include $(TOPDIR)/common.mk
# Depend on the object files of all source-files in src/*.c and on all header files
-AUTOGENERATED:=src/cfgparse.tab.c src/cfgparse.yy.c src/cmdparse.tab.c src/cmdparse.yy.c
+AUTOGENERATED:=src/cfgparse.tab.c src/cfgparse.yy.c
FILES:=$(filter-out $(AUTOGENERATED),$(wildcard src/*.c))
HEADERS:=$(filter-out include/loglevels.h,$(wildcard include/*.h))
+CMDPARSE_HEADERS:=include/GENERATED_call.h include/GENERATED_enums.h include/GENERATED_tokens.h
# Recursively generate loglevels.h by explicitly calling make
# We need this step because we need to ensure that loglevels.h will be
UNUSED:=$(shell $(MAKE) loglevels.h)
-SUBDIRS:=i3-msg i3-input i3-nagbar i3-config-wizard i3bar
+SUBDIRS:=i3-msg i3-input i3-nagbar i3-config-wizard i3bar i3-dump-log
# Depend on the specific file (.c for each .o) and on all headers
src/%.o: src/%.c ${HEADERS}
all: i3 subdirs
-i3: libi3/libi3.a src/cfgparse.y.o src/cfgparse.yy.o src/cmdparse.y.o src/cmdparse.yy.o ${FILES}
+i3: libi3/libi3.a src/cfgparse.y.o src/cfgparse.yy.o ${FILES}
echo "[i3] LINK i3"
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(filter-out libi3/libi3.a,$^) $(LIBS)
done; \
echo "};") > include/loglevels.h;
+# The GENERATED_* files are actually all created from a single pass, so all
+# files just depend on the first one.
+include/GENERATED_call.h: generate-command-parser.pl parser-specs/commands.spec
+ echo "[i3] Generating command parser"
+ (cd include; ../generate-command-parser.pl)
+include/GENERATED_enums.h: include/GENERATED_call.h
+include/GENERATED_tokens.h: include/GENERATED_call.h
+# This target compiles the command parser twice:
+# Once with -DTEST_PARSER, creating a stand-alone executable used for tests,
+# and once as an object file for i3.
+src/commands_parser.o: src/commands_parser.c ${HEADERS} ${CMDPARSE_HEADERS}
+ echo "[i3] CC $<"
+ $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -DTEST_PARSER -DLOGLEVEL="((uint64_t)1 << $(shell awk '/$(shell basename $< .c)/ { print NR; exit 0; }' loglevels.tmp))" -o test.commands_parser $< $(LIBS)
+ $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -DLOGLEVEL="((uint64_t)1 << $(shell awk '/$(shell basename $< .c)/ { print NR; exit 0; }' loglevels.tmp))" -c -o $@ $<
src/cfgparse.yy.o: src/cfgparse.l src/cfgparse.y.o ${HEADERS}
echo "[i3] LEX $<"
- flex -i -o$(@:.o=.c) $<
+ $(FLEX) -i -o$(@:.o=.c) $<
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -DLOGLEVEL="(1 << $(shell awk '/cfgparse.l/ { print NR }' loglevels.tmp))" -c -o $@ $(@:.o=.c)
-src/cmdparse.yy.o: src/cmdparse.l src/cmdparse.y.o ${HEADERS}
- echo "[i3] LEX $<"
- flex -Pcmdyy -i -o$(@:.o=.c) $<
- $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -DLOGLEVEL="(1 << $(shell awk '/cmdparse.l/ { print NR }' loglevels.tmp))" -c -o $@ $(@:.o=.c)
src/cfgparse.y.o: src/cfgparse.y ${HEADERS}
echo "[i3] YACC $<"
- bison --debug --verbose -b $(basename $< .y) -d $<
+ $(BISON) --debug --verbose -b $(basename $< .y) -d $<
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -DLOGLEVEL="(1 << $(shell awk '/cfgparse.y/ { print NR }' loglevels.tmp))" -c -o $@ $(<:.y=.tab.c)
-src/cmdparse.y.o: src/cmdparse.y ${HEADERS}
- echo "[i3] YACC $<"
- bison -p cmdyy --debug --verbose -b $(basename $< .y) -d $<
- $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -DLOGLEVEL="(1 << $(shell awk '/cmdparse.y/ { print NR }' loglevels.tmp))" -c -o $@ $(<:.y=.tab.c)
install: all
echo "[i3] INSTALL"
$(INSTALL) -d -m 0755 $(DESTDIR)$(SYSCONFDIR)/i3
$(INSTALL) -d -m 0755 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/include/i3
$(INSTALL) -d -m 0755 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/xsessions
+ $(INSTALL) -d -m 0755 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/applications
$(INSTALL) -m 0755 i3 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/
$(INSTALL) -m 0755 i3-migrate-config-to-v4 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/
$(INSTALL) -m 0755 i3-sensible-editor $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/
test -e $(DESTDIR)$(SYSCONFDIR)/i3/config || $(INSTALL) -m 0644 i3.config $(DESTDIR)$(SYSCONFDIR)/i3/config
test -e $(DESTDIR)$(SYSCONFDIR)/i3/config.keycodes || $(INSTALL) -m 0644 i3.config.keycodes $(DESTDIR)$(SYSCONFDIR)/i3/config.keycodes
$(INSTALL) -m 0644 i3.welcome $(DESTDIR)$(SYSCONFDIR)/i3/welcome
- $(INSTALL) -m 0644 i3.desktop $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/xsessions/
+ $(INSTALL) -m 0644 i3.xsession.desktop $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/xsessions/i3.desktop
+ $(INSTALL) -m 0644 i3.applications.desktop $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/applications/i3.desktop
$(INSTALL) -m 0644 include/i3/ipc.h $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/include/i3/
for dir in $(SUBDIRS); do \
$(MAKE) -C $$dir install; \
[ ! -d i3-${VERSION} ] || rm -rf i3-${VERSION}
[ ! -e i3-${VERSION}.tar.bz2 ] || rm i3-${VERSION}.tar.bz2
mkdir i3-${VERSION}
- cp i3-migrate-config-to-v4 i3-sensible-* i3.config.keycodes DEPENDS GOALS LICENSE PACKAGE-MAINTAINER RELEASE-NOTES-${VERSION} i3.config i3.desktop i3.welcome pseudo-doc.doxygen i3-wsbar Makefile i3-${VERSION}
- cp -r src libi3 i3-msg i3-nagbar i3-config-wizard i3bar yajl-fallback include man i3-${VERSION}
+ cp i3-migrate-config-to-v4 generate-command-parser.pl i3-sensible-* i3.config.keycodes DEPENDS GOALS LICENSE PACKAGE-MAINTAINER RELEASE-NOTES-${VERSION} i3.config i3.xsession.desktop i3.applications.desktop i3.welcome pseudo-doc.doxygen i3-wsbar Makefile i3-${VERSION}
+ cp -r src libi3 i3-msg i3-nagbar i3-config-wizard i3bar i3-dump-log yajl-fallback include man parser-specs i3-${VERSION}
# Only copy toplevel documentation (important stuff)
mkdir i3-${VERSION}/docs
# Pre-generate documentation
rm -rf i3-${VERSION}
- rm -f src/*.o src/*.gcno src/cfgparse.tab.{c,h} src/cfgparse.yy.c src/cfgparse.{output,dot} src/cmdparse.tab.{c,h} src/cmdparse.yy.c src/cmdparse.{output,dot} loglevels.tmp include/loglevels.h
+ rm -f src/*.o src/*.gcno src/cfgparse.tab.{c,h} src/cfgparse.yy.c src/cfgparse.{output,dot} loglevels.tmp include/loglevels.h include/GENERATED_*
(which lcov >/dev/null 2>&1 && lcov -d . --zerocounters) || true
$(MAKE) -C libi3 clean
$(MAKE) -C docs clean
ifndef PREFIX
LIBS += -lm
+LIBS += -lrt
LIBS += -L $(TOPDIR)/libi3 -li3
LIBS += $(call ldflags_for_lib, xcb-event,xcb-event)
LIBS += $(call ldflags_for_lib, xcb-keysyms,xcb-keysyms)
+i3-wm (4.1.3-0) unstable; urgency=low
+ -- Michael Stapelberg <michael@stapelberg.de> Fri, 27 Jan 2012 19:34:11 +0000
i3-wm (4.1.2-2) unstable; urgency=low
* Rebuild against libyajl and libxcb from unstable
Package: i3
Architecture: any
Section: x11
-Depends: i3-wm, ${misc:Depends}
-Recommends: i3lock, suckless-tools, i3status
+Depends: i3-wm (=${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
+Recommends: i3lock (>= 2.2), suckless-tools, i3status (>= 2.3)
Description: metapackage (i3 window manager, screen locker, menu, statusbar)
This metapackage installs the i3 window manager (i3-wm), the i3lock screen
locker, i3status (for system information) and suckless-tools (for dmenu).
-## Description: Document Debian-specific x-terminal-emulator in the manpage.
-## Origin/Author: Michael Stapelberg
-Index: i3-4.1/man/i3-sensible-terminal.man
+Index: i3-4.1.1/man/i3-sensible-terminal.man
---- i3-4.1.orig/man/i3-sensible-terminal.man 2011-11-11 22:38:06.508025537 +0000
-+++ i3-4.1/man/i3-sensible-terminal.man 2011-11-11 22:38:04.752994892 +0000
+--- i3-4.1.1.orig/man/i3-sensible-terminal.man 2011-12-28 23:56:55.487581000 +0100
++++ i3-4.1.1/man/i3-sensible-terminal.man 2011-12-28 23:57:06.725802633 +0100
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
It tries to start one of the following (in that order):
* $TERMINAL (this is a non-standard variable)
-+* x-terminal-emulator (only on Debian)
- * xterm
++* x-terminal-emulator
* urxvt
* rxvt
+ * terminator
-## Description: Use Debian-specific x-terminal-emulator in i3-sensible-terminal
-## Origin/Author: Michael Stapelberg
---- a/i3-sensible-terminal.O 2011-11-11 22:03:52.414218386 +0000
-+++ b/i3-sensible-terminal 2011-11-11 22:04:38.372020210 +0000
-@@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
- #!/bin/sh
+Index: i3-4.1.1/i3-sensible-terminal
+--- i3-4.1.1.orig/i3-sensible-terminal 2011-12-28 23:51:52.455610236 +0100
++++ i3-4.1.1/i3-sensible-terminal 2011-12-28 23:52:00.826775027 +0100
+@@ -4,11 +4,7 @@
+ #
# This script tries to exec a terminal emulator by trying some known terminal
# emulators.
-# Distributions/packagers should enhance this script with a
-# distribution-specific mechanism to find the preferred terminal emulator. On
-# Debian, there is the x-terminal-emulator symlink for example.
--# Please don't touch the first line, though:
- [ -n "$TERMINAL" ] && which $TERMINAL >/dev/null && exec $TERMINAL "$@"
-+# Debian-specific: use x-terminal-emulator
-+which x-terminal-emulator >/dev/null && exec x-terminal-emulator "$@"
- # Hopefully one of these is installed:
- which xterm >/dev/null && exec xterm "$@"
- which urxvt >/dev/null && exec urxvt "$@"
+-for terminal in $TERMINAL urxvt rxvt terminator Eterm aterm xterm gnome-terminal roxterm; do
++for terminal in $TERMINAL x-terminal-emulator urxvt rxvt terminator Eterm aterm xterm gnome-terminal roxterm; do
+ if which $terminal > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ exec $terminal "$@"
+ fi
-include /usr/share/dpkg/buildflags.mk
+ifneq (,$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
+ NUMJOBS = $(patsubst parallel=%,%,$(filter parallel=%,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS)))
build: build-arch build-indep
build-arch: build-stamp
build-indep: build-stamp
layout (like dwm, awesome, …) but provide mechanisms for you to easily create
the layout you need at the moment.
-=== The layout table
+=== The layout tree
-This section has not been updated for v4.0 yet, sorry! We wanted to release on
-time, but we will update this soon. Please talk to us on IRC if you need to
-know stuff *NOW* :).
-To accomplish flexible layouts, we decided to simply use a table. The table
-grows and shrinks as you need it. Each cell holds a container which then holds
-windows (see picture below). You can use different layouts for each container
-(default layout and stacking layout).
+The data structure which i3 uses to keep track of your windows is a tree. Every
+node in the tree is a container (type +Con+). Some containers represent actual
+windows (every container with a +window != NULL+), some represent split
+containers and a few have special purposes: they represent workspaces, outputs
+(like VGA1, LVDS1, …) or the X11 root window.
So, when you open a terminal and immediately open another one, they reside in
-the same container, in default layout. The layout table has exactly one column,
-one row and therefore one cell. When you move one of the terminals to the
-right, the table needs to grow. It will be expanded to two columns and one row.
-This enables you to have different layouts for each container. The table then
-looks like this:
-| T1 | T2
-When moving terminal 2 to the bottom, the table will be expanded again.
-| T1 |
-| | T2
-You can really think of the layout table like a traditional HTML table, if
-you’ve ever designed one. Especially col- and rowspan work similarly. Below,
-you see an example of colspan=2 for the first container (which has T1 as
+the same split container, which uses the default layout. In case of an empty
+workspace, the split container we are talking about is the workspace.
-| T1
-! T2 ! T3
-Furthermore, you can freely resize table cells.
+To get an impression of how different layouts are represented, just play around
+and look at the data structures -- they are exposed as a JSON hash. See
+http://i3wm.org/docs/ipc.html#_get_tree_reply for documentation on that and an
== Files
Contains debugging functions to print unhandled X events.
-iFunctions to get/set certain EWMH properties easily.
+Functions to get/set certain EWMH properties easily.
Contains functions for floating mode (mostly resizing/dragging).
== Data structures
-This section has not been updated for v4.0 yet, sorry! We wanted to release on
-time, but we will update this soon. Please talk to us on IRC if you need to
-know stuff *NOW* :).
See include/data.h for documented data structures. The most important ones are
explained right here.
+// TODO: update image
image:bigpicture.png[The Big Picture]
So, the hierarchy is:
. *X11 root window*, the root container
-. *Virtual screens* (Screen 0 in this example)
+. *Output container* (LVDS1 in this example)
. *Content container* (there are also containers for dock windows)
. *Workspaces* (Workspace 1 in this example, with horizontal orientation)
. *Split container* (vertically split)
The data type is +Con+, in all cases.
-=== Virtual screens
+=== X11 root window
-A virtual screen (type `i3Screen`) is generated from the connected outputs
-obtained through RandR. The difference to the raw RandR outputs as seen
-when using +xrandr(1)+ is that it falls back to the lowest common resolution of
-the actual enabled outputs.
+The X11 root window is a single window per X11 display (a display is identified
+by +:0+ or +:1+ etc.). The root window is what you draw your background image
+on. It spans all the available outputs, e.g. +VGA1+ is a specific part of the
+root window and +LVDS1+ is a specific part of the root window.
+=== Output container
+Every active output obtained through RandR is represented by one output
+container. Outputs are considered active when a mode is configured (meaning
+something is actually displayed on the output) and the output is not a clone.
For example, if your notebook has a screen resolution of 1280x800 px and you
connect a video projector with a resolution of 1024x768 px, set it up in clone
-mode (+xrandr \--output VGA1 \--mode 1024x768 \--same-as LVDS1+), i3 will have
-one virtual screen.
+mode (+xrandr \--output VGA1 \--mode 1024x768 \--same-as LVDS1+), i3 will
+reduce the resolution to the lowest common resolution and disable one of the
+cloned outputs afterwards.
However, if you configure it using +xrandr \--output VGA1 \--mode 1024x768
-\--right-of LVDS1+, i3 will generate two virtual screens. For each virtual
-screen, a new workspace will be assigned. New workspaces are created on the
-screen you are currently on.
+\--right-of LVDS1+, i3 will set both outputs active. For each output, a new
+workspace will be assigned. New workspaces are created on the output you are
+currently on.
+=== Content container
+Each output has multiple children. Two of them are dock containers which hold
+dock clients. The other one is the content container, which holds the actual
+content (workspaces) of this output.
=== Workspace
A workspace is identified by its name. Basically, you could think of
workspaces as different desks in your office, if you like the desktop
-methaphor. They just contain different sets of windows and are completely
+metaphor. They just contain different sets of windows and are completely
separate of each other. Other window managers also call this ``Virtual
-=== The layout table
-This section has not been updated for v4.0 yet, sorry! We wanted to release on
-time, but we will update this soon. Please talk to us on IRC if you need to
-know stuff *NOW* :).
-Each workspace has a table, which is just a two-dimensional dynamic array
-containing Containers (see below). This table grows and shrinks as you need it
-(by moving windows to the right you can create a new column in the table, by
-moving them to the bottom you create a new row).
-=== Container
-This section has not been updated for v4.0 yet, sorry! We wanted to release on
-time, but we will update this soon. Please talk to us on IRC if you need to
-know stuff *NOW* :).
+=== Split container
-A container is the content of a table’s cell. It holds an arbitrary amount of
-windows and has a specific layout (default layout, stack layout or tabbed
-layout). Containers can consume multiple table cells by modifying their
-colspan/rowspan attribute.
+A split container is a container which holds an arbitrary amount of split
+containers or X11 window containers. It has an orientation (horizontal or
+vertical) and a layout.
+Split containers (and X11 window containers, which are a subtype of split
+containers) can have different border styles.
-=== Client
+=== X11 window container
-A client is x11-speak for a window.
+An X11 window container holds exactly one X11 window. These are the leaf nodes
+of the layout tree, they cannot have any children.
== List/queue macros
whether this window is a dock (`_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK`), like dzen2 for
example. Docks are handled differently, they don’t have decorations and are not
assigned to a specific container. Instead, they are positioned at the bottom
-of the screen. To get the height which needs to be reserved for the window,
-the `_NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL` property is used.
+or top of the screen (in the appropriate dock area containers). To get the
+height which needs to be reserved for the window, the `_NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL`
+property is used.
Furthermore, the list of assignments (to other workspaces, which may be on
other screens) is checked. If the window matches one of the user’s criteria,
== Rendering (src/layout.c, render_layout() and render_container())
-This section has not been updated for v4.0 yet, sorry! We wanted to release on
-time, but we will update this soon. Please talk to us on IRC if you need to
-know stuff *NOW* :).
-There are several entry points to rendering: `render_layout()`,
-`render_workspace()` and `render_container()`. The former one calls
-`render_workspace()` for every screen, which in turn will call
-`render_container()` for every container inside its layout table. Therefore, if
-you need to render only a single container, for example because a window was
-removed, added or changed its title, you should directly call
-Rendering consists of two steps: In the first one, in `render_workspace()`, each
-container gets its position (screen offset + offset in the table) and size
-(container's width times colspan/rowspan). Then, `render_container()` is called,
-which takes different approaches, depending on the mode the container is in:
-=== Common parts
-On the frame (the window which was created around the client’s window for the
-decorations), a black rectangle is drawn as a background for windows like
-MPlayer, which do not completely fit into the frame.
-=== Default mode
-Each clients gets the container’s width and an equal amount of height.
-=== Stack mode
-In stack mode, a window containing the decorations of all windows inside the
-container is placed at the top. The currently focused window is then given the
-whole remaining space.
-=== Tabbed mode
-Tabbed mode is like stack mode, except that the window decorations are drawn
-in one single line at the top of the container.
-=== Window decorations
+Rendering in i3 version 4 is the step which assigns the correct sizes for
+borders, decoration windows, child windows and the stacking order of all
+windows. In a separate step (+x_push_changes()+), these changes are pushed to
+Keep in mind that all these properties (+rect+, +window_rect+ and +deco_rect+)
+are temporary, meaning they will be overwritten by calling +render_con+.
+Persistent position/size information is kept in +geometry+.
+The entry point for every rendering operation (except for the case of moving
+floating windows around) currently is +tree_render()+ which will re-render
+everything that’s necessary (for every output, only the currently displayed
+workspace is rendered). This behavior is expected to change in the future,
+since for a lot of updates, re-rendering everything is not actually necessary.
+Focus was on getting it working correct, not getting it work very fast.
+What +tree_render()+ actually does is calling +render_con()+ on the root
+container and then pushing the changes to X11. The following sections talk
+about the different rendering steps, in the order of "top of the tree" (root
+container) to the bottom.
+=== Rendering the root container
+The i3 root container (`con->type == CT_ROOT`) represents the X11 root window.
+It contains one child container for every output (like LVDS1, VGA1, …), which
+is available on your computer.
+Rendering the root will first render all tiling windows and then all floating
+windows. This is necessary because a floating window can be positioned in such
+a way that it is visible on two different outputs. Therefore, by first
+rendering all the tiling windows (of all outputs), we make sure that floating
+windows can never be obscured by tiling windows.
+Essentially, though, this code path will just call +render_con()+ for every
+output and +x_raise_con(); render_con()+ for every floating window.
+In the special case of having a "global fullscreen" window (fullscreen mode
+spanning all outputs), a shortcut is taken and +x_raise_con(); render_con()+ is
+only called for the global fullscreen window.
+=== Rendering an output
+Output containers (`con->layout == L_OUTPUT`) represent a hardware output like
+LVDS1, VGA1, etc. An output container has three children (at the moment): One
+content container (having workspaces as children) and the top/bottom dock area
+The rendering happens in the function +render_l_output()+ in the following
+1. Find the content container (`con->type == CT_CON`)
+2. Get the currently visible workspace (+con_get_fullscreen_con(content,
+3. If there is a fullscreened window on that workspace, directly render it and
+ return, thus ignoring the dock areas.
+4. Sum up the space used by all the dock windows (they have a variable height
+ only).
+5. Set the workspace rects (x/y/width/height) based on the position of the
+ output (stored in `con->rect`) and the usable space
+ (`con->rect.{width,height}` without the space used for dock windows).
+6. Recursively raise and render the output’s child containers (meaning dock
+ area containers and the content container).
+=== Rendering a workspace or split container
+From here on, there really is no difference anymore. All containers are of
+`con->type == CT_CON` (whether workspace or split container) and some of them
+have a `con->window`, meaning they represent an actual window instead of a
+split container.
+==== Default layout
+In default layout, containers are placed horizontally or vertically next to
+each other (depending on the `con->orientation`). If a child is a leaf node (as
+opposed to a split container) and has border style "normal", appropriate space
+will be reserved for its window decoration.
+==== Stacked layout
+In stacked layout, only the focused window is actually shown (this is achieved
+by calling +x_raise_con()+ in reverse focus order at the end of +render_con()+).
+The available space for the focused window is the size of the container minus
+the height of the window decoration for all windows inside this stacked
-The window decorations consist of a rectangle in the appropriate color (depends
-on whether this window is the currently focused one, the last focused one in a
-not focused container or not focused at all) forming the background.
-Afterwards, two lighter lines are drawn and the last step is drawing the
-window’s title (see WM_NAME) onto it.
+If border style is "1pixel" or "none", no window decoration height will be
+reserved (or displayed later on), unless there is more than one window inside
+the stacked container.
+==== Tabbed layout
+Tabbed layout works precisely like stacked layout, but the window decoration
+position/size is different: They are placed next to each other on a single line
+(fixed height).
+==== Dock area layout
+This is a special case. Users cannot chose the dock area layout, but it will be
+set for the dock area containers. In the dockarea layout (at the moment!),
+windows will be placed above each other.
+=== Rendering a window
+A window’s size and position will be determined in the following way:
+1. Subtract the border if border style is not "none" (but "normal" or "1pixel").
+2. Subtract the X11 border, if the window has an X11 border > 0.
+3. Obey the aspect ratio of the window (think MPlayer).
+4. Obey the height- and width-increments of the window (think terminal emulator
+ which can only be resized in one-line or one-character steps).
+== Pushing updates to X11 / Drawing
+A big problem with i3 before version 4 was that we just sent requests to X11
+anywhere in the source code. This was bad because nobody could understand the
+entirety of our interaction with X11, it lead to subtle bugs and a lot of edge
+cases which we had to consider all over again.
+Therefore, since version 4, we have a single file, +src/x.c+, which is
+responsible for repeatedly transferring parts of our tree datastructure to X11.
++src/x.c+ consists of multiple parts:
+1. The state pushing: +x_push_changes()+, which calls +x_push_node()+.
+2. State modification functions: +x_con_init+, +x_reinit+,
+ +x_reparent_child+, +x_move_win+, +x_con_kill+, +x_raise_con+, +x_set_name+
+ and +x_set_warp_to+.
+3. Expose event handling (drawing decorations): +x_deco_recurse()+ and
+ +x_draw_decoration()+.
+=== Pushing state to X11
+In general, the function +x_push_changes+ should be called to push state
+changes. Only when the scope of the state change is clearly defined (for
+example only the title of a window) and its impact is known beforehand, one can
+optimize this and call +x_push_node+ on the appropriate con directly.
++x_push_changes+ works in the following steps:
+1. Clear the eventmask for all mapped windows. This leads to not getting
+ useless ConfigureNotify or EnterNotify events which are caused by our
+ requests. In general, we only want to handle user input.
+2. Stack windows above each other, in reverse stack order (starting with the
+ most obscured/bottom window). This is relevant for floating windows which
+ can overlap each other, but also for tiling windows in stacked or tabbed
+ containers. We also update the +_NET_CLIENT_LIST_STACKING+ hint which is
+ necessary for tab drag and drop in Chromium.
+3. +x_push_node+ will be called for the root container, recursively calling
+ itself for the container’s children. This function actually pushes the
+ state, see the next paragraph.
+4. If the pointer needs to be warped to a different position (for example when
+ changing focus to a differnt output), it will be warped now.
+5. The eventmask is restored for all mapped windows.
+6. Window decorations will be rendered by calling +x_deco_recurse+ on the root
+ container, which then recursively calls itself for the children.
+7. If the input focus needs to be changed (because the user focused a different
+ window), it will be updated now.
+8. +x_push_node_unmaps+ will be called for the root container. This function
+ only pushes UnmapWindow requests. Separating the state pushing is necessary
+ to handle fullscreen windows (and workspace switches) in a smooth fashion:
+ The newly visible windows should be visible before the old windows are
+ unmapped.
++x_push_node+ works in the following steps:
+1. Update the window’s +WM_NAME+, if changed (the +WM_NAME+ is set on i3
+ containers mainly for debugging purposes).
+2. Reparents a child window into the i3 container if the container was created
+ for a specific managed window.
+3. If the size/position of the i3 container changed (due to opening a new
+ window or switching layouts for example), the window will be reconfigured.
+ Also, the pixmap which is used to draw the window decoration/border on is
+ reconfigured (pixmaps are size-dependent).
+4. Size/position for the child window is adjusted.
+5. The i3 container is mapped if it should be visible and was not yet mapped.
+ When mapping, +WM_STATE+ is set to +WM_STATE_NORMAL+. Also, the eventmask of
+ the child window is updated and the i3 container’s contents are copied from
+ the pixmap.
+6. +x_push_node+ is called recursively for all children of the current
+ container.
++x_push_node_unmaps+ handles the remaining case of an i3 container being
+unmapped if it should not be visible anymore. +WM_STATE+ will be set to
+=== Drawing window decorations/borders/backgrounds
++x_draw_decoration+ draws window decorations. It is run for every leaf
+container (representing an actual X11 window) and for every non-leaf container
+which is in a stacked/tabbed container (because stacked/tabbed containers
+display a window decoration for split containers, which at the moment just says
+"another container").
+Then, parameters are collected to be able to determine whether this decoration
+drawing is actually necessary or was already done. This saves a substantial
+number of redraws (depending on your workload, but far over 50%).
+Assuming that we need to draw this decoration, we start by filling the empty
+space around the child window (think of MPlayer with a specific aspect ratio)
+in the user-configured client background color.
+Afterwards, we draw the appropriate border (in case of border styles "normal"
+and "1pixel") and the top bar (in case of border style "normal").
+The last step is drawing the window title on the top bar.
-=== Fullscreen windows
-For fullscreen windows, the `rect` (x, y, width, height) is not changed to
-allow the client to easily go back to its previous position. Instead,
-fullscreen windows are skipped when rendering.
-=== Resizing containers
+== Resizing containers
By clicking and dragging the border of a container, you can resize the whole
column (respectively row) which this container is in. This is necessary to keep
-== User commands / commandmode (src/cmdparse.{l,y})
-This section has not been updated for v4.0 yet, sorry! We wanted to release on
-time, but we will update this soon. Please talk to us on IRC if you need to
-know stuff *NOW* :).
-Like in vim, you can control i3 using commands. They are intended to be a
-powerful alternative to lots of shortcuts, because they can be combined. There
-are a few special commands, which are the following:
-exec <command>::
-Starts the given command by passing it to `/bin/sh`.
-Restarts i3 by executing `argv[0]` (the path with which you started i3) without
-"With". This is used to select a bunch of windows. Currently, only selecting
-the whole container in which the window is in, is supported by specifying "w".
-f, s, d::
-Toggle fullscreen, stacking, default mode for the current window/container.
-The other commands are to be combined with a direction. The directions are h,
-j, k and l, like in vim (h = left, j = down, k = up, l = right). When you just
-specify the direction keys, i3 will move the focus in that direction. You can
-provide "m" or "s" before the direction to move a window respectively or snap.
+== User commands (parser-specs/commands.spec)
+In the configuration file and when using i3 interactively (with +i3-msg+, for
+example), you use commands to make i3 do things, like focus a different window,
+set a window to fullscreen, and so on. An example command is +floating enable+,
+which enables floating mode for the currently focused window. See the
+appropriate section in the link:userguide.html[User’s Guide] for a reference of
+all commands.
+In earlier versions of i3, interpreting these commands was done using lex and
+yacc, but experience has shown that lex and yacc are not well suited for our
+command language. Therefore, starting from version 4.2, we use a custom parser
+for user commands (not yet for the configuration file).
+The input specification for this parser can be found in the file
++parser-specs/commands.spec+. Should you happen to use Vim as an editor, use
+:source parser-specs/highlighting.vim to get syntax highlighting for this file
+(highlighting files for other editors are welcome).
+.Excerpt from commands.spec
+state INITIAL:
+ '[' -> call cmd_criteria_init(); CRITERIA
+ 'move' -> MOVE
+ 'exec' -> EXEC
+ 'workspace' -> WORKSPACE
+ 'exit' -> call cmd_exit()
+ 'restart' -> call cmd_restart()
+ 'reload' -> call cmd_reload()
+The input specification is written in an extremely simple format. The
+specification is then converted into C code by the Perl script
+generate-commands-parser.pl (the output file names begin with GENERATED and the
+files are stored in the +include+ directory). The parser implementation
++src/commands_parser.c+ includes the generated C code at compile-time.
+The above excerpt from commands.spec illustrates nearly all features of our
+specification format: You describe different states and what can happen within
+each state. State names are all-caps; the state in the above excerpt is called
+INITIAL. A list of tokens and their actions (separated by an ASCII arrow)
+follows. In the excerpt, all tokens are literals, that is, simple text strings
+which will be compared with the input. An action is either the name of a state
+in which the parser will transition into, or the keyword 'call', followed by
+the name of a function (and optionally a state).
+=== Example: The WORKSPACE state
+Let’s have a look at the WORKSPACE state, which is a good example of all
+features. This is its definition:
+.WORKSPACE state (commands.spec)
+# workspace next|prev|next_on_output|prev_on_output
+# workspace back_and_forth
+# workspace <name>
+ direction = 'next_on_output', 'prev_on_output', 'next', 'prev'
+ -> call cmd_workspace($direction)
+ 'back_and_forth'
+ -> call cmd_workspace_back_and_forth()
+ workspace = string
+ -> call cmd_workspace_name($workspace)
+As you can see from the commands, there are multiple different valid variants
+of the workspace command:
+workspace <direction>::
+ The word 'workspace' can be followed by any of the tokens 'next',
+ 'prev', 'next_on_output' or 'prev_on_output'. This command will
+ switch to the next or previous workspace (optionally on the same
+ output). +
+ There is one function called +cmd_workspace+, which is defined
+ in +src/commands.c+. It will handle this kind of command. To know which
+ direction was specified, the direction token is stored on the stack
+ with the name "direction", which is what the "direction = " means in
+ the beginning. +
+NOTE: Note that you can specify multiple literals in the same line. This has
+ exactly the same effect as if you specified `direction =
+ 'next_on_output' -> call cmd_workspace($direction)` and so forth. +
+NOTE: Also note that the order of literals is important here: If 'next' were
+ ordered before 'next_on_output', then 'next_on_output' would never
+ match.
+workspace back_and_forth::
+ This is a very simple case: When the literal 'back_and_forth' is found
+ in the input, the function +cmd_workspace_back_and_forth+ will be
+ called without parameters and the parser will return to the INITIAL
+ state (since no other state was specified).
+workspace <name>::
+ In this case, the workspace command is followed by an arbitrary string,
+ possibly in quotes, for example "workspace 3" or "workspace bleh". +
+ This is the first time that the token is actually not a literal (not in
+ single quotes), but just called string. Other possible tokens are word
+ (the same as string, but stops matching at a whitespace) and end
+ (matches the end of the input).
+=== Introducing a new command
+The following steps have to be taken in order to properly introduce a new
+command (or possibly extend an existing command):
+1. Define a function beginning with +cmd_+ in the file +src/commands.c+. Copy
+ the prototype of an existing function.
+2. After adding a comment on what the function does, copy the comment and
+ function definition to +include/commands.h+. Make the comment in the header
+ file use double asterisks to make doxygen pick it up.
+3. Write a test case (or extend an existing test case) for your feature, see
+ link:testsuite.html[i3 testsuite]. For now, it is sufficient to simply call
+ your command in all the various possible ways.
+4. Extend the parser specification in +parser-specs/commands.spec+. Run the
+ testsuite and see if your new function gets called with the appropriate
+ arguments for the appropriate input.
+5. Actually implement the feature.
+6. Document the feature in the link:userguide.html[User’s Guide].
== Moving containers
Just send us the generated file via email.
+== Thought experiments
+In this section, we collect thought experiments, so that we don’t forget our
+thoughts about specific topics. They are not necessary to get into hacking i3,
+but if you are interested in one of the topics they cover, you should read them
+before asking us why things are the way they are or why we don’t implement
+=== Using cgroups per workspace
+cgroups (control groups) are a linux-only feature which provides the ability to
+group multiple processes. For each group, you can individually set resource
+limits, like allowed memory usage. Furthermore, and more importantly for our
+purposes, they serve as a namespace, a label which you can attach to processes
+and their children.
+One interesting use for cgroups is having one cgroup per workspace (or
+container, doesn’t really matter). That way, you could set different priorities
+and have a workspace for important stuff (say, writing a LaTeX document or
+programming) and a workspace for unimportant background stuff (say,
+JDownloader). Both tasks can obviously consume a lot of I/O resources, but in
+this example it doesn’t really matter if JDownloader unpacks the download a
+minute earlier or not. However, your compiler should work as fast as possible.
+Having one cgroup per workspace, you would assign more resources to the
+programming workspace.
+Another interesting feature is that an inherent problem of the workspace
+concept could be solved by using cgroups: When starting an application on
+workspace 1, then switching to workspace 2, you will get the application’s
+window(s) on workspace 2 instead of the one you started it on. This is because
+the window manager does not have any mapping between the process it starts (or
+gets started in any way) and the window(s) which appear.
+Imagine for example using dmenu: The user starts dmenu by pressing Mod+d, dmenu
+gets started with PID 3390. The user then decides to launch Firefox, which
+takes a long time. So he enters firefox into dmenu and presses enter. Firefox
+gets started with PID 4001. When it finally finishes loading, it creates an X11
+window and uses MapWindow to make it visible. This is the first time i3
+actually gets in touch with Firefox. It decides to map the window, but it has
+no way of knowing that this window (even though it has the _NET_WM_PID property
+set to 4001) belongs to the dmenu the user started before.
+How do cgroups help with this? Well, when pressing Mod+d to launch dmenu, i3
+would create a new cgroup, let’s call it i3-3390-1. It launches dmenu in that
+cgroup, which gets PID 3390. As before, the user enters firefox and Firefox
+gets launched with PID 4001. This time, though, the Firefox process with PID
+4001 is *also* member of the cgroup i3-3390-1 (because fork()ing in a cgroup
+retains the cgroup property). Therefore, when mapping the window, i3 can look
+up in which cgroup the process is and can establish a mapping between the
+workspace and the window.
+There are multiple problems with this approach:
+. Every application has to properly set +_NET_WM_PID+. This is acceptable and
+ patches can be written for the few applications which don’t set the hint yet.
+. It does only work on Linux, since cgroups are a Linux-only feature. Again,
+ this is acceptable.
+. The main problem is that some applications create X11 windows completely
+ independent of UNIX processes. An example for this is Chromium (or
+ gnome-terminal), which, when being started a second time, communicates with
+ the first process and lets the first process open a new window. Therefore, if
+ you have a Chromium window on workspace 2 and you are currently working on
+ workspace 3, starting +chromium+ does not lead to the desired result (the
+ window will open on workspace 2).
+Therefore, my conclusion is that the only proper way of fixing the "window gets
+opened on the wrong workspace" problem is in the application itself. Most
+modern applications support freedesktop startup-notifications which can be
+used for this.
IPC interface (interprocess communication)
-Michael Stapelberg <michael+i3@stapelberg.de>
-October 2011
+Michael Stapelberg <michael@i3wm.org>
+February 2012
This document describes how to interface with i3 from a separate process. This
is useful for example to remote-control i3 (to write test cases for example) or
The payload of the message is a command for i3 (like the commands you
can bind to keys in the configuration file) and will be executed
- directly after receiving it. There is no reply to this message.
+ directly after receiving it.
Gets the current workspaces. The reply will be a JSON-encoded list of
workspaces (see the reply section).
Confirmation/Error code for the COMMAND message.
Reply to the GET_WORKSPACES message.
Confirmation/Error code for the SUBSCRIBE message.
+OUTPUTS (3)::
Reply to the GET_OUTPUTS message.
-GET_TREE (4)::
+TREE (4)::
Reply to the GET_TREE message.
-GET_MARKS (5)::
+MARKS (5)::
Reply to the GET_MARKS message.
Reply to the GET_BAR_CONFIG message.
=== COMMAND reply
{ "success": true }
+=== WORKSPACES reply
The reply consists of a serialized list of workspaces. Each workspace has the
following properties:
-=== GET_TREE reply
+=== TREE reply
The reply consists of a serialized tree. Each node in the tree (representing
one container) has at least the properties listed below. While the nodes might
-=== GET_MARKS reply
+=== MARKS reply
The reply consists of a single array of strings for each container that has a
mark. The order of that array is undefined. If more than one container has the
If no window has a mark the response will be the empty array [].
-=== GET_BAR_CONFIG reply
+=== BAR_CONFIG reply
This can be used by third-party workspace bars (especially i3bar, but others
are free to implement compatible alternatives) to get the +bar+ block
+ http://github.com/jzib/i3-py (includes higher-level features)
--- /dev/null
+% vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
+% © 2012 Michael Stapelberg
+% use xelatex %<
+\usepackage{xunicode} % Unicode extras!
+\usepackage{xltxtra} % Fixes
+\setmainfont{Trebuchet MS}
+ \color{black}
+ \vspace*{0.5cm}
+ \hspace*{0.25cm}
+ \textbf{\insertframetitle}
+ \par
+% Hide the navigation icons at the bottom of the page
+\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
+% No margins on any side
+\setbeamersize{text margin left=0cm,text margin right=0cm}
+% slide with bullet points
+ \begin{frame}{#1}
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{list}{$\bullet$}{\itemsep=1em}
+ #2
+ \end{list}
+ \end{center}
+ \end{frame}
+{\huge i3}\\
+{\large improved tiling window manager}\\
+Michael Stapelberg\\
+"Interesting, what is this?"
+"What?! \textbf{Another} window manager?"
+ % talk about the difference between a desktop environment and a window manager:
+ % a desktop environment (like GNOME, KDE, Xfce) is a collection of
+ % programs, libraries (including a graphical toolkit) and configuration.
+ % it usually aims for a coherent look and feel and comes with a number of
+ % tools (g*, like gedit, geeqie, …)
+ % One of the programs of a DE is a window manager.
+ \begin{figure}
+ \includegraphics[width=0.97\textwidth]{Ubuntu_Linux_Jaunty_screenshot.png}
+ % source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ubuntu_Linux_Jaunty_screenshot.png
+ \end{figure}
+% compare this to a screenshot of i3:
+% notice the little amount of toolbars.
+% notice the lack of fancy window decorations
+% notice the absence of a desktop.
+% instead, you get to use the full screen.
+ \begin{figure}
+ \includegraphics[width=0.97\textwidth]{TdilE.jpg}
+ % source: jrd in #i3
+ \end{figure}
+\mslide{i3: history and features}{
+ \item started from scratch in february 2009
+ \item successor* to wmii, which we couldn’t hack
+ \item clean, readable, documented code. and documentation
+ \item proper multi-monitor support, utf-8 clean
+ \item fast and lightweight, aimed at power users
+% live demo here, just like at FrOSCon
+% include: the docs, with the keyboard layout
+% include: the configuration file
+\mslide{Inter-process communication}{
+ \item UNIX socket, JSON for serialization
+ \item i3-msg (C), AnyEvent::I3 (Perl), i3-ipc (Ruby), i3ipc (Python)
+ \item send any command, like \texttt{floating enable}
+ \item receive events (like focus change)
+ \item access the layout tree (!)
+% demo: change a workspace
+% demo: testsuite
+\mslide{Example workflows}{
+ \item Urgency hint
+ \item Scratchpad
+ \item Web development (browser, editor, syslog)
+ \item Coding (C): two editors (code, test), quickly opening docs
+\mslide{i3 in numbers}{
+ \item 3149 commits by 39 different people
+ \item > 600 tickets (about 60 open)
+ \item about 10.000 SLOC (mostly C, a bit of Perl)
+ \item testsuite: > 1000 test instructions in 96 files
+ \item conservative guess of > 1000 users
+\mslide{Thanks for your attention}{
+ \item See \url{http://www.i3wm.org/} for everything
+ \item Ubuntu: upgrade to our repository: \url{http://i3wm.org/docs/repositories.html}
+ \item Debian: upgrade to the version in Debian testing
+ \item Any questions?
+ \item (pictures Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported)
i3 User’s Guide
Michael Stapelberg <michael+i3@stapelberg.de>
-October 2011
+January 2012
This document contains all the information you need to configure and use the i3
window manager. If it does not, please contact us on IRC (preferred) or post your
press +mod+f+.
There is also a global fullscreen mode in i3 in which the client will span all
-available outputs.
+available outputs (the command is +fullscreen global+).
=== Opening other applications
-colorclass border background text
+colorclass border background text indicator
Where colorclass can be one of:
Colors are in HTML hex format (#rrggbb), see the following example:
*Examples (default colors)*:
-# class border backgr. text
-client.focused #4c7899 #285577 #ffffff
-client.focused_inactive #333333 #5f676a #ffffff
-client.unfocused #333333 #222222 #888888
-client.urgent #2f343a #900000 #ffffff
+# class border backgr. text indicator
+client.focused #4c7899 #285577 #ffffff #2e9ef4
+client.focused_inactive #333333 #5f676a #ffffff #484e50
+client.unfocused #333333 #222222 #888888 #292d2e
+client.urgent #2f343a #900000 #ffffff #900000
Note that for the window decorations, the color around the child window is the
background color, and the border color is only the two thin lines at the top of
the window.
+The indicator color is used for indicating where a new window will be opened.
+For horizontal split containers, the right border will be painted in indicator
+color, for vertical split containers, the bottom border. This only applies to
+single windows within a split container, which are otherwise indistinguishable
+from single windows outside of a split container.
=== Interprocess communication
i3 uses unix sockets to provide an IPC interface. This allows third-party
+=== i3bar command
+By default i3 will just pass +i3bar+ and let your shell handle the execution,
+searching your +$PATH+ for a correct version.
+If you have a different +i3bar+ somewhere or the binary is not in your +$PATH+ you can
+tell i3 what to execute.
+The specified command will be passed to +sh -c+, so you can use globbing and
+have to have correct quoting etc.
+i3bar_command command
+bar {
+ i3bar_command /home/user/bin/i3bar
=== Statusline command
i3bar can run a program and display every line of its +stdout+ output on the
-status_command i3status --config ~/.i3status.conf
+bar {
+ status_command i3status --config ~/.i3status.conf
=== Display mode
You can have i3bar either be visible permanently at one edge of the screen
(+dock+ mode) or make it show up when you press your modifier key (+hide+
+mode). The modifier key can be configured using the +modifier+ option.
The hide mode maximizes screen space that can be used for actual windows. Also,
i3bar sends the +SIGSTOP+ and +SIGCONT+ signals to the statusline process to
save battery power.
-The default is dock mode.
+The default is dock mode; in hide mode, the default modifier is Mod4 (usually
+the windows key).
mode <dock|hide>
+modifier <Modifier>
-mode hide
+bar {
+ mode hide
+ modifier Mod1
+Available modifiers are Mod1-Mod5, Shift, Control (see +xmodmap(1)+).
=== Position
This option determines in which edge of the screen i3bar should show up.
-position top
+bar {
+ position top
=== Output(s)
handle all outputs. Restricting the outputs is useful for using different
options for different outputs by using multiple 'bar' blocks.
+To make a particular i3bar instance handle multiple outputs, specify the output
+directive multiple times.
output <output>
# big monitor: everything
bar {
- output HDMI2
- status_command i3status
+ # The display is connected either via HDMI or via DisplayPort
+ output HDMI2
+ output DP2
+ status_command i3status
# laptop monitor: bright colors and i3status with less modules.
bar {
- output LVDS1
- status_command i3status --config ~/.i3status-small.conf
- colors {
- background #000000
- statusline #ffffff
- }
+ output LVDS1
+ status_command i3status --config ~/.i3status-small.conf
+ colors {
+ background #000000
+ statusline #ffffff
+ }
# disable system tray
-tray_output none
+bar {
+ tray_output none
# show tray icons on the big monitor
-tray_output HDMI2
+bar {
+ tray_output HDMI2
=== Font
-font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
+bar {
+ font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
=== Workspace buttons
-workspace_buttons no
+bar {
+ workspace_buttons no
=== Colors
Text color to be used for the statusline.
- Text color/background color for a workspace button when the workspace
+ Border, background and text color for a workspace button when the workspace
has focus.
- Text color/background color for a workspace button when the workspace
+ Border, background and text color for a workspace button when the workspace
is active (visible) on some output, but the focus is on another one.
You can only tell this apart from the focused workspace when you are
using multiple monitors.
- Text color/background color for a workspace button when the workspace
+ Border, background and text color for a workspace button when the workspace
does not have focus and is not active (visible) on any output. This
will be the case for most workspaces.
- Text color/background color for workspaces which contain at least one
+ Border, background and text color for a workspace button when the workspace
window with the urgency hint set.
background <color>
statusline <color>
- colorclass <foreground> <background>
+ colorclass <border> <background> <text>
+*Example (default colors)*:
-colors {
- background #000000
- statusline #ffffff
- focused_workspace #ffffff #285577
- active_workspace #ffffff #333333
- inactive_workspace #888888 #222222
- urgent_workspace #ffffff #900000
+bar {
+ colors {
+ background #000000
+ statusline #ffffff
+ focused_workspace #4c7899 #285577 #ffffff
+ active_workspace #333333 #5f676a #ffffff
+ inactive_workspace #333333 #222222 #888888
+ urgent_workspace #2f343a #900000 #ffffff
+ }
the following keybinding:
-bindsym mod+x move workspace 3; workspace 3
+bindsym mod+x move container to workspace 3; workspace 3
bindsym mod+g exec gimp
# Start the terminal emulator urxvt which is not yet startup-notification-aware
-bindsym mod+enter exec --no-startup-id urxvt
+bindsym mod+Return exec --no-startup-id urxvt
The +--no-startup-id+ parameter disables startup-notification support for this
=== Focusing/Moving containers
-To change the focus, use the focus command: +focus left+, +focus right+, +focus down+ and +focus up+.
+To change the focus, use the focus command: +focus left+, +focus right+, +focus
+down+ and +focus up+.
There are a few special parameters you can use for the focus command:
Sets focus to the last focused tiling container.
Toggles between floating/tiling containers.
+ Followed by a direction or an output name, this will focus the
+ corresponding output.
For moving, use +move left+, +move right+, +move down+ and +move up+.
focus <left|right|down|up>
focus <parent|child|floating|tiling|mode_toggle>
+focus output <<left|right|down|up>|output>
move <left|right|down|up> [<px> px]
# Focus last floating/tiling container
bindsym mod+g focus mode_toggle
+# Focus the output right to the current one
+bindsym mod+x focus output right
+# Focus the big output
+bindsym mod+x focus output HDMI-2
# Move container to the left, bottom, top, right:
bindsym mod+j move left
bindsym mod+k move down
To change to a specific workspace, use the +workspace+ command, followed by the
number or name of the workspace. To move containers to specific workspaces, use
-+move workspace+.
