#!/usr/bin/env perl
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
+# © 2010-2011 Michael Stapelberg and contributors
+# syntax: ./complete-run.pl --display :1 --display :2
+# to run the test suite on the X11 displays :1 and :2
+# use 'Xdummy :1' and 'Xdummy :2' before to start two
+# headless X11 servers
use strict;
use warnings;
+use EV;
+use AnyEvent;
+use IO::Scalar; # not in core :\
+use File::Temp qw(tempfile tempdir);
use v5.10;
use DateTime;
use Data::Dumper;
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
use Proc::Background;
use TAP::Harness;
+use TAP::Parser;
use TAP::Parser::Aggregator;
use File::Basename qw(basename);
use AnyEvent::I3 qw(:all);
use Try::Tiny;
use Getopt::Long;
+use Time::HiRes qw(sleep);
+# install a dummy CHLD handler to overwrite the CHLD handler of AnyEvent / EV
+# XXX: we could maybe also use a different loop than the default loop in EV?
+$SIG{CHLD} = sub {
# reads in a whole file
sub slurp {
my $coverage_testing = 0;
+my @displays = ();
my $result = GetOptions(
- "coverage-testing" => \$coverage_testing
+ "coverage-testing" => \$coverage_testing,
+ "display=s" => \@displays,
-my $i3cmd = "export DISPLAY=:0; exec " . abs_path("../i3") . " -V -d all --disable-signalhandler -c i3-test.config";
+@displays = split(/,/, join(',', @displays));
+@displays = map { s/ //g; $_ } @displays;
+@displays = qw(:1) if @displays == 0;
+my $i3cmd = abs_path("../i3") . " -V -d all --disable-signalhandler";
+my $config = slurp('i3-test.config');
# 1: get a list of all testcases
my @testfiles = @ARGV;
symlink("$outdir", "latest") or die "Could not symlink latest to $outdir";
# 3: run all tests
-my $harness = TAP::Harness->new({
- verbosity => 1,
- lib => [ 't/lib' ]
+my @done;
+my $num = @testfiles;
+my $harness = TAP::Harness->new({ });
my $aggregator = TAP::Parser::Aggregator->new();
-for my $t (@testfiles) {
- my $logpath = "$outdir/i3-log-for-" . basename($t);
- my $cmd = "$i3cmd >$logpath 2>&1";
- my $dont_start = (slurp($t) =~ /# !NO_I3_INSTANCE!/);
+my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
+# We start tests concurrently: For each display, one test gets started. Every
+# test starts another test after completing.
+take_job($_) for @displays;
+# Takes a test from the beginning of @testfiles and runs it.
+# The TAP::Parser (which reads the test output) will get called as soon as
+# there is some activity on the stdout file descriptor of the test process
+# (using an AnyEvent->io watcher).
+# When a test completes and @done contains $num entries, the $cv condvar gets
+# triggered to finish testing.
+sub take_job {
+ my ($display) = @_;
+ my ($fh, $tmpfile) = tempfile();
+ say $fh $config;
+ say $fh "ipc-socket /tmp/nested-$display";
+ close($fh);
+ my $test = shift @testfiles;
+ return unless $test;
+ my $logpath = "$outdir/i3-log-for-" . basename($test);
+ my $cmd = "export DISPLAY=$display; exec $i3cmd -c $tmpfile >$logpath 2>&1";
+ my $dont_start = (slurp($test) =~ /# !NO_I3_INSTANCE!/);
my $process = Proc::Background->new($cmd) unless $dont_start;
- say "testing $t with logfile $logpath";
- $harness->aggregate_tests($aggregator, [ $t ]);
- # Don’t bother killing i3 when we haven’t started it
- next if $dont_start;
- # When measuring code coverage, try to exit i3 cleanly (otherwise, .gcda
- # files are not written) and fallback to killing it
- if ($coverage_testing) {
- my $exited = 0;
- try {
- say "Exiting i3 cleanly...";
- i3("/tmp/nestedcons")->command('exit')->recv;
- $exited = 1;
- };
- next if $exited;
- }
+ say "[$display] Running $test with logfile $logpath";
+ sleep 0.5;
+ my $kill_i3 = sub {
+ # Don’t bother killing i3 when we haven’t started it
+ return if $dont_start;
+ # When measuring code coverage, try to exit i3 cleanly (otherwise, .gcda
+ # files are not written) and fallback to killing it
+ if ($coverage_testing) {
+ my $exited = 0;
+ try {
+ say "Exiting i3 cleanly...";
+ i3("/tmp/nested-$display")->command('exit')->recv;
+ $exited = 1;
+ };
+ return if $exited;
+ }
- say "Killing i3";
- kill(9, $process->pid) or die "could not kill i3";
+ say "[$display] killing i3";
+ kill(9, $process->pid) or die "could not kill i3";
+ };
+ my $output;
+ my $parser = TAP::Parser->new({
+ exec => [ 'sh', '-c', "DISPLAY=$display /usr/bin/perl -It/lib $test" ],
+ spool => IO::Scalar->new(\$output),
+ merge => 1,
+ });
+ my @watchers;
+ my ($stdout, $stderr) = $parser->get_select_handles;
+ for my $handle ($parser->get_select_handles) {
+ my $w;
+ $w = AnyEvent->io(
+ fh => $handle,
+ poll => 'r',
+ cb => sub {
+ # Ignore activity on stderr (unnecessary with merge => 1,
+ # but let’s keep it in here if we want to use merge => 0
+ # for some reason in the future).
+ return if defined($stderr) and $handle == $stderr;
+ my $result = $parser->next;
+ if (defined($result)) {
+ # TODO: check if we should bail out
+ return;
+ }
+ # $result is not defined, we are done parsing
+ say "[$display] $test finished";
+ close($parser->delete_spool);
+ $aggregator->add($test, $parser);
+ push @done, [ $test, $output ];
+ $kill_i3->();
+ undef $_ for @watchers;
+ if (@done == $num) {
+ $cv->send;
+ } else {
+ take_job($display);
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ push @watchers, $w;
+ }
+for (@done) {
+ my ($test, $output) = @$_;
+ say "output for $test:";
+ say $output;
# 4: print summary