; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Chunk header
+; EXE load chunk header
.segment "SRPREPHDR"
sta APPMHI_save+1
sta PORTB_save
- lda CIOV ; zero-page wrapper
+ lda CIOV ; zero-page wrapper
sta ZP_CIOV_save
lda CIOV+1
sta ZP_CIOV_save+1
lda CIOV+2
sta ZP_CIOV_save+2
- lda SIOV ; zero-page wrapper
+ lda SIOV ; zero-page wrapper
sta ZP_SIOV_save
lda SIOV+1
sta ZP_SIOV_save+1
sta APPMHI+1
-; ... issue a GRAPHICS 0 call (copied'n'pasted from TGI drivers)
+; issue a GRAPHICS 0 call (copied'n'pasted from TGI drivers) to move screen memory down
jsr findfreeiocb
-.ifdef DEBUG ; only check in debug version, this shouldn't happen normally(tm)
+.ifdef DEBUG ; only check in debug version, this shouldn't really happen(tm)
beq iocbok
print_string "Internal error, no free IOCB!"
jsr delay
.ifdef DEBUG
print_string "copy chargen to low memory"
- print_string "set up high memory"
sta ptr3
+ lda ptr3+1
+ and #3
+ beq cg_addr_ok2
+ ; align to next 1K boundary
+ lda ptr3+1
+ and #$fc
+ clc
+ adc #4
+ sta ptr3+1
lda #<DCSORG
sta ptr1
lda #>DCSORG
lda ptr3
sta ptr2
lda ptr3+1
+ pha ; needed later to set CHBAS/CHBASE
sta ptr2+1
lda #>__CHARGEN_SIZE__
sta tmp2
lda #<__CHARGEN_SIZE__
- sta tmp2+1
+ sta tmp1
jsr memcopy
-; TODO: switch to this temp. chargen
+.ifdef DEBUG
+ print_string "now setting up high memory"
-; disable ROMs
+; disable ROM
ldx #0
- stx NMIEN ; disable NMI
+ stx NMIEN ; disable NMI
and #$fe
- sta PORTB ; now ROM is mapped out
+ tax
+ pla ; get temp. chargen address
+ sta WSYNC ; wait for horiz. retrace
+ stx PORTB ; now ROM is mapped out
+; switch to temporary chargen
+ sta CHBASE
+ sta CHBAS
; copy shadow RAM contents to their destination
bne do_copy
- beq no_copy ; we have no shadow RAM contents
+ beq no_copy ; we have no shadow RAM contents
; ptr1 - src; ptr2 - dest; tmp1, tmp2 - len
do_copy:lda #<__SHADOW_RAM_LOAD__
ora #1
+ ldx #>DCSORG
+ sta WSYNC ; wait for horiz. retrace
+ stx CHBASE
+ stx CHBAS
lda #$40
sta NMIEN ; enable VB again
cli ; and enable IRQs
.ifdef DEBUG
print_string "Stage #2 OK"
+ print_string "loading main chunk"
jsr delay
.include "findfreeiocb.inc"
-; my 6502 fu is rusty, so I took a routine from the internet (http://www.obelisk.demon.co.uk/6502/algorithms.html)
+; routine taken from http://www.obelisk.demon.co.uk/6502/algorithms.html
; copy memory
; ptr1 - source
; ptr2 - destination
+.ifdef DEBUG
.byte "HERE ****************** HERE ***************>>>>>>"
+.endif ; .ifdef DEBUG
screen_device: .byte "S:",0
screen_device_length = * - screen_device
+.ifdef DEBUG
.byte " ** srprep ** end-->"
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Provide an empty SHADOW_RAM segment in order that the linker is happy
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Chunk "trailer" - sets INITAD
+; EXE load chunk "trailer" - sets INITAD
.segment "SRPREPTRL"