++move container to workspace+.
You can also switch to the next and previous workspace with the commands
+workspace next+ and +workspace prev+, which is handy, for example, if you have
workspace 1, 3, 4 and 9 and you want to cycle through them with a single key
-combination. Similarly, you can use +move workspace next+ and +move workspace
-prev+ to move a container to the next/previous workspace.
+combination. To restrict those to the current output, use +workspace
+next_on_output+ and +workspace prev_on_output+. Similarly, you can use +move
+container to workspace next+ and +move container to workspace prev+ to move a
+container to the next/previous workspace.
To switch back to the previously focused workspace, use +workspace
To move a container to another xrandr output such as +LVDS1+ or +VGA1+, you can
-use the +move output+ command followed by the name of the target output. You
-may also use +left+, +right+, +up+, +down+ instead of the xrandr output name to
-move to the next output in the specified direction.
+use the +move container to output+ command followed by the name of the target
+output. You may also use +left+, +right+, +up+, +down+ instead of the xrandr
+output name to move to the next output in the specified direction.
+To move a whole workspace to another xrandr output such as +LVDS1+ or +VGA1+,
+you can use the +move workspace to output+ command followed by the name of the
+target output. You may also use +left+, +right+, +up+, +down+ instead of the
+xrandr output name to move to the next output in the specified direction.
bindsym mod+2 workspace 2
-bindsym mod+Shift+1 move workspace 1
-bindsym mod+Shift+2 move workspace 2
+bindsym mod+Shift+1 move container to workspace 1
+bindsym mod+Shift+2 move container to workspace 2
# switch between the current and the previously focused one
bindsym mod+b workspace back_and_forth
+# move the whole workspace to the next output
+bindsym mod+x move workspace to output right
==== Named workspaces
bindsym mod+Shift+e exit
+=== Scratchpad
+There are two commands to use any existing window as scratchpad window. +move
+scratchpad+ will move a window to the scratchpad workspace. This will make it
+invisible until you show it again. There is no way to open that workspace.
+Instead, when using +scratchpad show+, the window will be shown again, as a
+floating window, centered on your current workspace (using +scratchpad show+ on
+a visible scratchpad window will make it hidden again, so you can have a
+keybinding to toggle).
+As the name indicates, this is useful for having a window with your favorite
+editor always at hand. However, you can also use this for other permanently
+running applications which you don’t want to see all the time: Your music
+player, alsamixer, maybe even your mail client…?
+move scratchpad
+scratchpad show
+# Make the currently focused window a scratchpad
+bindsym mod+Shift+minus move scratchpad
+# Show the first scratchpad window
+bindsym mod+minus scratchpad show
+# Show the sup-mail scratchpad window, if any.
+bindsym mod4+s [title="^Sup ::"] scratchpad show
== Multiple monitors
this task. It was written in C with the goal of using as few syscalls as
possible to reduce the time your CPU is woken up from sleep states. Because
i3status only spits out text, you need to combine it with some other tool, like
-i3bar. Use a pipe to connect them: +i3status | i3bar -d+.
+i3bar. See <<status_command>> for how to display i3status in i3bar.
Regardless of which application you use to display the status line, you
want to make sure that it registers as a dock window using EWMH hints. i3 will
position the window either at the top or at the bottom of the screen, depending
-on which hint the application sets. With i3bar, you can use +-d+ or +-dbottom+
-for positioning it at the bottom and +-dtop+ to position it at the top of the
+on which hint the application sets. With i3bar, you can configure its position,
+see <<i3bar_position>>.
=== Giving presentations (multi-monitor)
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
+# i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
+# © 2009-2012 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
+# generate-command-parser.pl: script to generate parts of the command parser
+# from its specification file parser-specs/commands.spec.
+# Requires only perl >= 5.10, no modules.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use v5.10;
+# reads in a whole file
+sub slurp {
+ open my $fh, '<', shift;
+ local $/;
+ <$fh>;
+# Stores the different states.
+my %states;
+# XXX: don’t hardcode input and output
+my $input = '../parser-specs/commands.spec';
+my @raw_lines = split("\n", slurp($input));
+my @lines;
+# XXX: In the future, we might switch to a different way of parsing this. The
+# parser is in many ways not good — one obvious one is that it is hand-crafted
+# without a good reason, also it preprocesses lines and forgets about line
+# numbers. Luckily, this is just an implementation detail and the specification
+# for the i3 command parser is in-tree (not user input).
+# -- michael, 2012-01-12
+# First step of preprocessing:
+# Join token definitions which are spread over multiple lines.
+for my $line (@raw_lines) {
+ next if $line =~ /^\s*#/ || $line =~ /^\s*$/;
+ if ($line =~ /^\s+->/) {
+ # This is a continued token definition, append this line to the
+ # previous one.
+ $lines[$#lines] = $lines[$#lines] . $line;
+ } else {
+ push @lines, $line;
+ next;
+ }
+# First step: We build up the data structure containing all states and their
+# token rules.
+my $current_state;
+for my $line (@lines) {
+ if (my ($state) = ($line =~ /^state ([A-Z_]+):$/)) {
+ #say "got a new state: $state";
+ $current_state = $state;
+ } else {
+ # Must be a token definition:
+ # [identifier = ] <tokens> -> <action>
+ #say "token definition: $line";
+ my ($identifier, $tokens, $action) =
+ ($line =~ /
+ ^\s* # skip leading whitespace
+ ([a-z_]+ \s* = \s*|) # optional identifier
+ (.*?) -> \s* # token
+ (.*) # optional action
+ /x);
+ # Cleanup the identifier (if any).
+ $identifier =~ s/^\s*(\S+)\s*=\s*$/$1/g;
+ # Cleanup the tokens (remove whitespace).
+ $tokens =~ s/\s*//g;
+ # The default action is to stay in the current state.
+ $action = $current_state if length($action) == 0;
+ #say "identifier = *$identifier*, token = *$tokens*, action = *$action*";
+ for my $token (split(',', $tokens)) {
+ my $store_token = {
+ token => $token,
+ identifier => $identifier,
+ next_state => $action,
+ };
+ if (exists $states{$current_state}) {
+ push @{$states{$current_state}}, $store_token;
+ } else {
+ $states{$current_state} = [ $store_token ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Second step: Generate the enum values for all states.
+# It is important to keep the order the same, so we store the keys once.
+my @keys = keys %states;
+open(my $enumfh, '>', 'GENERATED_enums.h');
+# XXX: we might want to have a way to do this without a trailing comma, but gcc
+# seems to eat it.
+say $enumfh 'typedef enum {';
+my $cnt = 0;
+for my $state (@keys, '__CALL') {
+ say $enumfh " $state = $cnt,";
+ $cnt++;
+say $enumfh '} cmdp_state;';
+# Third step: Generate the call function.
+open(my $callfh, '>', 'GENERATED_call.h');
+say $callfh 'static char *GENERATED_call(const int call_identifier) {';
+say $callfh ' char *output = NULL;';
+say $callfh ' switch (call_identifier) {';
+my $call_id = 0;
+for my $state (@keys) {
+ my $tokens = $states{$state};
+ for my $token (@$tokens) {
+ next unless $token->{next_state} =~ /^call /;
+ my ($cmd) = ($token->{next_state} =~ /^call (.*)/);
+ my ($next_state) = ($cmd =~ /; ([A-Z_]+)$/);
+ $cmd =~ s/; ([A-Z_]+)$//;
+ # Go back to the INITIAL state unless told otherwise.
+ $next_state ||= 'INITIAL';
+ my $fmt = $cmd;
+ # Replace the references to identified literals (like $workspace) with
+ # calls to get_string().
+ $cmd =~ s/\$([a-z_]+)/get_string("$1")/g;
+ # Used only for debugging/testing.
+ $fmt =~ s/\$([a-z_]+)/%s/g;
+ $fmt =~ s/"([a-z0-9_]+)"/%s/g;
+ say $callfh " case $call_id:";
+ say $callfh '#ifndef TEST_PARSER';
+ my $real_cmd = $cmd;
+ if ($real_cmd =~ /\(\)/) {
+ $real_cmd =~ s/\(/(¤t_match/;
+ } else {
+ $real_cmd =~ s/\(/(¤t_match, /;
+ }
+ say $callfh " output = $real_cmd;";
+ say $callfh '#else';
+ # debug
+ $cmd =~ s/[^(]+\(//;
+ $cmd =~ s/\)$//;
+ $cmd = ", $cmd" if length($cmd) > 0;
+ say $callfh qq| printf("$fmt\\n"$cmd);|;
+ say $callfh '#endif';
+ say $callfh " state = $next_state;";
+ say $callfh " break;";
+ $token->{next_state} = "call $call_id";
+ $call_id++;
+ }
+say $callfh ' default:';
+say $callfh ' printf("BUG in the parser. state = %d\n", call_identifier);';
+say $callfh ' }';
+say $callfh ' return output;';
+say $callfh '}';
+# Fourth step: Generate the token datastructures.
+open(my $tokfh, '>', 'GENERATED_tokens.h');
+for my $state (@keys) {
+ my $tokens = $states{$state};
+ say $tokfh 'cmdp_token tokens_' . $state . '[' . scalar @$tokens . '] = {';
+ for my $token (@$tokens) {
+ my $call_identifier = 0;
+ my $token_name = $token->{token};
+ if ($token_name =~ /^'/) {
+ # To make the C code simpler, we leave out the trailing single
+ # quote of the literal. We can do strdup(literal + 1); then :).
+ $token_name =~ s/'$//;
+ }
+ my $next_state = $token->{next_state};
+ if ($next_state =~ /^call /) {
+ ($call_identifier) = ($next_state =~ /^call ([0-9]+)$/);
+ $next_state = '__CALL';
+ }
+ my $identifier = $token->{identifier};
+ say $tokfh qq| { "$token_name", "$identifier", $next_state, { $call_identifier } }, |;
+ }
+ say $tokfh '};';
+say $tokfh 'cmdp_token_ptr tokens[' . scalar @keys . '] = {';
+for my $state (@keys) {
+ my $tokens = $states{$state};
+ say $tokfh ' { tokens_' . $state . ', ' . scalar @$tokens . ' },';
+say $tokfh '};';
cfgparse.yy.o: cfgparse.l cfgparse.y.o ${HEADERS}
echo "[i3-config-wizard] LEX $<"
- flex -i -o$(@:.o=.c) $<
+ $(FLEX) -i -o$(@:.o=.c) $<
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $(@:.o=.c)
cfgparse.y.o: cfgparse.y ${HEADERS}
echo "[i3-config-wizard] YACC $<"
- bison --debug --verbose -b $(basename $< .y) -d $<
+ $(BISON) --debug --verbose -b $(basename $< .y) -d $<
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $(<:.y=.tab.c)
* vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
* i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
- * © 2009-2011 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
+ * © 2009-2012 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
* i3-config-wizard: Program to convert configs using keycodes to configs using
* keysyms.
xcb_change_gc(conn, pixmap_gc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, (uint32_t[]){ get_colorpixel("#000000") });
xcb_poly_fill_rectangle(conn, pixmap, pixmap_gc, 1, &border);
- xcb_change_gc(conn, pixmap_gc, XCB_GC_FONT, (uint32_t[]){ font.id });
+ set_font(&font);
-#define txt(x, row, text) xcb_image_text_8(conn, strlen(text), pixmap, pixmap_gc, x, (row * font.height) + 2, text)
+#define txt(x, row, text) \
+ draw_text(text, strlen(text), false, pixmap, pixmap_gc,\
+ x, (row - 1) * font.height + 4, 300 - x * 2)
if (current_step == STEP_WELCOME) {
/* restore font color */
- xcb_change_gc(conn, pixmap_gc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, (uint32_t[]){ get_colorpixel("#FFFFFF") });
+ set_font_colors(pixmap_gc, get_colorpixel("#FFFFFF"), get_colorpixel("#000000"));
txt(10, 2, "You have not configured i3 yet.");
txt(10, 3, "Do you want me to generate ~/.i3/config?");
txt(85, 7, "No, I will use the defaults");
/* green */
- xcb_change_gc(conn, pixmap_gc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, (uint32_t[]){ get_colorpixel("#00FF00") });
+ set_font_colors(pixmap_gc, get_colorpixel("#00FF00"), get_colorpixel("#000000"));
txt(25, 5, "<Enter>");
/* red */
- xcb_change_gc(conn, pixmap_gc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, (uint32_t[]){ get_colorpixel("#FF0000") });
+ set_font_colors(pixmap_gc, get_colorpixel("#FF0000"), get_colorpixel("#000000"));
txt(31, 7, "<ESC>");
if (current_step == STEP_GENERATE) {
- xcb_change_gc(conn, pixmap_gc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, (uint32_t[]){ get_colorpixel("#FFFFFF") });
+ set_font_colors(pixmap_gc, get_colorpixel("#FFFFFF"), get_colorpixel("#000000"));
txt(10, 2, "Please choose either:");
txt(85, 4, "Win as default modifier");
else txt(31, 4, "<Win>");
/* the selected modifier */
- xcb_change_gc(conn, pixmap_gc, XCB_GC_FONT, (uint32_t[]){ bold_font.id });
+ set_font(&bold_font);
+ set_font_colors(pixmap_gc, get_colorpixel("#FFFFFF"), get_colorpixel("#000000"));
if (modifier == MOD_Mod4)
- txt(31, 4, "<Win>");
- else txt(31, 5, "<Alt>");
+ txt(10, 4, "-> <Win>");
+ else txt(10, 5, "-> <Alt>");
/* green */
- xcb_change_gc(conn, pixmap_gc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND | XCB_GC_FONT,
- (uint32_t[]) { get_colorpixel("#00FF00"), font.id });
+ set_font(&font);
+ set_font_colors(pixmap_gc, get_colorpixel("#00FF00"), get_colorpixel("#000000"));
txt(25, 9, "<Enter>");
/* red */
- xcb_change_gc(conn, pixmap_gc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, (uint32_t[]){ get_colorpixel("#FF0000") });
+ set_font_colors(pixmap_gc, get_colorpixel("#FF0000"), get_colorpixel("#000000"));
txt(31, 10, "<ESC>");
char *line = NULL;
size_t len = 0;
-#if !defined(__APPLE__)
+#if !defined(__APPLE__) && (!defined(__FreeBSD__) || __FreeBSD_version >= 800000)
ssize_t read;
bool head_of_file = true;
fputs("# this file and re-run i3-config-wizard(1).\n", ks_config);
fputs("#\n", ks_config);
-#if defined(__APPLE__)
+#if defined(__APPLE__) || (defined(__FreeBSD__) && __FreeBSD_version < 800000)
while ((line = fgetln(kc_config, &len)) != NULL) {
while ((read = getline(&line, &len, kc_config)) != -1) {
if (socket_path == NULL)
- socket_path = socket_path_from_x11();
+ socket_path = root_atom_contents("I3_SOCKET_PATH");
if (socket_path == NULL)
socket_path = "/tmp/i3-ipc.sock";
--- /dev/null
+# Default value so one can compile i3-dump-log standalone
+include $(TOPDIR)/common.mk
+CFLAGS += -I$(TOPDIR)/include
+# Depend on the object files of all source-files in src/*.c and on all header files
+FILES=$(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard *.c))
+HEADERS=$(wildcard *.h)
+# Depend on the specific file (.c for each .o) and on all headers
+%.o: %.c ${HEADERS}
+ echo "[i3-dump-log] CC $<"
+ $(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+all: i3-dump-log
+i3-dump-log: ${FILES}
+ echo "[i3-dump-log] LINK i3-dump-log"
+ $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o i3-dump-log ${FILES} $(LIBS)
+install: all
+ echo "[i3-dump-log] INSTALL"
+ $(INSTALL) -d -m 0755 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin
+ $(INSTALL) -m 0755 i3-dump-log $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin/
+ rm -f *.o
+distclean: clean
+ rm -f i3-dump-log
--- /dev/null
+ * vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
+ *
+ * i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
+ * © 2009-2011 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
+ *
+ * i3-dump-log/main.c: Dumps the i3 SHM log to stdout.
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/un.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <err.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include "libi3.h"
+#include "shmlog.h"
+#include <i3/ipc.h>
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ int o, option_index = 0;
+ bool verbose = false;
+ static struct option long_options[] = {
+ {"version", no_argument, 0, 'v'},
+ {"verbose", no_argument, 0, 'V'},
+ {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'},
+ {0, 0, 0, 0}
+ };
+ char *options_string = "s:vVh";
+ while ((o = getopt_long(argc, argv, options_string, long_options, &option_index)) != -1) {
+ if (o == 'v') {
+ printf("i3-dump-log " I3_VERSION "\n");
+ return 0;
+ } else if (o == 'V') {
+ verbose = true;
+ } else if (o == 'h') {
+ printf("i3-dump-log " I3_VERSION "\n");
+ printf("i3-dump-log [-s <socket>]\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ char *shmname = root_atom_contents("I3_SHMLOG_PATH");
+ if (shmname == NULL)
+ errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Cannot get I3_SHMLOG_PATH atom contents. Is i3 running on this display?");
+ if (*shmname == '\0')
+ errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Cannot dump log: SHM logging is disabled in i3.");
+ struct stat statbuf;
+ int logbuffer_shm = shm_open(shmname, O_RDONLY, 0);
+ if (logbuffer_shm == -1)
+ err(EXIT_FAILURE, "Could not shm_open SHM segment for the i3 log (%s)", shmname);
+ if (fstat(logbuffer_shm, &statbuf) != 0)
+ err(EXIT_FAILURE, "stat(%s)", shmname);
+ char *logbuffer = mmap(NULL, statbuf.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, logbuffer_shm, 0);
+ if (logbuffer == MAP_FAILED)
+ err(EXIT_FAILURE, "Could not mmap SHM segment for the i3 log");
+ i3_shmlog_header *header = (i3_shmlog_header*)logbuffer;
+ if (verbose)
+ printf("next_write = %d, last_wrap = %d, logbuffer_size = %d, shmname = %s\n",
+ header->offset_next_write, header->offset_last_wrap, header->size, shmname);
+ int chars;
+ char *walk = logbuffer + header->offset_next_write;
+ /* Skip the first line, it very likely is mangled. Not a problem, though,
+ * the log is chatty enough to have plenty lines left. */
+ while (*walk != '\0')
+ walk++;
+ /* Print the oldest log lines. We use printf("%s") to stop on \0. */
+ while (walk < (logbuffer + header->offset_last_wrap)) {
+ chars = printf("%s", walk);
+ /* Shortcut: If there are two consecutive \0 bytes, this part of the
+ * buffer was never touched. To not call printf() for every byte of the
+ * buffer, we directly exit the loop. */
+ if (*walk == '\0' && *(walk+1) == '\0')
+ break;
+ walk += (chars > 0 ? chars : 1);
+ }
+ /* Then start from the beginning and print the newer lines */
+ walk = logbuffer + sizeof(i3_shmlog_header);
+ while (walk < (logbuffer + header->offset_next_write)) {
+ chars = printf("%s", walk);
+ walk += (chars > 0 ? chars : 1);
+ }
+ return 0;
extern xcb_window_t root;
-char *convert_ucs_to_utf8(char *input);
-char *convert_utf8_to_ucs2(char *input, int *real_strlen);
static int input_position;
static i3Font font;
static char *prompt;
-static int prompt_len;
+static size_t prompt_len;
static int limit;
xcb_window_t root;
xcb_connection_t *conn;
xcb_poly_fill_rectangle(conn, pixmap, pixmap_gc, 1, &inner);
/* restore font color */
- xcb_change_gc(conn, pixmap_gc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, (uint32_t[]){ get_colorpixel("#FFFFFF") });
+ set_font_colors(pixmap_gc, get_colorpixel("#FFFFFF"), get_colorpixel("#000000"));
+ /* draw the text */
uint8_t *con = concat_strings(glyphs_ucs, input_position);
char *full_text = (char*)con;
if (prompt != NULL) {
memcpy(full_text, prompt, prompt_len * 2);
memcpy(full_text + (prompt_len * 2), con, input_position * 2);
- xcb_image_text_16(conn, input_position + prompt_len, pixmap, pixmap_gc, 4 /* X */,
- font.height + 2 /* Y = baseline of font */, (xcb_char2b_t*)full_text);
+ if (input_position + prompt_len != 0)
+ draw_text(full_text, input_position + prompt_len, true, pixmap, pixmap_gc, 4, 4, 492);
/* Copy the contents of the pixmap to the real window */
xcb_copy_area(conn, pixmap, win, pixmap_gc, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* */ 500, font.height + 8);
printf("inp[0] = %02x, inp[1] = %02x, inp[2] = %02x\n", inp[0], inp[1], inp[2]);
/* convert it to UTF-8 */
- char *out = convert_ucs_to_utf8((char*)inp);
+ char *out = convert_ucs2_to_utf8((xcb_char2b_t*)inp, 1);
printf("converted to %s\n", out);
glyphs_ucs[input_position] = malloc(3 * sizeof(uint8_t));
if (glyphs_ucs[input_position] == NULL)
err(EXIT_FAILURE, "malloc() failed\n");
memcpy(glyphs_ucs[input_position], inp, 3);
- glyphs_utf8[input_position] = strdup(out);
+ glyphs_utf8[input_position] = out;
if (input_position == limit)
printf("using format \"%s\"\n", format);
if (socket_path == NULL)
- socket_path = socket_path_from_x11();
+ socket_path = root_atom_contents("I3_SOCKET_PATH");
if (socket_path == NULL)
socket_path = "/tmp/i3-ipc.sock";
sockfd = ipc_connect(socket_path);
if (prompt != NULL)
- prompt = convert_utf8_to_ucs2(prompt, &prompt_len);
+ prompt = (char*)convert_utf8_to_ucs2(prompt, &prompt_len);
int screens;
conn = xcb_connect(NULL, &screens);
symbols = xcb_key_symbols_alloc(conn);
font = load_font(pattern, true);
+ set_font(&font);
/* Open an input window */
win = xcb_generate_id(conn);
* this for us) */
xcb_set_input_focus(conn, XCB_INPUT_FOCUS_POINTER_ROOT, win, XCB_CURRENT_TIME);
- /* Create graphics context */
- xcb_change_gc(conn, pixmap_gc, XCB_GC_FONT, (uint32_t[]){ font.id });
/* Grab the keyboard to get all input */
+++ /dev/null
- * vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
- *
- * i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
- * © 2009-2011 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
- *
- * ucs2_to_utf8.c: Converts between UCS-2 and UTF-8, both of which are used in
- * different contexts in X11.
- *
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <err.h>
-#include <iconv.h>
-#include "libi3.h"
-static iconv_t conversion_descriptor = 0;
-static iconv_t conversion_descriptor2 = 0;
- * Returns the input string, but converted from UCS-2 to UTF-8. Memory will be
- * allocated, thus the caller has to free the output.
- *
- */
-char *convert_ucs_to_utf8(char *input) {
- size_t input_size = 2;
- /* UTF-8 may consume up to 4 byte */
- int buffer_size = 8;
- char *buffer = scalloc(buffer_size);
- size_t output_size = buffer_size;
- /* We need to use an additional pointer, because iconv() modifies it */
- char *output = buffer;
- /* We convert the input into UCS-2 big endian */
- if (conversion_descriptor == 0) {
- conversion_descriptor = iconv_open("UTF-8", "UCS-2BE");
- if (conversion_descriptor == 0)
- errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Error opening the conversion context");
- }
- /* Get the conversion descriptor back to original state */
- iconv(conversion_descriptor, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- /* Convert our text */
- int rc = iconv(conversion_descriptor, (void*)&input, &input_size, &output, &output_size);
- if (rc == (size_t)-1) {
- free(buffer);
- perror("Converting to UCS-2 failed");
- return NULL;
- }
- return buffer;
- * Converts the given string to UCS-2 big endian for use with
- * xcb_image_text_16(). The amount of real glyphs is stored in real_strlen,
- * a buffer containing the UCS-2 encoded string (16 bit per glyph) is
- * returned. It has to be freed when done.
- *
- */
-char *convert_utf8_to_ucs2(char *input, int *real_strlen) {
- size_t input_size = strlen(input) + 1;
- /* UCS-2 consumes exactly two bytes for each glyph */
- int buffer_size = input_size * 2;
- char *buffer = smalloc(buffer_size);
- size_t output_size = buffer_size;
- /* We need to use an additional pointer, because iconv() modifies it */
- char *output = buffer;
- /* We convert the input into UCS-2 big endian */
- if (conversion_descriptor2 == 0) {
- conversion_descriptor2 = iconv_open("UCS-2BE", "UTF-8");
- if (conversion_descriptor2 == 0)
- errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Error opening the conversion context");
- }
- /* Get the conversion descriptor back to original state */
- iconv(conversion_descriptor2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- /* Convert our text */
- int rc = iconv(conversion_descriptor2, (void*)&input, &input_size, &output, &output_size);
- if (rc == (size_t)-1) {
- perror("Converting to UCS-2 failed");
- free(buffer);
- if (real_strlen != NULL)
- *real_strlen = 0;
- return NULL;
- }
- if (real_strlen != NULL)
- *real_strlen = ((buffer_size - output_size) / 2) - 1;
- return buffer;
if ($command =~ /^m[0-9]+/) {
my ($number) = ($command =~ /^m([0-9]+)/);
if (exists $workspace_names{$number}) {
- print qq|$statement $key move workspace $workspace_names{$number}\n|;
+ print qq|$statement $key move container to workspace $workspace_names{$number}\n|;
} else {
- print qq|$statement $key move workspace $number\n|;
+ print qq|$statement $key move container to workspace $number\n|;
if (socket_path == NULL)
- socket_path = socket_path_from_x11();
+ socket_path = root_atom_contents("I3_SOCKET_PATH");
/* Fall back to the default socket path */
if (socket_path == NULL)
xcb_poly_fill_rectangle(conn, pixmap, pixmap_gc, 1, &rect);
/* restore font color */
- uint32_t values[3];
- values[0] = color_text;
- values[1] = color_background;
- xcb_change_gc(conn, pixmap_gc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND | XCB_GC_BACKGROUND, values);
- xcb_image_text_8(conn, strlen(prompt), pixmap, pixmap_gc, 4 + 4/* X */,
- font.height + 2 + 4 /* Y = baseline of font */, prompt);
+ set_font_colors(pixmap_gc, color_text, color_background);
+ draw_text(prompt, strlen(prompt), false, pixmap, pixmap_gc,
+ 4 + 4, 4 + 4, rect.width - 4 - 4);
/* render close button */
int line_width = 4;
int w = 20;
int y = rect.width;
+ uint32_t values[3];
values[0] = color_button_background;
values[1] = line_width;
xcb_change_gc(conn, pixmap_gc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND | XCB_GC_LINE_WIDTH, values);
xcb_poly_line(conn, XCB_COORD_MODE_ORIGIN, pixmap, pixmap_gc, 5, points);
- values[0] = color_text;
- values[1] = color_button_background;
- values[2] = 1;
- xcb_change_gc(conn, pixmap_gc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND | XCB_GC_BACKGROUND | XCB_GC_LINE_WIDTH, values);
- xcb_image_text_8(conn, strlen("x"), pixmap, pixmap_gc, y - w - line_width + (w / 2) - 4/* X */,
- font.height + 2 + 4 - 1/* Y = baseline of font */, "X");
+ values[0] = 1;
+ set_font_colors(pixmap_gc, color_text, color_button_background);
+ draw_text("X", 1, false, pixmap, pixmap_gc, y - w - line_width + w / 2 - 4,
+ 4 + 4 - 1, rect.width - y + w + line_width - w / 2 + 4);
y -= w;
y -= 20;
values[0] = color_text;
values[1] = color_button_background;
- xcb_change_gc(conn, pixmap_gc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND | XCB_GC_BACKGROUND, values);
- xcb_image_text_8(conn, strlen(buttons[c].label), pixmap, pixmap_gc, y - w - line_width + 6/* X */,
- font.height + 2 + 3/* Y = baseline of font */, buttons[c].label);
+ set_font_colors(pixmap_gc, color_text, color_button_background);
+ draw_text(buttons[c].label, strlen(buttons[c].label), false, pixmap, pixmap_gc,
+ y - w - line_width + 6, 4 + 3, rect.width - y + w + line_width - 6);
y -= w;
case 'h':
printf("i3-nagbar " I3_VERSION "\n");
- printf("i3-nagbar [-m <message>] [-b <button> <action>] [-f <font>] [-v]\n");
+ printf("i3-nagbar [-m <message>] [-b <button> <action>] [-t warning|error] [-f <font>] [-v]\n");
return 0;
case 'b':
buttons = realloc(buttons, sizeof(button_t) * (buttoncnt + 1));
font = load_font(pattern, true);
+ set_font(&font);
/* Open an input window */
win = xcb_generate_id(conn);
xcb_create_pixmap(conn, root_screen->root_depth, pixmap, win, 500, font.height + 8);
xcb_create_gc(conn, pixmap_gc, pixmap, 0, 0);
- /* Create graphics context */
- xcb_change_gc(conn, pixmap_gc, XCB_GC_FONT, (uint32_t[]){ font.id });
/* Grab the keyboard to get all input */
xcb_create_pixmap(conn, root_screen->root_depth, pixmap, win, rect.width, rect.height);
xcb_create_gc(conn, pixmap_gc, pixmap, 0, 0);
- /* Create graphics context */
- xcb_change_gc(conn, pixmap_gc, XCB_GC_FONT, (uint32_t[]){ font.id });
+# This code is released in public domain by Han Boetes <han@mijncomputer.nl>
# This script tries to exec an editor by trying some known editors if $EDITOR is
# not set.
-# Distributions/packagers can enhance this script with a
-# distribution-specific mechanism to find the preferred pager.
-[ -n "$VISUAL" ] && which $VISUAL >/dev/null && exec $VISUAL "$@"
-[ -n "$EDITOR" ] && which $EDITOR >/dev/null && exec $EDITOR "$@"
+# Distributions/packagers can enhance this script with a distribution-specific
+# mechanism to find the preferred editor
# Hopefully one of these is installed (no flamewars about preference please!):
-which nano >/dev/null && exec nano "$@"
-which vim >/dev/null && exec vim "$@"
-which vi >/dev/null && exec vi "$@"
-which emacs >/dev/null && exec emacs "$@"
+for editor in $VISUAL $EDITOR nano vim vi emacs pico qe mg jed gedit mc-edit; do
+ if which $editor > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ exec $editor "$@"
+ fi
+# This code is released in public domain by Han Boetes <han@mijncomputer.nl>
# This script tries to exec a pager by trying some known pagers if $PAGER is
# not set.
# Distributions/packagers can enhance this script with a
# distribution-specific mechanism to find the preferred pager.
-[ -n "$PAGER" ] && which $PAGER >/dev/null && exec $PAGER "$@"
-# Hopefully one of these is installed:
-which most >/dev/null && exec most "$@"
-which less >/dev/null && exec less "$@"
-# we don't use 'more' because it will exit if the file is 'too short'
-# If no pager is installed, try an editor
-exec i3-sensible-editor "$@"
+# Hopefully one of these is installed (no flamewars about preference please!):
+# We don't use 'more' because it will exit if the file is too short.
+# Worst case scenario we'll open the file in your editor.
+for pager in $PAGER less most w3m i3-sensible-editor; do
+ if which $pager > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ exec $pager "$@"
+ fi
+# This code is released in public domain by Han Boetes <han@mijncomputer.nl>
# This script tries to exec a terminal emulator by trying some known terminal
# emulators.
# Distributions/packagers should enhance this script with a
# distribution-specific mechanism to find the preferred terminal emulator. On
# Debian, there is the x-terminal-emulator symlink for example.
-# Please don't touch the first line, though:
-[ -n "$TERMINAL" ] && which $TERMINAL >/dev/null && exec $TERMINAL "$@"
-# Hopefully one of these is installed:
-which xterm >/dev/null && exec xterm "$@"
-which urxvt >/dev/null && exec urxvt "$@"
-which rxvt >/dev/null && exec rxvt "$@"
-which roxterm >/dev/null && exec roxterm "$@"
+for terminal in $TERMINAL urxvt rxvt terminator Eterm aterm xterm gnome-terminal roxterm; do
+ if which $terminal > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ exec $terminal "$@"
+ fi
--- /dev/null
+[Desktop Entry]
+Comment=improved dynamic tiling window manager
bindsym Mod1+0 workspace 10
# move focused container to workspace
-bindsym Mod1+Shift+1 move workspace 1
-bindsym Mod1+Shift+2 move workspace 2
-bindsym Mod1+Shift+3 move workspace 3
-bindsym Mod1+Shift+4 move workspace 4
-bindsym Mod1+Shift+5 move workspace 5
-bindsym Mod1+Shift+6 move workspace 6
-bindsym Mod1+Shift+7 move workspace 7
-bindsym Mod1+Shift+8 move workspace 8
-bindsym Mod1+Shift+9 move workspace 9
-bindsym Mod1+Shift+0 move workspace 10
+bindsym Mod1+Shift+1 move container to workspace 1
+bindsym Mod1+Shift+2 move container to workspace 2
+bindsym Mod1+Shift+3 move container to workspace 3
+bindsym Mod1+Shift+4 move container to workspace 4
+bindsym Mod1+Shift+5 move container to workspace 5
+bindsym Mod1+Shift+6 move container to workspace 6
+bindsym Mod1+Shift+7 move container to workspace 7
+bindsym Mod1+Shift+8 move container to workspace 8
+bindsym Mod1+Shift+9 move container to workspace 9
+bindsym Mod1+Shift+0 move container to workspace 10
# reload the configuration file
bindsym Mod1+Shift+c reload
bindcode $mod+19 workspace 10
# move focused container to workspace
-bindcode $mod+Shift+10 move workspace 1
-bindcode $mod+Shift+11 move workspace 2
-bindcode $mod+Shift+12 move workspace 3
-bindcode $mod+Shift+13 move workspace 4
-bindcode $mod+Shift+14 move workspace 5
-bindcode $mod+Shift+15 move workspace 6
-bindcode $mod+Shift+16 move workspace 7
-bindcode $mod+Shift+17 move workspace 8
-bindcode $mod+Shift+18 move workspace 9
-bindcode $mod+Shift+19 move workspace 10
+bindcode $mod+Shift+10 move container to workspace 1
+bindcode $mod+Shift+11 move container to workspace 2
+bindcode $mod+Shift+12 move container to workspace 3
+bindcode $mod+Shift+13 move container to workspace 4
+bindcode $mod+Shift+14 move container to workspace 5
+bindcode $mod+Shift+15 move container to workspace 6
+bindcode $mod+Shift+16 move container to workspace 7
+bindcode $mod+Shift+17 move container to workspace 8
+bindcode $mod+Shift+18 move container to workspace 9
+bindcode $mod+Shift+19 move container to workspace 10
# reload the configuration file
bindcode $mod+Shift+54 reload
+++ /dev/null
-[Desktop Entry]
-Comment=improved dynamic tiling window manager
--- /dev/null
+[Desktop Entry]
+Comment=improved dynamic tiling window manager
#include "workspaces.h"
#include "trayclients.h"
#include "xcb.h"
-#include "ucs2_to_utf8.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "libi3.h"
typedef struct config_t {
int hide_on_modifier;
+ int modifier;
position_t position;
int verbose;
struct xcb_color_strings_t colors;
+++ /dev/null
- * vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
- *
- * i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
- * © 2009-2011 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
- *
- * ucs2_to_utf8.c: Converts between UCS-2 and UTF-8, both of which are used in
- * different contexts in X11.
- */
-#ifndef _UCS2_TO_UTF8
-#define _UCS2_TO_UTF8
-char *convert_utf8_to_ucs2(char *input, int *real_strlen);
char *bar_bg;
char *active_ws_fg;
char *active_ws_bg;
+ char *active_ws_border;
char *inactive_ws_fg;
char *inactive_ws_bg;
+ char *inactive_ws_border;
char *focus_ws_bg;
char *focus_ws_fg;
+ char *focus_ws_border;
char *urgent_ws_bg;
char *urgent_ws_fg;
+ char *urgent_ws_border;
typedef struct xcb_colors_t xcb_colors_t;
void redraw_bars();
- * Predicts the length of text based on cached data.
- * The string has to be encoded in ucs2 and glyph_len has to be the length
- * of the string (in glyphs).
- *
- */
-uint32_t predict_text_extents(xcb_char2b_t *text, uint32_t length);
#include <yajl/yajl_parse.h>
#include <yajl/yajl_version.h>
+#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include "common.h"
static char *cur_key;
static int config_string_cb(void *params_, const unsigned char *val, unsigned int _len) {
int len = (int)_len;
- /* The id is ignored, we already have it in config.bar_id */
- if (!strcmp(cur_key, "id"))
+ /* The id and socket_path are ignored, we already know them. */
+ if (!strcmp(cur_key, "id") || !strcmp(cur_key, "socket_path"))
return 1;
if (!strcmp(cur_key, "mode")) {
return 1;
+ if (!strcmp(cur_key, "modifier")) {
+ DLOG("modifier = %.*s\n", len, val);
+ if (len == 5 && !strncmp((const char*)val, "shift", strlen("shift"))) {
+ config.modifier = ShiftMask;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (len == 4 && !strncmp((const char*)val, "ctrl", strlen("ctrl"))) {
+ config.modifier = ControlMask;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (len == 4 && !strncmp((const char*)val, "Mod", strlen("Mod"))) {
+ switch (val[3]) {
+ case '1':
+ config.modifier = Mod1Mask;
+ return 1;
+ case '2':
+ config.modifier = Mod2Mask;
+ return 1;
+ case '3':
+ config.modifier = Mod3Mask;
+ return 1;
+ /*
+ case '4':
+ config.modifier = Mod4Mask;
+ return 1;
+ */
+ case '5':
+ config.modifier = Mod5Mask;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ config.modifier = Mod4Mask;
+ return 1;
+ }
if (!strcmp(cur_key, "position")) {
DLOG("position = %.*s\n", len, val);
config.position = (len == 3 && !strncmp((const char*)val, "top", strlen("top")) ? POS_TOP : POS_BOT);
COLOR(statusline, bar_fg);
COLOR(background, bar_bg);
- COLOR(focused_workspace_text, focus_ws_fg);
+ COLOR(focused_workspace_border, focus_ws_border);
COLOR(focused_workspace_bg, focus_ws_bg);
- COLOR(active_workspace_text, active_ws_fg);
+ COLOR(focused_workspace_text, focus_ws_fg);
+ COLOR(active_workspace_border, active_ws_border);
COLOR(active_workspace_bg, active_ws_bg);
- COLOR(inactive_workspace_text, inactive_ws_fg);
+ COLOR(active_workspace_text, active_ws_fg);
+ COLOR(inactive_workspace_border, inactive_ws_border);
COLOR(inactive_workspace_bg, inactive_ws_bg);
- COLOR(urgent_workspace_text, urgent_ws_fg);
+ COLOR(inactive_workspace_text, inactive_ws_fg);
+ COLOR(urgent_workspace_border, urgent_ws_border);
COLOR(urgent_workspace_bg, urgent_ws_bg);
+ COLOR(urgent_workspace_text, urgent_ws_fg);
printf("got unexpected string %.*s for cur_key = %s\n", len, val, cur_key);
+ FREE_COLOR(active_ws_border);
+ FREE_COLOR(inactive_ws_border);
+ FREE_COLOR(urgent_ws_border);
+ FREE_COLOR(focus_ws_border);
+++ /dev/null
- * vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
- *
- * i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
- * © 2009-2011 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
- *
- * ucs2_to_utf8.c: Converts between UCS-2 and UTF-8, both of which are used in
- * different contexts in X11.
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <err.h>
-#include <iconv.h>
-#include "libi3.h"
-static iconv_t conversion_descriptor = 0;
-static iconv_t conversion_descriptor2 = 0;
- * Returns the input string, but converted from UCS-2 to UTF-8. Memory will be
- * allocated, thus the caller has to free the output.
- *
- */
-char *convert_ucs_to_utf8(char *input) {
- size_t input_size = 2;
- /* UTF-8 may consume up to 4 byte */
- int buffer_size = 8;
- char *buffer = scalloc(buffer_size);
- size_t output_size = buffer_size;
- /* We need to use an additional pointer, because iconv() modifies it */
- char *output = buffer;
- /* We convert the input into UCS-2 big endian */
- if (conversion_descriptor == 0) {
- conversion_descriptor = iconv_open("UTF-8", "UCS-2BE");
- if (conversion_descriptor == 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "error opening the conversion context\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- /* Get the conversion descriptor back to original state */
- iconv(conversion_descriptor, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- /* Convert our text */
- int rc = iconv(conversion_descriptor, (void*)&input, &input_size, &output, &output_size);
- if (rc == (size_t)-1) {
- perror("Converting to UCS-2 failed");
- free(buffer);
- return NULL;
- }
- return buffer;
- * Converts the given string to UCS-2 big endian for use with
- * xcb_image_text_16(). The amount of real glyphs is stored in real_strlen,
- * a buffer containing the UCS-2 encoded string (16 bit per glyph) is
- * returned. It has to be freed when done.
- *
- */
-char *convert_utf8_to_ucs2(char *input, int *real_strlen) {
- size_t input_size = strlen(input) + 1;
- /* UCS-2 consumes exactly two bytes for each glyph */
- int buffer_size = input_size * 2;
- char *buffer = smalloc(buffer_size);
- size_t output_size = buffer_size;
- /* We need to use an additional pointer, because iconv() modifies it */
- char *output = buffer;
- /* We convert the input into UCS-2 big endian */
- if (conversion_descriptor2 == 0) {
- conversion_descriptor2 = iconv_open("UCS-2BE", "UTF-8");
- if (conversion_descriptor2 == 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "error opening the conversion context\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- /* Get the conversion descriptor back to original state */
- iconv(conversion_descriptor2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- /* Convert our text */
- int rc = iconv(conversion_descriptor2, (void*)&input, &input_size, &output, &output_size);
- if (rc == (size_t)-1) {
- perror("Converting to UCS-2 failed");
- free(buffer);
- if (real_strlen != NULL)
- *real_strlen = 0;
- return NULL;
- }
- if (real_strlen != NULL)
- *real_strlen = ((buffer_size - output_size) / 2) - 1;
- return buffer;
params->workspaces_walk->name[len] = '\0';
/* Convert the name to ucs2, save its length in glyphs and calculate its rendered width */
- int ucs2_len;
+ size_t ucs2_len;
xcb_char2b_t *ucs2_name = (xcb_char2b_t*) convert_utf8_to_ucs2(params->workspaces_walk->name, &ucs2_len);
params->workspaces_walk->ucs2_name = ucs2_name;
params->workspaces_walk->name_glyphs = ucs2_len;
params->workspaces_walk->name_width =
- predict_text_extents(params->workspaces_walk->ucs2_name,
- params->workspaces_walk->name_glyphs);
+ predict_text_width((char *)params->workspaces_walk->ucs2_name,
+ params->workspaces_walk->name_glyphs, true);
DLOG("Got Workspace %s, name_width: %d, glyphs: %d\n",
int screen;
xcb_screen_t *xcb_screen;
xcb_window_t xcb_root;
-xcb_font_t xcb_font;
-/* We need to cache some data to speed up text-width-prediction */
-xcb_query_font_reply_t *font_info;
-int font_height;
-xcb_charinfo_t *font_table;
+/* This is needed for integration with libi3 */
+xcb_connection_t *conn;
+/* The font we'll use */
+static i3Font font;
/* These are only relevant for XKB, which we only need for grabbing modifiers */
Display *xkb_dpy;
uint32_t bar_bg;
uint32_t active_ws_fg;
uint32_t active_ws_bg;
+ uint32_t active_ws_border;
uint32_t inactive_ws_fg;
uint32_t inactive_ws_bg;
+ uint32_t inactive_ws_border;
uint32_t urgent_ws_bg;
uint32_t urgent_ws_fg;
+ uint32_t urgent_ws_border;
uint32_t focus_ws_bg;
uint32_t focus_ws_fg;
+ uint32_t focus_ws_border;
struct xcb_colors_t colors;
return 0;
- * Predicts the length of text based on cached data.
- * The string has to be encoded in ucs2 and glyph_len has to be the length
- * of the string (in glyphs).
