from each record for field keys in the all text, barcode, and
image objects.</para>
+ <para>See <xref linkend="glabels-merge-tutorial" /> for a detailed
+ tutorial on the document merge feature.</para>
+<!-- ============= Document Merge Tutorial ================================== -->
+ <sect1 id="glabels-merge-tutorial">
+ <title>Document Merge Tutorial</title>
+ <para>Document Merge (sometimes called "Mail Merge") is a powerful
+ feature that allows a unique label or card to be printed for each
+ record in an external data source. It is however, the most mis-understood
+ feature of <application>glabels</application>. The following examples
+ will step through a couple of common tasks using the document merge
+ feature.</para>
+ <sect2 id="merge-ex1">
+ <title>Example 1: Name Tags</title>
+ <para>In this example we are organizing an orientation party for the new
+ crew members of our ship. We have a list of freshman crew members that we
+ created in <application>gnumeric</application> and exported as the following
+ CSV file. We could have created this file by using a text editor, but heck it
+ is the 23rd century.</para>
+ <programlisting>
+"Jim Kirk",Management,"SC937-0176 CEC"
+"Mr. Spock",Sciences,S179-276SP
+"Leonard McCoy",Medicine,unknown
+"Montgomery Scott",Engineering,SE-197-54T
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>In <application>glabels</application> we have created a new glabels
+ document using the Avery 5395 "Name Badge Labels" template. Next we use the
+ <menuchoice> <guimenu>Objects</guimenu>
+ <guimenuitem>Merge Properties</guimenuitem> </menuchoice> menu item to display
+ the <guilabel>merge properties</guilabel> dialog. We use this dialog to
+ select the source type (in our case CSV) and the merge source (filename) as
+ shown.</para>
+ <!-- ==== Figure ==== -->
+ <figure id="merge-ex1-1-fig">
+ <title>Merge properties dialog</title>
+ <screenshot>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject><imagedata
+ fileref="figures/merge-ex1-1.png" format="PNG"/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </screenshot>
+ </figure>
+ <!-- ==== End of Figure ==== -->
+ <para>Before applying the merge source, we uncheck the first record since it is only
+ column headers from our original <application>gnumeric</application> spreadsheet
+ and would simply waste our first label. We could also unselect any other records
+ that we didn't want to print a label for.</para>
+ <para>We can also view each record in more detail by clicking on the appropriate
+ expander (the little triangles) as shown. Once we are satisfied with the
+ selections in this dialog we click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to accept the
+ changes.</para>
+ <para>Now we start adding objects to our glabels document as shown.</para>
+ <!-- ==== Figure ==== -->
+ <figure id="merge-ex1-2-fig">
+ <title>Adding objects</title>
+ <screenshot>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject><imagedata
+ fileref="figures/merge-ex1-2.png" format="PNG"/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </screenshot>
+ </figure>
+ <!-- ==== End of Figure ==== -->
+ <para>In this example we have added three text objects and a barcode object. The
+ first text object contains only simple literal text ("Hello, my name is"). The
+ second text object contains a single merge field ("${1}") corresponding to the
+ first field of a record (first column of a line) which contains the new crew
+ member's full name. The third text field contains both literal text
+ ("Department: ") followed by a single merge field ("${2}") corresponding to
+ the second field or the crew member's department. The barcode object is
+ configured to use field (or key) "3" which contains our crew member's
+ starfleet serial number.</para>
+ <para>Now we can print our name tags by selecting the
+ <menuchoice> <guimenu>File</guimenu>
+ <guimenuitem>Print</guimenuitem> </menuchoice> menu item. This will display
+ print dialog as shown below.</para>
+ <!-- ==== Figure ==== -->
+ <figure id="merge-ex1-3-fig">
+ <title>Printing name tags</title>
+ <screenshot>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject><imagedata
+ fileref="figures/merge-ex1-3.png" format="PNG"/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </screenshot>
+ </figure>
+ <!-- ==== End of Figure ==== -->
+ <para>Just to make sure our labels are going to look okay, we select the
+ <guilabel>Print outlines</guilabel> option and click
+ <guibutton>Print Preview</guibutton>. This will display a print preview dialog
+ as shown below.</para>
+ <!-- ==== Figure ==== -->
+ <figure id="merge-ex1-4-fig">
+ <title>Name tags preview</title>
+ <screenshot>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject><imagedata
