-unsigned OptShift2(CodeSeg* S)
-/* A call to the asrax1 routines may get replaced by something simpler, if
-** X is not used later:
+unsigned OptShift2 (CodeSeg* S)
+/* The sequence
+** bpl L
+** dex
+** L: jsr asraxN
+** might be replaced by N copies of
** cmp #$80
** ror a
+** if X is not used later (X is assumed to be zero on entry).
unsigned Changes = 0;
- unsigned I;
+ unsigned I = 0;
/* Walk over the entries */
- I = 0;
while (I < CS_GetEntryCount (S)) {
unsigned Shift;
unsigned Count;
+ CodeEntry* L[3];
/* Get next entry */
- CodeEntry* E = CS_GetEntry (S, I);
+ L[0] = CS_GetEntry (S, I);
/* Check for the sequence */
- if (E->OPC == OP65_JSR &&
- (Shift = GetShift (E->Arg)) != SHIFT_NONE &&
- (Count = SHIFT_COUNT (Shift)) > 0 &&
- Count * 100 <= S->CodeSizeFactor &&
- !RegXUsed (S, I+1)) {
+ if (L[0]->OPC == OP65_BPL &&
+ L[0]->JumpTo != 0 &&
+ CS_GetEntries (S, L+1, I+1, 2) &&
+ L[1]->OPC == OP65_DEX &&
+ L[0]->JumpTo->Owner == L[2] &&
+ !CS_RangeHasLabel (S, I, 2) &&
+ L[2]->OPC == OP65_JSR &&
+ SHIFT_TYPE (Shift = GetShift (L[2]->Arg)) == SHIFT_TYPE_ASR &&
+ (Count = SHIFT_COUNT (Shift)) > 0 &&
+ Count * 100 <= S->CodeSizeFactor &&
+ !RegXUsed (S, I+3)) {
CodeEntry* X;
- unsigned J = I+1;
+ unsigned J = I+2;
/* Generate the replacement sequence */
while (Count--) {
/* cmp #$80 */
- X = NewCodeEntry (OP65_CMP, AM65_IMM, "$80", 0, E->LI);
- CS_InsertEntry (S, X, J++);
+ X = NewCodeEntry (OP65_CMP, AM65_IMM, "$80", 0, L[2]->LI);
+ CS_InsertEntry (S, X, ++J);
/* ror a */
- X = NewCodeEntry (OP65_ROR, AM65_ACC, "a", 0, E->LI);
- CS_InsertEntry (S, X, J++);
+ X = NewCodeEntry (OP65_ROR, AM65_ACC, "a", 0, L[2]->LI);
+ CS_InsertEntry (S, X, ++J);
- /* Delete the call to asrax */
- CS_DelEntry (S, I);
+ /* Remove the bpl/dex/jsr */
+ CS_DelEntries (S, I, 3);
/* Remember, we had changes */
(Shift = GetShift (L[2]->Arg)) != SHIFT_NONE &&
(Count = SHIFT_COUNT (Shift)) > 0) {
/* Add the replacement insn instead */
CodeEntry* X = NewCodeEntry (OP65_ROR, AM65_ACC, "a", 0, L[2]->LI);
CS_InsertEntry (S, X, I+3);
CS_InsertEntry (S, X, I+4);
- /* Remove the bcs/dex/jsr */
+ /* Remove the bcc/inx/jsr */
CS_DelEntries (S, I, 3);
/* Remember, we had changes */