- *
- */
-uint32_t predict_text_extents(xcb_char2b_t *text, uint32_t length) {
- /* If we don't have per-character data, return the maximum width */
- if (font_table == NULL) {
- return (font_info->max_bounds.character_width * length);
- }
- uint32_t width = 0;
- uint32_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
- xcb_charinfo_t *info;
- int row = text[i].byte1;
- int col = text[i].byte2;
- if (row < font_info->min_byte1 || row > font_info->max_byte1 ||
- col < font_info->min_char_or_byte2 || col > font_info->max_char_or_byte2) {
- continue;
- }
- /* Don't you ask me, how this one works… */
- info = &font_table[((row - font_info->min_byte1) *
- (font_info->max_char_or_byte2 - font_info->min_char_or_byte2 + 1)) +
- (col - font_info->min_char_or_byte2)];
- if (info->character_width != 0 ||
- (info->right_side_bearing |
- info->left_side_bearing |
- info->ascent |
- info->descent) != 0) {
- width += info->character_width;
- }
- }
- return width;
- * Draws text given in UCS-2-encoding to a given drawable and position
- *
- */
-void draw_text(xcb_drawable_t drawable, xcb_gcontext_t ctx, int16_t x, int16_t y,
- xcb_char2b_t *text, uint32_t glyph_count) {
- int offset = 0;
- int16_t pos_x = x;
- int16_t font_ascent = font_info->font_ascent;
- while (glyph_count > 0) {
- uint8_t chunk_size = MIN(255, glyph_count);
- uint32_t chunk_width = predict_text_extents(text + offset, chunk_size);
- xcb_image_text_16(xcb_connection,
- chunk_size,
- drawable,
- ctx,
- pos_x, y + font_ascent,
- text + offset);
- offset += chunk_size;
- pos_x += chunk_width;
- glyph_count -= chunk_size;
- }
* Redraws the statusline to the buffer
void refresh_statusline() {
- int glyph_count;
+ size_t glyph_count;
if (statusline == NULL) {
- xcb_char2b_t *text = (xcb_char2b_t*) convert_utf8_to_ucs2(statusline, &glyph_count);
+ xcb_char2b_t *text = (xcb_char2b_t*)convert_utf8_to_ucs2(statusline, &glyph_count);
uint32_t old_statusline_width = statusline_width;
- statusline_width = predict_text_extents(text, glyph_count);
+ statusline_width = predict_text_width((char*)text, glyph_count, true);
/* If the statusline is bigger than our screen we need to make sure that
* the pixmap provides enough space, so re-allocate if the width grew */
if (statusline_width > xcb_screen->width_in_pixels &&
statusline_width > old_statusline_width)
- xcb_rectangle_t rect = { 0, 0, xcb_screen->width_in_pixels, font_height };
+ xcb_rectangle_t rect = { 0, 0, xcb_screen->width_in_pixels, font.height };
xcb_poly_fill_rectangle(xcb_connection, statusline_pm, statusline_clear, 1, &rect);
- draw_text(statusline_pm, statusline_ctx, 0, 0, text, glyph_count);
+ set_font_colors(statusline_ctx, colors.bar_fg, colors.bar_bg);
+ draw_text((char*)text, glyph_count, true, statusline_pm, statusline_ctx,
+ 0, 0, xcb_screen->width_in_pixels);
values[0] = walk->rect.x;
if (config.position == POS_TOP)
values[1] = walk->rect.y;
- else values[1] = walk->rect.y + walk->rect.h - font_height - 6;
+ else values[1] = walk->rect.y + walk->rect.h - font.height - 6;
values[2] = walk->rect.w;
- values[3] = font_height + 6;
+ values[3] = font.height + 6;
DLOG("Reconfiguring Window for output %s to %d,%d\n", walk->name, values[0], values[1]);
cookie = xcb_configure_window_checked(xcb_connection,
PARSE_COLOR(bar_bg, "#000000");
PARSE_COLOR(active_ws_fg, "#FFFFFF");
PARSE_COLOR(active_ws_bg, "#333333");
+ PARSE_COLOR(active_ws_border, "#333333");
PARSE_COLOR(inactive_ws_fg, "#888888");
PARSE_COLOR(inactive_ws_bg, "#222222");
+ PARSE_COLOR(inactive_ws_border, "#333333");
PARSE_COLOR(urgent_ws_fg, "#FFFFFF");
PARSE_COLOR(urgent_ws_bg, "#900000");
+ PARSE_COLOR(urgent_ws_border, "#2f343a");
PARSE_COLOR(focus_ws_fg, "#FFFFFF");
PARSE_COLOR(focus_ws_bg, "#285577");
+ PARSE_COLOR(focus_ws_border, "#4c7899");
* and set cur_ws accordingly */
TAILQ_FOREACH(cur_ws, walk->workspaces, tailq) {
DLOG("x = %d\n", x);
- if (x < cur_ws->name_width + 10) {
+ if (x >= 0 && x < cur_ws->name_width + 10) {
- x -= cur_ws->name_width + 10;
+ x -= cur_ws->name_width + 11;
if (cur_ws == NULL) {
DLOG("Configuring tray window %08x to x=%d\n",
- trayclient->win, output->rect.w - (clients * (font_height + 2)));
- uint32_t x = output->rect.w - (clients * (font_height + 2));
+ trayclient->win, output->rect.w - (clients * (font.height + 2)));
+ uint32_t x = output->rect.w - (clients * (font.height + 2));
bool map_it = true;
int xe_version = 1;
xcb_get_property_cookie_t xembedc;
- xembedc = xcb_get_property_unchecked(xcb_connection,
- 0,
- client,
- atoms[_XEMBED_INFO],
- 0,
- 2 * 32);
+ xcb_generic_error_t *error;
+ xembedc = xcb_get_property(xcb_connection,
+ 0,
+ client,
+ atoms[_XEMBED_INFO],
+ 0,
+ 2 * 32);
xcb_get_property_reply_t *xembedr = xcb_get_property_reply(xcb_connection,
- NULL);
+ &error);
+ if (error != NULL) {
+ ELOG("Error getting _XEMBED_INFO property: error_code %d\n",
+ error->error_code);
+ free(error);
+ return;
+ }
if (xembedr != NULL && xembedr->length != 0) {
DLOG("xembed format = %d, len = %d\n", xembedr->format, xembedr->length);
uint32_t *xembed = xcb_get_property_value(xembedr);
- output->rect.w - font_height - 2,
+ output->rect.w - font.height - 2,
/* We reconfigure the window to use a reasonable size. The systray
* specification explicitly says:
* should do their best to cope with any size effectively
- values[0] = font_height;
- values[1] = font_height;
+ values[0] = font.height;
+ values[1] = font.height;
xcb_rectangle_t rect;
- rect.x = output->rect.w - (clients * (font_height + 2));
+ rect.x = output->rect.w - (clients * (font.height + 2));
rect.y = 2;
- rect.width = font_height;
- rect.height = font_height;
+ rect.width = font.height;
+ rect.height = font.height;
DLOG("This is a tray window. x = %d\n", rect.x);
fake_configure_notify(xcb_connection, rect, event->window, 0);
unsigned int mods = ev.state.mods;
- modstate = mods & Mod4Mask;
+ modstate = mods & config.modifier;
+#define DLOGMOD(modmask, status, barfunc) \
+ do { \
+ switch (modmask) { \
+ case ShiftMask: \
+ DLOG("ShiftMask got " #status "!\n"); \
+ break; \
+ case ControlMask: \
+ DLOG("ControlMask got " #status "!\n"); \
+ break; \
+ case Mod1Mask: \
+ DLOG("Mod1Mask got " #status "!\n"); \
+ break; \
+ case Mod2Mask: \
+ DLOG("Mod2Mask got " #status "!\n"); \
+ break; \
+ case Mod3Mask: \
+ DLOG("Mod3Mask got " #status "!\n"); \
+ break; \
+ case Mod4Mask: \
+ DLOG("Mod4Mask got " #status "!\n"); \
+ break; \
+ case Mod5Mask: \
+ DLOG("Mod5Mask got " #status "!\n"); \
+ break; \
+ } \
+ barfunc(); \
+ } while (0)
if (modstate != mod_pressed) {
if (modstate == 0) {
- DLOG("Mod4 got released!\n");
- hide_bars();
+ DLOGMOD(config.modifier, released, hide_bars);
} else {
- DLOG("Mod4 got pressed!\n");
- unhide_bars();
+ DLOGMOD(config.modifier, pressed, unhide_bars);
mod_pressed = modstate;
+#undef DLOGMOD
ELOG("Cannot open display\n");
+ conn = xcb_connection;
DLOG("Connected to xcb\n");
/* We have to request the atoms we need */
- vals[0] = colors.bar_fg;
statusline_ctx = xcb_generate_id(xcb_connection);
xcb_void_cookie_t sl_ctx_cookie = xcb_create_gc_checked(xcb_connection,
- mask,
- vals);
+ 0,
+ NULL);
statusline_pm = xcb_generate_id(xcb_connection);
xcb_void_cookie_t sl_pm_cookie = xcb_create_pixmap_checked(xcb_connection,
void init_xcb_late(char *fontname) {
- if (fontname == NULL) {
- /* XXX: font fallback to 'misc' like i3 does it would be good. */
+ if (fontname == NULL)
fontname = "-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1";
- }
- /* We load and allocate the font */
- xcb_font = xcb_generate_id(xcb_connection);
- xcb_void_cookie_t open_font_cookie;
- open_font_cookie = xcb_open_font_checked(xcb_connection,
- xcb_font,
- strlen(fontname),
- fontname);
- /* We need to save info about the font, because we need the font's height and
- * information about the width of characters */
- xcb_query_font_cookie_t query_font_cookie;
- query_font_cookie = xcb_query_font(xcb_connection,
- xcb_font);
- xcb_change_gc(xcb_connection,
- statusline_ctx,
- (uint32_t[]){ xcb_font });
+ /* Load the font */
+ font = load_font(fontname, true);
+ set_font(&font);
+ DLOG("Calculated Font-height: %d\n", font.height);
ev_io_start(main_loop, xkb_io);
- /* Now we save the font-infos */
- font_info = xcb_query_font_reply(xcb_connection,
- query_font_cookie,
- NULL);
- if (xcb_request_failed(open_font_cookie, "Could not open font")) {
- }
- font_height = font_info->font_ascent + font_info->font_descent;
- if (xcb_query_font_char_infos_length(font_info) == 0) {
- font_table = NULL;
- } else {
- font_table = xcb_query_font_char_infos(font_info);
- }
- DLOG("Calculated Font-height: %d\n", font_height);
- FREE(font_info);
uint32_t mask = XCB_GC_FOREGROUND;
- uint32_t vals[3] = { colors.bar_bg, colors.bar_bg, xcb_font };
+ uint32_t vals[2] = { colors.bar_bg, colors.bar_bg };
xcb_free_gc(xcb_connection, statusline_clear);
statusline_clear = xcb_generate_id(xcb_connection);
xcb_void_cookie_t clear_ctx_cookie = xcb_create_gc_checked(xcb_connection,
vals[0] = colors.bar_fg;
statusline_ctx = xcb_generate_id(xcb_connection);
xcb_free_gc(xcb_connection, statusline_ctx);
- walk->rect.x, walk->rect.y + walk->rect.h - font_height - 6,
- walk->rect.w, font_height + 6,
+ walk->rect.x, walk->rect.y + walk->rect.h - font.height - 6,
+ walk->rect.w, font.height + 6,
case POS_NONE:
case POS_TOP:
- strut_partial.top = font_height + 6;
+ strut_partial.top = font.height + 6;
strut_partial.top_start_x = walk->rect.x;
strut_partial.top_end_x = walk->rect.x + walk->rect.w;
case POS_BOT:
- strut_partial.bottom = font_height + 6;
+ strut_partial.bottom = font.height + 6;
strut_partial.bottom_start_x = walk->rect.x;
strut_partial.bottom_end_x = walk->rect.x + walk->rect.w;
/* We also want a graphics-context for the bars (it defines the properties
* with which we draw to them) */
walk->bargc = xcb_generate_id(xcb_connection);
- mask = XCB_GC_FONT;
- values[0] = xcb_font;
xcb_void_cookie_t gc_cookie = xcb_create_gc_checked(xcb_connection,
- mask,
- values);
+ 0,
+ NULL);
/* We finally map the bar (display it on screen), unless the modifier-switch is on */
xcb_void_cookie_t map_cookie;
values[0] = walk->rect.x;
- values[1] = walk->rect.y + walk->rect.h - font_height - 6;
+ values[1] = walk->rect.y + walk->rect.h - font.height - 6;
values[2] = walk->rect.w;
- values[3] = font_height + 6;
+ values[3] = font.height + 6;
DLOG("Destroying buffer for output %s", walk->name);
- xcb_rectangle_t rect = { 0, 0, outputs_walk->rect.w, font_height + 6 };
+ xcb_rectangle_t rect = { 0, 0, outputs_walk->rect.w, font.height + 6 };
/* We assume the tray icons are quadratic (we use the font
* *height* as *width* of the icons) because we configured them
* like this. */
- traypx += font_height + 2;
+ traypx += font.height + 2;
/* Add 2px of padding if there are any tray icons */
if (traypx > 0)
MAX(0, (int16_t)(statusline_width - outputs_walk->rect.w + 4)), 0,
MAX(0, (int16_t)(outputs_walk->rect.w - statusline_width - traypx - 4)), 3,
- MIN(outputs_walk->rect.w - traypx - 4, statusline_width), font_height);
+ MIN(outputs_walk->rect.w - traypx - 4, statusline_width), font.height);
if (config.disable_ws) {
i3_ws *ws_walk;
TAILQ_FOREACH(ws_walk, outputs_walk->workspaces, tailq) {
- DLOG("Drawing Button for WS %s at x = %d\n", ws_walk->name, i);
+ DLOG("Drawing Button for WS %s at x = %d, len = %d\n", ws_walk->name, i, ws_walk->name_width);
uint32_t fg_color = colors.inactive_ws_fg;
uint32_t bg_color = colors.inactive_ws_bg;
+ uint32_t border_color = colors.inactive_ws_border;
if (ws_walk->visible) {
if (!ws_walk->focused) {
fg_color = colors.active_ws_fg;
bg_color = colors.active_ws_bg;
+ border_color = colors.active_ws_border;
} else {
fg_color = colors.focus_ws_fg;
bg_color = colors.focus_ws_bg;
+ border_color = colors.focus_ws_border;
if (ws_walk->urgent) {
DLOG("WS %s is urgent!\n", ws_walk->name);
fg_color = colors.urgent_ws_fg;
bg_color = colors.urgent_ws_bg;
+ border_color = colors.urgent_ws_border;
/* The urgent-hint should get noticed, so we unhide the bars shortly */
+ uint32_t vals_border[] = { border_color, border_color };
+ xcb_change_gc(xcb_connection,
+ outputs_walk->bargc,
+ mask,
+ vals_border);
+ xcb_rectangle_t rect_border = { i, 0, ws_walk->name_width + 10, font.height + 4 };
+ xcb_poly_fill_rectangle(xcb_connection,
+ outputs_walk->buffer,
+ outputs_walk->bargc,
+ 1,
+ &rect_border);
uint32_t vals[] = { bg_color, bg_color };
- xcb_rectangle_t rect = { i + 1, 1, ws_walk->name_width + 8, font_height + 4 };
+ xcb_rectangle_t rect = { i + 1, 1, ws_walk->name_width + 8, font.height + 2 };
- xcb_change_gc(xcb_connection,
- outputs_walk->bargc,
- &fg_color);
- xcb_image_text_16(xcb_connection,
- ws_walk->name_glyphs,
- outputs_walk->buffer,
- outputs_walk->bargc,
- i + 5, font_info->font_ascent + 2,
- ws_walk->ucs2_name);
- i += 10 + ws_walk->name_width;
+ set_font_colors(outputs_walk->bargc, fg_color, bg_color);
+ draw_text((char*)ws_walk->ucs2_name, ws_walk->name_glyphs, true,
+ outputs_walk->buffer, outputs_walk->bargc, i + 5, 2, ws_walk->name_width);
+ i += 10 + ws_walk->name_width + 1;
i = 0;
#include "regex.h"
#include "libi3.h"
#include "startup.h"
+#include "scratchpad.h"
+#include "commands.h"
+#include "commands_parser.h"
--- /dev/null
+ * vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
+ *
+ * i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
+ * © 2009-2012 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
+ *
+ * commands.c: all command functions (see commands_parser.c)
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef _COMMANDS_H
+#define _COMMANDS_H
+ * Helper data structure for an operation window (window on which the operation
+ * will be performed). Used to build the TAILQ owindows.
+ *
+ */
+typedef struct owindow {
+ Con *con;
+ TAILQ_ENTRY(owindow) owindows;
+} owindow;
+typedef TAILQ_HEAD(owindows_head, owindow) owindows_head;
+ * Initializes the specified 'Match' data structure and the initial state of
+ * commands.c for matching target windows of a command.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_criteria_init(Match *current_match);
+ * A match specification just finished (the closing square bracket was found),
+ * so we filter the list of owindows.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_criteria_match_windows(Match *current_match);
+ * Interprets a ctype=cvalue pair and adds it to the current match
+ * specification.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_criteria_add(Match *current_match, char *ctype, char *cvalue);
+ * Implementation of 'move [window|container] [to] workspace
+ * next|prev|next_on_output|prev_on_output'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_move_con_to_workspace(Match *current_match, char *which);
+ * Implementation of 'move [window|container] [to] workspace <name>'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_move_con_to_workspace_name(Match *current_match, char *name);
+ * Implementation of 'resize grow|shrink <direction> [<px> px] [or <ppt> ppt]'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_resize(Match *current_match, char *way, char *direction, char *resize_px, char *resize_ppt);
+ * Implementation of 'border normal|none|1pixel|toggle'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_border(Match *current_match, char *border_style_str);
+ * Implementation of 'nop <comment>'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_nop(Match *current_match, char *comment);
+ * Implementation of 'append_layout <path>'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_append_layout(Match *current_match, char *path);
+ * Implementation of 'workspace next|prev|next_on_output|prev_on_output'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_workspace(Match *current_match, char *which);
+ * Implementation of 'workspace back_and_forth'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_workspace_back_and_forth(Match *current_match);
+ * Implementation of 'workspace <name>'
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_workspace_name(Match *current_match, char *name);
+ * Implementation of 'mark <mark>'
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_mark(Match *current_match, char *mark);
+ * Implementation of 'mode <string>'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_mode(Match *current_match, char *mode);
+ * Implementation of 'move [window|container] [to] output <str>'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_move_con_to_output(Match *current_match, char *name);
+ * Implementation of 'floating enable|disable|toggle'
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_floating(Match *current_match, char *floating_mode);
+ * Implementation of 'move workspace to [output] <str>'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_move_workspace_to_output(Match *current_match, char *name);
+ * Implementation of 'split v|h|vertical|horizontal'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_split(Match *current_match, char *direction);
+ * Implementaiton of 'kill [window|client]'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_kill(Match *current_match, char *kill_mode);
+ * Implementation of 'exec [--no-startup-id] <command>'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_exec(Match *current_match, char *nosn, char *command);
+ * Implementation of 'focus left|right|up|down'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_focus_direction(Match *current_match, char *direction);
+ * Implementation of 'focus tiling|floating|mode_toggle'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_focus_window_mode(Match *current_match, char *window_mode);
+ * Implementation of 'focus parent|child'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_focus_level(Match *current_match, char *level);
+ * Implementation of 'focus'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_focus(Match *current_match);
+ * Implementation of 'fullscreen [global]'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_fullscreen(Match *current_match, char *fullscreen_mode);
+ * Implementation of 'move <direction> [<pixels> [px]]'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_move_direction(Match *current_match, char *direction, char *px);
+ * Implementation of 'layout default|stacked|stacking|tabbed'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_layout(Match *current_match, char *layout);
+ * Implementaiton of 'exit'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_exit(Match *current_match);
+ * Implementaiton of 'reload'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_reload(Match *current_match);
+ * Implementaiton of 'restart'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_restart(Match *current_match);
+ * Implementaiton of 'open'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_open(Match *current_match);
+ * Implementation of 'focus output <output>'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_focus_output(Match *current_match, char *name);
+ * Implementation of 'move scratchpad'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_move_scratchpad(Match *current_match);
+ * Implementation of 'scratchpad show'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_scratchpad_show(Match *current_match);
--- /dev/null
+ * vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
+ *
+ * i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
+ * © 2009-2012 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
+ *
+ * commands.c: all command functions (see commands_parser.c)
+ *
+ */
+char *parse_command(const char *input);
* vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
* i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
- * © 2009-2011 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
+ * © 2009-2012 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
* include/config.h: Contains all structs/variables for the configurable
* part of i3 as well as functions handling the configuration file (calling
uint32_t border;
uint32_t background;
uint32_t text;
+ uint32_t indicator;
/** Bar display mode (hide unless modifier is pressed or show in dock mode) */
enum { M_DOCK = 0, M_HIDE = 1 } mode;
+ /** Bar modifier (to show bar when in hide mode). */
+ enum {
+ M_NONE = 0,
+ M_CONTROL = 1,
+ M_SHIFT = 2,
+ M_MOD1 = 3,
+ M_MOD2 = 4,
+ M_MOD3 = 5,
+ M_MOD4 = 6,
+ M_MOD5 = 7
+ } modifier;
/** Bar position (bottom by default). */
enum { P_BOTTOM = 0, P_TOP = 1 } position;
+ /** Command that should be run to execute i3bar, give a full path if i3bar is not
+ * in your $PATH.
+ * By default just 'i3bar' is executed. */
+ char *i3bar_command;
/** Command that should be run to get a statusline, for example 'i3status'.
* Will be passed to the shell. */
char *status_command;
char *background;
char *statusline;
- char *focused_workspace_text;
+ char *focused_workspace_border;
char *focused_workspace_bg;
+ char *focused_workspace_text;
- char *active_workspace_text;
+ char *active_workspace_border;
char *active_workspace_bg;
+ char *active_workspace_text;
- char *inactive_workspace_text;
+ char *inactive_workspace_border;
char *inactive_workspace_bg;
+ char *inactive_workspace_text;
- char *urgent_workspace_text;
+ char *urgent_workspace_border;
char *urgent_workspace_bg;
+ char *urgent_workspace_text;
} colors;
TAILQ_ENTRY(Barconfig) configs;
#include "queue.h"
- * To get the big concept: There are helper structures like struct Colorpixel
- * or struct Stack_Window. Everything which is also defined as type (see
+ * To get the big concept: There are helper structures like struct
+ * Workspace_Assignment. Every struct which is also defined as type (see
* forward definitions) is considered to be a major structure, thus important.
- * Let’s start from the biggest to the smallest:
+ * The following things are all stored in a 'Con', from very high level (the
+ * biggest Cons) to very small (a single window):
- * TODO
+ * 1) X11 root window (as big as all your outputs combined)
+ * 2) output (like LVDS1)
+ * 3) content container, dockarea containers
+ * 4) workspaces
+ * 5) split containers
+ * ... (you can arbitrarily nest split containers)
+ * 6) X11 window containers
Rect con_deco_rect;
uint32_t background;
bool con_is_leaf;
- xcb_font_t font;
* Holds a keybinding, consisting of a keycode combined with modifiers and the
- * command which is executed as soon as the key is pressed (see src/command.c)
+ * command which is executed as soon as the key is pressed (see src/cfgparse.y)
struct Binding {
TAILQ_ENTRY(xoutput) outputs;
+ * A 'Window' is a type which contains an xcb_window_t and all the related
+ * information (hints like _NET_WM_NAME for that window).
+ *
+ */
struct Window {
xcb_window_t id;
char *name_json;
/** The length of the name in glyphs (not bytes) */
- int name_len;
+ size_t name_len;
/** Whether the application used _NET_WM_NAME */
bool uses_net_wm_name;
Assignment **ran_assignments;
+ * A "match" is a data structure which acts like a mask or expression to match
+ * certain windows or not. For example, when using commands, you can specify a
+ * command like this: [title="*Firefox*"] kill. The title member of the match
+ * data structure will then be filled and i3 will check each window using
+ * match_matches_window() to find the windows affected by this command.
+ *
+ */
struct Match {
struct regex *title;
struct regex *application;
enum { M_HERE = 0, M_ASSIGN_WS, M_BELOW } insert_where;
+ /* Whether this match was generated when restarting i3 inplace.
+ * Leads to not setting focus when managing a new window, because the old
+ * focus stack should be restored. */
+ bool restart_mode;
TAILQ_ENTRY(Match) matches;
* An Assignment makes specific windows go to a specific workspace/output or
* run a command for that window. With this mechanism, the user can -- for
- * example -- make specific windows floating or assign his browser to workspace
- * "www". Checking if a window is assigned works by comparing the Match data
- * structure with the window (see match_matches_window()).
+ * example -- assign his browser to workspace "www". Checking if a window is
+ * assigned works by comparing the Match data structure with the window (see
+ * match_matches_window()).
struct Assignment {
TAILQ_ENTRY(Assignment) assignments;
+ * A 'Con' represents everything from the X11 root window down to a single X11 window.
+ *
+ */
struct Con {
bool mapped;
enum {
/** callbacks */
void(*on_remove_child)(Con *);
+ enum {
+ } scratchpad_state;
+ /* The ID of this container before restarting. Necessary to correctly
+ * interpret back-references in the JSON (such as the focus stack). */
+ int old_id;
* vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
* i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
- * © 2009-2011 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
+ * © 2009-2012 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
* i3.h: global variables that are used all over i3.
* this before starting any other process, since we set RLIMIT_CORE to
* RLIM_INFINITY for i3 debugging versions. */
extern struct rlimit original_rlimit_core;
+/** Whether this version of i3 is a debug build or a release build. */
+extern bool debug_build;
+/** The number of file descriptors passed via socket activation. */
+extern int listen_fds;
extern xcb_connection_t *conn;
extern int conn_screen;
/** The last timestamp we got from X11 (timestamps are included in some events
struct Font {
- /** The height of the font, built from font_ascent + font_descent */
- int height;
/** The xcb-id for the font */
xcb_font_t id;
+ /** Font information gathered from the server */
+ xcb_query_font_reply_t *info;
+ /** Font table for this font (may be NULL) */
+ xcb_charinfo_t *table;
+ /** The height of the font, built from font_ascent + font_descent */
+ int height;
/* Since this file also gets included by utilities which don’t use the i3 log
- * Try to get the socket path from X11 and return NULL if it doesn’t work.
+ * Try to get the contents of the given atom (for example I3_SOCKET_PATH) from
+ * the X11 root window and return NULL if it doesn’t work.
- * The memory for the socket path is dynamically allocated and has to be
+ * The memory for the contents is dynamically allocated and has to be
* free()d by the caller.
-char *socket_path_from_x11();
+char *root_atom_contents(const char *atomname);
* Safe-wrapper around malloc which exits if malloc returns NULL (meaning that
* the fonts 'fixed' or '-misc-*' will be loaded instead of exiting.
-i3Font load_font(const char *pattern, bool fallback);
+i3Font load_font(const char *pattern, const bool fallback);
+ * Defines the font to be used for the forthcoming calls.
+ *
+ */
+void set_font(i3Font *font);
+ * Frees the resources taken by the current font.
+ *
+ */
+void free_font();
+ * Converts the given string to UTF-8 from UCS-2 big endian. The return value
+ * must be freed after use.
+ *
+ */
+char *convert_ucs2_to_utf8(xcb_char2b_t *text, size_t num_glyphs);
+ * Converts the given string to UCS-2 big endian for use with
+ * xcb_image_text_16(). The amount of real glyphs is stored in real_strlen,
+ * a buffer containing the UCS-2 encoded string (16 bit per glyph) is
+ * returned. It has to be freed when done.
+ *
+ */
+xcb_char2b_t *convert_utf8_to_ucs2(char *input, size_t *real_strlen);
+ * Defines the colors to be used for the forthcoming draw_text calls.
+ *
+ */
+void set_font_colors(xcb_gcontext_t gc, uint32_t foreground, uint32_t background);
+ * Draws text onto the specified X drawable (normally a pixmap) at the
+ * specified coordinates (from the top left corner of the leftmost, uppermost
+ * glyph) and using the provided gc. Text can be specified as UCS-2 or UTF-8.
+ *
+ */
+void draw_text(char *text, size_t text_len, bool is_ucs2, xcb_drawable_t drawable,
+ xcb_gcontext_t gc, int x, int y, int max_width);
+ * Predict the text width in pixels for the given text. Text can be specified
+ * as UCS-2 or UTF-8.
+ *
+ */
+int predict_text_width(char *text, size_t text_len, bool is_ucs2);
extern char *loglevels[];
extern char *errorfilename;
+extern char *shmlogname;
+extern int shmlog_size;
* Initializes logging by creating an error logfile in /tmp (or
--- /dev/null
+ * vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
+ *
+ * i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
+ * © 2009-2011 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
+ *
+ * scratchpad.c: Scratchpad functions (TODO: more description)
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef _SCRATCHPAD_H
+#define _SCRATCHPAD_H
+ * Moves the specified window to the __i3_scratch workspace, making it floating
+ * and setting the appropriate scratchpad_state.
+ *
+ * Gets called upon the command 'move scratchpad'.
+ *
+ */
+void scratchpad_move(Con *con);
+ * Either shows the top-most scratchpad window (con == NULL) or shows the
+ * specified con (if it is scratchpad window).
+ *
+ * When called with con == NULL and the currently focused window is a
+ * scratchpad window, this serves as a shortcut to hide it again (so the user
+ * can press the same key to quickly look something up).
+ *
+ */
+void scratchpad_show(Con *con);
--- /dev/null
+ * vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
+ *
+ * i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
+ * © 2009-2012 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
+ *
+ * The format of the shmlog data structure which i3 development versions use by
+ * default (ringbuffer for storing the debug log).
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef _I3_SHMLOG_H
+#define _I3_SHMLOG_H
+#include <stdint.h>
+typedef struct i3_shmlog_header {
+ uint32_t offset_next_write;
+ uint32_t offset_last_wrap;
+ uint32_t size;
+} i3_shmlog_header;
void check_error(xcb_connection_t *conn, xcb_void_cookie_t cookie,
char *err_message);
- * Converts the given string to UCS-2 big endian for use with
- * xcb_image_text_16(). The amount of real glyphs is stored in real_strlen, a
- * buffer containing the UCS-2 encoded string (16 bit per glyph) is
- * returned. It has to be freed when done.
- *
- */
-char *convert_utf8_to_ucs2(char *input, int *real_strlen);
* This function resolves ~ in pathnames.
* It may resolve wildcards in the first part of the path, but if no match
Con* workspace_prev();
+ * Returns the next workspace on the same output
+ *
+ */
+Con* workspace_next_on_output();
+ * Returns the previous workspace on the same output
+ *
+ */
+Con* workspace_prev_on_output();
* Focuses the previously focused workspace.
void xcb_raise_window(xcb_connection_t *conn, xcb_window_t window);
- * Calculate the width of the given text (16-bit characters, UCS) with given
- * real length (amount of glyphs) using the given font.
- *
- */
-int predict_text_width(char *text, int length);
* Configures the given window to have the size/position specified by given rect
--- /dev/null
+ * vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
+ *
+ * i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
+ * © 2009-2011 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
+ *
+ */
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <err.h>
+#include "libi3.h"
+extern xcb_connection_t *conn;
+static const i3Font *savedFont = NULL;
+ * Loads a font for usage, also getting its metrics. If fallback is true,
+ * the fonts 'fixed' or '-misc-*' will be loaded instead of exiting.
+ *
+ */
+i3Font load_font(const char *pattern, const bool fallback) {
+ i3Font font;
+ /* Send all our requests first */
+ font.id = xcb_generate_id(conn);
+ xcb_void_cookie_t font_cookie = xcb_open_font_checked(conn, font.id,
+ strlen(pattern), pattern);
+ xcb_query_font_cookie_t info_cookie = xcb_query_font(conn, font.id);
+ /* Check for errors. If errors, fall back to default font. */
+ xcb_generic_error_t *error;
+ error = xcb_request_check(conn, font_cookie);
+ /* If we fail to open font, fall back to 'fixed' */
+ if (fallback && error != NULL) {
+ ELOG("Could not open font %s (X error %d). Trying fallback to 'fixed'.\n",
+ pattern, error->error_code);
+ pattern = "fixed";
+ font_cookie = xcb_open_font_checked(conn, font.id, strlen(pattern), pattern);
+ info_cookie = xcb_query_font(conn, font.id);
+ /* Check if we managed to open 'fixed' */
+ error = xcb_request_check(conn, font_cookie);
+ /* Fall back to '-misc-*' if opening 'fixed' fails. */
+ if (error != NULL) {
+ ELOG("Could not open fallback font 'fixed', trying with '-misc-*'.\n");
+ pattern = "-misc-*";
+ font_cookie = xcb_open_font_checked(conn, font.id, strlen(pattern), pattern);
+ info_cookie = xcb_query_font(conn, font.id);
+ if ((error = xcb_request_check(conn, font_cookie)) != NULL)
+ errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Could open neither requested font nor fallbacks "
+ "(fixed or -misc-*): X11 error %d", error->error_code);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Get information (height/name) for this font */
+ if (!(font.info = xcb_query_font_reply(conn, info_cookie, NULL)))
+ errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Could not load font \"%s\"", pattern);
+ /* Get the font table, if possible */
+ if (xcb_query_font_char_infos_length(font.info) == 0)
+ font.table = NULL;
+ else
+ font.table = xcb_query_font_char_infos(font.info);
+ /* Calculate the font height */
+ font.height = font.info->font_ascent + font.info->font_descent;
+ return font;
+ * Defines the font to be used for the forthcoming calls.
+ *
+ */
+void set_font(i3Font *font) {
+ savedFont = font;
+ * Frees the resources taken by the current font.
+ *
+ */
+void free_font() {
+ /* Close the font and free the info */
+ xcb_close_font(conn, savedFont->id);
+ if (savedFont->info)
+ free(savedFont->info);
+ * Defines the colors to be used for the forthcoming draw_text calls.
+ *
+ */
+void set_font_colors(xcb_gcontext_t gc, uint32_t foreground, uint32_t background) {
+ assert(savedFont != NULL);
+ uint32_t values[] = { foreground, background, savedFont->id };
+ xcb_change_gc(conn, gc, mask, values);
+ * Draws text onto the specified X drawable (normally a pixmap) at the
+ * specified coordinates (from the top left corner of the leftmost, uppermost
+ * glyph) and using the provided gc. Text can be specified as UCS-2 or UTF-8.
+ *
+ */
+void draw_text(char *text, size_t text_len, bool is_ucs2, xcb_drawable_t drawable,
+ xcb_gcontext_t gc, int x, int y, int max_width) {
+ assert(savedFont != NULL);
+ assert(text_len != 0);
+ /* X11 coordinates for fonts start at the baseline */
+ int pos_y = y + savedFont->info->font_ascent;
+ /* As an optimization, check if we can bypass conversion */
+ if (!is_ucs2 && text_len <= 255) {
+ xcb_image_text_8(conn, text_len, drawable, gc, x, pos_y, text);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Convert the text into UCS-2 so we can do basic pointer math */
+ char *input = (is_ucs2 ? text : (char*)convert_utf8_to_ucs2(text, &text_len));
+ /* The X11 protocol limits text drawing to 255 chars, so we may need
+ * multiple calls */
+ int pos_x = x;
+ int offset = 0;
+ for (;;) {
+ /* Calculate the size of this chunk */
+ int chunk_size = (text_len > 255 ? 255 : text_len);
+ xcb_char2b_t *chunk = (xcb_char2b_t*)input + offset;
+ /* Draw it */
+ xcb_image_text_16(conn, chunk_size, drawable, gc, pos_x, pos_y, chunk);
+ /* Advance the offset and length of the text to draw */
+ offset += chunk_size;
+ text_len -= chunk_size;
+ /* Check if we're done */
+ if (text_len == 0)
+ break;
+ /* Advance pos_x based on the predicted text width */
+ pos_x += predict_text_width((char*)chunk, chunk_size, true);
+ }
+ /* If we had to convert, free the converted string */
+ if (!is_ucs2)
+ free(input);
+static int xcb_query_text_width(xcb_char2b_t *text, size_t text_len) {
+ /* Make the user know we’re using the slow path, but only once. */
+ static bool first_invocation = true;
+ if (first_invocation) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Using slow code path for text extents\n");
+ first_invocation = false;
+ }
+ /* Query the text width */
+ xcb_generic_error_t *error;
+ xcb_query_text_extents_cookie_t cookie = xcb_query_text_extents(conn,
+ savedFont->id, text_len, (xcb_char2b_t*)text);
+ xcb_query_text_extents_reply_t *reply = xcb_query_text_extents_reply(conn,
+ cookie, &error);
+ if (reply == NULL) {
+ /* We return a safe estimate because a rendering error is better than
+ * a crash. Plus, the user will see the error in his log. */
+ fprintf(stderr, "Could not get text extents (X error code %d)\n",
+ error->error_code);
+ return savedFont->info->max_bounds.character_width * text_len;
+ }
+ int width = reply->overall_width;
+ free(reply);
+ return width;
+ * Predict the text width in pixels for the given text. Text can be specified
+ * as UCS-2 or UTF-8.
+ *
+ */
+int predict_text_width(char *text, size_t text_len, bool is_ucs2) {
+ /* Convert the text into UTF-16 so we can do basic pointer math */
+ xcb_char2b_t *input;
+ if (is_ucs2)
+ input = (xcb_char2b_t*)text;
+ else
+ input = convert_utf8_to_ucs2(text, &text_len);
+ int width;
+ if (savedFont->table == NULL) {
+ /* If we don't have a font table, fall back to querying the server */
+ width = xcb_query_text_width(input, text_len);
+ } else {
+ /* Save some pointers for convenience */
+ xcb_query_font_reply_t *font_info = savedFont->info;
+ xcb_charinfo_t *font_table = savedFont->table;
+ /* Calculate the width using the font table */
+ width = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < text_len; i++) {
+ xcb_charinfo_t *info;
+ int row = input[i].byte1;
+ int col = input[i].byte2;
+ if (row < font_info->min_byte1 ||
+ row > font_info->max_byte1 ||
+ col < font_info->min_char_or_byte2 ||
+ col > font_info->max_char_or_byte2)
+ continue;
+ /* Don't you ask me, how this one works… (Merovius) */
+ info = &font_table[((row - font_info->min_byte1) *
+ (font_info->max_char_or_byte2 - font_info->min_char_or_byte2 + 1)) +
+ (col - font_info->min_char_or_byte2)];
+ if (info->character_width != 0 ||
+ (info->right_side_bearing |
+ info->left_side_bearing |
+ info->ascent |
+ info->descent) != 0) {
+ width += info->character_width;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* If we had to convert, free the converted string */
+ if (!is_ucs2)
+ free(input);
+ return width;
+++ /dev/null
- * vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
- *
- * i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
- * © 2009-2011 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
- *
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <xcb/xcb.h>
-#include <xcb/xcb_aux.h>
-#include "libi3.h"
- * Try to get the socket path from X11 and return NULL if it doesn’t work.
- *
- * The memory for the socket path is dynamically allocated and has to be
- * free()d by the caller.
- *
- */
-char *socket_path_from_x11() {
- xcb_connection_t *conn;
- xcb_intern_atom_cookie_t atom_cookie;
- xcb_intern_atom_reply_t *atom_reply;
- int screen;
- char *socket_path;
- if ((conn = xcb_connect(NULL, &screen)) == NULL ||
- xcb_connection_has_error(conn))
- return NULL;
- atom_cookie = xcb_intern_atom(conn, 0, strlen("I3_SOCKET_PATH"), "I3_SOCKET_PATH");
- xcb_screen_t *root_screen = xcb_aux_get_screen(conn, screen);
- xcb_window_t root = root_screen->root;
- atom_reply = xcb_intern_atom_reply(conn, atom_cookie, NULL);
- if (atom_reply == NULL)
- return NULL;
- xcb_get_property_cookie_t prop_cookie;
- xcb_get_property_reply_t *prop_reply;
- prop_cookie = xcb_get_property_unchecked(conn, false, root, atom_reply->atom,
- prop_reply = xcb_get_property_reply(conn, prop_cookie, NULL);
- if (prop_reply == NULL || xcb_get_property_value_length(prop_reply) == 0)
- return NULL;
- if (asprintf(&socket_path, "%.*s", xcb_get_property_value_length(prop_reply),
- (char*)xcb_get_property_value(prop_reply)) == -1)
- return NULL;
- xcb_disconnect(conn);
- return socket_path;
+++ /dev/null
- * vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
- *
- * i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
- * © 2009-2011 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
- *
- */
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
-#include <err.h>
-#include "libi3.h"
-extern xcb_connection_t *conn;
- * Loads a font for usage, also getting its height. If fallback is true,
- * the fonts 'fixed' or '-misc-*' will be loaded instead of exiting.
- *
- */
-i3Font load_font(const char *pattern, bool fallback) {
- i3Font font;
- xcb_void_cookie_t font_cookie;
- xcb_list_fonts_with_info_cookie_t info_cookie;
- xcb_list_fonts_with_info_reply_t *info_reply;
- xcb_generic_error_t *error;
- /* Send all our requests first */
- font.id = xcb_generate_id(conn);
- font_cookie = xcb_open_font_checked(conn, font.id, strlen(pattern), pattern);
- info_cookie = xcb_list_fonts_with_info(conn, 1, strlen(pattern), pattern);
- /* Check for errors. If errors, fall back to default font. */
- error = xcb_request_check(conn, font_cookie);
- /* If we fail to open font, fall back to 'fixed' */
- if (fallback && error != NULL) {
- ELOG("Could not open font %s (X error %d). Trying fallback to 'fixed'.\n",
- pattern, error->error_code);
- pattern = "fixed";
- font_cookie = xcb_open_font_checked(conn, font.id, strlen(pattern), pattern);
- info_cookie = xcb_list_fonts_with_info(conn, 1, strlen(pattern), pattern);
- /* Check if we managed to open 'fixed' */
- error = xcb_request_check(conn, font_cookie);
- /* Fall back to '-misc-*' if opening 'fixed' fails. */
- if (error != NULL) {
- ELOG("Could not open fallback font 'fixed', trying with '-misc-*'.\n");
- pattern = "-misc-*";
- font_cookie = xcb_open_font_checked(conn, font.id, strlen(pattern), pattern);
- info_cookie = xcb_list_fonts_with_info(conn, 1, strlen(pattern), pattern);
- if ((error = xcb_request_check(conn, font_cookie)) != NULL)
- errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Could open neither requested font nor fallbacks "
- "(fixed or -misc-*): X11 error %d", error->error_code);
- }
- }
- /* Get information (height/name) for this font */
- if (!(info_reply = xcb_list_fonts_with_info_reply(conn, info_cookie, NULL)))
- errx(EXIT_FAILURE, "Could not load font \"%s\"", pattern);
- font.height = info_reply->font_ascent + info_reply->font_descent;
- free(info_reply);
- return font;
--- /dev/null
+ * vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
+ *
+ * i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
+ * © 2009-2011 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <xcb/xcb.h>
+#include <xcb/xcb_aux.h>
+#include "libi3.h"
+ * Try to get the contents of the given atom (for example I3_SOCKET_PATH) from
+ * the X11 root window and return NULL if it doesn’t work.
+ *
+ * The memory for the contents is dynamically allocated and has to be
+ * free()d by the caller.
+ *
+ */
+char *root_atom_contents(const char *atomname) {
+ xcb_connection_t *conn;
+ xcb_intern_atom_cookie_t atom_cookie;
+ xcb_intern_atom_reply_t *atom_reply;
+ int screen;
+ char *socket_path;
+ if ((conn = xcb_connect(NULL, &screen)) == NULL ||
+ xcb_connection_has_error(conn))
+ return NULL;
+ atom_cookie = xcb_intern_atom(conn, 0, strlen(atomname), atomname);
+ xcb_screen_t *root_screen = xcb_aux_get_screen(conn, screen);
+ xcb_window_t root = root_screen->root;
+ atom_reply = xcb_intern_atom_reply(conn, atom_cookie, NULL);
+ if (atom_reply == NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ xcb_get_property_cookie_t prop_cookie;
+ xcb_get_property_reply_t *prop_reply;
+ prop_cookie = xcb_get_property_unchecked(conn, false, root, atom_reply->atom,
+ prop_reply = xcb_get_property_reply(conn, prop_cookie, NULL);
+ if (prop_reply == NULL || xcb_get_property_value_length(prop_reply) == 0)
+ return NULL;
+ if (asprintf(&socket_path, "%.*s", xcb_get_property_value_length(prop_reply),
+ (char*)xcb_get_property_value(prop_reply)) == -1)
+ return NULL;
+ xcb_disconnect(conn);
+ return socket_path;
--- /dev/null
+ * vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
+ *
+ * i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
+ * © 2009-2011 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
+ *
+ */
+#include <err.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <iconv.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "libi3.h"
+static iconv_t utf8_conversion_descriptor = (iconv_t)-1;
+static iconv_t ucs2_conversion_descriptor = (iconv_t)-1;
+ * Converts the given string to UTF-8 from UCS-2 big endian. The return value
+ * must be freed after use.
+ *
+ */
+char *convert_ucs2_to_utf8(xcb_char2b_t *text, size_t num_glyphs) {
+ /* Allocate the output buffer (UTF-8 is at most 4 bytes per glyph) */
+ size_t buffer_size = num_glyphs * 4 * sizeof(char) + 1;
+ char *buffer = scalloc(buffer_size * sizeof(char));
+ /* We need to use an additional pointer, because iconv() modifies it */
+ char *output = buffer;
+ size_t output_size = buffer_size - 1;
+ if (utf8_conversion_descriptor == (iconv_t)-1) {
+ /* Get a new conversion descriptor */
+ utf8_conversion_descriptor = iconv_open("UTF-8", "UCS-2BE");
+ if (utf8_conversion_descriptor == (iconv_t)-1)
+ err(EXIT_FAILURE, "Error opening the conversion context");
+ } else {
+ /* Reset the existing conversion descriptor */
+ iconv(utf8_conversion_descriptor, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ /* Do the conversion */
+ size_t input_len = num_glyphs * sizeof(xcb_char2b_t);
+ size_t rc = iconv(utf8_conversion_descriptor, (char**)&text,
+ &input_len, &output, &output_size);
+ if (rc == (size_t)-1) {
+ perror("Converting to UTF-8 failed");
+ free(buffer);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return buffer;
+ * Converts the given string to UCS-2 big endian for use with
+ * xcb_image_text_16(). The amount of real glyphs is stored in real_strlen,
+ * a buffer containing the UCS-2 encoded string (16 bit per glyph) is
+ * returned. It has to be freed when done.
+ *
+ */
+xcb_char2b_t *convert_utf8_to_ucs2(char *input, size_t *real_strlen) {
+ /* Calculate the input buffer size (UTF-8 is strlen-safe) */
+ size_t input_size = strlen(input);
+ /* Calculate the output buffer size and allocate the buffer */
+ size_t buffer_size = input_size * sizeof(xcb_char2b_t);
+ xcb_char2b_t *buffer = smalloc(buffer_size);
+ /* We need to use an additional pointer, because iconv() modifies it */
+ size_t output_size = buffer_size;
+ xcb_char2b_t *output = buffer;
+ if (ucs2_conversion_descriptor == (iconv_t)-1) {
+ /* Get a new conversion descriptor */
+ ucs2_conversion_descriptor = iconv_open("UCS-2BE", "UTF-8");
+ if (ucs2_conversion_descriptor == (iconv_t)-1)
+ err(EXIT_FAILURE, "Error opening the conversion context");
+ } else {
+ /* Reset the existing conversion descriptor */
+ iconv(ucs2_conversion_descriptor, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ /* Do the conversion */
+ size_t rc = iconv(ucs2_conversion_descriptor, (char**)&input,
+ &input_size, (char**)&output, &output_size);
+ if (rc == (size_t)-1) {
+ perror("Converting to UCS-2 failed");
+ free(buffer);
+ if (real_strlen != NULL)
+ *real_strlen = 0;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* Return the resulting string's length */
+ if (real_strlen != NULL)
+ *real_strlen = (buffer_size - output_size) / sizeof(xcb_char2b_t);
+ return buffer;
A2M:=a2x -f manpage --asciidoc-opts="-f asciidoc.conf"
-all: i3.1 i3-msg.1 i3-input.1 i3-nagbar.1 i3-wsbar.1 i3-config-wizard.1 i3-migrate-config-to-v4.1 i3-sensible-editor.1 i3-sensible-pager.1 i3-sensible-terminal.1
+all: i3.1 i3-msg.1 i3-input.1 i3-nagbar.1 i3-wsbar.1 i3-config-wizard.1 i3-migrate-config-to-v4.1 i3-sensible-editor.1 i3-sensible-pager.1 i3-sensible-terminal.1 i3-dump-log.1
%.1: %.man asciidoc.conf
${A2M} $<
pod2man $^ > $@
- for file in $$(echo i3 i3-msg i3-input i3-nagbar i3-wsbar i3-config-wizard i3-migrate-config-to-v4 i3-sensible-editor i3-sensible-pager i3-sensible-terminal); \
+ for file in $$(echo i3 i3-msg i3-input i3-nagbar i3-wsbar i3-config-wizard i3-migrate-config-to-v4 i3-sensible-editor i3-sensible-pager i3-sensible-terminal i3-dump-log); \
do \
rm -f $${file}.1 $${file}.html $${file}.xml; \
--- /dev/null
+Michael Stapelberg <michael+i3@stapelberg.de>
+v4.1, December 2011
+== NAME
+i3-dump-log - dumps the i3 SHM log
+i3-dump-log [-s <socketpath>]
+Debug versions of i3 automatically use 1% of your RAM (but 25 MiB max) to store
+full debug loglevel log output. This is extremely helpful for bugreports and
+figuring out what is going on, without permanently logging to a file.
+With i3-dump-log, you can dump the SHM log to stdout.
+i3-dump-log | gzip -9 > /tmp/i3-log.gz
+Michael Stapelberg and contributors
Michael Stapelberg <michael+i3@stapelberg.de>
-v3.delta, November 2009
+v4.2, January 2012
-i3-msg "message"
+i3-msg [-t type] [message]
+The payload of the message is a command for i3 (like the commands you can bind
+to keys in the configuration file) and will be executed directly after
+receiving it.
+Gets the current workspaces. The reply will be a JSON-encoded list of
+Gets the current outputs. The reply will be a JSON-encoded list of outputs (see
+the reply section).
+Gets the layout tree. i3 uses a tree as data structure which includes every
+container. The reply will be the JSON-encoded tree.
+Gets a list of marks (identifiers for containers to easily jump to them later).
+The reply will be a JSON-encoded list of window marks.
+Gets the configuration (as JSON map) of the workspace bar with the given ID. If
+no ID is provided, an array with all configured bar IDs is returned instead.
i3-msg is a sample implementation for a client using the unix socket IPC
-interface to i3. At the moment, it can only be used for sending commands
-(like in configuration file for key bindings), but this may change in the
-future (staying backwards-compatible, of course).
+interface to i3.
-i3-msg "bp" # Use 1-px border for current client
+# Use 1-px border for current client
+i3-msg "border 1pixel"
+# You can leave out the quotes
+i3-msg border normal
+# Dump the layout tree
+i3-msg -t get_tree
* vim
* vi
* emacs
+* pico
+* qe
+* mg
+* jed
+* gedit
+* mc-edit
Please don’t complain about the order: If the user has any preference, he will
have $VISUAL or $EDITOR set.
It tries to start one of the following (in that order):
-* most
* less
+* most
+* w3m
* i3-sensible-editor(1)
Please don’t complain about the order: If the user has any preference, he will
It tries to start one of the following (in that order):
* $TERMINAL (this is a non-standard variable)
-* xterm
* urxvt
* rxvt
+* terminator
+* Eterm
+* aterm
+* xterm
+* gnome-terminal
* roxterm
Please don’t complain about the order: If the user has any preference, he will
and the "how to hack" guide. If you are building from source, run:
+make -C docs+
-You can also access these documents online at http://i3.zekjur.net/
+You can also access these documents online at http://i3wm.org/
i3-input(1), i3-msg(1), i3-wsbar(1), i3-nagbar(1), i3-config-wizard(1),
--- /dev/null
+# vim:ts=2:sw=2:expandtab
+# i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
+# © 2009-2012 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
+# parser-specs/commands.spec: Specification file for generate-command-parser.pl
+# which will generate the appropriate header files for our C parser.
+# Use :source highlighting.vim in vim to get syntax highlighting
+# for this file.
+state INITIAL:
+ # We have an end token here for all the commands which just call some
+ # function without using an explicit 'end' token.
