This driver features a resolution of 280×192 with 8 colors and two
hires pages. Note that programs using this driver will have to be linked
with <tt/--start-addr $4000/ to reserve the first hires page or with
- <tt/--start-addr $6000/ to reserve both hires pages.
+ <tt/--start-addr $6000/ to reserve both hires pages. Note that the second
+ hires page is only available if the text display is not in 80 column mode.
+ This can be asserted by calling <tt/videomode (VIDEOMODE_40COL);/ before
+ installing the driver.
In memory constrained situations the memory from $803 to $1FFF
can be made available to a program by calling <tt/_heapadd ((void *) 0x0803, 0x17FD);/