cmd 'border none';
cmd 'resize shrink height 80px or 80ppt';
cmd 'resize shrink width 80px or 80ppt';
$rect = $window->rect;
is($rect->{width}, 60, 'width = 60');
is($rect->{height}, 50, 'height = 50');
cmd 'border none';
cmd 'resize grow height 100px or 100ppt';
cmd 'resize grow width 100px or 100ppt';
$rect = $window->rect;
is($rect->{width}, 100, 'width = 100');
is($rect->{height}, 100, 'height = 100');
my $old_x = $rect->{x};
my $old_y = $rect->{y};
cmd 'resize grow up 10px or 10ppt';
$rect = $window->rect;
is($rect->{x}, $old_x, 'window did not move when trying to resize');
is($rect->{y}, $old_y, 'window did not move when trying to resize');