+ end ->
+ '[' -> call cmd_criteria_init(); CRITERIA
+ 'move' -> MOVE
+ 'exec' -> EXEC
+ 'exit' -> call cmd_exit()
+ 'restart' -> call cmd_restart()
+ 'reload' -> call cmd_reload()
+ 'border' -> BORDER
+ 'layout' -> LAYOUT
+ 'append_layout' -> APPEND_LAYOUT
+ 'workspace' -> WORKSPACE
+ 'focus' -> FOCUS
+ 'kill' -> KILL
+ 'open' -> call cmd_open()
+ 'fullscreen' -> FULLSCREEN
+ 'split' -> SPLIT
+ 'floating' -> FLOATING
+ 'mark' -> MARK
+ 'resize' -> RESIZE
+ 'nop' -> NOP
+ 'scratchpad' -> SCRATCHPAD
+ 'mode' -> MODE
+state CRITERIA:
+ ctype = 'class' -> CRITERION
+ ctype = 'instance' -> CRITERION
+ ctype = 'window_role' -> CRITERION
+ ctype = 'con_id' -> CRITERION
+ ctype = 'id' -> CRITERION
+ ctype = 'con_mark' -> CRITERION
+ ctype = 'title' -> CRITERION
+ ']' -> call cmd_criteria_match_windows(); INITIAL
+ cvalue = word
+ -> call cmd_criteria_add($ctype, $cvalue); CRITERIA
+# exec [--no-startup-id] <command>
+state EXEC:
+ nosn = '--no-startup-id'
+ ->
+ command = string
+ -> call cmd_exec($nosn, $command)
+# border normal|none|1pixel|toggle
+state BORDER:
+ border_style = 'normal', 'none', '1pixel', 'toggle'
+ -> call cmd_border($border_style)
+# layout default|stacked|stacking|tabbed
+state LAYOUT:
+ layout_mode = 'default', 'stacked', 'stacking', 'tabbed'
+ -> call cmd_layout($layout_mode)
+# append_layout <path>
+ path = string -> call cmd_append_layout($path)
+# workspace next|prev|next_on_output|prev_on_output
+# workspace back_and_forth
+# workspace <name>
+ direction = 'next_on_output', 'prev_on_output', 'next', 'prev'
+ -> call cmd_workspace($direction)
+ 'back_and_forth'
+ -> call cmd_workspace_back_and_forth()
+ workspace = string
+ -> call cmd_workspace_name($workspace)
+# focus left|right|up|down
+# focus output <output>
+# focus tiling|floating|mode_toggle
+# focus parent|child
+# focus
+state FOCUS:
+ direction = 'left', 'right', 'up', 'down'
+ -> call cmd_focus_direction($direction)
+ 'output'
+ window_mode = 'tiling', 'floating', 'mode_toggle'
+ -> call cmd_focus_window_mode($window_mode)
+ level = 'parent', 'child'
+ -> call cmd_focus_level($level)
+ end
+ -> call cmd_focus()
+ output = string
+ -> call cmd_focus_output($output)
+# kill [window|client]
+state KILL:
+ kill_mode = 'window', 'client'
+ -> call cmd_kill($kill_mode)
+ end
+ -> call cmd_kill($kill_mode)
+# fullscreen [global]
+ fullscreen_mode = 'global'
+ -> call cmd_fullscreen($fullscreen_mode)
+ end
+ -> call cmd_fullscreen($fullscreen_mode)
+# split v|h|vertical|horizontal
+state SPLIT:
+ direction = 'v', 'h', 'vertical', 'horizontal'
+ -> call cmd_split($direction)
+# floating enable|disable|toggle
+state FLOATING:
+ floating = 'enable', 'disable', 'toggle'
+ -> call cmd_floating($floating)
+# mark <mark>
+state MARK:
+ mark = string
+ -> call cmd_mark($mark)
+# resize
+state RESIZE:
+ way = 'grow', 'shrink'
+ direction = 'up', 'down', 'left', 'right'
+state RESIZE_PX:
+ resize_px = word
+ end
+ -> call cmd_resize($way, $direction, "10", "10")
+ 'px'
+ ->
+ 'or'
+ end
+ -> call cmd_resize($way, $direction, $resize_px, "10")
+ 'ppt'
+ ->
+ resize_ppt = word
+ ->
+ end
+ -> call cmd_resize($way, $direction, $resize_px, $resize_ppt)
+# move <direction> [<pixels> [px]]
+# move [window|container] [to] workspace <str>
+# move [window|container] [to] output <str>
+# move [window|container] [to] scratchpad
+# move workspace to [output] <str>
+# move scratchpad
+state MOVE:
+ 'window'
+ ->
+ 'container'
+ ->
+ 'to'
+ ->
+ 'workspace'
+ 'output'
+ 'scratchpad'
+ -> call cmd_move_scratchpad()
+ direction = 'left', 'right', 'up', 'down'
+ pixels = word
+ end
+ -> call cmd_move_direction($direction, "10")
+ 'px'
+ -> call cmd_move_direction($direction, $pixels)
+ end
+ -> call cmd_move_direction($direction, $pixels)
+ 'to'
+ workspace = 'next', 'prev', 'next_on_output', 'prev_on_output'
+ -> call cmd_move_con_to_workspace($workspace)
+ workspace = string
+ -> call cmd_move_con_to_workspace_name($workspace)
+ output = string
+ -> call cmd_move_con_to_output($output)
+ 'output'
+ ->
+ output = string
+ -> call cmd_move_workspace_to_output($output)
+# mode <string>
+state MODE:
+ mode = string
+ -> call cmd_mode($mode)
+state NOP:
+ comment = string
+ -> call cmd_nop($comment)
+ 'show'
+ -> call cmd_scratchpad_show()
--- /dev/null
+set filetype=i3cmd
+syntax case match
+syntax clear
+syntax keyword i3specStatement state call
+highlight link i3specStatement Statement
+syntax match i3specComment /#.*/
+highlight link i3specComment Comment
+syntax region i3specLiteral start=/'/ end=/'/
+syntax keyword i3specToken string word end
+highlight link i3specLiteral String
+highlight link i3specToken String
+syntax match i3specState /[A-Z_]\{3,}/
+highlight link i3specState PreProc
+syntax match i3specSpecial /[->]/
+highlight link i3specSpecial Special
--- /dev/null
+# © 2012 Han Boetes <han@mijncomputer.nl> (see also: LICENSE)
+YEAR=`date "+%Y"`
+zcat $(find /var/log/lighttpd/build.i3wm.org -type f -name "access.log.*.gz" | sort | tail -5) > $weblog
+# this will match the latest logfile, which is not yet gzipped
+find /var/log/lighttpd/build.i3wm.org/log$YEAR -type f \! -name "access.log.*.gz" -exec cat '{}' \; >> $weblog
+cat /var/log/lighttpd/build.i3wm.org/access.log >> $weblog
+# create a git output logfile. Only keep the first 6 chars of the release hash
+git log -150 --pretty=' %h %s' next > $gitlog
+awk '/i3-wm_.*\.deb/ {print $7}' $weblog|awk -F'/' '{print $NF}'|awk -F'_' '{print $2 }'|awk -F'-' '{print $NF}' |cut -c 2-8|sort |uniq -c | while read line; do
+ set -- $line
+ # $1 is the number of downloads, $2 is the release md5sum
+ sed -i "/$2/s|^ |$(printf '%3i' $1) d/l |" $gitlog
+cat $gitlog
+rm $gitlog
+rm $weblog
* vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
* i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
- * © 2009-2011 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
+ * © 2009-2012 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
* assignments.c: Assignments for specific windows (for_window).
DLOG("execute command %s\n", current->dest.command);
char *full_command;
sasprintf(&full_command, "[id=\"%d\"] %s", window->id, current->dest.command);
- char *json_result = parse_cmd(full_command);
+ char *json_result = parse_command(full_command);
yy_push_state(EAT_WHITESPACE); \
} while (0)
-#define BAR_DOUBLE_COLOR do { \
+#define BAR_TRIPLE_COLOR do { \
+ yy_push_state(BAR_COLOR); \
yy_push_state(BAR_COLOR); \
yy_push_state(BAR_COLOR); \
} while (0)
%x BAR
/* This part of the lexer handles the bar {} blocks */
-<BAR,BAR_MODE,BAR_POSITION,BAR_COLORS,BAR_COLOR>[ \t]+ { /* ignore whitespace */ ; }
+<BAR,BAR_MODE,BAR_MODIFIER,BAR_POSITION,BAR_COLORS,BAR_COLOR>[ \t]+ { /* ignore whitespace */ ; }
<BAR>"{" { return '{'; }
<BAR>"}" { yy_pop_state(); return '}'; }
<BAR>^[ \t]*#[^\n]* { return TOKCOMMENT; }
<BAR>mode { yy_push_state(BAR_MODE); return TOK_BAR_MODE; }
<BAR_MODE>hide { yy_pop_state(); return TOK_BAR_HIDE; }
<BAR_MODE>dock { yy_pop_state(); return TOK_BAR_DOCK; }
+<BAR>modifier { yy_push_state(BAR_MODIFIER); return TOK_BAR_MODIFIER; }
+<BAR_MODIFIER>control { yy_pop_state(); return TOK_BAR_CONTROL; }
+<BAR_MODIFIER>ctrl { yy_pop_state(); return TOK_BAR_CONTROL; }
+<BAR_MODIFIER>shift { yy_pop_state(); return TOK_BAR_SHIFT; }
+<BAR_MODIFIER>Mod1 { yy_pop_state(); return TOK_BAR_MOD1; }
+<BAR_MODIFIER>Mod2 { yy_pop_state(); return TOK_BAR_MOD2; }
+<BAR_MODIFIER>Mod3 { yy_pop_state(); return TOK_BAR_MOD3; }
+<BAR_MODIFIER>Mod4 { yy_pop_state(); return TOK_BAR_MOD4; }
+<BAR_MODIFIER>Mod5 { yy_pop_state(); return TOK_BAR_MOD5; }
<BAR>position { yy_push_state(BAR_POSITION); return TOK_BAR_POSITION; }
<BAR_POSITION>bottom { yy_pop_state(); return TOK_BAR_BOTTOM; }
<BAR_POSITION>top { yy_pop_state(); return TOK_BAR_TOP; }
<BAR>status_command { WS_STRING; return TOK_BAR_STATUS_COMMAND; }
+<BAR>i3bar_command { WS_STRING; return TOK_BAR_I3BAR_COMMAND; }
<BAR>font { WS_STRING; return TOK_BAR_FONT; }
<BAR>workspace_buttons { return TOK_BAR_WORKSPACE_BUTTONS; }
<BAR>verbose { return TOK_BAR_VERBOSE; }
<BAR_COLORS>^[ \t]*#[^\n]* { return TOKCOMMENT; }
<BAR_COLORS>background { yy_push_state(BAR_COLOR); return TOK_BAR_COLOR_BACKGROUND; }
<BAR_COLORS>statusline { yy_push_state(BAR_COLOR); return TOK_BAR_COLOR_STATUSLINE; }
<BAR_COLOR>#[0-9a-fA-F]+ { yy_pop_state(); yylval.string = sstrdup(yytext); return HEXCOLOR; }
-<BAR,BAR_COLORS,BAR_MODE,BAR_POSITION>[a-zA-Z]+ { yylval.string = sstrdup(yytext); return WORD; }
+ yy_pop_state();
+ FREE(context->line_copy);
+ context->line_number++;
+ yy_push_state(BUFFER_LINE);
+ }
+<BAR,BAR_COLORS,BAR_MODE,BAR_MODIFIER,BAR_POSITION>[a-zA-Z]+ { yylval.string = sstrdup(yytext); return WORD; }
<OUTPUT_COND>[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+ { yy_pop_state(); yylval.string = sstrdup(yytext); return OUTPUT; }
^[ \t]*#[^\n]* { return TOKCOMMENT; }
<COLOR_COND>#[0-9a-fA-F]+ { yy_pop_state(); yylval.string = sstrdup(yytext); return HEXCOLOR; }
+ yy_pop_state();
+ FREE(context->line_copy);
+ context->line_number++;
+ yy_push_state(BUFFER_LINE);
+ }
<EXEC>--no-startup-id { printf("no startup id\n"); yy_pop_state(); return TOK_NO_STARTUP_ID; }
exec { WS_STRING; yy_push_state(EXEC); yy_push_state(EAT_WHITESPACE); return TOKEXEC; }
exec_always { WS_STRING; yy_push_state(EXEC); yy_push_state(EAT_WHITESPACE); return TOKEXEC_ALWAYS; }
client.background { yy_push_state(COLOR_COND); yylval.single_color = &config.client.background; return TOKSINGLECOLOR; }
-client.focused { yy_push_state(COLOR_COND); yy_push_state(COLOR_COND); yy_push_state(COLOR_COND); yylval.color = &config.client.focused; return TOKCOLOR; }
-client.focused_inactive { yy_push_state(COLOR_COND); yy_push_state(COLOR_COND); yy_push_state(COLOR_COND); yylval.color = &config.client.focused_inactive; return TOKCOLOR; }
-client.unfocused { yy_push_state(COLOR_COND); yy_push_state(COLOR_COND); yy_push_state(COLOR_COND); yylval.color = &config.client.unfocused; return TOKCOLOR; }
-client.urgent { yy_push_state(COLOR_COND); yy_push_state(COLOR_COND); yy_push_state(COLOR_COND); yylval.color = &config.client.urgent; return TOKCOLOR; }
+client.focused { yy_push_state(COLOR_COND); yy_push_state(COLOR_COND); yy_push_state(COLOR_COND); yy_push_state(COLOR_COND); yylval.color = &config.client.focused; return TOKCOLOR; }
+client.focused_inactive { yy_push_state(COLOR_COND); yy_push_state(COLOR_COND); yy_push_state(COLOR_COND); yy_push_state(COLOR_COND); yylval.color = &config.client.focused_inactive; return TOKCOLOR; }
+client.unfocused { yy_push_state(COLOR_COND); yy_push_state(COLOR_COND); yy_push_state(COLOR_COND); yy_push_state(COLOR_COND); yylval.color = &config.client.unfocused; return TOKCOLOR; }
+client.urgent { yy_push_state(COLOR_COND); yy_push_state(COLOR_COND); yy_push_state(COLOR_COND); yy_push_state(COLOR_COND); yylval.color = &config.client.urgent; return TOKCOLOR; }
bar.focused { yy_push_state(COLOR_COND); yylval.color = &config.bar.focused; return TOKCOLOR; }
bar.unfocused { yy_push_state(COLOR_COND); yylval.color = &config.bar.unfocused; return TOKCOLOR; }
bar.urgent { yy_push_state(COLOR_COND); yylval.color = &config.bar.urgent; return TOKCOLOR; }
%token TOK_BAR_MODE "mode (bar)"
%token TOK_BAR_HIDE "hide"
%token TOK_BAR_DOCK "dock"
+%token TOK_BAR_MODIFIER "modifier (bar)"
+%token TOK_BAR_CONTROL "shift (bar)"
+%token TOK_BAR_SHIFT "control (bar)"
+%token TOK_BAR_MOD1 "Mod1"
+%token TOK_BAR_MOD2 "Mod2"
+%token TOK_BAR_MOD3 "Mod3"
+%token TOK_BAR_MOD4 "Mod4"
+%token TOK_BAR_MOD5 "Mod5"
%token TOK_BAR_POSITION "position"
%token TOK_BAR_BOTTOM "bottom"
%token TOK_BAR_TOP "top"
%token TOK_BAR_STATUS_COMMAND "status_command"
+%token TOK_BAR_I3BAR_COMMAND "i3bar_command"
%token TOK_BAR_FONT "font (bar)"
%token TOK_BAR_WORKSPACE_BUTTONS "workspace_buttons"
%token TOK_BAR_VERBOSE "verbose"
%type <number> popup_setting
%type <number> bar_position_position
%type <number> bar_mode_mode
+%type <number> bar_modifier_modifier
%type <number> optional_no_startup_id
%type <string> command
%type <string> word_or_number
| bar_status_command
+ | bar_i3bar_command
| bar_output
| bar_tray_output
| bar_position
| bar_mode
+ | bar_modifier
| bar_font
| bar_workspace_buttons
| bar_verbose
+ {
+ DLOG("should add i3bar_command %s\n", $2);
+ FREE(current_bar.i3bar_command);
+ current_bar.i3bar_command = $2;
+ }
+ ;
| TOK_BAR_DOCK { $$ = M_DOCK; }
+ TOK_BAR_MODIFIER bar_modifier_modifier
+ {
+ DLOG("modifier %d\n", $2);
+ current_bar.modifier = $2;
+ };
+ | TOK_BAR_SHIFT { $$ = M_SHIFT; }
+ | TOK_BAR_MOD1 { $$ = M_MOD1; }
+ | TOK_BAR_MOD2 { $$ = M_MOD2; }
+ | TOK_BAR_MOD3 { $$ = M_MOD3; }
+ | TOK_BAR_MOD4 { $$ = M_MOD4; }
+ | TOK_BAR_MOD5 { $$ = M_MOD5; }
+ ;
- DLOG("focused_ws = %s and %s\n", $2, $3);
+ /* Old syntax: text / background */
+ DLOG("focused_ws = %s, %s (old)\n", $2, $3);
+ current_bar.colors.focused_workspace_bg = $3;
current_bar.colors.focused_workspace_text = $2;
+ }
+ {
+ /* New syntax: border / background / text */
+ DLOG("focused_ws = %s, %s and %s\n", $2, $3, $4);
+ current_bar.colors.focused_workspace_border = $2;
current_bar.colors.focused_workspace_bg = $3;
+ current_bar.colors.focused_workspace_text = $4;
- DLOG("active_ws = %s and %s\n", $2, $3);
+ /* Old syntax: text / background */
+ DLOG("active_ws = %s, %s (old)\n", $2, $3);
+ current_bar.colors.active_workspace_bg = $3;
current_bar.colors.active_workspace_text = $2;
+ }
+ {
+ /* New syntax: border / background / text */
+ DLOG("active_ws = %s, %s and %s\n", $2, $3, $4);
+ current_bar.colors.active_workspace_border = $2;
current_bar.colors.active_workspace_bg = $3;
+ current_bar.colors.active_workspace_text = $4;
- DLOG("inactive_ws = %s and %s\n", $2, $3);
+ /* Old syntax: text / background */
+ DLOG("inactive_ws = %s, %s (old)\n", $2, $3);
+ current_bar.colors.inactive_workspace_bg = $3;
current_bar.colors.inactive_workspace_text = $2;
+ }
+ {
+ DLOG("inactive_ws = %s, %s and %s\n", $2, $3, $4);
+ current_bar.colors.inactive_workspace_border = $2;
current_bar.colors.inactive_workspace_bg = $3;
+ current_bar.colors.inactive_workspace_text = $4;
- DLOG("urgent_ws = %s and %s\n", $2, $3);
+ /* Old syntax: text / background */
+ DLOG("urgent_ws = %s, %s (old)\n", $2, $3);
+ current_bar.colors.urgent_workspace_bg = $3;
current_bar.colors.urgent_workspace_text = $2;
+ }
+ {
+ DLOG("urgent_ws = %s, %s and %s\n", $2, $3, $4);
+ current_bar.colors.urgent_workspace_border = $2;
current_bar.colors.urgent_workspace_bg = $3;
+ current_bar.colors.urgent_workspace_text = $4;
config.font = load_font($2, true);
+ set_font(&config.font);
printf("font %s\n", $2);
font_pattern = $2;
dest->background = $3;
dest->text = $4;
+ | TOKCOLOR colorpixel colorpixel colorpixel colorpixel
+ {
+ struct Colortriple *dest = $1;
+ dest->border = $2;
+ dest->background = $3;
+ dest->text = $4;
+ dest->indicator = $5;
+ }
+++ /dev/null
- * vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
- *
- * i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
- * © 2009-2011 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
- *
- * cmdparse.l: the lexer for commands you send to i3 (or bind on keys)
- *
- */
-%option nounput
-%option noinput
-%option noyy_top_state
-%option stack
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "cmdparse.tab.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#include "util.h"
-#include "libi3.h"
-int cmdyycolumn = 1;
-#define YY_DECL int yylex (struct context *context)
-#define YY_USER_ACTION { \
- context->first_column = cmdyycolumn; \
- context->last_column = cmdyycolumn+yyleng-1; \
- cmdyycolumn += yyleng; \
-/* macro to first eat whitespace, then expect a string */
-#define WS_STRING do { \
- yy_push_state(WANT_STRING); \
- yy_push_state(EAT_WHITESPACE); \
-} while (0)
-EOL (\r?\n)
-/* handle everything up to \n as a string */
-/* eat a whitespace, then go to the next state on the stack */
-/* handle a quoted string or everything up to the next whitespace */
-%x EXEC
- {
- /* This is called when a new line is lexed. We only want the
- * first line to match to go into state BUFFER_LINE */
- if (context->line_number == 0) {
- context->line_number = 1;
- yy_push_state(BUFFER_LINE);
- }
- }
-<BUFFER_LINE>^[^\r\n]*/{EOL}? {
- /* save whole line */
- context->line_copy = sstrdup(yytext);
- yyless(0);
- yy_pop_state();
- yy_set_bol(true);
- cmdyycolumn = 1;
- /* the next/prev/back_and_forth tokens are here to recognize them *before*
- * handling strings ('workspace' command) */
-next { BEGIN(INITIAL); return TOK_NEXT; }
-prev { BEGIN(INITIAL); return TOK_PREV; }
-back_and_forth { BEGIN(INITIAL); return TOK_BACK_AND_FORTH; }
-<WANT_STRING>\"[^\"]+\" {
- /* strip quotes */
- char *copy = sstrdup(yytext+1);
- copy[strlen(copy)-1] = '\0';
- cmdyylval.string = copy;
- return STR;
- }
-<WANT_QSTRING>\"[^\"]+\" {
- /* strip quotes */
- char *copy = sstrdup(yytext+1);
- copy[strlen(copy)-1] = '\0';
- cmdyylval.string = copy;
- return STR;
- }
-<WANT_STRING>[^;\n]+ { BEGIN(INITIAL); cmdyylval.string = sstrdup(yytext); return STR; }
-<EAT_WHITESPACE>[;\n] { BEGIN(INITIAL); return ';'; }
-<EAT_WHITESPACE>[ \t]* { yy_pop_state(); }
-[ \t]* { /* ignore whitespace */ ; }
-<EXEC>--no-startup-id { printf("no startup id\n"); yy_pop_state(); return TOK_NO_STARTUP_ID; }
-<EXEC>. { printf("anything else: *%s*\n", yytext); yyless(0); yy_pop_state(); yy_pop_state(); }
-exec { WS_STRING; yy_push_state(EXEC); yy_push_state(EAT_WHITESPACE); return TOK_EXEC; }
-exit { return TOK_EXIT; }
-reload { return TOK_RELOAD; }
-restart { return TOK_RESTART; }
-kill { return TOK_KILL; }
-window { return TOK_WINDOW; }
-client { return TOK_CLIENT; }
-fullscreen { return TOK_FULLSCREEN; }
-global { return TOK_GLOBAL; }
-layout { return TOK_LAYOUT; }
-default { return TOK_DEFAULT; }
-stacked { return TOK_STACKED; }
-stacking { return TOK_STACKED; }
-tabbed { return TOK_TABBED; }
-border { return TOK_BORDER; }
-normal { return TOK_NORMAL; }
-none { return TOK_NONE; }
-1pixel { return TOK_1PIXEL; }
-mode { BEGIN(WANT_QSTRING); return TOK_MODE; }
-tiling { return TOK_TILING; }
-floating { return TOK_FLOATING; }
-toggle { return TOK_TOGGLE; }
-mode_toggle { return TOK_MODE_TOGGLE; }
-workspace { WS_STRING; return TOK_WORKSPACE; }
-output { WS_STRING; return TOK_OUTPUT; }
-focus { return TOK_FOCUS; }
-move { return TOK_MOVE; }
-open { return TOK_OPEN; }
-split { return TOK_SPLIT; }
-horizontal { return TOK_HORIZONTAL; }
-vertical { return TOK_VERTICAL; }
-up { return TOK_UP; }
-down { return TOK_DOWN; }
-left { return TOK_LEFT; }
-right { return TOK_RIGHT; }
-parent { return TOK_PARENT; }
-child { return TOK_CHILD; }
-resize { return TOK_RESIZE; }
-shrink { return TOK_SHRINK; }
-grow { return TOK_GROW; }
-px { return TOK_PX; }
-or { return TOK_OR; }
-ppt { return TOK_PPT; }
-nop { WS_STRING; return TOK_NOP; }
-append_layout { WS_STRING; return TOK_APPEND_LAYOUT; }
-mark { WS_STRING; return TOK_MARK; }
-enable { return TOK_ENABLE; }
-true { return TOK_ENABLE; }
-yes { return TOK_ENABLE; }
-disable { return TOK_DISABLE; }
-false { return TOK_DISABLE; }
-no { return TOK_DISABLE; }
-class { BEGIN(WANT_QSTRING); return TOK_CLASS; }
-instance { BEGIN(WANT_QSTRING); return TOK_INSTANCE; }
-window_role { BEGIN(WANT_QSTRING); return TOK_WINDOW_ROLE; }
-id { BEGIN(WANT_QSTRING); return TOK_ID; }
-con_id { BEGIN(WANT_QSTRING); return TOK_CON_ID; }
-con_mark { BEGIN(WANT_QSTRING); return TOK_MARK; }
-title { BEGIN(WANT_QSTRING); return TOK_TITLE; }
-[0-9]+ { cmdyylval.number = atoi(yytext); return NUMBER; }
-. { return (int)yytext[0]; }
-<<EOF>> {
- while (yy_start_stack_ptr > 0)
- yy_pop_state();
- yyterminate();
+++ /dev/null
- * vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
- *
- * i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
- * © 2009-2011 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
- *
- * cmdparse.y: the parser for commands you send to i3 (or bind on keys)
- *
- */
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <float.h>
-#include "all.h"
-/** When the command did not include match criteria (!), we use the currently
- * focused command. Do not confuse this case with a command which included
- * criteria but which did not match any windows. This macro has to be called in
- * every command.
- */
-#define HANDLE_EMPTY_MATCH do { \
- if (match_is_empty(¤t_match)) { \
- owindow *ow = smalloc(sizeof(owindow)); \
- ow->con = focused; \
- TAILQ_INIT(&owindows); \
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&owindows, ow, owindows); \
- } \
-} while (0)
-typedef struct yy_buffer_state *YY_BUFFER_STATE;
-extern int cmdyylex(struct context *context);
-extern int cmdyyparse(void);
-extern int cmdyylex_destroy(void);
-extern FILE *cmdyyin;
-YY_BUFFER_STATE cmdyy_scan_string(const char *);
-static struct context *context;
-static Match current_match;
- * Helper data structure for an operation window (window on which the operation
- * will be performed). Used to build the TAILQ owindows.
- *
- */
-typedef struct owindow {
- Con *con;
- TAILQ_ENTRY(owindow) owindows;
-} owindow;
-static TAILQ_HEAD(owindows_head, owindow) owindows;
-/* Holds the JSON which will be returned via IPC or NULL for the default return
- * message */
-static char *json_output;
-/* We don’t need yydebug for now, as we got decent error messages using
- * yyerror(). Should you ever want to extend the parser, it might be handy
- * to just comment it in again, so it stays here. */
-//int cmdyydebug = 1;
-void cmdyyerror(const char *error_message) {
- ELOG("\n");
- ELOG("CMD: %s\n", error_message);
- ELOG("CMD: in command:\n");
- ELOG("CMD: %s\n", context->line_copy);
- ELOG("CMD: ");
- for (int c = 1; c <= context->last_column; c++)
- if (c >= context->first_column)
- printf("^");
- else printf(" ");
- printf("\n");
- ELOG("\n");
- context->compact_error = sstrdup(error_message);
-int cmdyywrap() {
- return 1;
-char *parse_cmd(const char *new) {
- json_output = NULL;
- LOG("COMMAND: *%s*\n", new);
- cmdyy_scan_string(new);
- match_init(¤t_match);
- context = scalloc(sizeof(struct context));
- context->filename = "cmd";
- if (cmdyyparse() != 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Could not parse command\n");
- sasprintf(&json_output, "{\"success\":false, \"error\":\"%s at position %d\"}",
- context->compact_error, context->first_column);
- FREE(context->line_copy);
- FREE(context->compact_error);
- free(context);
- return json_output;
- }
- printf("done, json output = %s\n", json_output);
- cmdyylex_destroy();
- FREE(context->line_copy);
- FREE(context->compact_error);
- free(context);
- return json_output;
- * Returns true if a is definitely greater than b (using the given epsilon)
- *
- */
-bool definitelyGreaterThan(float a, float b, float epsilon) {
- return (a - b) > ( (fabs(a) < fabs(b) ? fabs(b) : fabs(a)) * epsilon);
-%lex-param { struct context *context }
-%union {
- char *string;
- char chr;
- int number;
-%token TOK_EXEC "exec"
-%token TOK_EXIT "exit"
-%token TOK_RELOAD "reload"
-%token TOK_RESTART "restart"
-%token TOK_KILL "kill"
-%token TOK_WINDOW "window"
-%token TOK_CLIENT "client"
-%token TOK_FULLSCREEN "fullscreen"
-%token TOK_GLOBAL "global"
-%token TOK_LAYOUT "layout"
-%token TOK_DEFAULT "default"
-%token TOK_STACKED "stacked"
-%token TOK_TABBED "tabbed"
-%token TOK_BORDER "border"
-%token TOK_NORMAL "normal"
-%token TOK_NONE "none"
-%token TOK_1PIXEL "1pixel"
-%token TOK_MODE "mode"
-%token TOK_TILING "tiling"
-%token TOK_FLOATING "floating"
-%token TOK_MODE_TOGGLE "mode_toggle"
-%token TOK_ENABLE "enable"
-%token TOK_DISABLE "disable"
-%token TOK_WORKSPACE "workspace"
-%token TOK_OUTPUT "output"
-%token TOK_TOGGLE "toggle"
-%token TOK_FOCUS "focus"
-%token TOK_MOVE "move"
-%token TOK_OPEN "open"
-%token TOK_NEXT "next"
-%token TOK_PREV "prev"
-%token TOK_SPLIT "split"
-%token TOK_HORIZONTAL "horizontal"
-%token TOK_VERTICAL "vertical"
-%token TOK_UP "up"
-%token TOK_DOWN "down"
-%token TOK_LEFT "left"
-%token TOK_RIGHT "right"
-%token TOK_PARENT "parent"
-%token TOK_CHILD "child"
-%token TOK_APPEND_LAYOUT "append_layout"
-%token TOK_MARK "mark"
-%token TOK_RESIZE "resize"
-%token TOK_GROW "grow"
-%token TOK_SHRINK "shrink"
-%token TOK_PX "px"
-%token TOK_OR "or"
-%token TOK_PPT "ppt"
-%token TOK_NOP "nop"
-%token TOK_BACK_AND_FORTH "back_and_forth"
-%token TOK_NO_STARTUP_ID "--no-startup-id"
-%token TOK_CLASS "class"
-%token TOK_INSTANCE "instance"
-%token TOK_WINDOW_ROLE "window_role"
-%token TOK_ID "id"
-%token TOK_CON_ID "con_id"
-%token TOK_TITLE "title"
-%token <string> STR "<string>"
-%token <number> NUMBER "<number>"
-%type <number> direction
-%type <number> split_direction
-%type <number> fullscreen_mode
-%type <number> level
-%type <number> window_mode
-%type <number> boolean
-%type <number> border_style
-%type <number> layout_mode
-%type <number> resize_px
-%type <number> resize_way
-%type <number> resize_tiling
-%type <number> optional_kill_mode
-%type <number> optional_no_startup_id
- commands ';' command
- | command
- {
- owindow *current;
- printf("single command completely parsed, dropping state...\n");
- while (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&owindows)) {
- current = TAILQ_FIRST(&owindows);
- TAILQ_REMOVE(&owindows, current, owindows);
- free(current);
- }
- match_init(¤t_match);
- }
- ;
- match operations
- ;
- | matchstart criteria matchend
- {
- printf("match parsed\n");
- }
- ;
- '['
- {
- printf("start\n");
- match_init(¤t_match);
- TAILQ_INIT(&owindows);
- /* copy all_cons */
- Con *con;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(con, &all_cons, all_cons) {
- owindow *ow = smalloc(sizeof(owindow));
- ow->con = con;
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&owindows, ow, owindows);
- }
- }
- ;
- ']'
- {
- owindow *next, *current;
- printf("match specification finished, matching...\n");
- /* copy the old list head to iterate through it and start with a fresh
- * list which will contain only matching windows */
- struct owindows_head old = owindows;
- TAILQ_INIT(&owindows);
- for (next = TAILQ_FIRST(&old); next != TAILQ_END(&old);) {
- /* make a copy of the next pointer and advance the pointer to the
- * next element as we are going to invalidate the element’s
- * next/prev pointers by calling TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL later */
- current = next;
- next = TAILQ_NEXT(next, owindows);
- printf("checking if con %p / %s matches\n", current->con, current->con->name);
- if (current_match.con_id != NULL) {
- if (current_match.con_id == current->con) {
- printf("matches container!\n");
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&owindows, current, owindows);
- }
- } else if (current_match.mark != NULL && current->con->mark != NULL &&
- regex_matches(current_match.mark, current->con->mark)) {
- printf("match by mark\n");
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&owindows, current, owindows);
- } else {
- if (current->con->window == NULL)
- continue;
- if (match_matches_window(¤t_match, current->con->window)) {
- printf("matches window!\n");
- TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&owindows, current, owindows);
- } else {
- printf("doesnt match\n");
- free(current);
- }
- }
- }
- TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &owindows, owindows) {
- printf("matching: %p / %s\n", current->con, current->con->name);
- }
- }
- ;
- criteria criterion
- | criterion
- ;
- {
- printf("criteria: class = %s\n", $3);
- current_match.class = regex_new($3);
- free($3);
- }
- {
- printf("criteria: instance = %s\n", $3);
- current_match.instance = regex_new($3);
- free($3);
- }
- {
- printf("criteria: window_role = %s\n", $3);
- current_match.role = regex_new($3);
- free($3);
- }
- | TOK_CON_ID '=' STR
- {
- printf("criteria: id = %s\n", $3);
- char *end;
- long parsed = strtol($3, &end, 10);
- if (parsed == LONG_MIN ||
- parsed == LONG_MAX ||
- parsed < 0 ||
- (end && *end != '\0')) {
- ELOG("Could not parse con id \"%s\"\n", $3);
- } else {
- current_match.con_id = (Con*)parsed;
- printf("id as int = %p\n", current_match.con_id);
- }
- }
- | TOK_ID '=' STR
- {
- printf("criteria: window id = %s\n", $3);
- char *end;
- long parsed = strtol($3, &end, 10);
- if (parsed == LONG_MIN ||
- parsed == LONG_MAX ||
- parsed < 0 ||
- (end && *end != '\0')) {
- ELOG("Could not parse window id \"%s\"\n", $3);
- } else {
- current_match.id = parsed;
- printf("window id as int = %d\n", current_match.id);
- }
- }
- | TOK_MARK '=' STR
- {
- printf("criteria: mark = %s\n", $3);
- current_match.mark = regex_new($3);
- free($3);
- }
- {
- printf("criteria: title = %s\n", $3);
- current_match.title = regex_new($3);
- free($3);
- }
- ;
- operation
- | operations ',' operation
- ;
- exec
- | exit
- | restart
- | reload
- | border
- | layout
- | append_layout
- | move
- | workspace
- | focus
- | kill
- | open
- | fullscreen
- | split
- | floating
- | mark
- | resize
- | nop
- | mode
- ;
- TOK_EXEC optional_no_startup_id STR
- {
- char *command = $3;
- bool no_startup_id = $2;
- printf("should execute %s, no_startup_id = %d\n", command, no_startup_id);
- start_application(command, no_startup_id);
- free($3);
- }
- ;
- /* empty */ { $$ = false; }
- | TOK_NO_STARTUP_ID { $$ = true; }
- ;
- {
- printf("exit, bye bye\n");
- exit(0);
- }
- ;
- {
- printf("reloading\n");
- kill_configerror_nagbar(false);
- load_configuration(conn, NULL, true);
- x_set_i3_atoms();
- /* Send an IPC event just in case the ws names have changed */
- ipc_send_event("workspace", I3_IPC_EVENT_WORKSPACE, "{\"change\":\"reload\"}");
- }
- ;
- {
- printf("restarting i3\n");
- i3_restart(false);
- }
- ;
- {
- if (focused &&
- focused->type != CT_WORKSPACE &&
- focused->fullscreen_mode != CF_NONE) {
- LOG("Cannot change focus while in fullscreen mode.\n");
- break;
- }
- owindow *current;
- if (match_is_empty(¤t_match)) {
- ELOG("You have to specify which window/container should be focused.\n");
- ELOG("Example: [class=\"urxvt\" title=\"irssi\"] focus\n");
- sasprintf(&json_output, "{\"success\":false, \"error\":\"You have to "
- "specify which window/container should be focused\"}");
- break;
- }
- int count = 0;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &owindows, owindows) {
- Con *ws = con_get_workspace(current->con);
- /* If no workspace could be found, this was a dock window.
- * Just skip it, you cannot focus dock windows. */
- if (!ws)
- continue;
- /* If the container is not on the current workspace,
- * workspace_show() will switch to a different workspace and (if
- * enabled) trigger a mouse pointer warp to the currently focused
- * container (!) on the target workspace.
- *
- * Therefore, before calling workspace_show(), we make sure that
- * 'current' will be focused on the workspace. However, we cannot
- * just con_focus(current) because then the pointer will not be
- * warped at all (the code thinks we are already there).
- *
- * So we focus 'current' to make it the currently focused window of
- * the target workspace, then revert focus. */
- Con *currently_focused = focused;
- con_focus(current->con);
- con_focus(currently_focused);
- /* Now switch to the workspace, then focus */
- workspace_show(ws);
- LOG("focusing %p / %s\n", current->con, current->con->name);
- con_focus(current->con);
- count++;
- }
- if (count > 1)
- LOG("WARNING: Your criteria for the focus command matches %d containers, "
- "while only exactly one container can be focused at a time.\n", count);
- tree_render();
- }
- | TOK_FOCUS direction
- {
- if (focused &&
- focused->type != CT_WORKSPACE &&
- focused->fullscreen_mode != CF_NONE) {
- LOG("Cannot change focus while in fullscreen mode.\n");
- break;
- }
- int direction = $2;
- switch (direction) {
- case TOK_LEFT:
- LOG("Focusing left\n");
- tree_next('p', HORIZ);
- break;
- case TOK_RIGHT:
- LOG("Focusing right\n");
- tree_next('n', HORIZ);
- break;
- case TOK_UP:
- LOG("Focusing up\n");
- tree_next('p', VERT);
- break;
- case TOK_DOWN:
- LOG("Focusing down\n");
- tree_next('n', VERT);
- break;
- default:
- ELOG("Invalid focus direction (%d)\n", direction);
- break;
- }
- tree_render();
- }
- | TOK_FOCUS window_mode
- {
- if (focused &&
- focused->type != CT_WORKSPACE &&
- focused->fullscreen_mode != CF_NONE) {
- LOG("Cannot change focus while in fullscreen mode.\n");
- break;
- }
- printf("should focus: ");
- if ($2 == TOK_TILING)
- printf("tiling\n");
- else if ($2 == TOK_FLOATING)
- printf("floating\n");
- else printf("mode toggle\n");
- Con *ws = con_get_workspace(focused);
- Con *current;
- if (ws != NULL) {
- int to_focus = $2;
- if ($2 == TOK_MODE_TOGGLE) {
- current = TAILQ_FIRST(&(ws->focus_head));
- if (current != NULL && current->type == CT_FLOATING_CON)
- to_focus = TOK_TILING;
- else to_focus = TOK_FLOATING;
- }
- TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &(ws->focus_head), focused) {
- if ((to_focus == TOK_FLOATING && current->type != CT_FLOATING_CON) ||
- (to_focus == TOK_TILING && current->type == CT_FLOATING_CON))
- continue;
- con_focus(con_descend_focused(current));
- break;
- }
- }
- tree_render();
- }
- | TOK_FOCUS level
- {
- if (focused &&
- focused->type != CT_WORKSPACE &&
- focused->fullscreen_mode != CF_NONE) {
- LOG("Cannot change focus while in fullscreen mode.\n");
- break;
- }
- if ($2 == TOK_PARENT)
- level_up();
- else level_down();
- tree_render();
- }
- ;
- ;
- | TOK_CHILD { $$ = TOK_CHILD; }
- ;
- TOK_KILL optional_kill_mode
- {
- owindow *current;
- printf("killing!\n");
- /* check if the match is empty, not if the result is empty */
- if (match_is_empty(¤t_match))
- tree_close_con($2);
- else {
- TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &owindows, owindows) {
- printf("matching: %p / %s\n", current->con, current->con->name);
- tree_close(current->con, $2, false, false);
- }
- }
- tree_render();
- }
- ;
- /* empty */ { $$ = KILL_WINDOW; }
- ;
- {
- workspace_show(workspace_next());
- tree_render();
- }
- {
- workspace_show(workspace_prev());
- tree_render();
- }
- {
- workspace_back_and_forth();
- tree_render();
- }
- {
- printf("should switch to workspace %s\n", $2);
- Con *ws = con_get_workspace(focused);
- /* Check if the command wants to switch to the current workspace */
- if (strcmp(ws->name, $2) == 0) {
- printf("This workspace is already focused.\n");
- if (config.workspace_auto_back_and_forth) {
- workspace_back_and_forth();
- free($2);
- tree_render();
- }
- break;
- }
- workspace_show_by_name($2);
- free($2);
- tree_render();
- }
- ;
- {
- printf("opening new container\n");
- Con *con = tree_open_con(NULL, NULL);
- con_focus(con);
- sasprintf(&json_output, "{\"success\":true, \"id\":%ld}", (long int)con);
- tree_render();
- }
- ;
- TOK_FULLSCREEN fullscreen_mode
- {
- printf("toggling fullscreen, mode = %s\n", ($2 == CF_OUTPUT ? "normal" : "global"));
- owindow *current;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &owindows, owindows) {
- printf("matching: %p / %s\n", current->con, current->con->name);
- con_toggle_fullscreen(current->con, $2);
- }
- tree_render();
- }
- ;
- /* empty */ { $$ = CF_OUTPUT; }
- | TOK_GLOBAL { $$ = CF_GLOBAL; }
- ;
- TOK_SPLIT split_direction
- {
- /* TODO: use matches */
- printf("splitting in direction %c\n", $2);
- tree_split(focused, ($2 == 'v' ? VERT : HORIZ));
- tree_render();
- }
- ;
- TOK_HORIZONTAL { $$ = 'h'; }
- | 'h' { $$ = 'h'; }
- | TOK_VERTICAL { $$ = 'v'; }
- | 'v' { $$ = 'v'; }
- ;
- TOK_FLOATING boolean
- {
- owindow *current;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &owindows, owindows) {
- printf("matching: %p / %s\n", current->con, current->con->name);
- if ($2 == TOK_TOGGLE) {
- printf("should toggle mode\n");
- toggle_floating_mode(current->con, false);
- } else {
- printf("should switch mode to %s\n", ($2 == TOK_FLOATING ? "floating" : "tiling"));
- if ($2 == TOK_ENABLE) {
- floating_enable(current->con, false);
- } else {
- floating_disable(current->con, false);
- }
- }
- }
- tree_render();
- }
- ;
- ;
- TOK_BORDER border_style
- {
- printf("border style should be changed to %d\n", $2);
- owindow *current;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &owindows, owindows) {
- printf("matching: %p / %s\n", current->con, current->con->name);
- int border_style = current->con->border_style;
- if ($2 == TOK_TOGGLE) {
- border_style++;
- border_style %= 3;
- } else border_style = $2;
- con_set_border_style(current->con, border_style);
- }
- tree_render();
- }
- ;
- | TOK_NONE { $$ = BS_NONE; }
- | TOK_1PIXEL { $$ = BS_1PIXEL; }
- ;
- TOK_MOVE direction resize_px
- {
- int direction = $2;
- int px = $3;
- /* TODO: make 'move' work with criteria. */
- printf("moving in direction %d\n", direction);
- if (con_is_floating(focused)) {
- printf("floating move with %d pixels\n", px);
- Rect newrect = focused->parent->rect;
- if (direction == TOK_LEFT) {
- newrect.x -= px;
- } else if (direction == TOK_RIGHT) {
- newrect.x += px;
- } else if (direction == TOK_UP) {
- newrect.y -= px;
- } else if (direction == TOK_DOWN) {
- newrect.y += px;
- }
- floating_reposition(focused->parent, newrect);
- } else {
- tree_move(direction);
- tree_render();
- }
- }
- {
- owindow *current;
- /* Error out early to not create a non-existing workspace (in
- * workspace_get()) if we are not actually able to move anything. */
- if (match_is_empty(¤t_match) && focused->type == CT_WORKSPACE)
- break;
- printf("should move window to workspace %s\n", $3);
- /* get the workspace */
- Con *ws = workspace_get($3, NULL);
- free($3);
- TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &owindows, owindows) {
- printf("matching: %p / %s\n", current->con, current->con->name);
- con_move_to_workspace(current->con, ws, true, false);
- }
- tree_render();
- }
- {
- owindow *current;
- /* get the workspace */
- Con *ws = workspace_next();
- TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &owindows, owindows) {
- printf("matching: %p / %s\n", current->con, current->con->name);
- con_move_to_workspace(current->con, ws, true, false);
- }
- tree_render();
- }
- {
- owindow *current;
- /* get the workspace */
- Con *ws = workspace_prev();
- TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &owindows, owindows) {
- printf("matching: %p / %s\n", current->con, current->con->name);
- con_move_to_workspace(current->con, ws, true, false);
- }
- tree_render();
- }
- {
- owindow *current;
- printf("should move window to output %s", $3);
- /* get the output */
- Output *current_output = NULL;
- Output *output;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &owindows, owindows)
- current_output = get_output_containing(current->con->rect.x, current->con->rect.y);
- assert(current_output != NULL);
- if (strcasecmp($3, "up") == 0)
- output = get_output_next(D_UP, current_output);
- else if (strcasecmp($3, "down") == 0)
- output = get_output_next(D_DOWN, current_output);
- else if (strcasecmp($3, "left") == 0)
- output = get_output_next(D_LEFT, current_output);
- else if (strcasecmp($3, "right") == 0)
- output = get_output_next(D_RIGHT, current_output);
- else
- output = get_output_by_name($3);
- free($3);
- if (!output)
- break;
- /* get visible workspace on output */
- Con *ws = NULL;
- GREP_FIRST(ws, output_get_content(output->con), workspace_is_visible(child));
- if (!ws)
- break;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &owindows, owindows) {
- printf("matching: %p / %s\n", current->con, current->con->name);
- con_move_to_workspace(current->con, ws, true, false);
- }
- tree_render();
- }
- ;
- {
- printf("restoring \"%s\"\n", $2);
- tree_append_json($2);
- free($2);
- tree_render();
- }
- ;
- TOK_LAYOUT layout_mode
- {
- printf("changing layout to %d\n", $2);
- owindow *current;
- /* check if the match is empty, not if the result is empty */
- if (match_is_empty(¤t_match))
- con_set_layout(focused->parent, $2);
- else {
- TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &owindows, owindows) {
- printf("matching: %p / %s\n", current->con, current->con->name);
- con_set_layout(current->con, $2);
- }
- }
- tree_render();
- }
- ;
- | TOK_TABBED { $$ = L_TABBED; }
- ;
- {
- printf("Clearing all windows which have that mark first\n");
- Con *con;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(con, &all_cons, all_cons) {
- if (con->mark && strcmp(con->mark, $2) == 0)
- FREE(con->mark);
- }
- printf("marking window with str %s\n", $2);
- owindow *current;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &owindows, owindows) {
- printf("matching: %p / %s\n", current->con, current->con->name);
- current->con->mark = $2;
- }
- tree_render();
- }
- ;
- {
- printf("-------------------------------------------------\n");
- printf(" NOP: %s\n", $2);
- printf("-------------------------------------------------\n");
- free($2);
- }
- ;
- TOK_RESIZE resize_way direction resize_px resize_tiling
- {
- /* resize <grow|shrink> <direction> [<px> px] [or <ppt> ppt] */
- printf("resizing in way %d, direction %d, px %d or ppt %d\n", $2, $3, $4, $5);
- int direction = $3;
- int px = $4;
- int ppt = $5;
- if ($2 == TOK_SHRINK) {
- px *= -1;
- ppt *= -1;
- }
- Con *floating_con;
- if ((floating_con = con_inside_floating(focused))) {
- printf("floating resize\n");
- if (direction == TOK_UP) {
- floating_con->rect.y -= px;
- floating_con->rect.height += px;
- } else if (direction == TOK_DOWN) {
- floating_con->rect.height += px;
- } else if (direction == TOK_LEFT) {
- floating_con->rect.x -= px;
- floating_con->rect.width += px;
- } else {
- floating_con->rect.width += px;
- }
- } else {
- LOG("tiling resize\n");
- /* get the appropriate current container (skip stacked/tabbed cons) */
- Con *current = focused;
- while (current->parent->layout == L_STACKED ||
- current->parent->layout == L_TABBED)
- current = current->parent;
- /* Then further go up until we find one with the matching orientation. */
- orientation_t search_orientation =
- (direction == TOK_LEFT || direction == TOK_RIGHT ? HORIZ : VERT);
- while (current->type != CT_WORKSPACE &&
- current->type != CT_FLOATING_CON &&
- current->parent->orientation != search_orientation)
- current = current->parent;
- /* get the default percentage */
- int children = con_num_children(current->parent);
- Con *other;
- LOG("ins. %d children\n", children);
- double percentage = 1.0 / children;
- LOG("default percentage = %f\n", percentage);
- orientation_t orientation = current->parent->orientation;
- if ((orientation == HORIZ &&
- (direction == TOK_UP || direction == TOK_DOWN)) ||
- (orientation == VERT &&
- (direction == TOK_LEFT || direction == TOK_RIGHT))) {
- LOG("You cannot resize in that direction. Your focus is in a %s split container currently.\n",
- (orientation == HORIZ ? "horizontal" : "vertical"));
- break;
- }
- if (direction == TOK_UP || direction == TOK_LEFT) {
- other = TAILQ_PREV(current, nodes_head, nodes);
- } else {
- other = TAILQ_NEXT(current, nodes);
- }
- if (other == TAILQ_END(workspaces)) {
- LOG("No other container in this direction found, cannot resize.\n");
- break;
- }
- LOG("other->percent = %f\n", other->percent);
- LOG("current->percent before = %f\n", current->percent);
- if (current->percent == 0.0)
- current->percent = percentage;
- if (other->percent == 0.0)
- other->percent = percentage;
- double new_current_percent = current->percent + ((double)ppt / 100.0);
- double new_other_percent = other->percent - ((double)ppt / 100.0);
- LOG("new_current_percent = %f\n", new_current_percent);
- LOG("new_other_percent = %f\n", new_other_percent);
- /* Ensure that the new percentages are positive and greater than
- * 0.05 to have a reasonable minimum size. */
- if (definitelyGreaterThan(new_current_percent, 0.05, DBL_EPSILON) &&
- definitelyGreaterThan(new_other_percent, 0.05, DBL_EPSILON)) {
- current->percent += ((double)ppt / 100.0);
- other->percent -= ((double)ppt / 100.0);
- LOG("current->percent after = %f\n", current->percent);
- LOG("other->percent after = %f\n", other->percent);
- } else {
- LOG("Not resizing, already at minimum size\n");
- }
- }
- tree_render();
- }
- ;
- /* empty */
- {
- $$ = 10;
- }
- {
- $$ = $1;
- }
- ;
- /* empty */
- {
- $$ = 10;
- }
- {
- $$ = $2;
- }
- ;
- TOK_GROW { $$ = TOK_GROW; }
- ;
- TOK_UP { $$ = TOK_UP; }
- | TOK_DOWN { $$ = TOK_DOWN; }
- | TOK_LEFT { $$ = TOK_LEFT; }
- | TOK_RIGHT { $$ = TOK_RIGHT; }
- ;
- {
- switch_mode($2);
- }
- ;
--- /dev/null
+ * vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
+ *
+ * i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
+ * © 2009-2012 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
+ *
+ * commands.c: all command functions (see commands_parser.c)
+ *
+ */
+#include <float.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include "all.h"
+/** When the command did not include match criteria (!), we use the currently
+ * focused command. Do not confuse this case with a command which included
+ * criteria but which did not match any windows. This macro has to be called in
+ * every command.
