Now that sim65's 65C02 support is actually functional we can run test for the 65C02 support in the compiler and the runtime.
We learn the hard way this is a good idea as there are tests failing when built with optimizations for the 65C02:
- val/compare7
- val/compare8
- val/compare9
- val/compare10
- val/or1
DEL = $(RM) $1
-CC65FLAGS = -t sim6502
SIM65FLAGS = -x 200000000
CL65 := $(if $(wildcard ../../bin/cl65*),../../bin/cl65,cl65)
.PHONY: all clean
SOURCES := $(wildcard *.c)
-TESTS = $(foreach option,$(OPTIONS),$(SOURCES:%.c=$(WORKDIR)/%.$(option).prg))
+TESTS = $(foreach option,$(OPTIONS),$(SOURCES:%.c=$(WORKDIR)/%.$(option).6502.prg))
+TESTS += $(foreach option,$(OPTIONS),$(SOURCES:%.c=$(WORKDIR)/%.$(option).65c02.prg))
all: $(TESTS)
define PRG_template
# should compile, but then hangs in an endless loop
-$(WORKDIR)/endless.$1.prg: endless.c | $(WORKDIR)
- $(CL65) $(CC65FLAGS) -$1 -o $$@ $$<
+$(WORKDIR)/endless.$1.$2.prg: endless.c | $(WORKDIR)
+ $(CL65) -t sim$2 -$1 -o $$@ $$<
$(NOT) $(SIM65) $(SIM65FLAGS) $$@
# these need reference data that can't be generated by a host-compiled program,
# in a useful way
-$(WORKDIR)/limits.$1.prg: limits.c $(DIFF)
- $(CL65) $(CC65FLAGS) -$1 -o $$@ $$<
+$(WORKDIR)/limits.$1.$2.prg: limits.c $(DIFF)
+ $(CL65) -t sim$2 -$1 -o $$@ $$<
$(SIM65) $(SIM65FLAGS) $$@ > $(WORKDIR)/limits.$1.out
$(DIFF) $(WORKDIR)/limits.$1.out limits.ref
# the rest are tests that fail currently for one reason or another
-$(WORKDIR)/fields.$1.prg: fields.c | $(WORKDIR)
+$(WORKDIR)/fields.$1.$2.prg: fields.c | $(WORKDIR)
@echo "FIXME: " $$@ "currently will fail."
- $(CL65) $(CC65FLAGS) -$1 -o $$@ $$<
+ $(CL65) -t sim$2 -$1 -o $$@ $$<
-$(SIM65) $(SIM65FLAGS) $$@
-$(WORKDIR)/sitest.$1.prg: sitest.c | $(WORKDIR)
+$(WORKDIR)/sitest.$1.$2.prg: sitest.c | $(WORKDIR)
@echo "FIXME: " $$@ "currently will fail."
- -$(CL65) $(CC65FLAGS) -$1 -o $$@ $$<
+ -$(CL65) -t sim$2 -$1 -o $$@ $$<
# -$(SIM65) $(SIM65FLAGS) $$@
-$(WORKDIR)/cc65141011.$1.prg: cc65141011.c | $(WORKDIR)
+$(WORKDIR)/cc65141011.$1.$2.prg: cc65141011.c | $(WORKDIR)
@echo "FIXME: " $$@ "currently can fail."
