'error for unknown literal ok');
-# 3: Verify that escaping of double quotes works correctly
+# 3: Verify that escaping works correctly
is(parser_calls('workspace "foo"'),
'cmd_workspace_name(foo "bar)',
'Command with escaped double quotes ok');
+is(parser_calls('workspace "foo \\'),
+ 'cmd_workspace_name(foo \\)',
+ 'Command with single backslash in the end ok');
+is(parser_calls('workspace "foo\\\\bar"'),
+ 'cmd_workspace_name(foo\\bar)',
+ 'Command with escaped backslashes ok');
+is(parser_calls('workspace "foo\\\\\\"bar"'),
+ 'cmd_workspace_name(foo\\"bar)',
+ 'Command with escaped double quotes after escaped backslashes ok');
# 4: Verify that resize commands with a "px or ppt"-construction are parsed
# correctly