+ */
+#define HANDLE_EMPTY_MATCH do { \
+ if (match_is_empty(current_match)) { \
+ owindow *ow = smalloc(sizeof(owindow)); \
+ ow->con = focused; \
+ TAILQ_INIT(&owindows); \
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&owindows, ow, owindows); \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+static owindows_head owindows;
+ * Returns true if a is definitely greater than b (using the given epsilon)
+ *
+ */
+static bool definitelyGreaterThan(float a, float b, float epsilon) {
+ return (a - b) > ( (fabs(a) < fabs(b) ? fabs(b) : fabs(a)) * epsilon);
+ * Returns an 'output' corresponding to one of left/right/down/up or a specific
+ * output name.
+ *
+ */
+static Output *get_output_from_string(Output *current_output, const char *output_str) {
+ Output *output;
+ if (strcasecmp(output_str, "left") == 0) {
+ output = get_output_next(D_LEFT, current_output);
+ if (!output)
+ output = get_output_most(D_RIGHT, current_output);
+ } else if (strcasecmp(output_str, "right") == 0) {
+ output = get_output_next(D_RIGHT, current_output);
+ if (!output)
+ output = get_output_most(D_LEFT, current_output);
+ } else if (strcasecmp(output_str, "up") == 0) {
+ output = get_output_next(D_UP, current_output);
+ if (!output)
+ output = get_output_most(D_DOWN, current_output);
+ } else if (strcasecmp(output_str, "down") == 0) {
+ output = get_output_next(D_DOWN, current_output);
+ if (!output)
+ output = get_output_most(D_UP, current_output);
+ } else output = get_output_by_name(output_str);
+ return output;
+// This code is commented out because we might recycle it for popping up error
+// messages on parser errors.
+#if 0
+static pid_t migration_pid = -1;
+ * Handler which will be called when we get a SIGCHLD for the nagbar, meaning
+ * it exited (or could not be started, depending on the exit code).
+ *
+ */
+static void nagbar_exited(EV_P_ ev_child *watcher, int revents) {
+ ev_child_stop(EV_A_ watcher);
+ if (!WIFEXITED(watcher->rstatus)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: i3-nagbar did not exit normally.\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ int exitcode = WEXITSTATUS(watcher->rstatus);
+ printf("i3-nagbar process exited with status %d\n", exitcode);
+ if (exitcode == 2) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: i3-nagbar could not be found. Is it correctly installed on your system?\n");
+ }
+ migration_pid = -1;
+/* We need ev >= 4 for the following code. Since it is not *that* important (it
+ * only makes sure that there are no i3-nagbar instances left behind) we still
+ * support old systems with libev 3. */
+ * Cleanup handler. Will be called when i3 exits. Kills i3-nagbar with signal
+ * SIGKILL (9) to make sure there are no left-over i3-nagbar processes.
+ *
+ */
+static void nagbar_cleanup(EV_P_ ev_cleanup *watcher, int revent) {
+ if (migration_pid != -1) {
+ LOG("Sending SIGKILL (9) to i3-nagbar with PID %d\n", migration_pid);
+ kill(migration_pid, SIGKILL);
+ }
+void cmd_MIGRATION_start_nagbar() {
+ if (migration_pid != -1) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "i3-nagbar already running.\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "Starting i3-nagbar, command parsing differs from expected output.\n");
+ ELOG("Please report this on IRC or in the bugtracker. Make sure to include the full debug level logfile:\n");
+ ELOG("i3-dump-log | gzip -9c > /tmp/i3.log.gz\n");
+ ELOG("FYI: Your i3 version is " I3_VERSION "\n");
+ migration_pid = fork();
+ if (migration_pid == -1) {
+ warn("Could not fork()");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* child */
+ if (migration_pid == 0) {
+ char *pageraction;
+ sasprintf(&pageraction, "i3-sensible-terminal -e i3-sensible-pager \"%s\"", errorfilename);
+ char *argv[] = {
+ NULL, /* will be replaced by the executable path */
+ "-t",
+ "error",
+ "-m",
+ "You found a parsing error. Please, please, please, report it!",
+ "-b",
+ "show errors",
+ pageraction,
+ };
+ exec_i3_utility("i3-nagbar", argv);
+ }
+ /* parent */
+ /* install a child watcher */
+ ev_child *child = smalloc(sizeof(ev_child));
+ ev_child_init(child, &nagbar_exited, migration_pid, 0);
+ ev_child_start(main_loop, child);
+/* We need ev >= 4 for the following code. Since it is not *that* important (it
+ * only makes sure that there are no i3-nagbar instances left behind) we still
+ * support old systems with libev 3. */
+ /* install a cleanup watcher (will be called when i3 exits and i3-nagbar is
+ * still running) */
+ ev_cleanup *cleanup = smalloc(sizeof(ev_cleanup));
+ ev_cleanup_init(cleanup, nagbar_cleanup);
+ ev_cleanup_start(main_loop, cleanup);
+ * Criteria functions.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ * Initializes the specified 'Match' data structure and the initial state of
+ * commands.c for matching target windows of a command.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_criteria_init(Match *current_match) {
+ Con *con;
+ owindow *ow;
+ DLOG("Initializing criteria, current_match = %p\n", current_match);
+ match_init(current_match);
+ while (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&owindows)) {
+ ow = TAILQ_FIRST(&owindows);
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&owindows, ow, owindows);
+ free(ow);
+ }
+ TAILQ_INIT(&owindows);
+ /* copy all_cons */
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(con, &all_cons, all_cons) {
+ ow = smalloc(sizeof(owindow));
+ ow->con = con;
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&owindows, ow, owindows);
+ }
+ /* This command is internal and does not generate a JSON reply. */
+ return NULL;
+ * A match specification just finished (the closing square bracket was found),
+ * so we filter the list of owindows.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_criteria_match_windows(Match *current_match) {
+ owindow *next, *current;
+ DLOG("match specification finished, matching...\n");
+ /* copy the old list head to iterate through it and start with a fresh
+ * list which will contain only matching windows */
+ struct owindows_head old = owindows;
+ TAILQ_INIT(&owindows);
+ for (next = TAILQ_FIRST(&old); next != TAILQ_END(&old);) {
+ /* make a copy of the next pointer and advance the pointer to the
+ * next element as we are going to invalidate the element’s
+ * next/prev pointers by calling TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL later */
+ current = next;
+ next = TAILQ_NEXT(next, owindows);
+ DLOG("checking if con %p / %s matches\n", current->con, current->con->name);
+ if (current_match->con_id != NULL) {
+ if (current_match->con_id == current->con) {
+ DLOG("matches container!\n");
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&owindows, current, owindows);
+ }
+ } else if (current_match->mark != NULL && current->con->mark != NULL &&
+ regex_matches(current_match->mark, current->con->mark)) {
+ DLOG("match by mark\n");
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&owindows, current, owindows);
+ } else {
+ if (current->con->window == NULL)
+ continue;
+ if (match_matches_window(current_match, current->con->window)) {
+ DLOG("matches window!\n");
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&owindows, current, owindows);
+ } else {
+ DLOG("doesnt match\n");
+ free(current);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &owindows, owindows) {
+ DLOG("matching: %p / %s\n", current->con, current->con->name);
+ }
+ /* This command is internal and does not generate a JSON reply. */
+ return NULL;
+ * Interprets a ctype=cvalue pair and adds it to the current match
+ * specification.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_criteria_add(Match *current_match, char *ctype, char *cvalue) {
+ DLOG("ctype=*%s*, cvalue=*%s*\n", ctype, cvalue);
+ if (strcmp(ctype, "class") == 0) {
+ current_match->class = regex_new(cvalue);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(ctype, "instance") == 0) {
+ current_match->instance = regex_new(cvalue);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(ctype, "window_role") == 0) {
+ current_match->role = regex_new(cvalue);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(ctype, "con_id") == 0) {
+ char *end;
+ long parsed = strtol(cvalue, &end, 10);
+ if (parsed == LONG_MIN ||
+ parsed == LONG_MAX ||
+ parsed < 0 ||
+ (end && *end != '\0')) {
+ ELOG("Could not parse con id \"%s\"\n", cvalue);
+ } else {
+ current_match->con_id = (Con*)parsed;
+ printf("id as int = %p\n", current_match->con_id);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(ctype, "id") == 0) {
+ char *end;
+ long parsed = strtol(cvalue, &end, 10);
+ if (parsed == LONG_MIN ||
+ parsed == LONG_MAX ||
+ parsed < 0 ||
+ (end && *end != '\0')) {
+ ELOG("Could not parse window id \"%s\"\n", cvalue);
+ } else {
+ current_match->id = parsed;
+ printf("window id as int = %d\n", current_match->id);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(ctype, "con_mark") == 0) {
+ current_match->mark = regex_new(cvalue);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(ctype, "title") == 0) {
+ current_match->title = regex_new(cvalue);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ ELOG("Unknown criterion: %s\n", ctype);
+ /* This command is internal and does not generate a JSON reply. */
+ return NULL;
+ * Implementation of 'move [window|container] [to] workspace
+ * next|prev|next_on_output|prev_on_output'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_move_con_to_workspace(Match *current_match, char *which) {
+ owindow *current;
+ DLOG("which=%s\n", which);
+ /* get the workspace */
+ Con *ws;
+ if (strcmp(which, "next") == 0)
+ ws = workspace_next();
+ else if (strcmp(which, "prev") == 0)
+ ws = workspace_prev();
+ else if (strcmp(which, "next_on_output") == 0)
+ ws = workspace_next_on_output();
+ else if (strcmp(which, "prev_on_output") == 0)
+ ws = workspace_prev_on_output();
+ else {
+ ELOG("BUG: called with which=%s\n", which);
+ return sstrdup("{\"sucess\": false}");
+ }
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &owindows, owindows) {
+ DLOG("matching: %p / %s\n", current->con, current->con->name);
+ con_move_to_workspace(current->con, ws, true, false);
+ }
+ tree_render();
+ // XXX: default reply for now, make this a better reply
+ return sstrdup("{\"success\": true}");
+ * Implementation of 'move [window|container] [to] workspace <name>'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_move_con_to_workspace_name(Match *current_match, char *name) {
+ if (strncasecmp(name, "__i3_", strlen("__i3_")) == 0) {
+ LOG("You cannot switch to the i3 internal workspaces.\n");
+ return sstrdup("{\"sucess\": false}");
+ }
+ owindow *current;
+ /* Error out early to not create a non-existing workspace (in
+ * workspace_get()) if we are not actually able to move anything. */
+ if (match_is_empty(current_match) && focused->type == CT_WORKSPACE)
+ return sstrdup("{\"sucess\": false}");
+ LOG("should move window to workspace %s\n", name);
+ /* get the workspace */
+ Con *ws = workspace_get(name, NULL);
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &owindows, owindows) {
+ DLOG("matching: %p / %s\n", current->con, current->con->name);
+ con_move_to_workspace(current->con, ws, true, false);
+ }
+ tree_render();
+ // XXX: default reply for now, make this a better reply
+ return sstrdup("{\"success\": true}");
+ * Implementation of 'resize grow|shrink <direction> [<px> px] [or <ppt> ppt]'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_resize(Match *current_match, char *way, char *direction, char *resize_px, char *resize_ppt) {
+ /* resize <grow|shrink> <direction> [<px> px] [or <ppt> ppt] */
+ DLOG("resizing in way %s, direction %s, px %s or ppt %s\n", way, direction, resize_px, resize_ppt);
+ // TODO: We could either handle this in the parser itself as a separate token (and make the stack typed) or we need a better way to convert a string to a number with error checking
+ int px = atoi(resize_px);
+ int ppt = atoi(resize_ppt);
+ if (strcmp(way, "shrink") == 0) {
+ px *= -1;
+ ppt *= -1;
+ }
+ Con *floating_con;
+ if ((floating_con = con_inside_floating(focused))) {
+ printf("floating resize\n");
+ if (strcmp(direction, "up") == 0) {
+ floating_con->rect.y -= px;
+ floating_con->rect.height += px;
+ } else if (strcmp(direction, "down") == 0) {
+ floating_con->rect.height += px;
+ } else if (strcmp(direction, "left") == 0) {
+ floating_con->rect.x -= px;
+ floating_con->rect.width += px;
+ } else {
+ floating_con->rect.width += px;
+ }
+ } else {
+ LOG("tiling resize\n");
+ /* get the appropriate current container (skip stacked/tabbed cons) */
+ Con *current = focused;
+ while (current->parent->layout == L_STACKED ||
+ current->parent->layout == L_TABBED)
+ current = current->parent;
+ /* Then further go up until we find one with the matching orientation. */
+ orientation_t search_orientation =
+ (strcmp(direction, "left") == 0 || strcmp(direction, "right") == 0 ? HORIZ : VERT);
+ while (current->type != CT_WORKSPACE &&
+ current->type != CT_FLOATING_CON &&
+ current->parent->orientation != search_orientation)
+ current = current->parent;
+ /* get the default percentage */
+ int children = con_num_children(current->parent);
+ Con *other;
+ LOG("ins. %d children\n", children);
+ double percentage = 1.0 / children;
+ LOG("default percentage = %f\n", percentage);
+ orientation_t orientation = current->parent->orientation;
+ if ((orientation == HORIZ &&
+ (strcmp(direction, "up") == 0 || strcmp(direction, "down") == 0)) ||
+ (orientation == VERT &&
+ (strcmp(direction, "left") == 0 || strcmp(direction, "right") == 0))) {
+ LOG("You cannot resize in that direction. Your focus is in a %s split container currently.\n",
+ (orientation == HORIZ ? "horizontal" : "vertical"));
+ return sstrdup("{\"sucess\": false}");
+ }
+ if (strcmp(direction, "up") == 0 || strcmp(direction, "left") == 0) {
+ other = TAILQ_PREV(current, nodes_head, nodes);
+ } else {
+ other = TAILQ_NEXT(current, nodes);
+ }
+ if (other == TAILQ_END(workspaces)) {
+ LOG("No other container in this direction found, cannot resize.\n");
+ return sstrdup("{\"sucess\": false}");
+ }
+ LOG("other->percent = %f\n", other->percent);
+ LOG("current->percent before = %f\n", current->percent);
+ if (current->percent == 0.0)
+ current->percent = percentage;
+ if (other->percent == 0.0)
+ other->percent = percentage;
+ double new_current_percent = current->percent + ((double)ppt / 100.0);
+ double new_other_percent = other->percent - ((double)ppt / 100.0);
+ LOG("new_current_percent = %f\n", new_current_percent);
+ LOG("new_other_percent = %f\n", new_other_percent);
+ /* Ensure that the new percentages are positive and greater than
+ * 0.05 to have a reasonable minimum size. */
+ if (definitelyGreaterThan(new_current_percent, 0.05, DBL_EPSILON) &&
+ definitelyGreaterThan(new_other_percent, 0.05, DBL_EPSILON)) {
+ current->percent += ((double)ppt / 100.0);
+ other->percent -= ((double)ppt / 100.0);
+ LOG("current->percent after = %f\n", current->percent);
+ LOG("other->percent after = %f\n", other->percent);
+ } else {
+ LOG("Not resizing, already at minimum size\n");
+ }
+ }
+ tree_render();
+ // XXX: default reply for now, make this a better reply
+ return sstrdup("{\"success\": true}");
+ * Implementation of 'border normal|none|1pixel|toggle'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_border(Match *current_match, char *border_style_str) {
+ DLOG("border style should be changed to %s\n", border_style_str);
+ owindow *current;
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &owindows, owindows) {
+ DLOG("matching: %p / %s\n", current->con, current->con->name);
+ int border_style = current->con->border_style;
+ if (strcmp(border_style_str, "toggle") == 0) {
+ border_style++;
+ border_style %= 3;
+ } else {
+ if (strcmp(border_style_str, "normal") == 0)
+ border_style = BS_NORMAL;
+ else if (strcmp(border_style_str, "none") == 0)
+ border_style = BS_NONE;
+ else if (strcmp(border_style_str, "1pixel") == 0)
+ border_style = BS_1PIXEL;
+ else {
+ ELOG("BUG: called with border_style=%s\n", border_style_str);
+ return sstrdup("{\"sucess\": false}");
+ }
+ }
+ con_set_border_style(current->con, border_style);
+ }
+ tree_render();
+ // XXX: default reply for now, make this a better reply
+ return sstrdup("{\"success\": true}");
+ * Implementation of 'nop <comment>'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_nop(Match *current_match, char *comment) {
+ LOG("-------------------------------------------------\n");
+ LOG(" NOP: %s\n", comment);
+ LOG("-------------------------------------------------\n");
+ return NULL;
+ * Implementation of 'append_layout <path>'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_append_layout(Match *current_match, char *path) {
+ LOG("Appending layout \"%s\"\n", path);
+ tree_append_json(path);
+ tree_render();
+ // XXX: default reply for now, make this a better reply
+ return sstrdup("{\"success\": true}");
+ * Implementation of 'workspace next|prev|next_on_output|prev_on_output'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_workspace(Match *current_match, char *which) {
+ Con *ws;
+ DLOG("which=%s\n", which);
+ if (strcmp(which, "next") == 0)
+ ws = workspace_next();
+ else if (strcmp(which, "prev") == 0)
+ ws = workspace_prev();
+ else if (strcmp(which, "next_on_output") == 0)
+ ws = workspace_next_on_output();
+ else if (strcmp(which, "prev_on_output") == 0)
+ ws = workspace_prev_on_output();
+ else {
+ ELOG("BUG: called with which=%s\n", which);
+ return sstrdup("{\"sucess\": false}");
+ }
+ workspace_show(ws);
+ tree_render();
+ // XXX: default reply for now, make this a better reply
+ return sstrdup("{\"success\": true}");
+ * Implementation of 'workspace back_and_forth'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_workspace_back_and_forth(Match *current_match) {
+ workspace_back_and_forth();
+ tree_render();
+ // XXX: default reply for now, make this a better reply
+ return sstrdup("{\"success\": true}");
+ * Implementation of 'workspace <name>'
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_workspace_name(Match *current_match, char *name) {
+ if (strncasecmp(name, "__i3_", strlen("__i3_")) == 0) {
+ LOG("You cannot switch to the i3 internal workspaces.\n");
+ return sstrdup("{\"sucess\": false}");
+ }
+ DLOG("should switch to workspace %s\n", name);
+ Con *ws = con_get_workspace(focused);
+ /* Check if the command wants to switch to the current workspace */
+ if (strcmp(ws->name, name) == 0) {
+ DLOG("This workspace is already focused.\n");
+ if (config.workspace_auto_back_and_forth) {
+ workspace_back_and_forth();
+ tree_render();
+ }
+ return sstrdup("{\"sucess\": false}");
+ }
+ workspace_show_by_name(name);
+ tree_render();
+ // XXX: default reply for now, make this a better reply
+ return sstrdup("{\"success\": true}");
+ * Implementation of 'mark <mark>'
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_mark(Match *current_match, char *mark) {
+ DLOG("Clearing all windows which have that mark first\n");
+ Con *con;
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(con, &all_cons, all_cons) {
+ if (con->mark && strcmp(con->mark, mark) == 0)
+ FREE(con->mark);
+ }
+ DLOG("marking window with str %s\n", mark);
+ owindow *current;
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &owindows, owindows) {
+ DLOG("matching: %p / %s\n", current->con, current->con->name);
+ current->con->mark = sstrdup(mark);
+ }
+ tree_render();
+ // XXX: default reply for now, make this a better reply
+ return sstrdup("{\"success\": true}");
+ * Implementation of 'mode <string>'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_mode(Match *current_match, char *mode) {
+ DLOG("mode=%s\n", mode);
+ switch_mode(mode);
+ // XXX: default reply for now, make this a better reply
+ return sstrdup("{\"success\": true}");
+ * Implementation of 'move [window|container] [to] output <str>'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_move_con_to_output(Match *current_match, char *name) {
+ owindow *current;
+ DLOG("should move window to output %s\n", name);
+ /* get the output */
+ Output *current_output = NULL;
+ Output *output;
+ // TODO: fix the handling of criteria
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &owindows, owindows)
+ current_output = get_output_containing(current->con->rect.x, current->con->rect.y);
+ assert(current_output != NULL);
+ // TODO: clean this up with commands.spec as soon as we switched away from the lex/yacc command parser
+ if (strcasecmp(name, "up") == 0)
+ output = get_output_next(D_UP, current_output);
+ else if (strcasecmp(name, "down") == 0)
+ output = get_output_next(D_DOWN, current_output);
+ else if (strcasecmp(name, "left") == 0)
+ output = get_output_next(D_LEFT, current_output);
+ else if (strcasecmp(name, "right") == 0)
+ output = get_output_next(D_RIGHT, current_output);
+ else
+ output = get_output_by_name(name);
+ if (!output) {
+ LOG("No such output found.\n");
+ return sstrdup("{\"sucess\": false}");
+ }
+ /* get visible workspace on output */
+ Con *ws = NULL;
+ GREP_FIRST(ws, output_get_content(output->con), workspace_is_visible(child));
+ if (!ws)
+ return sstrdup("{\"sucess\": false}");
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &owindows, owindows) {
+ DLOG("matching: %p / %s\n", current->con, current->con->name);
+ con_move_to_workspace(current->con, ws, true, false);
+ }
+ tree_render();
+ // XXX: default reply for now, make this a better reply
+ return sstrdup("{\"success\": true}");
+ * Implementation of 'floating enable|disable|toggle'
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_floating(Match *current_match, char *floating_mode) {
+ owindow *current;
+ DLOG("floating_mode=%s\n", floating_mode);
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &owindows, owindows) {
+ DLOG("matching: %p / %s\n", current->con, current->con->name);
+ if (strcmp(floating_mode, "toggle") == 0) {
+ DLOG("should toggle mode\n");
+ toggle_floating_mode(current->con, false);
+ } else {
+ DLOG("should switch mode to %s\n", floating_mode);
+ if (strcmp(floating_mode, "enable") == 0) {
+ floating_enable(current->con, false);
+ } else {
+ floating_disable(current->con, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tree_render();
+ // XXX: default reply for now, make this a better reply
+ return sstrdup("{\"success\": true}");
+ * Implementation of 'move workspace to [output] <str>'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_move_workspace_to_output(Match *current_match, char *name) {
+ DLOG("should move workspace to output %s\n", name);
+ owindow *current;
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &owindows, owindows) {
+ Output *current_output = get_output_containing(current->con->rect.x,
+ current->con->rect.y);
+ Output *output = get_output_from_string(current_output, name);
+ if (!output) {
+ LOG("No such output\n");
+ return sstrdup("{\"sucess\": false}");
+ }
+ Con *content = output_get_content(output->con);
+ LOG("got output %p with content %p\n", output, content);
+ Con *ws = con_get_workspace(current->con);
+ LOG("should move workspace %p / %s\n", ws, ws->name);
+ if (con_num_children(ws->parent) == 1) {
+ LOG("Not moving workspace \"%s\", it is the only workspace on its output.\n", ws->name);
+ continue;
+ }
+ bool workspace_was_visible = workspace_is_visible(ws);
+ Con *old_content = ws->parent;
+ con_detach(ws);
+ if (workspace_was_visible) {
+ /* The workspace which we just detached was visible, so focus
+ * the next one in the focus-stack. */
+ Con *focus_ws = TAILQ_FIRST(&(old_content->focus_head));
+ LOG("workspace was visible, focusing %p / %s now\n", focus_ws, focus_ws->name);
+ workspace_show(focus_ws);
+ }
+ con_attach(ws, content, false);
+ ipc_send_event("workspace", I3_IPC_EVENT_WORKSPACE, "{\"change\":\"move\"}");
+ if (workspace_was_visible) {
+ /* Focus the moved workspace on the destination output. */
+ workspace_show(ws);
+ }
+ }
+ tree_render();
+ // XXX: default reply for now, make this a better reply
+ return sstrdup("{\"success\": true}");
+ * Implementation of 'split v|h|vertical|horizontal'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_split(Match *current_match, char *direction) {
+ /* TODO: use matches */
+ LOG("splitting in direction %c\n", direction[0]);
+ tree_split(focused, (direction[0] == 'v' ? VERT : HORIZ));
+ tree_render();
+ // XXX: default reply for now, make this a better reply
+ return sstrdup("{\"success\": true}");
+ * Implementaiton of 'kill [window|client]'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_kill(Match *current_match, char *kill_mode_str) {
+ if (kill_mode_str == NULL)
+ kill_mode_str = "window";
+ owindow *current;
+ DLOG("kill_mode=%s\n", kill_mode_str);
+ int kill_mode;
+ if (strcmp(kill_mode_str, "window") == 0)
+ kill_mode = KILL_WINDOW;
+ else if (strcmp(kill_mode_str, "client") == 0)
+ kill_mode = KILL_CLIENT;
+ else {
+ ELOG("BUG: called with kill_mode=%s\n", kill_mode_str);
+ return sstrdup("{\"sucess\": false}");
+ }
+ /* check if the match is empty, not if the result is empty */
+ if (match_is_empty(current_match))
+ tree_close_con(kill_mode);
+ else {
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &owindows, owindows) {
+ DLOG("matching: %p / %s\n", current->con, current->con->name);
+ tree_close(current->con, kill_mode, false, false);
+ }
+ }
+ tree_render();
+ // XXX: default reply for now, make this a better reply
+ return sstrdup("{\"success\": true}");
+ * Implementation of 'exec [--no-startup-id] <command>'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_exec(Match *current_match, char *nosn, char *command) {
+ bool no_startup_id = (nosn != NULL);
+ DLOG("should execute %s, no_startup_id = %d\n", command, no_startup_id);
+ start_application(command, no_startup_id);
+ // XXX: default reply for now, make this a better reply
+ return sstrdup("{\"success\": true}");
+ * Implementation of 'focus left|right|up|down'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_focus_direction(Match *current_match, char *direction) {
+ if (focused &&
+ focused->type != CT_WORKSPACE &&
+ focused->fullscreen_mode != CF_NONE) {
+ LOG("Cannot change focus while in fullscreen mode.\n");
+ return sstrdup("{\"sucess\": false}");
+ }
+ DLOG("direction = *%s*\n", direction);
+ if (strcmp(direction, "left") == 0)
+ tree_next('p', HORIZ);
+ else if (strcmp(direction, "right") == 0)
+ tree_next('n', HORIZ);
+ else if (strcmp(direction, "up") == 0)
+ tree_next('p', VERT);
+ else if (strcmp(direction, "down") == 0)
+ tree_next('n', VERT);
+ else {
+ ELOG("Invalid focus direction (%s)\n", direction);
+ return sstrdup("{\"sucess\": false}");
+ }
+ tree_render();
+ // XXX: default reply for now, make this a better reply
+ return sstrdup("{\"success\": true}");
+ * Implementation of 'focus tiling|floating|mode_toggle'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_focus_window_mode(Match *current_match, char *window_mode) {
+ if (focused &&
+ focused->type != CT_WORKSPACE &&
+ focused->fullscreen_mode != CF_NONE) {
+ LOG("Cannot change focus while in fullscreen mode.\n");
+ return sstrdup("{\"sucess\": false}");
+ }
+ DLOG("window_mode = %s\n", window_mode);
+ Con *ws = con_get_workspace(focused);
+ Con *current;
+ if (ws != NULL) {
+ if (strcmp(window_mode, "mode_toggle") == 0) {
+ current = TAILQ_FIRST(&(ws->focus_head));
+ if (current != NULL && current->type == CT_FLOATING_CON)
+ window_mode = "tiling";
+ else window_mode = "floating";
+ }
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &(ws->focus_head), focused) {
+ if ((strcmp(window_mode, "floating") == 0 && current->type != CT_FLOATING_CON) ||
+ (strcmp(window_mode, "tiling") == 0 && current->type == CT_FLOATING_CON))
+ continue;
+ con_focus(con_descend_focused(current));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ tree_render();
+ // XXX: default reply for now, make this a better reply
+ return sstrdup("{\"success\": true}");
+ * Implementation of 'focus parent|child'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_focus_level(Match *current_match, char *level) {
+ if (focused &&
+ focused->type != CT_WORKSPACE &&
+ focused->fullscreen_mode != CF_NONE) {
+ LOG("Cannot change focus while in fullscreen mode.\n");
+ return sstrdup("{\"sucess\": false}");
+ }
+ DLOG("level = %s\n", level);
+ if (strcmp(level, "parent") == 0)
+ level_up();
+ else level_down();
+ tree_render();
+ // XXX: default reply for now, make this a better reply
+ return sstrdup("{\"success\": true}");
+ * Implementation of 'focus'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_focus(Match *current_match) {
+ DLOG("current_match = %p\n", current_match);
+ if (focused &&
+ focused->type != CT_WORKSPACE &&
+ focused->fullscreen_mode != CF_NONE) {
+ LOG("Cannot change focus while in fullscreen mode.\n");
+ return sstrdup("{\"sucess\": false}");
+ }
+ owindow *current;
+ if (match_is_empty(current_match)) {
+ ELOG("You have to specify which window/container should be focused.\n");
+ ELOG("Example: [class=\"urxvt\" title=\"irssi\"] focus\n");
+ char *json_output;
+ sasprintf(&json_output, "{\"success\":false, \"error\":\"You have to "
+ "specify which window/container should be focused\"}");
+ return json_output;
+ }
+ int count = 0;
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &owindows, owindows) {
+ Con *ws = con_get_workspace(current->con);
+ /* If no workspace could be found, this was a dock window.
+ * Just skip it, you cannot focus dock windows. */
+ if (!ws)
+ continue;
+ /* If the container is not on the current workspace,
+ * workspace_show() will switch to a different workspace and (if
+ * enabled) trigger a mouse pointer warp to the currently focused
+ * container (!) on the target workspace.
+ *
+ * Therefore, before calling workspace_show(), we make sure that
+ * 'current' will be focused on the workspace. However, we cannot
+ * just con_focus(current) because then the pointer will not be
+ * warped at all (the code thinks we are already there).
+ *
+ * So we focus 'current' to make it the currently focused window of
+ * the target workspace, then revert focus. */
+ Con *currently_focused = focused;
+ con_focus(current->con);
+ con_focus(currently_focused);
+ /* Now switch to the workspace, then focus */
+ workspace_show(ws);
+ LOG("focusing %p / %s\n", current->con, current->con->name);
+ con_focus(current->con);
+ count++;
+ }
+ if (count > 1)
+ LOG("WARNING: Your criteria for the focus command matches %d containers, "
+ "while only exactly one container can be focused at a time.\n", count);
+ tree_render();
+ // XXX: default reply for now, make this a better reply
+ return sstrdup("{\"success\": true}");
+ * Implementation of 'fullscreen [global]'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_fullscreen(Match *current_match, char *fullscreen_mode) {
+ if (fullscreen_mode == NULL)
+ fullscreen_mode = "output";
+ DLOG("toggling fullscreen, mode = %s\n", fullscreen_mode);
+ owindow *current;
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &owindows, owindows) {
+ printf("matching: %p / %s\n", current->con, current->con->name);
+ con_toggle_fullscreen(current->con, (strcmp(fullscreen_mode, "global") == 0 ? CF_GLOBAL : CF_OUTPUT));
+ }
+ tree_render();
+ // XXX: default reply for now, make this a better reply
+ return sstrdup("{\"success\": true}");
+ * Implementation of 'move <direction> [<pixels> [px]]'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_move_direction(Match *current_match, char *direction, char *move_px) {
+ // TODO: We could either handle this in the parser itself as a separate token (and make the stack typed) or we need a better way to convert a string to a number with error checking
+ int px = atoi(move_px);
+ /* TODO: make 'move' work with criteria. */
+ DLOG("moving in direction %s, px %s\n", direction, move_px);
+ if (con_is_floating(focused)) {
+ DLOG("floating move with %d pixels\n", px);
+ Rect newrect = focused->parent->rect;
+ if (strcmp(direction, "left") == 0) {
+ newrect.x -= px;
+ } else if (strcmp(direction, "right") == 0) {
+ newrect.x += px;
+ } else if (strcmp(direction, "up") == 0) {
+ newrect.y -= px;
+ } else if (strcmp(direction, "down") == 0) {
+ newrect.y += px;
+ }
+ floating_reposition(focused->parent, newrect);
+ } else {
+ tree_move((strcmp(direction, "right") == 0 ? D_RIGHT :
+ (strcmp(direction, "left") == 0 ? D_LEFT :
+ (strcmp(direction, "up") == 0 ? D_UP :
+ D_DOWN))));
+ tree_render();
+ }
+ // XXX: default reply for now, make this a better reply
+ return sstrdup("{\"success\": true}");
+ * Implementation of 'layout default|stacked|stacking|tabbed'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_layout(Match *current_match, char *layout_str) {
+ if (strcmp(layout_str, "stacking") == 0)
+ layout_str = "stacked";
+ DLOG("changing layout to %s\n", layout_str);
+ owindow *current;
+ int layout = (strcmp(layout_str, "default") == 0 ? L_DEFAULT :
+ (strcmp(layout_str, "stacked") == 0 ? L_STACKED :
+ /* check if the match is empty, not if the result is empty */
+ if (match_is_empty(current_match))
+ con_set_layout(focused->parent, layout);
+ else {
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &owindows, owindows) {
+ DLOG("matching: %p / %s\n", current->con, current->con->name);
+ con_set_layout(current->con, layout);
+ }
+ }
+ tree_render();
+ // XXX: default reply for now, make this a better reply
+ return sstrdup("{\"success\": true}");
+ * Implementaiton of 'exit'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_exit(Match *current_match) {
+ LOG("Exiting due to user command.\n");
+ exit(0);
+ /* unreached */
+ * Implementaiton of 'reload'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_reload(Match *current_match) {
+ LOG("reloading\n");
+ kill_configerror_nagbar(false);
+ load_configuration(conn, NULL, true);
+ x_set_i3_atoms();
+ /* Send an IPC event just in case the ws names have changed */
+ ipc_send_event("workspace", I3_IPC_EVENT_WORKSPACE, "{\"change\":\"reload\"}");
+ // XXX: default reply for now, make this a better reply
+ return sstrdup("{\"success\": true}");
+ * Implementaiton of 'restart'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_restart(Match *current_match) {
+ LOG("restarting i3\n");
+ i3_restart(false);
+ // XXX: default reply for now, make this a better reply
+ return sstrdup("{\"success\": true}");
+ * Implementaiton of 'open'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_open(Match *current_match) {
+ LOG("opening new container\n");
+ Con *con = tree_open_con(NULL, NULL);
+ con_focus(con);
+ char *json_output;
+ sasprintf(&json_output, "{\"success\":true, \"id\":%ld}", (long int)con);
+ tree_render();
+ return json_output;
+ * Implementation of 'focus output <output>'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_focus_output(Match *current_match, char *name) {
+ owindow *current;
+ DLOG("name = %s\n", name);
+ /* get the output */
+ Output *current_output = NULL;
+ Output *output;
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &owindows, owindows)
+ current_output = get_output_containing(current->con->rect.x, current->con->rect.y);
+ assert(current_output != NULL);
+ output = get_output_from_string(current_output, name);
+ if (!output) {
+ LOG("No such output found.\n");
+ return sstrdup("{\"sucess\": false}");
+ }
+ /* get visible workspace on output */
+ Con *ws = NULL;
+ GREP_FIRST(ws, output_get_content(output->con), workspace_is_visible(child));
+ if (!ws)
+ return sstrdup("{\"sucess\": false}");
+ workspace_show(ws);
+ tree_render();
+ // XXX: default reply for now, make this a better reply
+ return sstrdup("{\"success\": true}");
+ * Implementation of 'move scratchpad'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_move_scratchpad(Match *current_match) {
+ DLOG("should move window to scratchpad\n");
+ owindow *current;
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &owindows, owindows) {
+ DLOG("matching: %p / %s\n", current->con, current->con->name);
+ scratchpad_move(current->con);
+ }
+ tree_render();
+ // XXX: default reply for now, make this a better reply
+ return sstrdup("{\"success\": true}");
+ * Implementation of 'scratchpad show'.
+ *
+ */
+char *cmd_scratchpad_show(Match *current_match) {
+ DLOG("should show scratchpad window\n");
+ owindow *current;
+ if (match_is_empty(current_match)) {
+ scratchpad_show(NULL);
+ } else {
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &owindows, owindows) {
+ DLOG("matching: %p / %s\n", current->con, current->con->name);
+ scratchpad_show(current->con);
+ }
+ }
+ tree_render();
+ // XXX: default reply for now, make this a better reply
+ return sstrdup("{\"success\": true}");
--- /dev/null
+ * vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
+ *
+ * i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
+ * © 2009-2012 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
+ *
+ * commands_parser.c: hand-written parser to parse commands (commands are what
+ * you bind on keys and what you can send to i3 using the IPC interface, like
+ * 'move left' or 'workspace 4').
+ *
+ * We use a hand-written parser instead of lex/yacc because our commands are
+ * easy for humans, not for computers. Thus, it’s quite hard to specify a
+ * context-free grammar for the commands. A PEG grammar would be easier, but
+ * there’s downsides to every PEG parser generator I have come accross so far.
+ *
+ * This parser is basically a state machine which looks for literals or strings
+ * and can push either on a stack. After identifying a literal or string, it
+ * will either transition to the current state, to a different state, or call a
+ * function (like cmd_move()).
+ *
+ * Special care has been taken that error messages are useful and the code is
+ * well testable (when compiled with -DTEST_PARSER it will output to stdout
+ * instead of actually calling any function).
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include "all.h"
+ * The data structures used for parsing. Essentially the current state and a
+ * list of tokens for that state.
+ *
+ * The GENERATED_* files are generated by generate-commands-parser.pl with the
+ * input parser-specs/commands.spec.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+#include "GENERATED_enums.h"
+typedef struct token {
+ char *name;
+ char *identifier;
+ /* This might be __CALL */
+ cmdp_state next_state;
+ union {
+ uint16_t call_identifier;
+ } extra;
+} cmdp_token;
+typedef struct tokenptr {
+ cmdp_token *array;
+ int n;
+} cmdp_token_ptr;
+#include "GENERATED_tokens.h"
+ * The (small) stack where identified literals are stored during the parsing
+ * of a single command (like $workspace).
+ ******************************************************************************/
+struct stack_entry {
+ /* Just a pointer, not dynamically allocated. */
+ const char *identifier;
+ char *str;
+/* 10 entries should be enough for everybody. */
+static struct stack_entry stack[10];
+ * Pushes a string (identified by 'identifier') on the stack. We simply use a
+ * single array, since the number of entries we have to store is very small.
+ *
+ */
+static void push_string(const char *identifier, char *str) {
+ for (int c = 0; c < 10; c++) {
+ if (stack[c].identifier != NULL)
+ continue;
+ /* Found a free slot, let’s store it here. */
+ stack[c].identifier = identifier;
+ stack[c].str = str;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* When we arrive here, the stack is full. This should not happen and
+ * means there’s either a bug in this parser or the specification
+ * contains a command with more than 10 identified tokens. */
+ printf("argh! stack full\n");
+ exit(1);
+// XXX: ideally, this would be const char. need to check if that works with all
+// called functions.
+static char *get_string(const char *identifier) {
+ DLOG("Getting string %s from stack...\n", identifier);
+ for (int c = 0; c < 10; c++) {
+ if (stack[c].identifier == NULL)
+ break;
+ if (strcmp(identifier, stack[c].identifier) == 0)
+ return stack[c].str;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+static void clear_stack() {
+ DLOG("clearing stack.\n");
+ for (int c = 0; c < 10; c++) {
+ if (stack[c].str != NULL)
+ free(stack[c].str);
+ stack[c].identifier = NULL;
+ stack[c].str = NULL;
+ }
+// TODO: remove this if it turns out we don’t need it for testing.
+#if 0
+ * A dynamically growing linked list which holds the criteria for the current
+ * command.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+typedef struct criterion {
+ char *type;
+ char *value;
+ TAILQ_ENTRY(criterion) criteria;
+} criterion;
+static TAILQ_HEAD(criteria_head, criterion) criteria =
+ * Stores the given type/value in the list of criteria.
+ * Accepts a pointer as first argument, since it is 'call'ed by the parser.
+ *
+ */
+static void push_criterion(void *unused_criteria, const char *type,
+ const char *value) {
+ struct criterion *criterion = malloc(sizeof(struct criterion));
+ criterion->type = strdup(type);
+ criterion->value = strdup(value);
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&criteria, criterion, criteria);
+ * Clears the criteria linked list.
+ * Accepts a pointer as first argument, since it is 'call'ed by the parser.
+ *
+ */
+static void clear_criteria(void *unused_criteria) {
+ struct criterion *criterion;
+ while (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&criteria)) {
+ criterion = TAILQ_FIRST(&criteria);
+ free(criterion->type);
+ free(criterion->value);
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&criteria, criterion, criteria);
+ free(criterion);
+ }
+ * The parser itself.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+static cmdp_state state;
+#ifndef TEST_PARSER
+static Match current_match;
+static char *json_output;
+#include "GENERATED_call.h"
+static void next_state(const cmdp_token *token) {
+ if (token->next_state == __CALL) {
+ DLOG("should call stuff, yay. call_id = %d\n",
+ token->extra.call_identifier);
+ json_output = GENERATED_call(token->extra.call_identifier);
+ clear_stack();
+ return;
+ }
+ state = token->next_state;
+ if (state == INITIAL) {
+ clear_stack();
+ }
+/* TODO: Return parsing errors via JSON. */
+char *parse_command(const char *input) {
+ DLOG("new parser handling: %s\n", input);
+ state = INITIAL;
+ json_output = NULL;
+ const char *walk = input;
+ const size_t len = strlen(input);
+ int c;
+ const cmdp_token *token;
+ bool token_handled;
+ // TODO: make this testable
+#ifndef TEST_PARSER
+ cmd_criteria_init(¤t_match);
+ /* The "<=" operator is intentional: We also handle the terminating 0-byte
+ * explicitly by looking for an 'end' token. */
+ while ((walk - input) <= len) {
+ /* skip whitespace and newlines before every token */
+ while ((*walk == ' ' || *walk == '\t' ||
+ *walk == '\r' || *walk == '\n') && *walk != '\0')
+ walk++;
+ DLOG("remaining input = %s\n", walk);
+ cmdp_token_ptr *ptr = &(tokens[state]);
+ token_handled = false;
+ for (c = 0; c < ptr->n; c++) {
+ token = &(ptr->array[c]);
+ DLOG("trying token %d = %s\n", c, token->name);
+ /* A literal. */
+ if (token->name[0] == '\'') {
+ DLOG("literal\n");
+ if (strncasecmp(walk, token->name + 1, strlen(token->name) - 1) == 0) {
+ DLOG("found literal, moving to next state\n");
+ if (token->identifier != NULL)
+ push_string(token->identifier, sstrdup(token->name + 1));
+ walk += strlen(token->name) - 1;
+ next_state(token);
+ token_handled = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strcmp(token->name, "string") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(token->name, "word") == 0) {
+ DLOG("parsing this as a string\n");
+ const char *beginning = walk;
+ /* Handle quoted strings (or words). */
+ if (*walk == '"') {
+ beginning++;
+ walk++;
+ while (*walk != '"' || *(walk-1) == '\\')
+ walk++;
+ } else {
+ if (token->name[0] == 's') {
+ /* For a string (starting with 's'), the delimiters are
+ * comma (,) and semicolon (;) which introduce a new
+ * operation or command, respectively. Also, newlines
+ * end a command. */
+ while (*walk != ';' && *walk != ',' &&
+ *walk != '\0' && *walk != '\r' &&
+ *walk != '\n')
+ walk++;
+ } else {
+ /* For a word, the delimiters are white space (' ' or
+ * '\t'), closing square bracket (]), comma (,) and
+ * semicolon (;). */
+ while (*walk != ' ' && *walk != '\t' &&
+ *walk != ']' && *walk != ',' &&
+ *walk != ';' && *walk != '\r' &&
+ *walk != '\n' && *walk != '\0')
+ walk++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (walk != beginning) {
+ char *str = scalloc(walk-beginning + 1);
+ strncpy(str, beginning, walk-beginning);
+ if (token->identifier)
+ push_string(token->identifier, str);
+ DLOG("str is \"%s\"\n", str);
+ /* If we are at the end of a quoted string, skip the ending
+ * double quote. */
+ if (*walk == '"')
+ walk++;
+ next_state(token);
+ token_handled = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (strcmp(token->name, "end") == 0) {
+ DLOG("checking for the end token.\n");
+ if (*walk == '\0' || *walk == ',' || *walk == ';') {
+ DLOG("yes, indeed. end\n");
+ next_state(token);
+ token_handled = true;
+ /* To make sure we start with an appropriate matching
+ * datastructure for commands which do *not* specify any
+ * criteria, we re-initialize the criteria system after
+ * every command. */
+ // TODO: make this testable
+#ifndef TEST_PARSER
+ if (*walk == '\0' || *walk == ';')
+ cmd_criteria_init(¤t_match);
+ walk++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!token_handled) {
+ /* Figure out how much memory we will need to fill in the names of
+ * all tokens afterwards. */
+ int tokenlen = 0;
+ for (c = 0; c < ptr->n; c++)
+ tokenlen += strlen(ptr->array[c].name) + strlen("'', ");
+ /* Build up a decent error message. We include the problem, the
+ * full input, and underline the position where the parser
+ * currently is. */
+ char *errormessage;
+ char *possible_tokens = smalloc(tokenlen + 1);
+ char *tokenwalk = possible_tokens;
+ for (c = 0; c < ptr->n; c++) {
+ token = &(ptr->array[c]);
+ if (token->name[0] == '\'') {
+ /* A literal is copied to the error message enclosed with
+ * single quotes. */
+ *tokenwalk++ = '\'';
+ strcpy(tokenwalk, token->name + 1);
+ tokenwalk += strlen(token->name + 1);
+ *tokenwalk++ = '\'';
+ } else {
+ /* Any other token is copied to the error message enclosed
+ * with angle brackets. */
+ *tokenwalk++ = '<';
+ strcpy(tokenwalk, token->name);
+ tokenwalk += strlen(token->name);
+ *tokenwalk++ = '>';
+ }
+ if (c < (ptr->n - 1)) {
+ *tokenwalk++ = ',';
+ *tokenwalk++ = ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ *tokenwalk = '\0';
+ sasprintf(&errormessage, "Expected one of these tokens: %s",
+ possible_tokens);
+ free(possible_tokens);
+ /* Contains the same amount of characters as 'input' has, but with
+ * the unparseable part highlighted using ^ characters. */
+ char *position = smalloc(len + 1);
+ for (const char *copywalk = input; *copywalk != '\0'; copywalk++)
+ position[(copywalk - input)] = (copywalk >= walk ? '^' : ' ');
+ position[len] = '\0';
+ printf("%s\n", errormessage);
+ printf("Your command: %s\n", input);
+ printf(" %s\n", position);
+ free(position);
+ free(errormessage);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ DLOG("json_output = %s\n", json_output);
+ return json_output;
+ * Code for building the stand-alone binary test.commands_parser which is used
+ * by t/187-commands-parser.t.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ * Logs the given message to stdout while prefixing the current time to it,
+ * but only if the corresponding debug loglevel was activated.