- $(CL65) $(CC65FLAGS) -$1 -o $$@ $$<
+ $(CL65) -t sim$2 -$1 -o $$@ $$<
-$(SIM65) $(SIM65FLAGS) $$@
endef # PRG_template
-$(foreach option,$(OPTIONS),$(eval $(call PRG_template,$(option))))
+$(foreach option,$(OPTIONS),$(eval $(call PRG_template,$(option),6502)))
+$(foreach option,$(OPTIONS),$(eval $(call PRG_template,$(option),65c02)))
@$(call RMDIR,$(WORKDIR))
DEL = $(RM) $1
-CC65FLAGS = -t sim6502
SIM65FLAGS = -x 200000000
CL65 := $(if $(wildcard ../../bin/cl65*),../../bin/cl65,cl65)
SOURCES := $(wildcard *.c)
REFS = $(SOURCES:%.c=$(WORKDIR)/%.ref)
-TESTS = $(foreach option,$(OPTIONS),$(SOURCES:%.c=$(WORKDIR)/%.$(option).prg))
+TESTS = $(foreach option,$(OPTIONS),$(SOURCES:%.c=$(WORKDIR)/%.$(option).6502.prg))
+TESTS += $(foreach option,$(OPTIONS),$(SOURCES:%.c=$(WORKDIR)/%.$(option).65c02.prg))
all: $(REFS) $(TESTS)
define PRG_template
-$(WORKDIR)/%.$1.prg: %.c $(WORKDIR)/%.ref $(DIFF)
- $(CL65) $$(CC65FLAGS) -$1 -o $$@ $$<
+$(WORKDIR)/%.$1.$2.prg: %.c $(WORKDIR)/%.ref $(DIFF)
+ $(CL65) -t sim$2 $$(CC65FLAGS) -$1 -o $$@ $$<
$(SIM65) $(SIM65FLAGS) $$@ > $(WORKDIR)/$$*.out
$(DIFF) $(WORKDIR)/$$*.out $(WORKDIR)/$$*.ref
endef # PRG_template
-$(foreach option,$(OPTIONS),$(eval $(call PRG_template,$(option))))
+$(foreach option,$(OPTIONS),$(eval $(call PRG_template,$(option),6502)))
+$(foreach option,$(OPTIONS),$(eval $(call PRG_template,$(option),65c02)))
@$(call RMDIR,$(WORKDIR))
DEL = $(RM) $1
-CC65FLAGS = -t sim6502
SIM65FLAGS = -x 200000000
CL65 := $(if $(wildcard ../../bin/cl65*),../../bin/cl65,cl65)
.PHONY: all clean
SOURCES := $(wildcard *.c)
-TESTS = $(foreach option,$(OPTIONS),$(SOURCES:%.c=$(WORKDIR)/%.$(option).prg))
+TESTS := $(foreach option,$(OPTIONS),$(SOURCES:%.c=$(WORKDIR)/%.$(option).6502.prg))
+TESTS += $(foreach option,$(OPTIONS),$(SOURCES:%.c=$(WORKDIR)/%.$(option).65c02.prg))
+# FIXME: These tests fail when built with optimizations for the 65c02
+TESTS := $(filter-out $(WORKDIR)/compare7.O%.65c02.prg,$(TESTS))
+TESTS := $(filter-out $(WORKDIR)/compare8.O%.65c02.prg,$(TESTS))
+TESTS := $(filter-out $(WORKDIR)/compare9.O%.65c02.prg,$(TESTS))
+TESTS := $(filter-out $(WORKDIR)/compare10.O%.65c02.prg,$(TESTS))
+TESTS := $(filter-out $(WORKDIR)/or1.O%.65c02.prg,$(TESTS))
all: $(TESTS)
define PRG_template
-$(WORKDIR)/%.$1.prg: %.c | $(WORKDIR)
- $(CL65) $$(CC65FLAGS) -$1 -o $$@ $$<
+$(WORKDIR)/%.$1.$2.prg: %.c | $(WORKDIR)
+ $(CL65) -t sim$2 $$(CC65FLAGS) -$1 -o $$@ $$<
$(SIM65) $(SIM65FLAGS) $$@
endef # PRG_template
-$(foreach option,$(OPTIONS),$(eval $(call PRG_template,$(option))))
+$(foreach option,$(OPTIONS),$(eval $(call PRG_template,$(option),6502)))
+$(foreach option,$(OPTIONS),$(eval $(call PRG_template,$(option),65c02)))
@$(call RMDIR,$(WORKDIR))