void);
.export _cgetc
- .import update_cursor
- .importzp cursor_x, cursor_y, cursor_flag
+ .import cursor
+ .importzp cursor_x, cursor_y
.include "jumptab.inc"
.include "geossym.inc"
; show cursor if needed
- lda cursor_flag
+ lda cursor
beq L0
- jsr update_cursor
+; prepare cursor
+ lda #7
+ jsr InitTextPrompt
lda cursor_x
ldx cursor_x+1
sta stringX
stx stringX+1
lda cursor_y
- sec
- sbc curHeight
sta stringY
jsr PromptOn
beq L0
+; from 'The Hitchhiker's Guide To GEOS'
+ php
+ sei
jsr PromptOff
+ lda #0
+ sta alphaFlag
+ plp
ldx #0
lda cursor_x+1
sta r3L+1
lda cursor_y ; level
- sec
- sbc #4 ; in the middle of a cell
+ clc
+ adc #4 ; in the middle of a cell
sta r11L
txa ; right end
adc cursor_c
sta cursor_c
sta r4L
+ lda #0
+ sta r4L+1
ldx #r4
ldy #3
jsr DShiftLeft
+ clc ; one pixel less
+ lda r4L
+ sbc #0
+ sta r4L
+ lda r4L+1
+ sbc #0
+ sta r4L+1
lda #%11111111 ; pattern
jsr HorizontalLine
jsr fixcursor
.include "const.inc"
- sta dispBufferOn
lda curPattern ; save current pattern
lda #0 ; set pattern to clear
stx r3H
stx r2L
stx cursor_c
- inx
stx cursor_r
jsr fixcursor ; home cursor
.ifdef __GEOS_CBM__
- .export _cputcxy, _cputc, update_cursor
+ .export _cputcxy, _cputc
.import _gotoxy, fixcursor
.import popa
.import xsize,ysize
lda cursor_x+1
sta r11H
lda cursor_y
+ clc
+ adc #6 ; 6 pixels down to the baseline
sta r1H
jsr PutChar
- bcs update_cursor
+ bcs fix_cursor
inc cursor_c
lda cursor_c
cmp xsize ; hit right margin?
- bne update_cursor
+ bne fix_cursor
lda #0 ; yes - do cr+lf
sta cursor_c
do_lf: inc cursor_r
lda cursor_r
cmp ysize ; hit bottom margin?
- bne update_cursor
+ bne fix_cursor
dec cursor_r ; yes - stay in the last line
- jsr fixcursor
- lda cursor_x
- sta r4L
- lda cursor_x+1
- sta r4H
- lda cursor_y
- sec
- sbc curHeight
- sta r5L
- lda #1 ; update cursor prompt position
- sta r3L
- jmp PosSprite
+ jmp fixcursor
do_cr: lda #0
sta cursor_c
- beq update_cursor
+ beq fix_cursor
+++ /dev/null
-; Maciej 'YTM/Elysium' Witkowiak
-; 27.10.2001, 23.12.2002
-; unsigned char cursor (unsigned char onoff);
- .export _cursor
- .import update_cursor
- .importzp cursor_flag
- .include "jumptab.inc"
- .include "geossym.inc"
- tay ; onoff into Y
- ldx #0 ; High byte of result
- lda cursor_flag ; Get old value
- pha
- sty cursor_flag ; Set new value
- tya
- beq L1
- lda curHeight ; prepare cursor
- jsr InitTextPrompt
- jsr update_cursor ; place it on screen
-L1: pla
- rts
lda cursor_x ; x position
- adc #4 ; in the middle of cell
+ adc #3 ; in the middle of cell
sta r4L
lda cursor_x+1
adc #0
adc cursor_r
sta cursor_r
+ asl a
+ asl a
+ asl a
+ clc ; one pixel less
+ sbc #0
sta r3H
- asl r3H
- asl r3H
- asl r3H
lda #%11111111 ; pattern
jsr VerticalLine
jsr fixcursor
sta cursor_r
- inc cursor_r
jmp fixcursor
sta cursor_r
- inc cursor_r
jsr popa
sta cursor_c
sta cursor_x
lda #0
sta cursor_x+1
- lda cursor_r
- sta cursor_y
ldx #cursor_x
ldy #3
jsr DShiftLeft
- asl cursor_y
- asl cursor_y
- asl cursor_y
+ lda cursor_r
+ asl a
+ asl a
+ asl a
+ sta cursor_y
; zeropage locations for exclusive use by the library
- .exportzp cursor_x, cursor_y, cursor_flag
+ .exportzp cursor_x, cursor_y
.exportzp cursor_c, cursor_r
.segment "EXTZP" : zeropage
.res 2 ; Cursor column (0-319/639)
.res 1 ; Cursor row (0-199)
- .res 1 ; Cursor on/off (0-off)
.res 1 ; Cursor column (0-39/79)