+ * This is to be called by DLOG() which includes filename/linenumber
+ *
+ */
+void debuglog(uint64_t lev, char *fmt, ...) {
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, fmt);
+ fprintf(stderr, "# ");
+ vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
+ va_end(args);
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ if (argc < 2) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Syntax: %s <command>\n", argv[0]);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ parse_command(argv[1]);
/* 7: focus the con on the target workspace (the X focus is only updated by
* calling tree_render(), so for the "real" focus this is a no-op).
- * We don’t focus when there is a fullscreen con on that workspace. */
- if (con_get_fullscreen_con(workspace, CF_OUTPUT) == NULL)
+ * We don’t focus the con for i3 pseudo workspaces like __i3_scratch and
+ * we don’t focus when there is a fullscreen con on that workspace. */
+ if ((workspace->name[0] != '_' || workspace->name[1] != '_') &&
+ con_get_fullscreen_con(workspace, CF_OUTPUT) == NULL)
/* 8: when moving to a visible workspace on a different output, we keep the
* vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
* i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
- * © 2009-2011 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
+ * © 2009-2012 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
* config.c: Configuration file (calling the parser (src/cfgparse.y) with the
* correct path, switching key bindings mode).
die("Unable to find the configuration file (looked at "
"~/.i3/config, $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/i3/config, "
- SYSCONFDIR "i3/config and $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/i3/config)");
+ SYSCONFDIR "/i3/config and $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/i3/config)");
static void parse_configuration(const char *override_configpath) {
char *path = get_config_path(override_configpath);
- DLOG("Parsing configfile %s\n", path);
+ LOG("Parsing configfile %s\n", path);
current_configpath = path;
+ FREE(barconfig->i3bar_command);
- FREE(barconfig->colors.focused_workspace_text);
+ FREE(barconfig->colors.focused_workspace_border);
- FREE(barconfig->colors.active_workspace_text);
+ FREE(barconfig->colors.focused_workspace_text);
+ FREE(barconfig->colors.active_workspace_border);
- FREE(barconfig->colors.inactive_workspace_text);
+ FREE(barconfig->colors.active_workspace_text);
+ FREE(barconfig->colors.inactive_workspace_border);
- FREE(barconfig->colors.urgent_workspace_text);
+ FREE(barconfig->colors.inactive_workspace_text);
+ FREE(barconfig->colors.urgent_workspace_border);
+ FREE(barconfig->colors.urgent_workspace_text);
TAILQ_REMOVE(&barconfigs, barconfig, configs);
TAILQ_FOREACH(ws, workspaces, workspaces)
workspace_set_name(ws, NULL);
+ /* Invalidate pixmap caches in case font or colors changed */
+ Con *con;
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(con, &all_cons, all_cons)
+ FREE(con->deco_render_params);
+ /* Get rid of the current font */
+ free_font();
memset(&config, 0, sizeof(config));
/* Initialize default colors */
-#define INIT_COLOR(x, cborder, cbackground, ctext) \
+#define INIT_COLOR(x, cborder, cbackground, ctext, cindicator) \
do { \
x.border = get_colorpixel(cborder); \
x.background = get_colorpixel(cbackground); \
x.text = get_colorpixel(ctext); \
+ x.indicator = get_colorpixel(cindicator); \
} while (0)
config.client.background = get_colorpixel("#000000");
- INIT_COLOR(config.client.focused, "#4c7899", "#285577", "#ffffff");
- INIT_COLOR(config.client.focused_inactive, "#333333", "#5f676a", "#ffffff");
- INIT_COLOR(config.client.unfocused, "#333333", "#222222", "#888888");
- INIT_COLOR(config.client.urgent, "#2f343a", "#900000", "#ffffff");
- INIT_COLOR(config.bar.focused, "#4c7899", "#285577", "#ffffff");
- INIT_COLOR(config.bar.unfocused, "#333333", "#222222", "#888888");
- INIT_COLOR(config.bar.urgent, "#2f343a", "#900000", "#ffffff");
+ INIT_COLOR(config.client.focused, "#4c7899", "#285577", "#ffffff", "#2e9ef4");
+ INIT_COLOR(config.client.focused_inactive, "#333333", "#5f676a", "#ffffff", "#484e50");
+ INIT_COLOR(config.client.unfocused, "#333333", "#222222", "#888888", "#292d2e");
+ INIT_COLOR(config.client.urgent, "#2f343a", "#900000", "#ffffff", "#900000");
+ /* the last argument (indicator color) is ignored for bar colors */
+ INIT_COLOR(config.bar.focused, "#4c7899", "#285577", "#ffffff", "#000000");
+ INIT_COLOR(config.bar.unfocused, "#333333", "#222222", "#888888", "#000000");
+ INIT_COLOR(config.bar.urgent, "#2f343a", "#900000", "#ffffff", "#000000");
config.default_border = BS_NORMAL;
config.default_floating_border = BS_NORMAL;
if (config.font.id == 0) {
ELOG("You did not specify required configuration option \"font\"\n");
config.font = load_font("fixed", true);
+ set_font(&config.font);
+ }
+ /* Redraw the currently visible decorations on reload, so that
+ * the possibly new drawing parameters changed. */
+ if (reload) {
+ x_deco_recurse(croot);
+ xcb_flush(conn);
#if 0
* vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
* i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
- * © 2009-2011 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
+ * © 2009-2012 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
* handlers.c: Small handlers for various events (keypresses, focus changes,
* …).
* the bound action to parse_command().
-static int handle_key_press(xcb_key_press_event_t *event) {
+static void handle_key_press(xcb_key_press_event_t *event) {
last_timestamp = event->time;
if ((bind = get_binding(state_filtered, event->detail)) == NULL) {
ELOG("Could not lookup key binding (modifiers %d, keycode %d)\n",
state_filtered, event->detail);
- return 1;
+ return;
- char *json_result = parse_cmd(bind->command);
+ char *json_result = parse_command(bind->command);
- return 1;
+ return;
* When the user moves the mouse pointer onto a window, this callback gets called.
-static int handle_enter_notify(xcb_enter_notify_event_t *event) {
+static void handle_enter_notify(xcb_enter_notify_event_t *event) {
Con *con;
last_timestamp = event->time;
DLOG("coordinates %d, %d\n", event->event_x, event->event_y);
if (event->mode != XCB_NOTIFY_MODE_NORMAL) {
DLOG("This was not a normal notify, ignoring\n");
- return 1;
+ return;
/* Some events are not interesting, because they were not generated
* actively by the user, but by reconfiguration of windows */
if (event_is_ignored(event->sequence, XCB_ENTER_NOTIFY)) {
DLOG("Event ignored\n");
- return 1;
+ return;
bool enter_child = false;
if (con == NULL) {
DLOG("Getting screen at %d x %d\n", event->root_x, event->root_y);
check_crossing_screen_boundary(event->root_x, event->root_y);
- return 1;
+ return;
if (con->parent->type == CT_DOCKAREA) {
DLOG("Ignoring, this is a dock client\n");
- return 1;
+ return;
/* see if the user entered the window on a certain window decoration */
if (config.disable_focus_follows_mouse)
- return 1;
+ return;
/* Get the currently focused workspace to check if the focus change also
* involves changing workspaces. If so, we need to call workspace_show() to
- return 1;
+ return;
* and crossing virtual screen boundaries), this callback gets called.
-static int handle_motion_notify(xcb_motion_notify_event_t *event) {
+static void handle_motion_notify(xcb_motion_notify_event_t *event) {
last_timestamp = event->time;
/* Skip events where the pointer was over a child window, we are only
* interested in events on the root window. */
if (event->child != 0)
- return 1;
+ return;
Con *con;
if ((con = con_by_frame_id(event->event)) == NULL) {
check_crossing_screen_boundary(event->root_x, event->root_y);
- return 1;
+ return;
if (config.disable_focus_follows_mouse)
- return 1;
+ return;
if (con->layout != L_DEFAULT)
- return 1;
+ return;
/* see over which rect the user is */
Con *current;
/* We found the rect, let’s see if this window is focused */
if (TAILQ_FIRST(&(con->focus_head)) == current)
- return 1;
+ return;
- return 1;
+ return;
- return 1;
+ return;
* we need to update our key bindings then (re-translate symbols).
-static int handle_mapping_notify(xcb_mapping_notify_event_t *event) {
+static void handle_mapping_notify(xcb_mapping_notify_event_t *event) {
if (event->request != XCB_MAPPING_KEYBOARD &&
event->request != XCB_MAPPING_MODIFIER)
- return 0;
+ return;
DLOG("Received mapping_notify for keyboard or modifier mapping, re-grabbing keys\n");
xcb_refresh_keyboard_mapping(keysyms, event);
grab_all_keys(conn, false);
- return 0;
+ return;
* A new window appeared on the screen (=was mapped), so let’s manage it.
-static int handle_map_request(xcb_map_request_event_t *event) {
+static void handle_map_request(xcb_map_request_event_t *event) {
xcb_get_window_attributes_cookie_t cookie;
cookie = xcb_get_window_attributes_unchecked(conn, event->window);
manage_window(event->window, cookie, false);
- return 1;
+ return;
- * Configure requests are received when the application wants to resize windows on their own.
+ * Configure requests are received when the application wants to resize windows
+ * on their own.
- * We generate a synthethic configure notify event to signalize the client its "new" position.
+ * We generate a synthethic configure notify event to signalize the client its
+ * "new" position.
-static int handle_configure_request(xcb_configure_request_event_t *event) {
+static void handle_configure_request(xcb_configure_request_event_t *event) {
Con *con;
DLOG("window 0x%08x wants to be at %dx%d with %dx%d\n",
xcb_configure_window(conn, event->window, mask, values);
- return 1;
+ return;
DLOG("Configure request!\n");
DLOG("Container is a floating leaf node, will do that.\n");
floating_reposition(floatingcon, newrect);
- return 1;
+ return;
/* Dock windows can be reconfigured in their height */
- return 1;
+ return;
#if 0
* changes the screen configuration in any way (mode, position, …)
-static int handle_screen_change(xcb_generic_event_t *e) {
+static void handle_screen_change(xcb_generic_event_t *e) {
DLOG("RandR screen change\n");
ipc_send_event("output", I3_IPC_EVENT_OUTPUT, "{\"change\":\"unspecified\"}");
- return 1;
+ return;
* Expose event means we should redraw our windows (= title bar)
-static int handle_expose_event(xcb_expose_event_t *event) {
+static void handle_expose_event(xcb_expose_event_t *event) {
Con *parent;
- /* event->count is the number of minimum remaining expose events for this
- * window, so we skip all events but the last one */
- if (event->count != 0)
- return 1;
DLOG("window = %08x\n", event->window);
if ((parent = con_by_frame_id(event->window)) == NULL) {
LOG("expose event for unknown window, ignoring\n");
- return 1;
+ return;
- /* re-render the parent (recursively, if it’s a split con) */
- x_deco_recurse(parent);
+ /* Since we render to our pixmap on every change anyways, expose events
+ * only tell us that the X server lost (parts of) the window contents. We
+ * can handle that by copying the appropriate part from our pixmap to the
+ * window. */
+ xcb_copy_area(conn, parent->pixmap, parent->frame, parent->pm_gc,
+ event->x, event->y, event->x, event->y,
+ event->width, event->height);
- return 1;
+ return;
window_update_transient_for(con->window, prop);
- // TODO: put window in floating mode if con->window->transient_for != XCB_NONE:
-#if 0
- if (client->floating == FLOATING_AUTO_OFF) {
- DLOG("This is a popup window, putting into floating\n");
- toggle_floating_mode(conn, client, true);
- }
return true;
* decorations accordingly.
-static int handle_focus_in(xcb_focus_in_event_t *event) {
+static void handle_focus_in(xcb_focus_in_event_t *event) {
DLOG("focus change in, for window 0x%08x\n", event->event);
Con *con;
if ((con = con_by_window_id(event->event)) == NULL || con->window == NULL)
- return 1;
+ return;
DLOG("That is con %p / %s\n", con, con->name);
if (event->mode == XCB_NOTIFY_MODE_GRAB ||
event->mode == XCB_NOTIFY_MODE_UNGRAB) {
DLOG("FocusIn event for grab/ungrab, ignoring\n");
- return 1;
+ return;
if (event->detail == XCB_NOTIFY_DETAIL_POINTER) {
DLOG("notify detail is pointer, ignoring this event\n");
- return 1;
+ return;
if (focused_id == event->event) {
DLOG("focus matches the currently focused window, not doing anything\n");
- return 1;
+ return;
/* Skip dock clients, they cannot get the i3 focus. */
if (con->parent->type == CT_DOCKAREA) {
DLOG("This is a dock client, not focusing.\n");
- return 1;
+ return;
DLOG("focus is different, updating decorations\n");
/* We update focused_id because we don’t need to set focus again */
focused_id = event->event;
- return 1;
+ return;
/* Returns false if the event could not be processed (e.g. the window could not
* vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
* i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
- * © 2009-2011 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
+ * © 2009-2012 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
* ipc.c: UNIX domain socket IPC (initialization, client handling, protocol).
char *command = scalloc(message_size + 1);
strncpy(command, (const char*)message, message_size);
LOG("IPC: received: *%s*\n", command);
- char *reply = parse_cmd((const char*)command);
+ char *reply = parse_command((const char*)command);
char *save_reply = reply;
+ ystr("scratchpad_state");
+ switch (con->scratchpad_state) {
+ ystr("none");
+ break;
+ ystr("fresh");
+ break;
+ ystr("changed");
+ break;
+ }
if (con->percent == 0.0)
y(integer, con->fullscreen_mode);
+ ystr("floating");
+ switch (con->floating) {
+ ystr("auto_off");
+ break;
+ ystr("auto_on");
+ break;
+ ystr("user_off");
+ break;
+ ystr("user_on");
+ break;
+ }
Match *match;
y(integer, con->window->id);
+ ystr("restart_mode");
+ y(bool, true);
Con *output;
TAILQ_FOREACH(output, &(croot->nodes_head), nodes) {
+ if (output->name[0] == '_' && output->name[1] == '_')
+ continue;
Con *ws;
TAILQ_FOREACH(ws, &(output_get_content(output)->nodes_head), nodes) {
assert(ws->type == CT_WORKSPACE);
else ystr("dock");
+ ystr("modifier");
+ switch (config->modifier) {
+ case M_CONTROL:
+ ystr("ctrl");
+ break;
+ case M_SHIFT:
+ ystr("shift");
+ break;
+ case M_MOD1:
+ ystr("Mod1");
+ break;
+ case M_MOD2:
+ ystr("Mod2");
+ break;
+ case M_MOD3:
+ ystr("Mod3");
+ break;
+ /*
+ case M_MOD4:
+ ystr("Mod4");
+ break;
+ */
+ case M_MOD5:
+ ystr("Mod5");
+ break;
+ default:
+ ystr("Mod4");
+ break;
+ }
if (config->position == P_BOTTOM)
- YSTR_IF_SET(focused_workspace_text);
+ YSTR_IF_SET(focused_workspace_border);
- YSTR_IF_SET(active_workspace_text);
+ YSTR_IF_SET(focused_workspace_text);
+ YSTR_IF_SET(active_workspace_border);
- YSTR_IF_SET(inactive_workspace_text);
+ YSTR_IF_SET(active_workspace_text);
+ YSTR_IF_SET(inactive_workspace_border);
- YSTR_IF_SET(urgent_workspace_text);
+ YSTR_IF_SET(inactive_workspace_text);
+ YSTR_IF_SET(urgent_workspace_border);
+ YSTR_IF_SET(urgent_workspace_text);
#undef YSTR_IF_SET
- handle_get_bar_config
+ handle_get_bar_config,
* vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
* i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
- * © 2009-2011 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
+ * © 2009-2012 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
* load_layout.c: Restore (parts of) the layout, for example after an inplace
* restart.
static bool parsing_rect;
static bool parsing_window_rect;
static bool parsing_geometry;
+static bool parsing_focus;
struct Match *current_swallow;
+/* This list is used for reordering the focus stack after parsing the 'focus'
+ * array. */
+struct focus_mapping {
+ int old_id;
+ TAILQ_ENTRY(focus_mapping) focus_mappings;
+static TAILQ_HEAD(focus_mappings_head, focus_mapping) focus_mappings =
+ TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(focus_mappings);
static int json_start_map(void *ctx) {
LOG("start of map, last_key = %s\n", last_key);
if (parsing_swallows) {
static int json_end_array(void *ctx) {
LOG("end of array\n");
parsing_swallows = false;
+ if (parsing_focus) {
+ /* Clear the list of focus mappings */
+ struct focus_mapping *mapping;
+ TAILQ_FOREACH_REVERSE(mapping, &focus_mappings, focus_mappings_head, focus_mappings) {
+ LOG("focus (reverse) %d\n", mapping->old_id);
+ Con *con;
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(con, &(json_node->focus_head), focused) {
+ if (con->old_id != mapping->old_id)
+ continue;
+ LOG("got it! %p\n", con);
+ /* Move this entry to the top of the focus list. */
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&(json_node->focus_head), con, focused);
+ TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&(json_node->focus_head), con, focused);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ while (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&focus_mappings)) {
+ mapping = TAILQ_FIRST(&focus_mappings);
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&focus_mappings, mapping, focus_mappings);
+ free(mapping);
+ }
+ parsing_focus = false;
+ }
return 1;
last_key = scalloc((len+1) * sizeof(char));
memcpy(last_key, val, len);
- if (strcasecmp(last_key, "swallows") == 0) {
+ if (strcasecmp(last_key, "swallows") == 0)
parsing_swallows = true;
- }
if (strcasecmp(last_key, "rect") == 0)
parsing_rect = true;
if (strcasecmp(last_key, "window_rect") == 0)
parsing_window_rect = true;
if (strcasecmp(last_key, "geometry") == 0)
parsing_geometry = true;
+ if (strcasecmp(last_key, "focus") == 0)
+ parsing_focus = true;
return 1;
char *buf = NULL;
sasprintf(&buf, "%.*s", (int)len, val);
json_node->mark = buf;
+ } else if (strcasecmp(last_key, "floating") == 0) {
+ char *buf = NULL;
+ sasprintf(&buf, "%.*s", (int)len, val);
+ if (strcasecmp(buf, "auto_off") == 0)
+ json_node->floating = FLOATING_AUTO_OFF;
+ else if (strcasecmp(buf, "auto_on") == 0)
+ json_node->floating = FLOATING_AUTO_ON;
+ else if (strcasecmp(buf, "user_off") == 0)
+ json_node->floating = FLOATING_USER_OFF;
+ else if (strcasecmp(buf, "user_on") == 0)
+ json_node->floating = FLOATING_USER_ON;
+ free(buf);
+ } else if (strcasecmp(last_key, "scratchpad_state") == 0) {
+ char *buf = NULL;
+ sasprintf(&buf, "%.*s", (int)len, val);
+ if (strcasecmp(buf, "none") == 0)
+ json_node->scratchpad_state = SCRATCHPAD_NONE;
+ else if (strcasecmp(buf, "fresh") == 0)
+ json_node->scratchpad_state = SCRATCHPAD_FRESH;
+ else if (strcasecmp(buf, "changed") == 0)
+ json_node->scratchpad_state = SCRATCHPAD_CHANGED;
+ free(buf);
return 1;
static int json_int(void *ctx, long val) {
LOG("int %ld for key %s\n", val, last_key);
- if (strcasecmp(last_key, "type") == 0) {
+ if (strcasecmp(last_key, "type") == 0)
json_node->type = val;
- }
- if (strcasecmp(last_key, "fullscreen_mode") == 0) {
+ if (strcasecmp(last_key, "fullscreen_mode") == 0)
json_node->fullscreen_mode = val;
- }
if (strcasecmp(last_key, "num") == 0)
json_node->num = val;
+ if (!parsing_swallows && strcasecmp(last_key, "id") == 0)
+ json_node->old_id = val;
+ if (parsing_focus) {
+ struct focus_mapping *focus_mapping = scalloc(sizeof(struct focus_mapping));
+ focus_mapping->old_id = val;
+ TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&focus_mappings, focus_mapping, focus_mappings);
+ }
if (parsing_rect || parsing_window_rect || parsing_geometry) {
Rect *r;
if (parsing_rect)
to_focus = json_node;
+ if (parsing_swallows) {
+ if (strcasecmp(last_key, "restart_mode") == 0)
+ current_swallow->restart_mode = val;
+ }
return 1;
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <errno.h>
#include "util.h"
#include "log.h"
+#include "i3.h"
+#include "libi3.h"
+#include "shmlog.h"
/* loglevels.h is autogenerated at make time */
#include "loglevels.h"
static FILE *errorfile;
char *errorfilename;
+/* SHM logging variables */
+/* The name for the SHM (/i3-log-%pid). Will end up on /dev/shm on most
+ * systems. Global so that we can clean up at exit. */
+char *shmlogname = "";
+/* Size limit for the SHM log, by default 25 MiB. Can be overwritten using the
+ * flag --shmlog-size. */
+int shmlog_size = 0;
+/* If enabled, logbuffer will point to a memory mapping of the i3 SHM log. */
+static char *logbuffer;
+/* A pointer (within logbuffer) where data will be written to next. */
+static char *logwalk;
+/* A pointer to the byte where we last wrapped. Necessary to not print the
+ * left-overs at the end of the ringbuffer. */
+static char *loglastwrap;
+/* Size (in bytes) of the i3 SHM log. */
+static int logbuffer_size;
+/* File descriptor for shm_open. */
+static int logbuffer_shm;
+ * Writes the offsets for the next write and for the last wrap to the
+ * shmlog_header.
+ * Necessary to print the i3 SHM log in the correct order.
+ *
+ */
+static void store_log_markers() {
+ i3_shmlog_header *header = (i3_shmlog_header*)logbuffer;
+ header->offset_next_write = (logwalk - logbuffer);
+ header->offset_last_wrap = (loglastwrap - logbuffer);
+ header->size = logbuffer_size;
* Initializes logging by creating an error logfile in /tmp (or
* XDG_RUNTIME_DIR, see get_process_filename()).
+ * Will be called twice if --shmlog-size is specified.
+ *
void init_logging() {
- errorfilename = get_process_filename("errorlog");
- if (errorfilename == NULL) {
- ELOG("Could not initialize errorlog\n");
- return;
+ if (!errorfilename) {
+ if (!(errorfilename = get_process_filename("errorlog")))
+ ELOG("Could not initialize errorlog\n");
+ else {
+ errorfile = fopen(errorfilename, "w");
+ if (fcntl(fileno(errorfile), F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)) {
+ ELOG("Could not set close-on-exec flag\n");
+ }
+ }
- errorfile = fopen(errorfilename, "w");
- if (fcntl(fileno(errorfile), F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)) {
- ELOG("Could not set close-on-exec flag\n");
+ /* If this is a debug build (not a release version), we will enable SHM
+ * logging by default, unless the user turned it off explicitly. */
+ if (logbuffer == NULL && shmlog_size > 0) {
+ /* Reserve 1% of the RAM for the logfile, but at max 25 MiB.
+ * For 512 MiB of RAM this will lead to a 5 MiB log buffer.
+ * At the moment (2011-12-10), no testcase leads to an i3 log
+ * of more than ~ 600 KiB. */
+ long long physical_mem_bytes = (long long)sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES) *
+ sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
+ logbuffer_size = min(physical_mem_bytes * 0.01, shmlog_size);
+ sasprintf(&shmlogname, "/i3-log-%d", getpid());
+ logbuffer_shm = shm_open(shmlogname, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE);
+ if (logbuffer_shm == -1) {
+ ELOG("Could not shm_open SHM segment for the i3 log: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ftruncate(logbuffer_shm, logbuffer_size) == -1) {
+ close(logbuffer_shm);
+ shm_unlink("/i3-log-");
+ ELOG("Could not ftruncate SHM segment for the i3 log: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ return;
+ }
+ logbuffer = mmap(NULL, logbuffer_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, logbuffer_shm, 0);
+ if (logbuffer == MAP_FAILED) {
+ close(logbuffer_shm);
+ shm_unlink("/i3-log-");
+ ELOG("Could not mmap SHM segment for the i3 log: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+ logbuffer = NULL;
+ return;
+ }
+ logwalk = logbuffer + sizeof(i3_shmlog_header);
+ loglastwrap = logbuffer + logbuffer_size;
+ store_log_markers();
- * Logs the given message to stdout while prefixing the current time to it.
+ * Logs the given message to stdout (if print is true) while prefixing the
+ * current time to it. Additionally, the message will be saved in the i3 SHM
+ * log if enabled.
* This is to be called by *LOG() which includes filename/linenumber/function.
-void vlog(char *fmt, va_list args) {
- static char timebuf[64];
+static void vlog(const bool print, const char *fmt, va_list args) {
+ /* Precisely one page to not consume too much memory but to hold enough
+ * data to be useful. */
+ static char message[4096];
static struct tm result;
+ static time_t t;
+ static struct tm *tmp;
+ static size_t len;
/* Get current time */
- time_t t = time(NULL);
+ t = time(NULL);
/* Convert time to local time (determined by the locale) */
- struct tm *tmp = localtime_r(&t, &result);
+ tmp = localtime_r(&t, &result);
/* Generate time prefix */
- strftime(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), "%x %X - ", tmp);
+ len = strftime(message, sizeof(message), "%x %X - ", tmp);
+ /*
+ * logbuffer print
+ * ----------------
+ * true true format message, save, print
+ * true false format message, save
+ * false true print message only
+ * false false INVALID, never called
+ */
+ if (!logbuffer) {
- struct timeval tv;
- gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
- printf("%s%d.%d - ", timebuf, tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec);
+ struct timeval tv;
+ gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
+ printf("%s%d.%d - ", message, tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec);
- printf("%s", timebuf);
+ printf("%s", message);
- vprintf(fmt, args);
+ vprintf(fmt, args);
+ } else {
+ len += vsnprintf(message + len, sizeof(message) - len, fmt, args);
+ if (len < 0 ) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "BUG: something is overflowing here. Dropping the log entry\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (len >= sizeof(message)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "BUG: single log message > 4k\n");
+ }
+ /* If there is no space for the current message (plus trailing
+ * nullbyte) in the ringbuffer, we need to wrap and write to the
+ * beginning again. */
+ if ((len+1) >= (logbuffer_size - (logwalk - logbuffer))) {
+ loglastwrap = logwalk;
+ logwalk = logbuffer + sizeof(i3_shmlog_header);
+ }
+ /* Copy the buffer, terminate it, move the write pointer to the byte after
+ * our current message. */
+ strncpy(logwalk, message, len);
+ logwalk[len] = '\0';
+ logwalk += len + 1;
+ store_log_markers();
+ if (print)
+ fwrite(message, len, 1, stdout);
+ }
void verboselog(char *fmt, ...) {
va_list args;
- if (!verbose)
+ if (!logbuffer && !verbose)
va_start(args, fmt);
- vlog(fmt, args);
+ vlog(verbose, fmt, args);
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
- vlog(fmt, args);
+ vlog(true, fmt, args);
/* also log to the error logfile, if opened */
void debuglog(uint64_t lev, char *fmt, ...) {
va_list args;
- if ((loglevel & lev) == 0)
+ if (!logbuffer && !(loglevel & lev))
va_start(args, fmt);
- vlog(fmt, args);
+ vlog((loglevel & lev), fmt, args);
* vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
* i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
- * © 2009-2011 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
+ * © 2009-2012 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
* main.c: Initialization, main loop
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "all.h"
#include "sd-daemon.h"
* RLIM_INFINITY for i3 debugging versions. */
struct rlimit original_rlimit_core;
+/* Whether this version of i3 is a debug build or a release build. */
+bool debug_build = false;
+/** The number of file descriptors passed via socket activation. */
+int listen_fds;
static int xkb_event_base;
int xkb_current_group;
+ if (*shmlogname != '\0') {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Closing SHM log \"%s\"\n", shmlogname);
+ fflush(stderr);
+ shm_unlink(shmlogname);
+ }
+ * (One-shot) Handler for all signals with default action "Term", see signal(7)
+ *
+ * Unlinks the SHM log and re-raises the signal.
+ *
+ */
+static void handle_signal(int sig, siginfo_t *info, void *data) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Received signal %d, terminating\n", sig);
+ if (*shmlogname != '\0') {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Closing SHM log \"%s\"\n", shmlogname);
+ shm_unlink(shmlogname);
+ }
+ fflush(stderr);
+ raise(sig);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
{"force-xinerama", no_argument, 0, 0},
{"force_xinerama", no_argument, 0, 0},
{"disable-signalhandler", no_argument, 0, 0},
+ {"shmlog-size", required_argument, 0, 0},
+ {"shmlog_size", required_argument, 0, 0},
{"get-socketpath", no_argument, 0, 0},
{"get_socketpath", no_argument, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 0}
+ /* Init logging *before* initializing debug_build to guarantee early
+ * (file) logging. */
+ /* I3_VERSION contains either something like this:
+ * "4.0.2 (2011-11-11, branch "release")".
+ * or: "4.0.2-123-gCOFFEEBABE (2011-11-11, branch "next")".
+ *
+ * So we check for the offset of the first opening round bracket to
+ * determine whether this is a git version or a release version. */
+ debug_build = ((strchr(I3_VERSION, '(') - I3_VERSION) > 10);
+ /* On non-release builds, disable SHM logging by default. */
+ shmlog_size = (debug_build ? 25 * 1024 * 1024 : 0);
start_argv = argv;
while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "c:CvaL:hld:V", long_options, &option_index)) != -1) {
} else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name, "get-socketpath") == 0 ||
strcmp(long_options[option_index].name, "get_socketpath") == 0) {
- char *socket_path = socket_path_from_x11();
+ char *socket_path = root_atom_contents("I3_SOCKET_PATH");
if (socket_path) {
printf("%s\n", socket_path);
return 0;
return 1;
+ } else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name, "shmlog-size") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(long_options[option_index].name, "shmlog_size") == 0) {
+ shmlog_size = atoi(optarg);
+ /* Re-initialize logging immediately to get as many
+ * logmessages as possible into the SHM log. */
+ init_logging();
+ LOG("Limiting SHM log size to %d bytes\n", shmlog_size);
+ break;
} else if (strcmp(long_options[option_index].name, "restart") == 0) {
layout_path = sstrdup(optarg);
fprintf(stderr, "\t--get-socketpath\n"
"\tRetrieve the i3 IPC socket path from X11, print it, then exit.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "\t--shmlog-size <limit>\n"
+ "\tLimits the size of the i3 SHM log to <limit> bytes. Setting this\n"
+ "\tto 0 disables SHM logging entirely.\n"
+ "\tThe default is %d bytes.\n", shmlog_size);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
fprintf(stderr, "If you pass plain text arguments, i3 will interpret them as a command\n"
"to send to a currently running i3 (like i3-msg). This allows you to\n"
"use nice and logical commands, such as:\n"
LOG("Command is: %s (%d bytes)\n", payload, strlen(payload));
- char *socket_path = socket_path_from_x11();
+ char *socket_path = root_atom_contents("I3_SOCKET_PATH");
if (!socket_path) {
ELOG("Could not get i3 IPC socket path\n");
return 1;
return 0;
- /* I3_VERSION contains either something like this:
- * "4.0.2 (2011-11-11, branch "release")".
- * or: "4.0.2-123-gCOFFEEBABE (2011-11-11, branch "next")".
- *
- * So we check for the offset of the first opening round bracket to
- * determine whether this is a git version or a release version. */
- if ((strchr(I3_VERSION, '(') - I3_VERSION) > 10) {
+ /* Enable logging to handle the case when the user did not specify --shmlog-size */
+ init_logging();
+ /* Try to enable core dumps by default when running a debug build */
+ if (debug_build) {
struct rlimit limit = { RLIM_INFINITY, RLIM_INFINITY };
setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &limit);
ev_io_start(main_loop, ipc_io);
- /* Also handle the UNIX domain sockets passed via socket activation */
- int fds = sd_listen_fds(1);
- if (fds < 0)
+ /* Also handle the UNIX domain sockets passed via socket activation. The
+ * parameter 1 means "remove the environment variables", we don’t want to
+ * pass these to child processes. */
+ listen_fds = sd_listen_fds(0);
+ if (listen_fds < 0)
ELOG("socket activation: Error in sd_listen_fds\n");
- else if (fds == 0)
+ else if (listen_fds == 0)
DLOG("socket activation: no sockets passed\n");
else {
- for (int fd = SD_LISTEN_FDS_START; fd < (SD_LISTEN_FDS_START + fds); fd++) {
+ int flags;
+ for (int fd = SD_LISTEN_FDS_START;
+ fd < (SD_LISTEN_FDS_START + listen_fds);
+ fd++) {
DLOG("socket activation: also listening on fd %d\n", fd);
+ /* sd_listen_fds() enables FD_CLOEXEC by default.
+ * However, we need to keep the file descriptors open for in-place
+ * restarting, therefore we explicitly disable FD_CLOEXEC. */
+ if ((flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFD)) < 0 ||
+ fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, flags & ~FD_CLOEXEC) < 0) {
+ ELOG("Could not disable FD_CLOEXEC on fd %d\n", fd);
+ }
struct ev_io *ipc_io = scalloc(sizeof(struct ev_io));
ev_io_init(ipc_io, ipc_new_client, fd, EV_READ);
ev_io_start(main_loop, ipc_io);
+ struct sigaction action;
+ action.sa_sigaction = handle_signal;
+ action.sa_flags = SA_NODEFER | SA_RESETHAND | SA_SIGINFO;
+ sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask);
if (!disable_signalhandler)
+ else {
+ /* Catch all signals with default action "Core", see signal(7) */
+ if (sigaction(SIGQUIT, &action, NULL) == -1 ||
+ sigaction(SIGILL, &action, NULL) == -1 ||
+ sigaction(SIGABRT, &action, NULL) == -1 ||
+ sigaction(SIGFPE, &action, NULL) == -1 ||
+ sigaction(SIGSEGV, &action, NULL) == -1)
+ ELOG("Could not setup signal handler");
+ }
+ /* Catch all signals with default action "Term", see signal(7) */
+ if (sigaction(SIGHUP, &action, NULL) == -1 ||
+ sigaction(SIGINT, &action, NULL) == -1 ||
+ sigaction(SIGALRM, &action, NULL) == -1 ||
+ sigaction(SIGUSR1, &action, NULL) == -1 ||
+ sigaction(SIGUSR2, &action, NULL) == -1)
+ ELOG("Could not setup signal handler");
/* Ignore SIGPIPE to survive errors when an IPC client disconnects
* while we are sending him a message */
Barconfig *barconfig;
TAILQ_FOREACH(barconfig, &barconfigs, configs) {
char *command = NULL;
- sasprintf(&command, "i3bar --bar_id=%s --socket=\"%s\"",
- barconfig->id, current_socketpath);
+ sasprintf(&command, "%s --bar_id=%s --socket=\"%s\"",
+ barconfig->i3bar_command ? barconfig->i3bar_command : "i3bar",
+ barconfig->id, current_socketpath);
LOG("Starting bar process: %s\n", command);
start_application(command, true);
* vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
* i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
- * © 2009-2011 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
+ * © 2009-2012 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
* manage.c: Initially managing new windows (or existing ones on restart).
DLOG("Initial geometry: (%d, %d, %d, %d)\n", geom->x, geom->y, geom->width, geom->height);
Con *nc = NULL;
- Match *match;
+ Match *match = NULL;
Assignment *assignment;
/* TODO: two matches for one container */
Con *target_output = con_get_output(ws);
if (workspace_is_visible(ws) && current_output == target_output) {
- con_focus(nc);
+ if (!match || !match->restart_mode) {
+ con_focus(nc);
+ } else DLOG("not focusing, matched with restart_mode == true\n");
} else DLOG("workspace not visible, not focusing\n");
} else DLOG("dock, not focusing\n");
} else {
#include "all.h"
-#include "cmdparse.tab.h"
typedef enum { BEFORE, AFTER } position_t;
- * Moves the current container in the given direction (TOK_LEFT, TOK_RIGHT,
- * TOK_UP, TOK_DOWN from cmdparse.l)
+ * Moves the current container in the given direction (D_LEFT, D_RIGHT,
+ * D_UP, D_DOWN).
void tree_move(int direction) {
- orientation_t o = (direction == TOK_LEFT || direction == TOK_RIGHT ? HORIZ : VERT);
+ orientation_t o = (direction == D_LEFT || direction == D_RIGHT ? HORIZ : VERT);
Con *same_orientation = con_parent_with_orientation(con, o);
/* The do {} while is used to 'restart' at this point with a different
if (same_orientation == con->parent) {
DLOG("We are in the same container\n");
Con *swap;
- if ((swap = (direction == TOK_LEFT || direction == TOK_UP ?
+ if ((swap = (direction == D_LEFT || direction == D_UP ?
TAILQ_PREV(con, nodes_head, nodes) :
TAILQ_NEXT(con, nodes)))) {
if (!con_is_leaf(swap)) {
insert_con_into(con, con_descend_focused(swap), AFTER);
goto end;
- if (direction == TOK_LEFT || direction == TOK_UP)
+ if (direction == D_LEFT || direction == D_UP)
TAILQ_SWAP(swap, con, &(swap->parent->nodes_head), nodes);
else TAILQ_SWAP(con, swap, &(swap->parent->nodes_head), nodes);
DLOG("above = %p\n", above);
Con *next;
position_t position;
- if (direction == TOK_UP || direction == TOK_LEFT) {
+ if (direction == D_UP || direction == D_LEFT) {
position = BEFORE;
next = TAILQ_PREV(above, nodes_head, nodes);
} else {
* container(s) would still point to the old container(s)). */
+ /* force re-painting the indicators */
+ FREE(con->deco_render_params);
DLOG("relevant command = %s\n", bind->command);
char *target = bind->command + strlen("workspace ");
- /* We check if this is the workspace next/prev/back_and_forth command.
- * Beware: The workspace names "next", "prev" and "back_and_forth" are
- * OK, so we check before stripping the double quotes */
+ /* We check if this is the workspace
+ * next/prev/next_on_output/prev_on_output/back_and_forth command.
+ * Beware: The workspace names "next", "prev", "next_on_output",
+ * "prev_on_output" and "back_and_forth" are OK, so we check before
+ * stripping the double quotes */
if (strncasecmp(target, "next", strlen("next")) == 0 ||
strncasecmp(target, "prev", strlen("prev")) == 0 ||
+ strncasecmp(target, "next_on_output", strlen("next_on_output")) == 0 ||
+ strncasecmp(target, "prev_on_output", strlen("prev_on_output")) == 0 ||
strncasecmp(target, "back_and_forth", strlen("back_and_forth")) == 0)
if (*target == '"')
ws->name[strlen(ws->name)-1] = '\0';
DLOG("trying name *%s*\n", ws->name);
+ /* Ensure that this workspace is not assigned to a different output —
+ * otherwise we would create it, then move it over to its output, then
+ * find a new workspace, etc… */
+ bool assigned = false;
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(assignment, &ws_assignments, ws_assignments) {
+ if (strcmp(assignment->name, ws->name) != 0 ||
+ strcmp(assignment->output, output->name) == 0)
+ continue;
+ assigned = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (assigned)
+ continue;
current = NULL;
TAILQ_FOREACH(out, &(croot->nodes_head), nodes)
GREP_FIRST(current, output_get_content(out), !strcasecmp(child->name, ws->name));
Con *old_content = output_get_content(output->con);
while (!TAILQ_EMPTY(&(old_content->nodes_head))) {
current = TAILQ_FIRST(&(old_content->nodes_head));
+ if (current != next && TAILQ_EMPTY(&(current->focus_head))) {
+ /* the workspace is empty and not focused, get rid of it */
+ DLOG("Getting rid of current = %p / %s (empty, unfocused)\n", current, current->name);
+ tree_close(current, DONT_KILL_WINDOW, false, false);
+ continue;
+ }
DLOG("Detaching current = %p / %s\n", current, current->name);
DLOG("Re-attaching current = %p / %s\n", current, current->name);
inset->width -= (2 * con->border_width);
inset->height -= (2 * con->border_width);
- /* Obey the aspect ratio, if any */
- if (con->proportional_height != 0 &&
+ /* Obey the aspect ratio, if any, unless we are in fullscreen mode.
+ *
+ * The spec isn’t explicit on whether the aspect ratio hints should be
+ * respected during fullscreen mode. Other WMs such as Openbox don’t do
+ * that, and this post suggests that this is the correct way to do it:
+ * http://mail.gnome.org/archives/wm-spec-list/2003-May/msg00007.html
+ *
+ * Ignoring aspect ratio during fullscreen was necessary to fix MPlayer
+ * subtitle rendering, see http://bugs.i3wm.org/594 */
+ if (!render_fullscreen &&
+ con->proportional_height != 0 &&
con->proportional_width != 0) {
double new_height = inset->height + 1;
int new_width = inset->width;
/* find the height for the decorations */
- int deco_height = config.font.height + 5;
+ int deco_height = config.font.height + 4;
+ if (config.font.height & 0x01)
+ ++deco_height;
/* precalculate the sizes to be able to correct rounding errors */
int sizes[children];
if (con->layout == L_OUTPUT) {
+ /* Skip i3-internal outputs */
+ if (con->name[0] == '_' && con->name[1] == '_')
+ return;
} else if (con->type == CT_ROOT) {
Con *output;
* windows/containers so that they overlap on another output. */
DLOG("Rendering floating windows:\n");
TAILQ_FOREACH(output, &(con->nodes_head), nodes) {
+ if (output->name[0] == '_' && output->name[1] == '_')
+ continue;
/* Get the active workspace of that output */
Con *content = output_get_content(output);
Con *workspace = TAILQ_FIRST(&(content->focus_head));
--- /dev/null
+ * vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
+ *
+ * i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
+ * © 2009-2011 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
+ *
+ * scratchpad.c: Moving windows to the scratchpad and making them visible again.
+ *
+ */
+#include "all.h"
+ * Moves the specified window to the __i3_scratch workspace, making it floating
+ * and setting the appropriate scratchpad_state.
+ *
+ * Gets called upon the command 'move scratchpad'.
+ *
+ */
+void scratchpad_move(Con *con) {
+ if (con->type == CT_WORKSPACE) {
+ LOG("'move scratchpad' used on a workspace \"%s\". Calling it "
+ "recursively on all windows on this workspace.\n", con->name);
+ Con *current;
+ current = TAILQ_FIRST(&(con->focus_head));
+ while (current) {
+ Con *next = TAILQ_NEXT(current, focused);
+ scratchpad_move(current);
+ current = next;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ DLOG("should move con %p to __i3_scratch\n", con);
+ Con *__i3_scratch = workspace_get("__i3_scratch", NULL);
+ if (con_get_workspace(con) == __i3_scratch) {
+ DLOG("This window is already on __i3_scratch.\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* 1: Ensure the window is floating. From now on, we deal with the
+ * CT_FLOATING_CON. We use automatic == false because the user made the
+ * choice that this window should be a scratchpad (and floating). */
+ floating_enable(con, false);
+ con = con->parent;
+ /* 2: Send the window to the __i3_scratch workspace, mainting its
+ * coordinates and not warping the pointer. */
+ Con *focus_next = con_next_focused(con);
+ con_move_to_workspace(con, __i3_scratch, true, true);
+ /* 3: If this is the first time this window is used as a scratchpad, we set
+ * the scratchpad_state to SCRATCHPAD_FRESH. The window will then be
+ * adjusted in size according to what the user specifies. */
+ if (con->scratchpad_state == SCRATCHPAD_NONE) {
+ DLOG("This window was never used as a scratchpad before.\n");
+ con->scratchpad_state = SCRATCHPAD_FRESH;
+ }
+ /* 4: Fix focus. Normally, when moving a window to a different output, the
+ * destination output gets focused. In this case, we don’t want that. */
+ con_focus(focus_next);
+ * Either shows the top-most scratchpad window (con == NULL) or shows the
+ * specified con (if it is scratchpad window).
+ *
+ * When called with con == NULL and the currently focused window is a
+ * scratchpad window, this serves as a shortcut to hide it again (so the user
+ * can press the same key to quickly look something up).
+ *
+ */
+void scratchpad_show(Con *con) {
+ DLOG("should show scratchpad window %p\n", con);
+ Con *__i3_scratch = workspace_get("__i3_scratch", NULL);
+ Con *floating;
+ /* If this was 'scratchpad show' without criteria, we check if the
+ * currently focused window is a scratchpad window and should be hidden
+ * again. */
+ if (!con &&
+ (floating = con_inside_floating(focused)) &&
+ floating->scratchpad_state != SCRATCHPAD_NONE) {
+ DLOG("Focused window is a scratchpad window, hiding it.\n");
+ scratchpad_move(focused);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* If this was 'scratchpad show' with criteria, we check if it matches a
+ * currently visible scratchpad window and hide it. */
+ if (con &&
+ (floating = con_inside_floating(con)) &&
+ floating->scratchpad_state != SCRATCHPAD_NONE &&
+ con_get_workspace(con) != __i3_scratch) {
+ DLOG("Window is a scratchpad window, hiding it.\n");
+ scratchpad_move(con);
+ return;
+ }
+ Con *ws = con_get_workspace(focused);
+ if (con == NULL) {
+ /* Use the container on __i3_scratch which is highest in the focus
+ * stack. When moving windows to __i3_scratch, they get inserted at the
+ * bottom of the stack. */
+ con = TAILQ_FIRST(&(__i3_scratch->floating_head));
+ if (!con) {
+ LOG("You don't have any scratchpad windows yet.\n");
+ LOG("Use 'move scratchpad' to move a window to the scratchpad.\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* 1: Move the window from __i3_scratch to the current workspace. */
+ con_move_to_workspace(con, ws, true, false);
+ /* 2: Adjust the size if this window was not adjusted yet. */
+ if (con->scratchpad_state == SCRATCHPAD_FRESH) {
+ DLOG("Adjusting size of this window.\n");
+ Con *output = con_get_output(con);
+ con->rect.width = output->rect.width * 0.5;
+ con->rect.height = output->rect.height * 0.75;
+ con->rect.x = output->rect.x +
+ ((output->rect.width / 2.0) - (con->rect.width / 2.0));
+ con->rect.y = output->rect.y +
+ ((output->rect.height / 2.0) - (con->rect.height / 2.0));
+ con->scratchpad_state = SCRATCHPAD_CHANGED;
+ }
+ con_focus(con_descend_focused(con));
xcb_poly_fill_rectangle(conn, pixmap, pixmap_gc, 1, &inner);
/* restore font color */
- xcb_change_gc(conn, pixmap_gc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, (uint32_t[]){ get_colorpixel("#FFFFFF") });
+ set_font_colors(pixmap_gc, get_colorpixel("#FFFFFF"), get_colorpixel("#000000"));
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(crash_text) / sizeof(char*); i++) {
- int text_len = strlen(crash_text[i]);
- char *full_text = convert_utf8_to_ucs2(crash_text[i], &text_len);
- xcb_image_text_16(conn, text_len, pixmap, pixmap_gc, 8 /* X */,
- 3 + (i + 1) * font_height /* Y = baseline of font */,
- (xcb_char2b_t*)full_text);
- free(full_text);
+ draw_text(crash_text[i], strlen(crash_text[i]), false, pixmap, pixmap_gc,
+ 8, 5 + i * font_height, width - 16);
/* Copy the contents of the pixmap to the real window */
int height = 13 + (crash_text_num * config.font.height);
/* calculate width for longest text */
- int text_len = strlen(crash_text[crash_text_longest]);
- char *longest_text = convert_utf8_to_ucs2(crash_text[crash_text_longest], &text_len);
- int font_width = predict_text_width(longest_text, text_len);
+ size_t text_len = strlen(crash_text[crash_text_longest]);
+ xcb_char2b_t *longest_text = convert_utf8_to_ucs2(crash_text[crash_text_longest], &text_len);
+ int font_width = predict_text_width((char *)longest_text, text_len, true);
int width = font_width + 20;
/* Open a popup window on each virtual screen */
xcb_create_pixmap(conn, root_depth, pixmap, win, width, height);
xcb_create_gc(conn, pixmap_gc, pixmap, 0, 0);
- /* Create graphics context */
- xcb_change_gc(conn, pixmap_gc, XCB_GC_FONT, (uint32_t[]){ config.font.id });
/* Grab the keyboard to get all input */
xcb_grab_keyboard(conn, false, win, XCB_CURRENT_TIME, XCB_GRAB_MODE_ASYNC, XCB_GRAB_MODE_ASYNC);
- if (sigaction(SIGSEGV, &action, NULL) == -1 ||
+ /* Catch all signals with default action "Core", see signal(7) */
+ if (sigaction(SIGQUIT, &action, NULL) == -1 ||
+ sigaction(SIGILL, &action, NULL) == -1 ||
sigaction(SIGABRT, &action, NULL) == -1 ||
- sigaction(SIGFPE, &action, NULL) == -1)
+ sigaction(SIGFPE, &action, NULL) == -1 ||
+ sigaction(SIGSEGV, &action, NULL) == -1)
ELOG("Could not setup signal handler");
* vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
* i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager
- * © 2009-2011 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
+ * © 2009-2012 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE)
* startup.c: Startup notification code. Ensures a startup notification context
* is setup when launching applications. We store the current
#include "all.h"
+#include "sd-daemon.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
/* Child process */
setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &original_rlimit_core);
+ /* Close all socket activation file descriptors explicitly, we disabled
+ * FD_CLOEXEC to keep them open when restarting i3. */
+ for (int fd = SD_LISTEN_FDS_START;
+ fd < (SD_LISTEN_FDS_START + listen_fds);
+ fd++) {
+ close(fd);
+ }
+ unsetenv("LISTEN_PID");
+ unsetenv("LISTEN_FDS");
if (fork() == 0) {
/* Setup the environment variable(s) */
if (!no_startup_id)
struct all_cons_head all_cons = TAILQ_HEAD_INITIALIZER(all_cons);
- * Loads tree from ~/.i3/_restart.json (used for in-place restarts).
