.include "tgi-error.inc"
.include "apple2.inc"
- .macpack generic
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Zero page stuff
; trying to plot a non-white color at
; a complementary color position, no
; dot will be plotted.
+LRUD := $F4D1 ; ???
HLIN := $F53A ; Draws a line from the last plotted
; point or line destination to:
; (X,A) = X-coordinate, and
DEFPALETTE: .byte $00, $01, $02, $03, $04, $05, $06, $07
-SHAPE: .byte $64,$01,$D0,$00,$D5,$00,$DA,$00,$E0,$00,$EF,$00,$FE,$00,$0C,$01
+ ; Beagle Bros Shape Mechanic font F.ASCII.SMALL
+ .byte $64,$01,$D0,$00,$D5,$00,$DA,$00,$E0,$00,$EF,$00,$FE,$00,$0C,$01
.byte $19,$01,$1D,$01,$25,$01,$2D,$01,$3D,$01,$46,$01,$4B,$01,$52,$01
.byte $56,$01,$60,$01,$70,$01,$77,$01,$83,$01,$8E,$01,$9A,$01,$A7,$01
.byte $B6,$01,$BF,$01,$CE,$01,$DD,$01,$E2,$01,$E7,$01,$F9,$01,$03,$02
+ ; Beagle Bros Shape Mechanic fonts don't
+ ; scale well so use fixed scaling factor
+ lda #1
+ sta SCALE
; Done, reset the error code
; direction is passend in X/Y, the text direction is passed in A.
; Must set an error code: NO
- stx SCALE
- asl ; 16 <=> 90รพ
- asl
- asl
- asl
- sta ROT
+ bne :+
+ lda #48
+: sta ROT
; OUTTEXT: Output text at X/Y = ptr1/ptr2 using the current color and the
; Must set an error code: NO
bit $C082 ; Switch in ROM
- ldx X1
+ lda X1
ldy X1+1
+ ldx ROT
+ php ; Save Z flag
+ beq :+ ; Not horizontal
+ sec
+ sbc #7 ; Adjust X
+ bcs :+
+ dey
+: tax
lda Y1
- jsr HPOSN
- lda SHAPE+2*99
- add #<SHAPE
- sta tmp3
- lda SHAPE+2*99+1
+ plp ; Restore Z flag
+ bne :+ ; Not vertical
+ sec
+ sbc #7 ; Adjust Y
+: jsr HPOSN
+ clc
+ lda SHAPE+2*99 ; "connection char"
+ adc #<SHAPE
+ sta ptr4
+ lda SHAPE+2*99+1 ; "connection char"
adc #>SHAPE
- sta tmp3+1
+ sta ptr4+1
ldy #$00
: lda (ptr3),y
beq :+
- sub #$1F ; No controls
+ sty tmp1 ; Save string index
+ sec
+ sbc #$1F ; No control chars
asl ; Offset * 2
+ tay
+ clc
+ lda SHAPE,y
+ adc #<SHAPE
- lda SHAPE,x
- add #<SHAPE
- sta tmp1
- lda SHAPE+1,x
+ lda SHAPE+1,y
adc #>SHAPE
- sta tmp1+1
- tya
- pha
- ldx tmp1
- ldy tmp1+1
+ tay
lda ROT
- jsr DRAW
- ldx tmp3
- ldy tmp3+1
+ jsr DRAW ; Draw char from string
+ ldx ptr4
+ ldy ptr4+1
lda ROT
- jsr DRAW
- pla
- tay
+ jsr DRAW ; Draw "connection char"
+ ldy tmp1 ; Restore string index
- bne :-
+ bne :- ; Branch always
: bit $C080 ; Switch in LC bank 2 for R/O