NMI handler: set I status bit to original value before interrupt before chaining
to ROM NMI handler.
; Christian Groessler, chris@groessler.org, 2013
+DEBUG = 1
.if .defined(__ATARIXL__)
+.ifdef DEBUG
+ php
+ pha
+ tya
+ pha
+ ldy #0
+ lda (SAVMSC),y
+ clc
+ adc #1
+ sta (SAVMSC),y
+ pla
+ tay
+ pla
+ plp
int_wrap IRQ_save
+.ifdef DEBUG
+ php
+ pha
+ tya
+ pha
+ ldy #39
+ lda (SAVMSC),y
+ clc
+ adc #1
+ sta (SAVMSC),y
+ pla
+ tay
+ pla
+ plp
+; set I bit to interrupted value
+ pha
+ txa
+ pha
+ tsx
+ lda $103,x
+ pha
+ plp
+ pla
+ tax
+ pla
int_wrap NMI_save