+ * Create the pseudo-output __i3. Output-independent workspaces such as
+ * __i3_scratch will live there.
+ *
+ */
+static Con *_create___i3() {
+ Con *__i3 = con_new(croot, NULL);
+ FREE(__i3->name);
+ __i3->name = sstrdup("__i3");
+ __i3->type = CT_OUTPUT;
+ __i3->layout = L_OUTPUT;
+ con_fix_percent(croot);
+ x_set_name(__i3, "[i3 con] pseudo-output __i3");
+ /* For retaining the correct position/size of a scratchpad window, the
+ * dimensions of the real outputs should be multiples of the __i3
+ * pseudo-output. */
+ __i3->rect.width = 1280;
+ __i3->rect.height = 1024;
+ /* Add a content container. */
+ DLOG("adding main content container\n");
+ Con *content = con_new(NULL, NULL);
+ content->type = CT_CON;
+ FREE(content->name);
+ content->name = sstrdup("content");
+ x_set_name(content, "[i3 con] content __i3");
+ con_attach(content, __i3, false);
+ /* Attach the __i3_scratch workspace. */
+ Con *ws = con_new(NULL, NULL);
+ ws->type = CT_WORKSPACE;
+ ws->num = -1;
+ ws->name = sstrdup("__i3_scratch");
+ con_attach(ws, content, false);
+ x_set_name(ws, "[i3 con] workspace __i3_scratch");
+ ws->fullscreen_mode = CF_OUTPUT;
+ return __i3;
+ * Loads tree from 'path' (used for in-place restarts).
bool tree_restore(const char *path, xcb_get_geometry_reply_t *geometry) {
Con *ws = TAILQ_FIRST(&(out->nodes_head));
printf("ws = %p\n", ws);
+ /* For in-place restarting into v4.2, we need to make sure the new
+ * pseudo-output __i3 is present. */
+ if (strcmp(out->name, "__i3") != 0) {
+ DLOG("Adding pseudo-output __i3 during inplace restart\n");
+ Con *__i3 = _create___i3();
+ /* Ensure that it is the first output, other places in the code make
+ * that assumption. */
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&(croot->nodes_head), __i3, nodes);
+ TAILQ_INSERT_HEAD(&(croot->nodes_head), __i3, nodes);
+ }
return true;
+ _create___i3();
Con *parent = con->parent;
+ /* Force re-rendering to make the indicator border visible. */
+ FREE(con->deco_render_params);
+ FREE(parent->deco_render_params);
/* if we are in a container whose parent contains only one
* child (its split functionality is unused so far), we just change the
* orientation (more intuitive than splitting again) */
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <iconv.h>
#if defined(__OpenBSD__)
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <libsn/sn-launcher.h>
-static iconv_t conversion_descriptor = 0;
int min(int a, int b) {
return (a < b ? a : b);
- * Converts the given string to UCS-2 big endian for use with
- * xcb_image_text_16(). The amount of real glyphs is stored in real_strlen,
- * a buffer containing the UCS-2 encoded string (16 bit per glyph) is
- * returned. It has to be freed when done.
- *
- */
-char *convert_utf8_to_ucs2(char *input, int *real_strlen) {
- size_t input_size = strlen(input) + 1;
- /* UCS-2 consumes exactly two bytes for each glyph */
- int buffer_size = input_size * 2;
- char *buffer = smalloc(buffer_size);
- size_t output_size = buffer_size;
- /* We need to use an additional pointer, because iconv() modifies it */
- char *output = buffer;
- /* We convert the input into UCS-2 big endian */
- if (conversion_descriptor == 0) {
- conversion_descriptor = iconv_open("UCS-2BE", "UTF-8");
- if (conversion_descriptor == 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "error opening the conversion context\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- /* Get the conversion descriptor back to original state */
- iconv(conversion_descriptor, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- /* Convert our text */
- int rc = iconv(conversion_descriptor, (void*)&input, &input_size, &output, &output_size);
- if (rc == (size_t)-1) {
- perror("Converting to UCS-2 failed");
- FREE(buffer);
- if (real_strlen != NULL)
- *real_strlen = 0;
- return NULL;
- }
- if (real_strlen != NULL)
- *real_strlen = ((buffer_size - output_size) / 2) - 1;
- return buffer;
* This function resolves ~ in pathnames.
* It may resolve wildcards in the first part of the path, but if no match
/* Convert it to UCS-2 here for not having to convert it later every time we want to pass it to X */
- int len;
- char *ucs2_name = convert_utf8_to_ucs2(new_name, &len);
+ size_t len;
+ xcb_char2b_t *ucs2_name = convert_utf8_to_ucs2(new_name, &len);
if (ucs2_name == NULL) {
LOG("Could not convert _NET_WM_NAME to UCS-2, ignoring new hint\n");
win->name_json = new_name;
- win->name_x = ucs2_name;
+ win->name_x = (char*)ucs2_name;
win->name_len = len;
win->name_x_changed = true;
LOG("_NET_WM_NAME changed to \"%s\"\n", win->name_json);
static void _workspace_show(Con *workspace, bool changed_num_workspaces) {
Con *current, *old = NULL;
+ /* safe-guard against showing i3-internal workspaces like __i3_scratch */
+ if (workspace->name[0] == '_' && workspace->name[1] == '_')
+ return;
/* disable fullscreen for the other workspaces and get the workspace we are
* currently on. */
TAILQ_FOREACH(current, &(workspace->parent->nodes_head), nodes) {
next = TAILQ_NEXT(current, nodes);
} else {
/* If currently a numbered workspace, find next numbered workspace. */
- TAILQ_FOREACH(output, &(croot->nodes_head), nodes)
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(output, &(croot->nodes_head), nodes) {
+ /* Skip outputs starting with __, they are internal. */
+ if (output->name[0] == '_' && output->name[1] == '_')
+ continue;
NODES_FOREACH(output_get_content(output)) {
if (child->type != CT_WORKSPACE)
if (current->num < child->num && (!next || child->num < next->num))
next = child;
+ }
/* Find next named workspace. */
if (!next) {
bool found_current = false;
- TAILQ_FOREACH(output, &(croot->nodes_head), nodes)
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(output, &(croot->nodes_head), nodes) {
+ /* Skip outputs starting with __, they are internal. */
+ if (output->name[0] == '_' && output->name[1] == '_')
+ continue;
NODES_FOREACH(output_get_content(output)) {
if (child->type != CT_WORKSPACE)
goto workspace_next_end;
+ }
/* Find first workspace. */
if (!next) {
- TAILQ_FOREACH(output, &(croot->nodes_head), nodes)
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(output, &(croot->nodes_head), nodes) {
+ /* Skip outputs starting with __, they are internal. */
+ if (output->name[0] == '_' && output->name[1] == '_')
+ continue;
NODES_FOREACH(output_get_content(output)) {
if (child->type != CT_WORKSPACE)
if (!next || (child->num != -1 && child->num < next->num))
next = child;
+ }
return next;
prev = NULL;
} else {
/* If numbered workspace, find previous numbered workspace. */
- TAILQ_FOREACH_REVERSE(output, &(croot->nodes_head), nodes_head, nodes)
+ TAILQ_FOREACH_REVERSE(output, &(croot->nodes_head), nodes_head, nodes) {
+ /* Skip outputs starting with __, they are internal. */
+ if (output->name[0] == '_' && output->name[1] == '_')
+ continue;
NODES_FOREACH_REVERSE(output_get_content(output)) {
if (child->type != CT_WORKSPACE || child->num == -1)
if (current->num > child->num && (!prev || child->num > prev->num))
prev = child;
+ }
/* Find previous named workspace. */
if (!prev) {
bool found_current = false;
- TAILQ_FOREACH_REVERSE(output, &(croot->nodes_head), nodes_head, nodes)
+ TAILQ_FOREACH_REVERSE(output, &(croot->nodes_head), nodes_head, nodes) {
+ /* Skip outputs starting with __, they are internal. */
+ if (output->name[0] == '_' && output->name[1] == '_')
+ continue;
NODES_FOREACH_REVERSE(output_get_content(output)) {
if (child->type != CT_WORKSPACE)
goto workspace_prev_end;
+ }
/* Find last workspace. */
if (!prev) {
- TAILQ_FOREACH_REVERSE(output, &(croot->nodes_head), nodes_head, nodes)
+ TAILQ_FOREACH_REVERSE(output, &(croot->nodes_head), nodes_head, nodes) {
+ /* Skip outputs starting with __, they are internal. */
+ if (output->name[0] == '_' && output->name[1] == '_')
+ continue;
NODES_FOREACH_REVERSE(output_get_content(output)) {
if (child->type != CT_WORKSPACE)
if (!prev || child->num > prev->num)
prev = child;
+ }
return prev;
+ * Focuses the next workspace on the same output.
+ *
+ */
+Con* workspace_next_on_output() {
+ Con *current = con_get_workspace(focused);
+ Con *next = NULL;
+ Con *output = con_get_output(focused);
+ if (current->num == -1) {
+ /* If currently a named workspace, find next named workspace. */
+ next = TAILQ_NEXT(current, nodes);
+ } else {
+ /* If currently a numbered workspace, find next numbered workspace. */
+ NODES_FOREACH(output_get_content(output)) {
+ if (child->type != CT_WORKSPACE)
+ continue;
+ if (child->num == -1)
+ break;
+ /* Need to check child against current and next because we are
+ * traversing multiple lists and thus are not guaranteed the
+ * relative order between the list of workspaces. */
+ if (current->num < child->num && (!next || child->num < next->num))
+ next = child;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Find next named workspace. */
+ if (!next) {
+ bool found_current = false;
+ NODES_FOREACH(output_get_content(output)) {
+ if (child->type != CT_WORKSPACE)
+ continue;
+ if (child == current) {
+ found_current = 1;
+ } else if (child->num == -1 && (current->num != -1 || found_current)) {
+ next = child;
+ goto workspace_next_on_output_end;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Find first workspace. */
+ if (!next) {
+ NODES_FOREACH(output_get_content(output)) {
+ if (child->type != CT_WORKSPACE)
+ continue;
+ if (!next || (child->num != -1 && child->num < next->num))
+ next = child;
+ }
+ }
+ return next;
+ * Focuses the previous workspace on same output.
+ *
+ */
+Con* workspace_prev_on_output() {
+ Con *current = con_get_workspace(focused);
+ Con *prev = NULL;
+ Con *output = con_get_output(focused);
+ if (current->num == -1) {
+ /* If named workspace, find previous named workspace. */
+ prev = TAILQ_PREV(current, nodes_head, nodes);
+ if (prev && prev->num != -1)
+ prev = NULL;
+ } else {
+ /* If numbered workspace, find previous numbered workspace. */
+ NODES_FOREACH_REVERSE(output_get_content(output)) {
+ if (child->type != CT_WORKSPACE || child->num == -1)
+ continue;
+ /* Need to check child against current and previous because we
+ * are traversing multiple lists and thus are not guaranteed
+ * the relative order between the list of workspaces. */
+ if (current->num > child->num && (!prev || child->num > prev->num))
+ prev = child;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Find previous named workspace. */
+ if (!prev) {
+ bool found_current = false;
+ NODES_FOREACH_REVERSE(output_get_content(output)) {
+ if (child->type != CT_WORKSPACE)
+ continue;
+ if (child == current) {
+ found_current = true;
+ } else if (child->num == -1 && (current->num != -1 || found_current)) {
+ prev = child;
+ goto workspace_prev_on_output_end;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Find last workspace. */
+ if (!prev) {
+ NODES_FOREACH_REVERSE(output_get_content(output)) {
+ if (child->type != CT_WORKSPACE)
+ continue;
+ if (!prev || child->num > prev->num)
+ prev = child;
+ }
+ }
+ return prev;
* Focuses the previously focused workspace.
p->con_deco_rect = con->deco_rect;
p->background = config.client.background;
p->con_is_leaf = con_is_leaf(con);
- p->font = config.font.id;
if (con->deco_render_params != NULL &&
(con->window == NULL || !con->window->name_x_changed) &&
xcb_rectangle_t topline = { br.x, 0, con->rect.width + br.width + br.x, br.y };
xcb_poly_fill_rectangle(conn, con->pixmap, con->pm_gc, 1, &topline);
+ /* Highlight the side of the border at which the next window will be
+ * opened if we are rendering a single window within a split container
+ * (which is undistinguishable from a single window outside a split
+ * container otherwise. */
+ if (TAILQ_NEXT(con, nodes) == NULL &&
+ TAILQ_PREV(con, nodes_head, nodes) == NULL &&
+ con->parent->type != CT_FLOATING_CON) {
+ xcb_change_gc(conn, con->pm_gc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, (uint32_t[]){ p->color->indicator });
+ if (con_orientation(con->parent) == HORIZ)
+ xcb_poly_fill_rectangle(conn, con->pixmap, con->pm_gc, 1, (xcb_rectangle_t[]){
+ { r->width + br.width + br.x, 0, r->width, r->height + br.height } });
+ else
+ xcb_poly_fill_rectangle(conn, con->pixmap, con->pm_gc, 1, (xcb_rectangle_t[]){
+ { br.x, r->height + br.height + br.y, r->width - (2 * br.x), r->height } });
+ }
- /* if this is a borderless/1pixel window, we don’t * need to render the
+ /* if this is a borderless/1pixel window, we don’t need to render the
* decoration. */
if (p->border_style != BS_NORMAL)
goto copy_pixmaps;
xcb_poly_segment(conn, parent->pixmap, parent->pm_gc, 2, segments);
/* 6: draw the title */
- uint32_t values[] = { p->color->text, p->color->background, config.font.id };
- xcb_change_gc(conn, parent->pm_gc, mask, values);
- int text_offset_y = config.font.height + (con->deco_rect.height - config.font.height) / 2 - 1;
+ set_font_colors(parent->pm_gc, p->color->text, p->color->background);
+ int text_offset_y = (con->deco_rect.height - config.font.height) / 2;
struct Window *win = con->window;
if (win == NULL || win->name_x == NULL) {
/* this is a non-leaf container, we need to make up a good description */
// TODO: use a good description instead of just "another container"
- xcb_image_text_8(
- conn,
- strlen("another container"),
- parent->pixmap,
- parent->pm_gc,
- con->deco_rect.x + 2,
- con->deco_rect.y + text_offset_y,
- "another container"
- );
+ draw_text("another container", strlen("another container"), false,
+ parent->pixmap, parent->pm_gc,
+ con->deco_rect.x + 2, con->deco_rect.y + text_offset_y,
+ con->deco_rect.width - 2);
goto copy_pixmaps;
//DLOG("indent_level = %d, indent_mult = %d\n", indent_level, indent_mult);
int indent_px = (indent_level * 5) * indent_mult;
- if (win->uses_net_wm_name)
- xcb_image_text_16(
- conn,
- win->name_len,
- parent->pixmap,
- parent->pm_gc,
- con->deco_rect.x + 2 + indent_px,
- con->deco_rect.y + text_offset_y,
- (xcb_char2b_t*)win->name_x
- );
- else
- xcb_image_text_8(
- conn,
- win->name_len,
- parent->pixmap,
- parent->pm_gc,
- con->deco_rect.x + 2 + indent_px,
- con->deco_rect.y + text_offset_y,
- win->name_x
- );
+ draw_text(win->name_x, win->name_len, win->uses_net_wm_name,
+ parent->pixmap, parent->pm_gc,
+ con->deco_rect.x + 2 + indent_px, con->deco_rect.y + text_offset_y,
+ con->deco_rect.width - 2 - indent_px);
+ /* Since we don’t clip the text at all, it might in some cases be painted
+ * on the border pixels on the right side of a window. Therefore, we draw
+ * the right border again after rendering the text (and the unconnected
+ * lines in border color). */
+ /* Draw a separator line after every tab (except the last one), so that
+ * tabs can be easily distinguished. */
+ if (parent->layout == L_TABBED && TAILQ_NEXT(con, nodes) != NULL) {
+ xcb_change_gc(conn, parent->pm_gc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, (uint32_t[]){ p->color->border });
+ } else {
+ xcb_change_gc(conn, parent->pm_gc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, (uint32_t[]){ p->color->background });
+ }
+ xcb_poly_line(conn, XCB_COORD_MODE_ORIGIN, parent->pixmap, parent->pm_gc, 4,
+ (xcb_point_t[]){
+ { dr->x + dr->width - 1, dr->y },
+ { dr->x + dr->width - 1, dr->y + dr->height },
+ { dr->x + dr->width - 2, dr->y },
+ { dr->x + dr->width - 2, dr->y + dr->height }
+ });
+ xcb_change_gc(conn, parent->pm_gc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, (uint32_t[]){ p->color->border });
+ xcb_poly_segment(conn, parent->pixmap, parent->pm_gc, 2, segments);
xcb_copy_area(conn, con->pixmap, con->frame, con->pm_gc, 0, 0, 0, 0, con->rect.width, con->rect.height);
xcb_change_property(conn, XCB_PROP_MODE_REPLACE, root, A_I3_CONFIG_PATH, A_UTF8_STRING, 8,
strlen(current_configpath), current_configpath);
+ xcb_change_property(conn, XCB_PROP_MODE_REPLACE, root, A_I3_SHMLOG_PATH, A_UTF8_STRING, 8,
+ strlen(shmlogname), shmlogname);
xcb_configure_window(conn, window, XCB_CONFIG_WINDOW_STACK_MODE, values);
- * Query the width of the given text (16-bit characters, UCS) with given real
- * length (amount of glyphs) using the given font.
- *
- */
-int predict_text_width(char *text, int length) {
- xcb_query_text_extents_cookie_t cookie;
- xcb_query_text_extents_reply_t *reply;
- xcb_generic_error_t *error;
- int width;
- cookie = xcb_query_text_extents(conn, config.font.id, length, (xcb_char2b_t*)text);
- if ((reply = xcb_query_text_extents_reply(conn, cookie, &error)) == NULL) {
- ELOG("Could not get text extents (X error code %d)\n",
- error->error_code);
- /* We return the rather safe guess of 7 pixels, because a
- * rendering error is better than a crash. Plus, the user will
- * see the error in his log. */
- return 7;
- }
- width = reply->overall_width;
- free(reply);
- return width;
* Configures the given window to have the size/position specified by given rect
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
- NAME => 'i3 testsuite',
+ NAME => 'i3-testsuite',
MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.010000', # 5.10.0
'AnyEvent' => 0,
'AnyEvent::I3' => '0.09',
'X11::XCB' => '0.03',
- 'Test::Most' => 0,
- 'Test::Deep' => 0,
- 'EV' => 0,
- 'Inline' => 0,
+ 'Inline' => 0,
+ 'Test::More' => '0.94',
- # don't install any files from this directory
- PM => {},
+ PM => {}, # do not install any files from this directory
clean => {
- FILES => 'testsuite-* latest'
+ FILES => 'testsuite-* latest i3-cfg-for-*',
-# and don't run the tests while installing
-sub MY::test { }
+package MY;
+sub test { } # do not run the tests while installing
+# do not rename the Makefile
+sub clean {
+ my $section = shift->SUPER::clean(@_);
+ $section =~ s/^\t\Q$_\E\n$//m for
+ $section;
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
# © 2010-2011 Michael Stapelberg and contributors
+package complete_run;
use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.10;
# the following are modules which ship with Perl (>= 5.10):
use Pod::Usage;
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
-use File::Basename qw(basename);
use File::Temp qw(tempfile tempdir);
use Getopt::Long;
-use IO::Socket::UNIX;
-use POSIX;
-use Time::HiRes qw(sleep gettimeofday tv_interval);
+use POSIX ();
use TAP::Harness;
use TAP::Parser;
use TAP::Parser::Aggregator;
+use Time::HiRes qw(time);
# these are shipped with the testsuite
use lib qw(lib);
-use SocketActivation;
use StartXDummy;
use StatusLine;
+use TestWorker;
# the following modules are not shipped with Perl
use AnyEvent;
+use AnyEvent::Util;
use AnyEvent::Handle;
use AnyEvent::I3 qw(:all);
-use X11::XCB;
-# We actually use AnyEvent to make sure it loads an event loop implementation.
-# Afterwards, we overwrite SIGCHLD:
-my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
-# Install a dummy CHLD handler to overwrite the CHLD handler of AnyEvent.
-# AnyEvent’s handler wait()s for every child which conflicts with TAP (TAP
-# needs to get the exit status to determine if a test is successful).
-$SIG{CHLD} = sub {
-# reads in a whole file
-sub slurp {
- open(my $fh, '<', shift);
- local $/;
- <$fh>;
+use X11::XCB::Connection;
+use JSON::XS; # AnyEvent::I3 depends on it, too.
+# Close superfluous file descriptors which were passed by running in a VIM
+# subshell or situations like that.
+AnyEvent::Util::close_all_fds_except(0, 1, 2);
# convinience wrapper to write to the log file
my $log;
sub Log { say $log "@_" }
-my $coverage_testing = 0;
-my $valgrind = 0;
+my %timings;
my $help = 0;
# Number of tests to run in parallel. Important to know how many Xdummy
# instances we need to start (unless @displays are given). Defaults to
# num_cores * 2.
my $parallel = undef;
my @displays = ();
-my @childpids = ();
+my %options = (
+ valgrind => 0,
+ strace => 0,
+ coverage => 0,
+ restart => 0,
my $result = GetOptions(
- "coverage-testing" => \$coverage_testing,
- "valgrind" => \$valgrind,
+ "coverage-testing" => \$options{coverage},
+ "valgrind" => \$options{valgrind},
+ "strace" => \$options{strace},
"display=s" => \@displays,
"parallel=i" => \$parallel,
"help|?" => \$help,
@displays = split(/,/, join(',', @displays));
@displays = map { s/ //g; $_ } @displays;
+# 2: get a list of all testcases
+my @testfiles = @ARGV;
+# if no files were passed on command line, run all tests from t/
+@testfiles = <t/*.t> if @testfiles == 0;
+my $numtests = scalar @testfiles;
+# When the user specifies displays, we don’t run multi-monitor tests at all
+# (because we don’t know which displaynumber is the X-Server with multiple
+# monitors).
+my $multidpy = undef;
# No displays specified, let’s start some Xdummy instances.
if (@displays == 0) {
- my ($displays, $pids) = start_xdummy($parallel);
- @displays = @$displays;
- @childpids = @$pids;
+ my $dpyref;
+ ($dpyref, $multidpy) = start_xdummy($parallel, $numtests);
+ @displays = @$dpyref;
+# 1: create an output directory for this test-run
+my $outdir = "testsuite-";
+$outdir .= POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-", localtime());
+$outdir .= `git describe --tags`;
+mkdir($outdir) or die "Could not create $outdir";
+unlink("latest") if -e "latest";
+symlink("$outdir", "latest") or die "Could not symlink latest to $outdir";
# connect to all displays for two reasons:
# 1: check if the display actually works
# 2: keep the connection open so that i3 is not the only client. this prevents
# the X server from exiting (Xdummy will restart it, but not quick enough
# sometimes)
-my @conns;
-my @wdisplays;
+my @single_worker;
for my $display (@displays) {
my $screen;
- my $x = X11::XCB->new($display, $screen);
+ my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new(display => $display);
if ($x->has_error) {
- Log "WARNING: Not using X11 display $display, could not connect";
+ die "Could not connect to display $display\n";
} else {
- push @conns, $x;
- push @wdisplays, $display;
+ # start a TestWorker for each display
+ push @single_worker, worker($display, $x, $outdir, \%options);
-die "No usable displays found" if @wdisplays == 0;
+my @multi_worker;
+if (defined($multidpy)) {
+ my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new(display => $multidpy);
+ if ($x->has_error) {
+ die "Could not connect to multi-monitor display $multidpy\n";
+ } else {
+ push @multi_worker, worker($multidpy, $x, $outdir, \%options);
+ }
-my $config = slurp('i3-test.config');
+# Read previous timing information, if available. We will be able to roughly
+# predict the test duration and schedule a good order for the tests.
+my $timingsjson = StartXDummy::slurp('.last_run_timings.json');
+%timings = %{decode_json($timingsjson)} if length($timingsjson) > 0;
-# 1: get a list of all testcases
-my @testfiles = @ARGV;
+# Re-order the files so that those which took the longest time in the previous
+# run will be started at the beginning to not delay the whole run longer than
+# necessary.
+@testfiles = map { $_->[0] }
+ sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] }
+ map { [$_, $timings{$_} // 999] } @testfiles;
-# if no files were passed on command line, run all tests from t/
-@testfiles = <t/*.t> if @testfiles == 0;
+printf("\nRough time estimate for this run: %.2f seconds\n\n", $timings{GLOBAL})
+ if exists($timings{GLOBAL});
-# 2: create an output directory for this test-run
-my $outdir = "testsuite-";
-$outdir .= POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-", localtime());
-$outdir .= `git describe --tags`;
-mkdir($outdir) or die "Could not create $outdir";
-unlink("latest") if -e "latest";
-symlink("$outdir", "latest") or die "Could not symlink latest to $outdir";
+# Forget the old timings, we don’t necessarily run the same set of tests as
+# before. Otherwise we would end up with left-overs.
+%timings = (GLOBAL => time());
my $logfile = "$outdir/complete-run.log";
open $log, '>', $logfile or die "Could not create '$logfile': $!";
my $num = @testfiles;
my $harness = TAP::Harness->new({ });
+my @single_monitor_tests = grep { m,^t/([0-9]+)-, && $1 < 500 } @testfiles;
+my @multi_monitor_tests = grep { m,^t/([0-9]+)-, && $1 >= 500 } @testfiles;
my $aggregator = TAP::Parser::Aggregator->new();
-status_init(displays => \@wdisplays, tests => $num);
+status_init(displays => [ @displays, $multidpy ], tests => $num);
+my $single_cv = AE::cv;
+my $multi_cv = AE::cv;
# We start tests concurrently: For each display, one test gets started. Every
# test starts another test after completing.
-take_job($_) for @wdisplays;
+for (@single_worker) {
+ $single_cv->begin;
+ take_job($_, $single_cv, \@single_monitor_tests);
+for (@multi_worker) {
+ $multi_cv->begin;
+ take_job($_, $multi_cv, \@multi_monitor_tests);
+# print empty lines to seperate failed tests from statuslines
+print "\n\n";
+for (@done) {
+ my ($test, $output) = @$_;
+ say "no output for $test" unless $output;
+ Log "output for $test:";
+ Log $output;
+ # print error messages of failed tests
+ say for $output =~ /^not ok.+\n+((?:^#.+\n)+)/mg
+# 4: print summary
+close $log;
+# 5: Save the timings for better scheduling/prediction next run.
+$timings{GLOBAL} = time() - $timings{GLOBAL};
+open(my $fh, '>', '.last_run_timings.json');
+print $fh encode_json(\%timings);
+# 6: Print the slowest test files.
+my @slowest = map { $_->[0] }
+ sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] }
+ map { [$_, $timings{$_}] }
+ grep { !/^GLOBAL$/ } keys %timings;
+say '';
+say 'The slowest tests are:';
+printf("\t%s with %.2f seconds\n", $_, $timings{$_})
+ for @slowest[0..($#slowest > 4 ? 4 : $#slowest)];
+# When we are running precisely one test, print the output. Makes developing
+# with a single testcase easier.
+if ($numtests == 1) {
+ say '';
+ say 'Test output:';
+ say StartXDummy::slurp($logfile);
+END { cleanup() }
+exit 0;
# Takes a test from the beginning of @testfiles and runs it.
# triggered to finish testing.
sub take_job {
- my ($display) = @_;
+ my ($worker, $cv, $tests) = @_;
- my $test = shift @testfiles;
- return unless $test;
+ my $test = shift @$tests
+ or return $cv->end;
- my $dont_start = (slurp($test) =~ /# !NO_I3_INSTANCE!/);
- my $basename = basename($test);
- my $logpath = "$outdir/i3-log-for-$basename";
+ my $display = $worker->{display};
- my ($fh, $tmpfile) = tempfile("i3-cfg-for-$basename.XXXXXX", UNLINK => 1);
- say $fh $config;
- say $fh "ipc-socket /tmp/nested-$display";
- close($fh);
+ Log status($display, "$test: starting");
+ $timings{$test} = time();
+ worker_next($worker, $test);
- my $activate_cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
- my $time_before_start = [gettimeofday];
- my $pid;
- if ($dont_start) {
- $activate_cv->send(1);
- } else {
- $pid = activate_i3(
- unix_socket_path => "/tmp/nested-$display-activation",
- display => $display,
- configfile => $tmpfile,
- outdir => $outdir,
- logpath => $logpath,
- valgrind => $valgrind,
- cv => $activate_cv
- );
- my $child_watcher;
- $child_watcher = AnyEvent->child(pid => $pid, cb => sub {
- Log status($display, "child died. pid = $pid");
- undef $child_watcher;
- });
- }
- my $kill_i3 = sub {
- my $kill_cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
- # Don’t bother killing i3 when we haven’t started it
- if ($dont_start) {
- $kill_cv->send();
- return $kill_cv;
- }
+ # create a TAP::Parser with an in-memory fh
+ my $output;
+ my $parser = TAP::Parser->new({
+ source => do { open(my $fh, '<', \$output); $fh },
+ });
- # When measuring code coverage, try to exit i3 cleanly (otherwise, .gcda
- # files are not written) and fallback to killing it
- if ($coverage_testing || $valgrind) {
- my $exited = 0;
- Log status($display, 'Exiting i3 cleanly...');
- my $i3 = i3("/tmp/nested-$display");
- $i3->connect->cb(sub {
- if (!$_[0]->recv) {
- # Could not connect to i3, just kill -9 it
- kill(9, $pid) or die "Could not kill i3 using kill($pid)";
- $kill_cv->send();
- } else {
- # Connected. Now send exit and continue once that’s acked.
- $i3->command('exit')->cb(sub {
- $kill_cv->send();
- });
+ my $ipc = $worker->{ipc};
+ my $w;
+ $w = AnyEvent->io(
+ fh => $ipc,
+ poll => 'r',
+ cb => sub {
+ state $tests_completed = 0;
+ state $partial = '';
+ sysread($ipc, my $buf, 4096) or die "sysread: $!";
+ if ($partial) {
+ $buf = $partial . $buf;
+ $partial = '';
+ }
+ # make sure we feed TAP::Parser complete lines so it doesn't blow up
+ if (substr($buf, -1, 1) ne "\n") {
+ my $nl = rindex($buf, "\n");
+ if ($nl == -1) {
+ $partial = $buf;
+ return;
- });
- } else {
- Log status($display, 'killing i3');
- # No coverage testing or valgrind? Just kill -9 i3.
- kill(9, $pid) or die "Could not kill i3 using kill($pid)";
- $kill_cv->send();
- }
+ # strip partial from buffer
+ $partial = substr($buf, $nl + 1, '');
+ }
- return $kill_cv;
- };
- # This will be called as soon as i3 is running and answered to our
- # IPC request
- $activate_cv->cb(sub {
- my $time_activating = [gettimeofday];
- my $start_duration = tv_interval($time_before_start, $time_activating);
- my ($status) = $activate_cv->recv;
- if ($dont_start) {
- Log status($display, 'Not starting i3, testcase does that');
- } else {
- my $duration = sprintf("%.2f", $start_duration);
- Log status($display, "i3 startup: took $duration sec, status = $status");
- }
+ # count lines before stripping eof-marker otherwise we might
+ # end up with for (1 .. 0) { } which would effectivly skip the loop
+ my $lines = $buf =~ tr/\n//;
+ my $t_eof = $buf =~ s/^$TestWorker::EOF$//m;
+ $output .= $buf;
- Log status($display, "Starting $test");
- my $output;
- open(my $spool, '>', \$output);
- my $parser = TAP::Parser->new({
- exec => [ 'sh', '-c', qq|DISPLAY=$display LOGPATH="$logpath" OUTDIR="$outdir" VALGRIND=$valgrind /usr/bin/perl -Ilib $test| ],
- spool => $spool,
- merge => 1,
- });
- my $tests_completed;
- my @watchers;
- my ($stdout, $stderr) = $parser->get_select_handles;
- for my $handle ($parser->get_select_handles) {
- my $w;
- $w = AnyEvent->io(
- fh => $handle,
- poll => 'r',
- cb => sub {
- # Ignore activity on stderr (unnecessary with merge => 1,
- # but let’s keep it in here if we want to use merge => 0
- # for some reason in the future).
- return if defined($stderr) and $handle == $stderr;
- my $result = $parser->next;
- if (defined($result)) {
- $tests_completed++;
- status($display, "Running $test: [$tests_completed/??]");
- # TODO: check if we should bail out
- return;
- }
- # $result is not defined, we are done parsing
- Log status($display, "$test finished");
- close($parser->delete_spool);
- $aggregator->add($test, $parser);
- push @done, [ $test, $output ];
- status_completed(scalar @done);
- my $exitcv = $kill_i3->();
- $exitcv->cb(sub {
- undef $_ for @watchers;
- if (@done == $num) {
- $cv->send;
- } else {
- take_job($display);
- }
- });
+ for (1 .. $lines) {
+ my $result = $parser->next;
+ if (defined($result) and $result->is_test) {
+ $tests_completed++;
+ status($display, "$test: [$tests_completed/??] ");
- );
- push @watchers, $w;
- }
- });
+ }
+ return unless $t_eof;
+ Log status($display, "$test: finished");
+ $timings{$test} = time() - $timings{$test};
+ status_completed(scalar @done);
-# print empty lines to seperate failed tests from statuslines
-print "\n\n";
+ $aggregator->add($test, $parser);
+ push @done, [ $test, $output ];
-for (@done) {
- my ($test, $output) = @$_;
- Log "output for $test:";
- Log $output;
- # print error messages of failed tests
- say for $output =~ /^not ok.+\n+((?:^#.+\n)+)/mg
+ undef $w;
+ take_job($worker, $cv, $tests);
+ }
+ );
-# 4: print summary
-close $log;
+sub cleanup {
+ $_->() for our @CLEANUP;
+ exit;
-kill(15, $_) for @childpids;
+# must be in a begin block because we C<exit 0> above
+ $SIG{$_} = sub {
+ require Carp; Carp::cluck("Caught SIG$_[0]\n");
+ cleanup();
=item B<--valgrind>
Runs i3 under valgrind to find memory problems. The output will be available in
+=item B<--strace>
+Runs i3 under strace to trace system calls. The output will be available in
=item B<--coverage-testing>
use warnings;
use IO::Socket::UNIX; # core
use Cwd qw(abs_path); # core
-use POSIX (); # core
+use POSIX qw(:fcntl_h); # core
use AnyEvent::Handle; # not core
+use AnyEvent::Util; # not core
use Exporter 'import';
use v5.10;
# remove the old unix socket
- # pass all file descriptors up to three to the children.
- # we need to set this flag before opening the socket.
- open(my $fdtest, '<', '/dev/null');
- $^F = fileno($fdtest);
- close($fdtest);
my $socket = IO::Socket::UNIX->new(
Listen => 1,
Local => $args{unix_socket_path},
+ unless ($args{dont_create_temp_dir}) {
+ $ENV{XDG_RUNTIME_DIR} = '/tmp/i3-testsuite/';
+ }
$ENV{DISPLAY} = $args{display};
$ENV{PATH} = join(':',
- # Only pass file descriptors 0 (stdin), 1 (stdout), 2 (stderr) and
- # 3 (socket) to the child.
- $^F = 3;
+ # We are about to exec, but we did not modify $^F to include $socket
+ # when creating the socket (because the file descriptor could have a
+ # number != 3 which would lead to i3 leaking a file descriptor). This
+ # caused Perl to set the FD_CLOEXEC flag, which would close $socket on
+ # exec(), effectively *NOT* passing $socket to the new process.
+ # Therefore, we explicitly clear FD_CLOEXEC (the only flag right now)
+ # by setting the flags to 0.
+ POSIX::fcntl($socket, F_SETFD, 0) or die "Could not clear fd flags: $!";
# If the socket does not use file descriptor 3 by chance already, we
# close fd 3 and dup2() the socket to 3.
if (fileno($socket) != 3) {
POSIX::dup2(fileno($socket), 3);
+ POSIX::close(fileno($socket));
+ # Make sure no file descriptors are open. Strangely, I got an open file
+ # descriptor pointing to AnyEvent/Impl/EV.pm when testing.
+ AnyEvent::Util::close_all_fds_except(0, 1, 2, 3);
# Construct the command to launch i3. Use maximum debug level, disable
# the interactive signalhandler to make it crash immediately instead.
- my $i3cmd = abs_path("../i3") . " -V -d all --disable-signalhandler";
+ # Also disable logging to SHM since we redirect the logs anyways.
+ # Force Xinerama because we use Xdmx for multi-monitor tests.
+ my $i3cmd = abs_path("../i3") . q| -V -d all --disable-signalhandler| .
+ q| --shmlog-size=0 --force-xinerama|;
+ # For convenience:
+ my $outdir = $args{outdir};
+ my $test = $args{testname};
+ if ($args{restart}) {
+ $i3cmd .= ' -L ' . abs_path('restart-state.golden');
+ }
if ($args{valgrind}) {
$i3cmd =
- qq|valgrind -v --log-file="$args{outdir}/valgrind.log" | .
+ qq|valgrind -v --log-file="$outdir/valgrind-for-$test.log" | .
qq|--leak-check=full --track-origins=yes --num-callers=20 | .
qq|--tool=memcheck -- $i3cmd|;
- # Append to $args{logpath} instead of overwriting because i3 might be
+ my $logfile = "$outdir/i3-log-for-$test";
+ # Append to $logfile instead of overwriting because i3 might be
# run multiple times in one testcase.
- my $cmd = "exec $i3cmd -c $args{configfile} >>$args{logpath} 2>&1";
+ my $cmd = "exec $i3cmd -c $args{configfile} >>$logfile 2>&1";
+ if ($args{strace}) {
+ my $out = "$outdir/strace-for-$test.log";
+ # We overwrite LISTEN_PID with the correct process ID to make
+ # socket activation work (LISTEN_PID has to match getpid(),
+ # otherwise the LISTEN_FDS will be treated as a left-over).
+ $cmd = qq|strace -fF -s2048 -v -o "$out" -- | .
+ 'sh -c "export LISTEN_PID=\$\$; ' . $cmd . '"';
+ }
# We need to use the shell due to using output redirections.
exec '/bin/sh', '-c', $cmd;
our @EXPORT = qw(start_xdummy);
+my $x_socketpath = '/tmp/.X11-unix/X';
# reads in a whole file
sub slurp {
open(my $fh, '<', shift) or return '';
+# forks an Xdummy or Xdmx process
+sub fork_xserver {
+ my $displaynum = shift;
+ my $pid = fork();
+ die "Could not fork: $!" unless defined($pid);
+ if ($pid == 0) {
+ # Child, close stdout/stderr, then start Xdummy.
+ close STDOUT;
+ close STDERR;
+ exec @_;
+ exit 1;
+ }
+ push(@complete_run::CLEANUP, sub {
+ kill(15, $pid);
+ # Unlink the X11 socket, Xdmx seems to leave it there.
+ unlink($x_socketpath . $displaynum);
+ });
+ return $x_socketpath . $displaynum;
+# Blocks until the socket paths specified in the given array reference actually
+# exist.
+sub wait_for_x {
+ my ($sockets_waiting) = @_;
+ # Wait until Xdmx actually runs. Pretty ugly solution, but as long as we
+ # can’t socket-activate X11…
+ while (1) {
+ @$sockets_waiting = grep { ! -S $_ } @$sockets_waiting;
+ last unless @$sockets_waiting;
+ sleep 0.1;
+ }
=head2 start_xdummy($parallel)
Starts C<$parallel> (or number of cores * 2 if undef) Xdummy processes (see
the Xdummy processes and a list of PIDs of the processes.
sub start_xdummy {
- my ($parallel) = @_;
+ my ($parallel, $numtests) = @_;
my @displays = ();
my @childpids = ();
# If /proc/cpuinfo does not exist, we fall back to 2 cores.
$num_cores ||= 2;
- $parallel ||= $num_cores * 2;
+ # If unset, we use num_cores * 2, plus two extra xdummys to combine to a
+ # multi-monitor setup using Xdmx.
+ $parallel ||= ($num_cores * 2) + 2;
+ # If we are running a small number of tests, don’t over-parallelize.
+ $parallel = $numtests if $numtests < $parallel;
+ # Ensure we have at least 1 X-Server plus two X-Servers for multi-monitor
+ # tests.
+ $parallel = 3 if $parallel < 3;
# First get the last used display number, then increment it by one.
# Effectively falls back to 1 if no X server is running.
- my ($displaynum) = reverse ('0', sort </tmp/.X11-unix/X*>);
- $displaynum =~ s/.*(\d)$/$1/;
+ my ($displaynum) = map { /(\d+)$/ } reverse sort glob($x_socketpath . '*');
say "Starting $parallel Xdummy instances, starting at :$displaynum...";
- for my $idx (0 .. ($parallel-1)) {
- my $pid = fork();
- die "Could not fork: $!" unless defined($pid);
- if ($pid == 0) {
- # Child, close stdout/stderr, then start Xdummy.
- close STDOUT;
- close STDERR;
- # We use -config /dev/null to prevent Xdummy from using the system
- # Xorg configuration. The tests should be independant from the
- # actual system X configuration.
- exec './Xdummy', ":$displaynum", '-config', '/dev/null';
- exit 1;
- }
- push(@childpids, $pid);
+ my @sockets_waiting;
+ for (1 .. $parallel) {
+ # We use -config /dev/null to prevent Xdummy from using the system
+ # Xorg configuration. The tests should be independant from the
+ # actual system X configuration.
+ my $socket = fork_xserver($displaynum, './Xdummy', ":$displaynum",
+ '-config', '/dev/null');
push(@displays, ":$displaynum");
+ push(@sockets_waiting, $socket);
- # Wait until the X11 sockets actually appear. Pretty ugly solution, but as
- # long as we can’t socket-activate X11…
- my $sockets_ready;
- do {
- $sockets_ready = 1;
- for (@displays) {
- my $path = "/tmp/.X11-unix/X" . substr($_, 1);
- $sockets_ready = 0 unless -S $path;
- }
- sleep 0.1;
- } until $sockets_ready;
+ wait_for_x(\@sockets_waiting);
+ # Now combine the last two displays to a multi-monitor display using Xdmx
+ my $first = pop @displays;
+ my $second = pop @displays;
+ # make sure this display isn’t in use yet
+ $displaynum++ while -e ($x_socketpath . $displaynum);
+ say 'starting xdmx on display :' . $displaynum;
+ my $multidpy = ":$displaynum";
+ my $socket = fork_xserver($displaynum, 'Xdmx', '+xinerama', '-xinput',
+ 'local', '-display', $first, '-display', $second, '-ac', $multidpy);
+ wait_for_x([ $socket ]);
- return \@displays, \@childpids;
+ return \@displays, $multidpy;
--- /dev/null
+# vim:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:expandtab
+package TestWorker;
+use strict; use warnings;
+use v5.10;
+use IO::Handle; # for ->autoflush
+use POSIX ();
+use Exporter 'import';
+our @EXPORT = qw(worker worker_next);
+use File::Basename qw(basename);
+my @x;
+my $options;
+sub worker {
+ my ($display, $x, $outdir, $optref) = @_;
+ # make sure $x hangs around
+ push @x, $x;
+ # store the options hashref
+ $options = $optref;
+ socketpair(my $ipc_child, my $ipc, AF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM, PF_UNSPEC)
+ or die "socketpair: $!";
+ $ipc->autoflush(1);
+ $ipc_child->autoflush(1);
+ my $worker = {
+ display => $display,
+ ipc => $ipc,
+ };
+ my $pid = fork // die "could not fork: $!";
+ if ($pid == 0) {
+ close $ipc;
+ undef @complete_run::CLEANUP;
+ # reap dead test children
+ $SIG{CHLD} = sub { waitpid -1, POSIX::WNOHANG };
+ $worker->{ipc} = $ipc_child;
+ require i3test;
+ # TODO: recycle $x
+ # unfortunately this fails currently with:
+ # Could not get reply for: xcb_intern_atom_reply at X11/XCB/Atom.pm line 22.
+ # $i3test::x = bless $x, 'i3test::X11';
+ worker_wait($worker, $outdir);
+ exit 23;
+ }
+ close $ipc_child;
+ push @complete_run::CLEANUP, sub {
+ # signal via empty line to exit itself
+ syswrite($ipc, "\n") or kill('TERM', $pid);
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ };
+ return $worker;
+our $EOF = "# end of file\n";
+sub worker_wait {
+ my ($self, $outdir) = @_;
+ my $ipc = $self->{ipc};
+ my $ipc_fd = fileno($ipc);
+ while (defined(my $file = $ipc->getline)) {
+ chomp $file;
+ exit unless $file;
+ die "tried to launch nonexistend testfile $file: $!\n"
+ unless -e $file;
+ # start a new and self contained process:
+ # whatever happens in the testfile should *NOT* effect us.
+ my $pid = fork // die "could not fork: $!";
+ if ($pid == 0) {
+ undef @complete_run::CLEANUP;
+ local $SIG{CHLD};
+ $0 = $file;
+ POSIX::dup2($ipc_fd, 0);
+ POSIX::dup2($ipc_fd, 1);
+ POSIX::dup2(1, 2);
+ # get Test::Builder singleton
+ my $test = Test::Builder->new;
+ # Test::Builder dups stdout/stderr while loading.
+ # we need to reset them here to point to $ipc
+ $test->output(\*STDOUT);
+ $test->failure_output(\*STDERR);
+ $test->todo_output(\*STDOUT);
+ = ($self->{display},
+ basename($file),
+ $outdir,
+ $options->{valgrind},
+ $options->{strace},
+ $options->{coverage},
+ $options->{restart});
+ package main;
+ local $@;
+ do "./$file";
+ $test->ok(undef, "$@") if $@;
+ # XXX hack, we need to trigger the read watcher once more
+ # to signal eof to TAP::Parser
+ print $EOF;
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ }
+sub worker_next {
+ my ($self, $file) = @_;
+ my $ipc = $self->{ipc};
+ syswrite $ipc, "$file\n" or die "syswrite: $!";
+__PACKAGE__ __END__
use X11::XCB::Window;
use X11::XCB qw(:all);
use AnyEvent::I3;
-use EV;
use List::Util qw(first);
use Time::HiRes qw(sleep);
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
+use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use SocketActivation;
use v5.10;
+# preload
+use Test::More ();
+use Data::Dumper ();
use Exporter ();
our @EXPORT = qw(
+ $x
my $tester = Test::Builder->new();
my $_sync_window = undef;
my $tmp_socket_path = undef;
+our $x;
my $window_count = 0;
sub counter_window {
+my $i3_pid;
+my $i3_autostart;
+END {
+ # testcases which start i3 manually should always call exit_gracefully
+ # on their own. Let’s see, whether they really did.