+ fileref="figures/merge-ex1-4.png" format="PNG"/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </screenshot>
+ </figure>
+ <!-- ==== End of Figure ==== -->
+ <para>Everything looks good, so we can now load up our printer with
+ the appropriate label stock, print our name tags and start beaming our guests
+ aboard.</para>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id="merge-ex2">
+ <title>Example 2: Address Labels</title>
+ <para>In this example we are going to throw a party and need to print mailing
+ address labels for our invitations. We have a list of our closest friends
+ that we created in <application>gnumeric</application> and exported as the
+ following CSV file. It should be noted that not everyone has a middle initial or
+ a two line address.</para>
+ <programlisting>
+Critter,Ess,S,"123 Faux St.",,Alexandria,VA,22310
+Doe,John,,"Apt 1X","451 Mystery St.",Trenton,NJ,08601
+Summers,Joyce,,"1630 Revello Dr",,Sunnydale,CA,95037
+McGarret,Steve,O,"404 Piikoi Street",,Honolulu,HI,96813
+Kramer,Cosmo,,"Apt 5B","129 W. 81 St.",Manhatten,NY,10024-7207
+ </programlisting>
+ <para>In <application>glabels</application> we have created a new glabels
+ document using the Avery 5512 "Address Labels" template. Next we use the
+ <menuchoice> <guimenu>Objects</guimenu>
+ <guimenuitem>Merge Properties</guimenuitem> </menuchoice> menu item to display
+ the <guilabel>merge properties</guilabel> dialog. We use this dialog to
+ select the source type (in our case CSV) and the merge source (filename) as
+ shown.</para>
+ <!-- ==== Figure ==== -->
+ <figure id="merge-ex2-1-fig">
+ <title>Merge properties dialog</title>
+ <screenshot>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject><imagedata
+ fileref="figures/merge-ex2-1.png" format="PNG"/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </screenshot>
+ </figure>
+ <!-- ==== End of Figure ==== -->
+ <para>Before applying the merge source, we uncheck the first record since it is only
+ column headers from our original <application>gnumeric</application> spreadsheet
+ and would simply waste our first label. We also unselect the second record
+ which is empty (an artifact of our original spreadsheet). We could also unselect
+ any other records that we didn't want to print a label for.</para>
+ <para>We can also view each record in more detail by clicking on the appropriate
+ expander (the little triangles) as shown. Once we are satisfied with the
+ selections in this dialog we click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to accept the
+ changes.</para>
+ <para>Now we start adding objects to our glabels document as shown.</para>
+ <!-- ==== Figure ==== -->
+ <figure id="merge-ex2-2-fig">
+ <title>Adding objects</title>
+ <screenshot>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject><imagedata
+ fileref="figures/merge-ex2-2.png" format="PNG"/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </screenshot>
+ </figure>
+ <!-- ==== End of Figure ==== -->
+ <para>In this example we have a single text object. This text object contains
+ all of our merge fields organized on multiple lines as a mailing address.
+ Notice that fields ${4} and ${5} (corresponding to ADDR1 and ADDR2) are each
+ located with no other text on their own lines. When
+ <application>glabels</application> encounters a field as the only text on
+ a line, it will not expand the line if the field is empty.</para>
+ <para>Now we can print our address labels by selecting the
+ <menuchoice> <guimenu>File</guimenu>
+ <guimenuitem>Print</guimenuitem> </menuchoice> menu item. This will display
+ print dialog as shown below.</para>
+ <!-- ==== Figure ==== -->
+ <figure id="merge-ex2-3-fig">
+ <title>Printing name tags</title>
+ <screenshot>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject><imagedata
+ fileref="figures/merge-ex2-3.png" format="PNG"/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </screenshot>
+ </figure>
+ <!-- ==== End of Figure ==== -->
+ <para>Just to make sure our labels are going to look okay, we select the
+ <guilabel>Print outlines</guilabel> option and click
+ <guibutton>Print Preview</guibutton>. This will display a print preview dialog
+ as shown below.</para>
+ <!-- ==== Figure ==== -->
+ <figure id="merge-ex2-4-fig">
+ <title>Name tags preview</title>
+ <screenshot>
+ <mediaobject>
+ <imageobject><imagedata
+ fileref="figures/merge-ex2-4.png" format="PNG"/>
+ </imageobject>
+ </mediaobject>
+ </screenshot>
+ </figure>
+ <!-- ==== End of Figure ==== -->
+ <para>Everything looks good, so we can now load up our printer with
+ the appropriate label stock, print our address labels and start mailing
+ our party invitations.</para>
+ </sect2>
+ </sect1>
<!-- ============= Creating templates ================================== -->
<sect1 id="glabels-manual-create-template">
<title>Manually Creating New Templates</title>