+ if (! $i3_autostart) {
+ return unless $i3_pid;
+ $tester->ok(undef, 'testcase called exit_gracefully()');
+ }
+ # don't trigger SIGCHLD handler
+ local $SIG{CHLD};
+ # From perldoc -v '$?':
+ # Inside an "END" subroutine $? contains the value
+ # that is going to be given to "exit()".
+ #
+ # Since waitpid sets $?, we need to localize it,
+ # otherwise TAP would be misinterpreted our return status
+ local $?;
+ # When measuring code coverage, try to exit i3 cleanly (otherwise, .gcda
+ # files are not written)
+ exit_gracefully($i3_pid, "/tmp/nested-$ENV{DISPLAY}");
+ } else {
+ kill(9, $i3_pid)
+ or $tester->BAIL_OUT("could not kill i3");
+ waitpid $i3_pid, 0;
+ }
sub import {
- my $class = shift;
+ my ($class, %args) = @_;
my $pkg = caller;
- eval "package $pkg;
-use Test::Most" . (@_ > 0 ? " qw(@_)" : "") . ";
+ $i3_autostart = delete($args{i3_autostart}) // 1;
+ my $cv = launch_with_config('-default', dont_block => 1)
+ if $i3_autostart;
+ my $test_more_args = '';
+ $test_more_args = join(' ', 'qw(', %args, ')') if keys %args;
+ local $@;
+ eval << "__";
+package $pkg;
+use Test::More $test_more_args;
use Data::Dumper;
use AnyEvent::I3;
use Time::HiRes qw(sleep);
-use Test::Deep qw(eq_deeply cmp_deeply cmp_set cmp_bag cmp_methods useclass noclass set bag subbagof superbagof subsetof supersetof superhashof subhashof bool str arraylength Isa ignore methods regexprefonly regexpmatches num regexponly scalref reftype hashkeysonly blessed array re hash regexpref hash_each shallow array_each code arrayelementsonly arraylengthonly scalarrefonly listmethods any hashkeys isa);
-use v5.10;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
+ $tester->BAIL_OUT("$@") if $@;
+ feature->import(":5.10");
+ strict->import;
+ warnings->import;
+ $x ||= i3test::X11->new;
+ $cv->recv if $i3_autostart;
@_ = ($class);
goto \&Exporter::import;
# wait_for_event $x, 0.25, sub { $_[0]->{response_type} == MAP_NOTIFY };
sub wait_for_event {
- my ($x, $timeout, $cb) = @_;
+ my ($timeout, $cb) = @_;
my $cv = AE::cv;
- my $prep = EV::prepare sub {
- $x->flush;
- };
+ $x->flush;
+ # unfortunately, there is no constant for this
+ my $ae_read = 0;
- my $check = EV::check sub {
+ my $guard = AE::io $x->get_file_descriptor, $ae_read, sub {
while (defined(my $event = $x->poll_for_event)) {
if ($cb->($event)) {
- my $watcher = EV::io $x->get_file_descriptor, EV::READ, sub {
- # do nothing, we only need this watcher so that EV picks up the events
- };
# Trigger timeout after $timeout seconds (can be fractional)
my $t = AE::timer $timeout, 0, sub { warn "timeout ($timeout secs)"; $cv->send(0) };
my $result = $cv->recv;
undef $t;
+ undef $guard;
return $result;
# thin wrapper around wait_for_event which waits for MAP_NOTIFY
# make sure to include 'structure_notify' in the window’s event_mask attribute
sub wait_for_map {
- my ($x) = @_;
- wait_for_event $x, 2, sub { $_[0]->{response_type} == MAP_NOTIFY };
+ my ($win) = @_;
+ my $id = (blessed($win) && $win->isa('X11::XCB::Window')) ? $win->id : $win;
+ wait_for_event 2, sub {
+ $_[0]->{response_type} == MAP_NOTIFY and $_[0]->{window} == $id
+ };
# Wrapper around wait_for_event which waits for UNMAP_NOTIFY. Also calls
# sync_with_i3 to make sure i3 also picked up and processed the UnmapNotify
# event.
sub wait_for_unmap {
- my ($x) = @_;
- wait_for_event $x, 2, sub { $_[0]->{response_type} == UNMAP_NOTIFY };
- sync_with_i3($x);
+ my ($win) = @_;
+ # my $id = (blessed($win) && $win->isa('X11::XCB::Window')) ? $win->id : $win;
+ wait_for_event 2, sub {
+ $_[0]->{response_type} == UNMAP_NOTIFY # and $_[0]->{window} == $id
+ };
+ sync_with_i3();
# set dont_map to a true value to avoid mapping
+# if you want to change aspects of your window before it would be mapped,
+# set before_map to a coderef. $window gets passed as $_ and as first argument.
+# if you set both dont_map and before_map, the coderef will be called nevertheless
# default values:
# rect => [ 0, 0, 30, 30 ]
# name => 'Window <n>'
sub open_window {
- my ($x, $args) = @_;
- my %args = ($args ? %$args : ());
+ my %args = @_ == 1 ? %{$_[0]} : @_;
my $dont_map = delete $args{dont_map};
+ my $before_map = delete $args{before_map};
$args{rect} //= [ 0, 0, 30, 30 ];
my $window = $x->root->create_child(%args);
+ if ($before_map) {
+ # TODO: investigate why _create is not needed
+ $window->_create;
+ $before_map->($window) for $window;
+ }
return $window if $dont_map;
- wait_for_map($x);
- # We sync with i3 here to make sure $x->input_focus is updated.
- sync_with_i3($x);
+ wait_for_map($window);
return $window;
# Thin wrapper around open_window which sets window_type to
# _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY to make the window floating.
sub open_floating_window {
- my ($x, $args) = @_;
- my %args = ($args ? %$args : ());
+ my %args = @_ == 1 ? %{$_[0]} : @_;
$args{window_type} = $x->atom(name => '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY');
- return open_window($x, \%args);
+ return open_window(\%args);
sub open_empty_con {
my @outputs = @{$tree->{nodes}};
my @cons;
for my $output (@outputs) {
+ next if $output->{name} eq '__i3';
# get the first CT_CON of each output
my $content = first { $_->{type} == 2 } @{$output->{nodes}};
@cons = (@cons, @{$content->{nodes}});
+=head2 fresh_workspace(...)
+Switches to an unused workspace and returns the name of that workspace.
+Optionally switches to the specified output first.
+ my $ws = fresh_workspace;
+ # Get a fresh workspace on the second output.
+ my $ws = fresh_workspace(output => 1);
sub fresh_workspace {
+ my %args = @_;
+ if (exists($args{output})) {
+ my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
+ my $tree = $i3->get_tree->recv;
+ my $output = first { $_->{name} eq "xinerama-$args{output}" }
+ @{$tree->{nodes}};
+ die "BUG: Could not find output $args{output}" unless defined($output);
+ # Get the focused workspace on that output and switch to it.
+ my $content = first { $_->{type} == 2 } @{$output->{nodes}};
+ my $focused = $content->{focus}->[0];
+ my $workspace = first { $_->{id} == $focused } @{$content->{nodes}};
+ $workspace = $workspace->{name};
+ cmd("workspace $workspace");
+ }
my $unused = get_unused_workspace;
cmd("workspace $unused");
} elsif ($which eq 'top') {
my $first = first { $_->{type} == 5 } @{$output->{nodes}};
- @docked = (@docked, @{$first->{nodes}});
+ @docked = (@docked, @{$first->{nodes}}) if defined($first);
} elsif ($which eq 'bottom') {
my @matching = grep { $_->{type} == 5 } @{$output->{nodes}};
my $last = $matching[-1];
- @docked = (@docked, @{$last->{nodes}});
+ @docked = (@docked, @{$last->{nodes}}) if defined($last);
return @docked;
($name ~~ @{get_workspace_names()})
+=head2 focused_ws
+Returns the name of the currently focused workspace.
sub focused_ws {
my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
my $tree = $i3->get_tree->recv;
- my @outputs = @{$tree->{nodes}};
- my @cons;
- for my $output (@outputs) {
- # get the first CT_CON of each output
- my $content = first { $_->{type} == 2 } @{$output->{nodes}};
- my $first = first { $_->{fullscreen_mode} == 1 } @{$content->{nodes}};
- return $first->{name}
- }
+ my $focused = $tree->{focus}->[0];
+ my $output = first { $_->{id} == $focused } @{$tree->{nodes}};
+ my $content = first { $_->{type} == 2 } @{$output->{nodes}};
+ my $first = first { $_->{fullscreen_mode} == 1 } @{$content->{nodes}};
+ return $first->{name}
# See also docs/testsuite for a long explanation
sub sync_with_i3 {
- my ($x) = @_;
# Since we need a (mapped) window for receiving a ClientMessage, we create
# one on the first call of sync_with_i3. It will be re-used in all
# subsequent calls.
if (!defined($_sync_window)) {
- $_sync_window = $x->root->create_child(
- rect => X11::XCB::Rect->new(x => -15, y => -15, width => 10, height => 10 ),
+ $_sync_window = open_window(
+ rect => [ -15, -15, 10, 10 ],
override_redirect => 1,
- background_color => '#ff0000',
- event_mask => [ 'structure_notify' ],
- $_sync_window->map;
- wait_for_event $x, 2, sub { $_[0]->{response_type} == MAP_NOTIFY };
my $root = $x->get_root_window();
$x->send_event(0, $root, EVENT_MASK_SUBSTRUCTURE_REDIRECT, $msg);
# now wait until the reply is here
- return wait_for_event $x, 2, sub {
+ return wait_for_event 2, sub {
my ($event) = @_;
# TODO: const
return 0 unless $event->{response_type} == 161;
if (!$exited) {
- kill(9, $pid) or die "could not kill i3";
+ kill(9, $pid)
+ or $tester->BAIL_OUT("could not kill i3");
if ($socketpath =~ m,^/tmp/i3-test-socket-,) {
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ undef $i3_pid;
# Gets the socket path from the I3_SOCKET_PATH atom stored on the X11 root window
return $_cached_socket_path;
- my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
my $atom = $x->atom(name => 'I3_SOCKET_PATH');
my $cookie = $x->get_property(0, $x->get_root_window(), $atom->id, GET_PROPERTY_TYPE_ANY, 0, 256);
my $reply = $x->get_property_reply($cookie->{sequence});
my $socketpath = $reply->{value};
+ if ($socketpath eq "/tmp/nested-$ENV{DISPLAY}") {
+ $socketpath .= '-activation';
+ }
$_cached_socket_path = $socketpath;
return $socketpath;
# launches a new i3 process with the given string as configuration file.
# useful for tests which test specific config file directives.
-# be sure to use !NO_I3_INSTANCE! somewhere in the file to signal
-# complete-run.pl that it should not create an instance of i3
sub launch_with_config {
- my ($config, $dont_add_socket_path) = @_;
+ my ($config, %args) = @_;
+ $tmp_socket_path = "/tmp/nested-$ENV{DISPLAY}";
+ $args{dont_create_temp_dir} //= 0;
- $dont_add_socket_path //= 0;
+ my ($fh, $tmpfile) = tempfile("i3-cfg-for-$ENV{TESTNAME}-XXXXX", UNLINK => 1);
- if (!defined($tmp_socket_path)) {
- $tmp_socket_path = File::Temp::tempnam('/tmp', 'i3-test-socket-');
+ if ($config ne '-default') {
+ say $fh $config;
+ } else {
+ open(my $conf_fh, '<', './i3-test.config')
+ or $tester->BAIL_OUT("could not open default config: $!");
+ local $/;
+ say $fh scalar <$conf_fh>;
- my ($fh, $tmpfile) = tempfile('i3-test-config-XXXXX', UNLINK => 1);
- say $fh $config;
- say $fh "ipc-socket $tmp_socket_path" unless $dont_add_socket_path;
+ say $fh "ipc-socket $tmp_socket_path"
+ unless $args{dont_add_socket_path};
my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
- my $pid = activate_i3(
+ $i3_pid = activate_i3(
unix_socket_path => "$tmp_socket_path-activation",
display => $ENV{DISPLAY},
configfile => $tmpfile,
outdir => $ENV{OUTDIR},
- logpath => $ENV{LOGPATH},
+ testname => $ENV{TESTNAME},
valgrind => $ENV{VALGRIND},
+ strace => $ENV{STRACE},
+ restart => $ENV{RESTART},
cv => $cv,
+ dont_create_temp_dir => $args{dont_create_temp_dir},
+ # force update of the cached socket path in lib/i3test
+ # as soon as i3 has started
+ $cv->cb(sub { get_socket_path(0) });
+ return $cv if $args{dont_block};
# blockingly wait until i3 is ready
- # force update of the cached socket path in lib/i3test
- get_socket_path(0);
+ return $i3_pid;
+package i3test::X11;
+use parent 'X11::XCB::Connection';
+sub input_focus {
+ my $self = shift;
+ i3test::sync_with_i3();
- return $pid;
+ return $self->SUPER::input_focus(@_);
--- /dev/null
\ No newline at end of file
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
use i3test;
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
- use_ok('X11::XCB::Window');
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
my $original_rect = X11::XCB::Rect->new(x => 0, y => 0, width => 30, height => 30);
-my $window = $x->root->create_child(
- rect => $original_rect,
- background_color => '#C0C0C0',
+my $window = open_window(rect => $original_rect, dont_map => 1);
isa_ok($window, 'X11::XCB::Window');
is_deeply($window->rect, $original_rect, "rect unmodified before mapping");
+wait_for_map $window;
my $new_rect = $window->rect;
-ok(!eq_deeply($new_rect, $original_rect), "Window got repositioned");
+ok(!eq_hash($new_rect, $original_rect), "Window got repositioned");
# checks if i3 supports I3_SYNC
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
-use X11::XCB::Connection;
use i3test;
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
-my $result = sync_with_i3($x);
+my $result = sync_with_i3;
ok($result, 'syncing was successful');
use i3test;
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
# Create a window so we can get a focus different from NULL
-my $window = open_window($x);
+my $window = open_window;
my $focus = $x->input_focus;
# Switch to another workspace
my $new_focus = $x->input_focus;
isnt($focus, $new_focus, "Focus changed");
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
use i3test;
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
- use_ok('X11::XCB::Window');
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
my $original_rect = X11::XCB::Rect->new(x => 0, y => 0, width => 30, height => 30);
-my $window = $x->root->create_child(
+my $window = open_window(
rect => $original_rect,
override_redirect => 1,
- background_color => '#C0C0C0',
+ dont_map => 1,
isa_ok($window, 'X11::XCB::Window');
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
use i3test;
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
- use_ok('X11::XCB::Window');
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
# Create a floating window which is smaller than the minimum enforced size of i3
-my $window = $x->root->create_child(
- rect => [ 0, 0, 30, 30],
- background_color => '#C0C0C0',
- # replace the type with 'utility' as soon as the coercion works again in X11::XCB
- window_type => $x->atom(name => '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY'),
- event_mask => [ 'structure_notify' ],
+my $window = open_floating_window;
isa_ok($window, 'X11::XCB::Window');
-wait_for_map $x;
my ($absolute, $top) = $window->rect;
ok($window->mapped, 'Window is mapped');
-$window = $x->root->create_child(
- rect => [ 20, 20, 80, 90],
- background_color => '#C0C0C0',
- window_type => $x->atom(name => '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY'),
- event_mask => [ 'structure_notify' ],
+$window = open_floating_window(rect => [ 20, 20, 80, 90 ]);
isa_ok($window, 'X11::XCB::Window');
-wait_for_map $x;
($absolute, $top) = $window->rect;
cmp_ok($absolute->{width}, '==', 80, "i3 let the width at 80");
# at least the size of its initial geometry
-$window = $x->root->create_child(
- rect => [ 1, 1, 80, 90],
- background_color => '#C0C0C0',
- #window_type => $x->atom(name => '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY'),
- event_mask => [ 'structure_notify' ],
+$window = open_window(rect => [ 1, 1, 80, 90 ]);
isa_ok($window, 'X11::XCB::Window');
-wait_for_map $x;
cmd 'floating enable';
($absolute, $top) = $window->rect;
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
use i3test;
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
use List::Util qw(first);
my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
- use_ok('X11::XCB::Window');
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
# map a window, then fullscreen it
my $original_rect = X11::XCB::Rect->new(x => 0, y => 0, width => 30, height => 30);
-my $window = $x->root->create_child(
+my $window = open_window(
rect => $original_rect,
- background_color => '#C0C0C0',
- event_mask => [ 'structure_notify' ],
+ dont_map => 1,
isa_ok($window, 'X11::XCB::Window');
-wait_for_map $x;
+wait_for_map $window;
# open another container to make the window get only half of the screen
cmd 'open';
my $new_rect = $window->rect;
-ok(!eq_deeply($new_rect, $original_rect), "Window got repositioned");
+ok(!eq_hash($new_rect, $original_rect), "Window got repositioned");
$original_rect = $new_rect;
$new_rect = $window->rect;
-ok(!eq_deeply($new_rect, $original_rect), "Window got repositioned after fullscreen");
+ok(!eq_hash($new_rect, $original_rect), "Window got repositioned after fullscreen");
my $orect = $output->{rect};
my $wrect = $new_rect;
cmd 'open';
$original_rect = X11::XCB::Rect->new(x => 0, y => 0, width => 30, height => 30);
-$window = $x->root->create_child(
+$window = open_window(
rect => $original_rect,
- background_color => 61440,
- event_mask => [ 'structure_notify' ],
+ dont_map => 1,
is_deeply($window->rect, $original_rect, "rect unmodified before mapping");
-wait_for_map $x;
+wait_for_map $window;
$new_rect = $window->rect;
-ok(!eq_deeply($new_rect, $original_rect), "Window got repositioned after fullscreen");
+ok(!eq_hash($new_rect, $original_rect), "Window got repositioned after fullscreen");
ok($window->mapped, "Window is mapped after opening it in fullscreen mode");
$wrect = $new_rect;
$original_rect = X11::XCB::Rect->new(x => 0, y => 0, width => 30, height => 30);
-my $swindow = $x->root->create_child(
+my $swindow = open_window(
rect => $original_rect,
- background_color => '#C0C0C0',
- event_mask => [ 'structure_notify' ],
+ dont_map => 1,
ok(!$swindow->mapped, 'window not mapped while fullscreen window active');
$new_rect = $swindow->rect;
-ok(!eq_deeply($new_rect, $original_rect), "Window got repositioned");
+ok(!eq_hash($new_rect, $original_rect), "Window got repositioned");
is(fullscreen_windows(), 1, 'amount of fullscreen windows');
is(fullscreen_windows(), 0, 'amount of fullscreen windows');
ok($swindow->mapped, 'window mapped after other fullscreen ended');
is(fullscreen_windows(), 0, 'amount of fullscreen windows after disabling');
use i3test;
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
cmd 'layout default';
cmd 'split v';
-my $top = open_window($x);
-my $mid = open_window($x);
-my $bottom = open_window($x);
+my $top = open_window;
+my $mid = open_window;
+my $bottom = open_window;
# Returns the input focus after sending the given command to i3 via IPC
my $msg = shift;
cmd $msg;
- sync_with_i3 $x;
return $x->input_focus;
-$focus = $x->input_focus;
+my $focus = $x->input_focus;
is($focus, $bottom->id, "Latest window focused");
$focus = focus_after('focus up');
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
use i3test;
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
use List::Util qw(first);
- use_ok('X11::XCB::Connection') or BAIL_OUT('Cannot load X11::XCB::Connection');
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
# verify that there is no dock window yet
my $primary = first { $_->primary } @{$screens};
# TODO: focus the primary screen before
-my $window = open_window($x, {
+my $window = open_window({
window_type => $x->atom(name => '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK'),
$window->rect(X11::XCB::Rect->new(x => 0, y => 0, width => 50, height => 40));
-sync_with_i3 $x;
@docked = get_dock_clients('top');
is(@docked, 1, 'one dock client found');
-wait_for_unmap $x;
+wait_for_unmap $window;
@docked = get_dock_clients();
is(@docked, 0, 'no more dock clients');
# check if it gets placed on bottom (by coordinates)
-$window = open_window($x, {
+$window = open_window({
rect => [ 0, 1000, 30, 30 ],
background_color => '#FF0000',
window_type => $x->atom(name => '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK'),
-my $rect = $window->rect;
+$rect = $window->rect;
is($rect->width, $primary->rect->width, 'dock client is as wide as the screen');
is($rect->height, 30, 'height is unchanged');
-wait_for_unmap $x;
+wait_for_unmap $window;
@docked = get_dock_clients();
is(@docked, 0, 'no more dock clients');
# check if it gets placed on bottom (by hint)
-$window = open_window($x, {
+$window = open_window({
dont_map => 1,
rect => [ 0, 1000, 30, 30 ],
background_color => '#FF0000',
-wait_for_map $x;
+wait_for_map $window;
@docked = get_dock_clients('top');
is(@docked, 1, 'dock client on top');
-wait_for_unmap $x;
+wait_for_unmap $window;
@docked = get_dock_clients();
is(@docked, 0, 'no more dock clients');
-$window = open_window($x, {
+$window = open_window({
dont_map => 1,
rect => [ 0, 1000, 30, 30 ],
background_color => '#FF0000',
-my $atomname = $x->atom(name => '_NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL');
-my $atomtype = $x->atom(name => 'CARDINAL');
+$atomname = $x->atom(name => '_NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL');
+$atomtype = $x->atom(name => 'CARDINAL');
-wait_for_map $x;
+wait_for_map $window;
@docked = get_dock_clients('bottom');
is(@docked, 1, 'dock client on bottom');
# regression test: transient dock client
-$fwindow = open_window($x, {
+my $fwindow = open_window({
dont_map => 1,
background_color => '#FF0000',
window_type => $x->atom(name => '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK'),
-wait_for_map $x;
+wait_for_map $fwindow;
return $x->input_focus;
-$focus = $x->input_focus;
+my $focus = $x->input_focus;
is($focus, $bottom->id, "Latest window focused");
$focus = focus_after("ml");
use i3test;
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
cmd 'split h';
-my $tiled_left = open_window($x);
-my $tiled_right = open_window($x);
+my $tiled_left = open_window;
+my $tiled_right = open_window;
# Get input focus before creating the floating window
my $focus = $x->input_focus;
# Create a floating window which is smaller than the minimum enforced size of i3
-my $window = open_floating_window($x);
+my $window = open_floating_window;
is($x->input_focus, $window->id, 'floating window focused');
+wait_for_unmap $window;
is($x->input_focus, $focus, 'Focus correctly restored');
return $x->input_focus;
-$focus = $x->input_focus;
+my $focus = $x->input_focus;
is($focus, $bottom->id, "Latest window focused");
$focus = focus_after("s");
use i3test;
use File::Temp;
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
cmd 'split h';
# Create two windows and make sure focus switching works
-my $top = open_window($x);
-my $mid = open_window($x);
-my $bottom = open_window($x);
+my $top = open_window;
+my $mid = open_window;
+my $bottom = open_window;
# Returns the input focus after sending the given command to i3 via IPC
my $msg = shift;
cmd $msg;
- sync_with_i3($x);
return $x->input_focus;
-$focus = $x->input_focus;
+my $focus = $x->input_focus;
is($focus, $bottom->id, "Latest window focused");
$focus = focus_after('focus left');
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
use i3test;
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
- use_ok('X11::XCB::Connection') or BAIL_OUT('Cannot load X11::XCB::Connection');
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
# Create a floating window and see if resizing works
-my $window = open_floating_window($x);
+my $window = open_floating_window;
# See if configurerequests cause window movements (they should not)
my ($a, $t) = $window->rect;
$window->rect(X11::XCB::Rect->new(x => $a->x, y => $a->y, width => $a->width, height => $a->height));
my ($na, $nt) = $window->rect;
is_deeply($na, $a, 'Rects are equal after configurerequest');
sub test_resize {
$window->rect(X11::XCB::Rect->new(x => 0, y => 0, width => 100, height => 100));
- sync_with_i3($x);
+ sync_with_i3;
my ($absolute, $top) = $window->rect;
$window->rect(X11::XCB::Rect->new(x => 0, y => 0, width => 300, height => 500));
- sync_with_i3($x);
+ sync_with_i3;
($absolute, $top) = $window->rect;
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
use i3test;
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
use List::Util qw(first);
- use_ok('X11::XCB::Connection') or BAIL_OUT('Cannot load X11::XCB::Connection');
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
cmd 'split v';
-my $top = open_window($x);
-my $bottom = open_window($x);
+my $top = open_window;
+my $bottom = open_window;
my @urgent = grep { $_->{urgent} } @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
is(@urgent, 0, 'no window got the urgent flag');
# Add the urgency hint, switch to a different workspace and back again
-@content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
+my @content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
@urgent = grep { $_->{urgent} } @content;
-$top_info = first { $_->{window} == $top->id } @content;
-$bottom_info = first { $_->{window} == $bottom->id } @content;
+my $top_info = first { $_->{window} == $top->id } @content;
+my $bottom_info = first { $_->{window} == $bottom->id } @content;
ok($top_info->{urgent}, 'top window is marked urgent');
ok(!$bottom_info->{urgent}, 'bottom window is not marked urgent');
is(@urgent, 0, 'no window got the urgent flag after focusing');
@urgent = grep { $_->{urgent} } @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
is(@urgent, 0, 'no window got the urgent flag after re-setting urgency hint');
my $otmp = fresh_workspace;
$ws = get_ws($tmp);
ok($ws->{urgent}, 'urgent flag set on workspace');
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
use i3test;
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
- use_ok('X11::XCB::Connection') or BAIL_OUT('Cannot load X11::XCB::Connection');
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
# one of both (depending on your screen resolution) will be positioned wrong.
-my $left = open_window($x, { name => 'Left' });
-my $right = open_window($x, { name => 'Right' });
+my $left = open_window({ name => 'Left' });
+my $right = open_window({ name => 'Right' });
my ($abs, $rgeom) = $right->rect;
-my $child = open_floating_window($x, {
+my $child = open_floating_window({
dont_map => 1,
name => 'Child window',
-ok(wait_for_map($x), 'child window mapped');
+ok(wait_for_map($child), 'child window mapped');
my $cgeom;
($abs, $cgeom) = $child->rect;
cmp_ok($cgeom->x, '>=', $rgeom->x, 'Child X >= right container X');
-my $child2 = open_floating_window($x, {
+my $child2 = open_floating_window({
dont_map => 1,
name => 'Child window 2',
-ok(wait_for_map($x), 'second child window mapped');
+ok(wait_for_map($child2), 'second child window mapped');
($abs, $cgeom) = $child2->rect;
cmp_ok(($cgeom->x + $cgeom->width), '<', $rgeom->x, 'child above left window');
# check wm_transient_for
-my $fwindow = open_window($x, { dont_map => 1 });
+my $fwindow = open_window({ dont_map => 1 });
-ok(wait_for_map($x), 'transient window mapped');
+ok(wait_for_map($fwindow), 'transient window mapped');
my ($absolute, $top) = $fwindow->rect;
ok($absolute->{x} != 0 && $absolute->{y} != 0, 'i3 did not map it to (0x0)');
# Create a parent window
-my $window = open_window($x, { dont_map => 1, name => 'Parent window' });
+my $window = open_window({ dont_map => 1, name => 'Parent window' });
-ok(wait_for_map($x), 'parent window mapped');
+ok(wait_for_map($window), 'parent window mapped');
# Switch to a different workspace and open a child window. It should be opened
-my $child = open_window($x, { dont_map => 1, name => 'Child window' });
+my $child = open_window({ dont_map => 1, name => 'Child window' });
-ok(wait_for_map($x), 'child window mapped');
+ok(wait_for_map($child), 'child window mapped');
isnt($x->input_focus, $child->id, "Child window focused");
my $tree = $i3->get_tree->recv;
+# a unique value
+my $ignore = \"";
my $expected = {
fullscreen_mode => 0,
- nodes => ignore(),
+ nodes => $ignore,
window => undef,
name => 'root',
- orientation => ignore(),
+ orientation => $ignore,
type => 0,
- id => ignore(),
- rect => ignore(),
- window_rect => ignore(),
- geometry => ignore(),
- swallows => ignore(),
+ id => $ignore,
+ rect => $ignore,
+ window_rect => $ignore,
+ geometry => $ignore,
+ swallows => $ignore,
percent => undef,
layout => 'default',
- focus => ignore(),
+ floating => 'auto_off',
+ scratchpad_state => 'none',
+ focus => $ignore,
focused => JSON::XS::false,
urgent => JSON::XS::false,
border => 'normal',
- 'floating_nodes' => ignore(),
+ 'floating_nodes' => $ignore,
-cmp_deeply($tree, $expected, 'root node OK');
+# a shallow copy is sufficient, since we only ignore values at the root
+my $tree_copy = { %$tree };
+for (keys %$expected) {
+ my $val = $expected->{$_};
+ # delete unwanted keys, so we can use is_deeply()
+ if (ref($val) eq 'SCALAR' and $val == $ignore) {
+ delete $tree_copy->{$_};
+ delete $expected->{$_};
+ }
+is_deeply($tree_copy, $expected, 'root node OK');
my @nodes = @{$tree->{nodes}};
is($ws->{num}, 3, 'workspace number is 3');
cmd "workspace 0: $tmp";
-my $ws = get_ws("0: $tmp");
+$ws = get_ws("0: $tmp");
ok(defined($ws), "workspace 0: $tmp was created");
is($ws->{num}, 0, 'workspace number is 0');
cmd "workspace aa: $tmp";
-my $ws = get_ws("aa: $tmp");
+$ws = get_ws("aa: $tmp");
ok(defined($ws), "workspace aa: $tmp was created");
is($ws->{num}, -1, 'workspace number is -1');
# Tests all kinds of matching methods
use i3test;
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 0, 'no containers yet');
# Open a new window
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
-my $window = open_window($x);
+my $window = open_window;
my $content = get_ws_content($tmp);
ok(@{$content} == 1, 'window mapped');
my $win = $content->[0];
my $id = $win->{id};
cmd qq|[con_id="$id"] kill|;
-wait_for_unmap $x;
+wait_for_unmap $window;
cmd 'nop checking if its gone';
$content = get_ws_content($tmp);
-my $left = $x->root->create_child(
- rect => [ 0, 0, 30, 30 ],
- background_color => '#0000ff',
- event_mask => [ 'structure_notify' ],
-set_wm_class($left->id, 'special', 'special');
-ok(wait_for_map($x), 'left window mapped');
-my $right = $x->root->create_child(
- rect => [ 0, 0, 30, 30 ],
- background_color => '#0000ff',
- event_mask => [ 'structure_notify' ],
-set_wm_class($right->id, 'special', 'special');
-ok(wait_for_map($x), 'right window mapped');
+sub open_special {
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $wm_class = delete($args{wm_class}) || 'special';
+ return open_window(
+ %args,
+ before_map => sub { set_wm_class($_->id, $wm_class, $wm_class) },
+ );
+my $left = open_special(name => 'left');
+ok($left->mapped, 'left window mapped');
+my $right = open_special(name => 'right');
+ok($right->mapped, 'right window mapped');
# two windows should be here
$content = get_ws_content($tmp);
cmd '[class="special" title="left"] kill';
$content = get_ws_content($tmp);
is(@{$content}, 1, 'one window still there');
$tmp = fresh_workspace;
-$left = $x->root->create_child(
- rect => [ 0, 0, 30, 30 ],
- background_color => '#0000ff',
- event_mask => [ 'structure_notify' ],
-set_wm_class($left->id, 'special7', 'special7');
-ok(wait_for_map($x), 'left window mapped');
+$left = open_special(name => 'left', wm_class => 'special7');
+ok($left->mapped, 'left window mapped');
# two windows should be here
$content = get_ws_content($tmp);
cmd '[class="^special[0-9]$"] kill';
-wait_for_unmap $x;
+wait_for_unmap $left;
$content = get_ws_content($tmp);
is(@{$content}, 0, 'window killed');
$tmp = fresh_workspace;
-$left = $x->root->create_child(
- rect => [ 0, 0, 30, 30 ],
- background_color => '#0000ff',
- event_mask => [ 'structure_notify' ],
-set_wm_class($left->id, 'special7', 'special7');
-$left->name('ä 3');
-ok(wait_for_map($x), 'left window mapped');
+$left = open_special(name => 'ä 3', wm_class => 'special7');
+ok($left->mapped, 'left window mapped');
# two windows should be here
$content = get_ws_content($tmp);
cmd '[title="^\w [3]$"] kill';
-wait_for_unmap $x;
+wait_for_unmap $left;
$content = get_ws_content($tmp);
is(@{$content}, 0, 'window killed');
# Tests splitting
use i3test;
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
# 4) move a container in a different direction so that we need to go up in tree
use i3test;
-use X11::XCB::Connection;
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
$tmp = fresh_workspace;
-my $floatwin = open_floating_window($x);
+my $floatwin = open_floating_window;
my ($absolute_before, $top_before) = $floatwin->rect;
cmd 'move left';
($absolute, $top) = $floatwin->rect;
-is($absolute->x, ($absolute_before->x - 20), 'moved 10 px to the left');
+is($absolute->x, ($absolute_before->x - 20), 'moved 20 px to the left');
is($absolute->y, $absolute_before->y, 'y not changed');
is($absolute->width, $absolute_before->width, 'width not changed');
is($absolute->height, $absolute_before->height, 'height not changed');
my $floating = get_focused($tmp);
diag("focused floating: " . get_focused($tmp));
cmd 'mode toggle';
-# TODO: eliminate this race conditition
-sleep 1;
# kill old container
cmd qq|[con_id="$old"] focus|;
cmd qq|[con_id="$floating"] focus|;
is(get_focused($tmp), $floating, 'floating window focused');
-sleep 1;
cmd 'mode toggle';
cmd qq|[con_id="$first"] focus|;
cmd 'open';
-$content = get_ws_content($tmp);
+my $content = get_ws_content($tmp);
ok(@{$content} == 3, 'three containers opened');
is($content->[0]->{id}, $first, 'first container unmodified');
# Check if the focus is correctly restored after closing windows.
use i3test;
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
use List::Util qw(first);
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
cmd 'kill';
-# TODO: this testcase sometimes has different outcomes when the
-# sleep is missing. why?
-sleep 0.25;
($nodes, $focus) = get_ws_content($tmp);
is($nodes->[1]->{nodes}->[0]->{id}, $second, 'second container found');
ok($nodes->[1]->{nodes}->[0]->{focused}, 'second container focused');
$middle = open_empty_con($i3);
# XXX: the $right empty con will be filled with the x11 window we are creating afterwards
$right = open_empty_con($i3);
-my $win = open_window($x, { background_color => '#00ff00' });
+my $win = open_window({ background_color => '#00ff00' });
cmd qq|[con_id="$middle"] focus|;
-sleep 0.25;
is(get_focused($tmp), $middle, 'middle container focused');
cmd 'split v';
-($nodes, $focus) = get_ws_content($tmp);
+my ($nodes, $focus) = get_ws_content($tmp);
is($nodes->[0]->{focused}, 0, 'split container not focused');
my $split = $focus->[0];
cmd 'level down';
-my $second = open_empty_con($i3);
+$second = open_empty_con($i3);
isnt($first, $second, 'different container focused');
# focus the split container
cmd 'level up';
($nodes, $focus) = get_ws_content($tmp);
-my $split = $focus->[0];
+$split = $focus->[0];
cmd 'level down';
-my $second = open_empty_con($i3);
+$second = open_empty_con($i3);
isnt($first, $second, 'different container focused');
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
-# Checks if the 'move workspace' command works correctly
+# Checks if the 'move [window/container] to workspace' command works correctly
use i3test;
# We move the pointer out of our way to avoid a bug where the focus will
# be set to the window under the cursor
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
$x->root->warp_pointer(0, 0);
-my $tmp = get_unused_workspace();
-my $tmp2 = get_unused_workspace();
-cmd "workspace $tmp";
+sub move_workspace_test {
+ my ($movecmd) = @_;
-ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 0, 'no containers yet');
+ my $tmp = get_unused_workspace();
+ my $tmp2 = get_unused_workspace();
+ cmd "workspace $tmp";
-my $first = open_empty_con($i3);
-my $second = open_empty_con($i3);
-ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 2, 'two containers on first ws');
+ ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 0, 'no containers yet');
-cmd "workspace $tmp2";
-ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp2)} == 0, 'no containers on second ws yet');
+ my $first = open_empty_con($i3);
+ my $second = open_empty_con($i3);
+ ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 2, 'two containers on first ws');
-cmd "workspace $tmp";
+ cmd "workspace $tmp2";
+ ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp2)} == 0, 'no containers on second ws yet');
-cmd "move workspace $tmp2";
-ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 1, 'one container on first ws anymore');
-ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp2)} == 1, 'one container on second ws');
-my ($nodes, $focus) = get_ws_content($tmp2);
+ cmd "workspace $tmp";
+ cmd "$movecmd $tmp2";
+ ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 1, 'one container on first ws anymore');
+ ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp2)} == 1, 'one container on second ws');
+ my ($nodes, $focus) = get_ws_content($tmp2);
+ is($focus->[0], $second, 'same container on different ws');
-is($focus->[0], $second, 'same container on different ws');
+ ($nodes, $focus) = get_ws_content($tmp);
+ ok($nodes->[0]->{focused}, 'first container focused on first ws');
-($nodes, $focus) = get_ws_content($tmp);
-ok($nodes->[0]->{focused}, 'first container focused on first ws');
+move_workspace_test('move workspace'); # supported for legacy reasons
+move_workspace_test('move to workspace');
+# Those are just synonyms and more verbose ways of saying the same thing:
+move_workspace_test('move window to workspace');
+move_workspace_test('move container to workspace');
# check if 'move workspace next' and 'move workspace prev' work
# Open two containers on the first workspace, one container on the second
# workspace. Because the workspaces are named, they will be sorted by order of
# creation.
-$tmp = get_unused_workspace();
-$tmp2 = get_unused_workspace();
+my $tmp = get_unused_workspace();
+my $tmp2 = get_unused_workspace();
cmd "workspace $tmp";
ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 0, 'no containers yet');
-$first = open_empty_con($i3);
-$second = open_empty_con($i3);
+my $first = open_empty_con($i3);
+my $second = open_empty_con($i3);
ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 2, 'two containers on first ws');
cmd "workspace $tmp2";
use i3test;
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 0, 'no containers yet');
-my $win = open_window($x, { dont_map => 1 });
+my $win = open_window({ dont_map => 1 });
# XXX: we should check screen size. in screens with an AR of 2.0,
# this is not a good idea.
my $aspect = X11::XCB::Sizehints::Aspect->new;
-wait_for_map $x;
+wait_for_map $win;
my $rect = $win->rect;
my $ar = $rect->width / $rect->height;
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
use i3test;
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
-use X11::XCB::Connection;
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
# 1: see if focus stays the same when toggling tiling/floating mode
-my $first = open_window($x);
-my $second = open_window($x);
+my $first = open_window;
+my $second = open_window;
is($x->input_focus, $second->id, 'second window focused');
$tmp = fresh_workspace;
-$first = open_window($x); # window 2
-$second = open_window($x); # window 3
-my $third = open_window($x); # window 4
+$first = open_window; # window 2
+$second = open_window; # window 3
+my $third = open_window; # window 4
is($x->input_focus, $third->id, 'last container focused');
cmd '[id="' . $second->id . '"] focus';
is($x->input_focus, $second->id, 'second con focused');
cmd 'floating enable';
# now kill the third one (it's floating). focus should stay unchanged
cmd '[id="' . $third->id . '"] kill';
-# TODO: wait for unmapnotify
is($x->input_focus, $second->id, 'second con still focused after killing third');
$tmp = fresh_workspace;
-$first = open_window($x, { background_color => '#ff0000' }); # window 5
-$second = open_window($x, { background_color => '#00ff00' }); # window 6
-my $third = open_window($x, { background_color => '#0000ff' }); # window 7
+$first = open_window({ background_color => '#ff0000' }); # window 5
+$second = open_window({ background_color => '#00ff00' }); # window 6
+$third = open_window({ background_color => '#0000ff' }); # window 7
is($x->input_focus, $third->id, 'last container focused');
cmd '[id="' . $second->id . '"] focus';
is($x->input_focus, $second->id, 'second con focused');
cmd 'floating enable';
# now kill the second one. focus should fall back to the third one, which is
# also floating
cmd 'kill';
-# TODO: wait for unmapnotify
is($x->input_focus, $third->id, 'third con focused');
cmd 'kill';
-# TODO: wait for unmapnotify
is($x->input_focus, $first->id, 'first con focused after killing all floating cons');
$tmp = fresh_workspace;
-$first = open_window($x, { background_color => '#ff0000' }); # window 5
+$first = open_window({ background_color => '#ff0000' }); # window 5
cmd 'split v';
cmd 'layout stacked';
-$second = open_window($x, { background_color => '#00ff00' }); # window 6
-$third = open_window($x, { background_color => '#0000ff' }); # window 7
+$second = open_window({ background_color => '#00ff00' }); # window 6
+$third = open_window({ background_color => '#0000ff' }); # window 7
is($x->input_focus, $third->id, 'last container focused');
cmd '[id="' . $second->id . '"] focus';
is($x->input_focus, $second->id, 'second con focused');
cmd 'floating enable';
# now kill the second one. focus should fall back to the third one, which is
# also floating
cmd 'kill';
-# TODO: wait for unmapnotify
is($x->input_focus, $third->id, 'third con focused');
cmd 'kill';
-# TODO: wait for unmapnotify
is($x->input_focus, $first->id, 'first con focused after killing all floating cons');
$tmp = fresh_workspace;
-$first = open_window($x, { background_color => '#ff0000' }); # window 8
-$second = open_window($x, { background_color => '#00ff00' }); # window 9
+$first = open_window({ background_color => '#ff0000' }); # window 8
+$second = open_window({ background_color => '#00ff00' }); # window 9
is($x->input_focus, $second->id, 'second container focused');
cmd 'focus tiling';
is($x->input_focus, $first->id, 'first (tiling) container focused');
cmd 'focus floating';
is($x->input_focus, $second->id, 'second (floating) container focused');
cmd 'focus floating';
is($x->input_focus, $second->id, 'second (floating) container still focused');
cmd 'focus mode_toggle';
is($x->input_focus, $first->id, 'first (tiling) container focused');
cmd 'focus mode_toggle';
is($x->input_focus, $second->id, 'second (floating) container focused');
$tmp = fresh_workspace;
-$first = open_floating_window($x, { background_color => '#ff0000' });# window 10
-$second = open_floating_window($x, { background_color => '#00ff00' }); # window 11
-$third = open_floating_window($x, { background_color => '#0000ff' }); # window 12
+$first = open_floating_window({ background_color => '#ff0000' });# window 10
+$second = open_floating_window({ background_color => '#00ff00' }); # window 11
+$third = open_floating_window({ background_color => '#0000ff' }); # window 12
is($x->input_focus, $third->id, 'third container focused');
cmd 'focus left';
is($x->input_focus, $second->id, 'second container focused');
cmd 'focus left';
is($x->input_focus, $first->id, 'first container focused');
cmd 'focus left';
is($x->input_focus, $third->id, 'focus wrapped to third container');
cmd 'focus right';
is($x->input_focus, $first->id, 'focus wrapped to first container');
cmd 'focus right';
is($x->input_focus, $second->id, 'focus on second container');
# Regression test: when only having a floating window on a workspace, it should not be deleted.
use i3test;
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
- use_ok('X11::XCB::Window');
my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
ok(workspace_exists($tmp), "workspace $tmp exists");
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
# Create a floating window which is smaller than the minimum enforced size of i3
-my $window = open_floating_window($x);
+my $window = open_floating_window;
ok($window->mapped, 'Window is mapped');
# switch to a different workspace, see if the window is still mapped?
# to a different workspace.
use i3test;
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
- use_ok('X11::XCB::Window');
my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
# 1: open a floating window, get it mapped
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
# Create a floating window which is smaller than the minimum enforced size of i3
-my $window = open_floating_window($x);
+my $window = open_floating_window;
ok($window->mapped, 'Window is mapped');
# switch to a different workspace, see if the window is still mapped?
my $otmp = fresh_workspace;
ok(!$window->mapped, 'Window is not mapped after switching ws');
# if only a floating window is present on the workspace.
use i3test;
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
- use_ok('X11::XCB::Window');
my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
# 1: open a floating window, get it mapped
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
# Create a floating window
-my $window = open_floating_window($x);
+my $window = open_floating_window;
ok($window->mapped, 'Window is mapped');
my $ws = get_ws($tmp);
is(@{$nodes}, 0, 'no tiling nodes');
# Create a tiling window
-my $twindow = open_window($x);
+my $twindow = open_window;
($nodes, $focus) = get_ws_content($tmp);
$tmp = fresh_workspace;
-my $first = open_window($x);
-my $second = open_window($x);
+my $first = open_window;
+my $second = open_window;
cmd 'layout stacked';
is(@{$ws->{nodes}}, 1, 'one tiling node (stacked con)');
# Create a floating window
-my $window = open_floating_window($x);
+$window = open_floating_window;
ok($window->mapped, 'Window is mapped');
$ws = get_ws($tmp);
is(@{$ws->{floating_nodes}}, 1, 'one floating nodes');
is(@{$ws->{nodes}}, 1, 'one tiling node (stacked con)');
-my $third = open_window($x);
+my $third = open_window;
$ws = get_ws($tmp);
# Check if numbered workspaces and named workspaces are sorted in the right way
# in get_workspaces IPC output (necessary for i3bar etc.).
use i3test;
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
- use_ok('X11::XCB::Window');
my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
sub check_order {
my ($msg) = @_;
my @nums = map { $_->{num} } grep { defined($_->{num}) } @ws;
my @sorted = sort @nums;
- cmp_deeply(\@nums, \@sorted, $msg);
+ is_deeply(\@nums, \@sorted, $msg);
check_order('workspace order alright before testing');
cmd "workspace 93";
my @ws = @{$i3->get_workspaces->recv};
my @f = grep { defined($_->{num}) && $_->{num} == 93 } @ws;
check_order('workspace order alright after opening 93');
cmd "workspace 92";
check_order('workspace order alright after opening 92');
cmd "workspace 94";
check_order('workspace order alright after opening 94');
cmd "workspace 96";
check_order('workspace order alright after opening 96');
cmd "workspace foo";
check_order('workspace order alright after opening foo');
cmd "workspace 91";
check_order('workspace order alright after opening 91');
# Regression: Check if the focus stays the same when switching the layout
# bug introduced by 77d0d42ed2d7ac8cafe267c92b35a81c1b9491eb
use i3test;
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
- use_ok('X11::XCB::Window');
my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
sub check_order {
my ($msg) = @_;
my @nums = map { $_->{num} } grep { defined($_->{num}) } @ws;
my @sorted = sort @nums;
- cmp_deeply(\@nums, \@sorted, $msg);
+ is_deeply(\@nums, \@sorted, $msg);
my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
-my $left = open_window($x);
-my $mid = open_window($x);
-my $right = open_window($x);
+my $left = open_window;
+my $mid = open_window;
+my $right = open_window;
diag("left = " . $left->id . ", mid = " . $mid->id . ", right = " . $right->id);
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
# Tests resizing tiling containers
use i3test;
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
- use_ok('X11::XCB::Window');
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
cmd 'split v';
-my $top = open_window($x);
-my $bottom = open_window($x);
+my $top = open_window;
+my $bottom = open_window;
diag("top = " . $top->id . ", bottom = " . $bottom->id);
cmd 'split v';
-$top = open_window($x);
-$bottom = open_window($x);
+$top = open_window;
+$bottom = open_window;
cmd 'split h';
cmd 'layout stacked';
$tmp = fresh_workspace;
-$top = open_window($x);
+$top = open_window;
cmd 'floating enable';
my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
cmd 'open';
-cmd 'mode toggle';
-cmd 'restart';
+cmd 'floating toggle';
-sleep 0.5;
+my $ws = get_ws($tmp);
+is(scalar @{$ws->{nodes}}, 0, 'no tiling nodes');
+is(scalar @{$ws->{floating_nodes}}, 1, 'precisely one floating node');
+cmd 'restart';
diag('Checking if i3 still lives');
-my $ws = get_ws($tmp);
-diag('ws = ' . Dumper($ws));
+$ws = get_ws($tmp);
+is(scalar @{$ws->{nodes}}, 0, 'no tiling nodes');
+is(scalar @{$ws->{floating_nodes}}, 1, 'precisely one floating node');
my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
-cmd 'exec /usr/bin/urxvt';
-sleep 0.5;
-cmd 'exec /usr/bin/urxvt';
-sleep 0.5;
+my $first = open_window;
+my $second = open_window;
my ($nodes, $focus) = get_ws_content($tmp);
my $old_sum = sum map { $_->{rect}->{width} } @{$nodes};
-#cmd 'open';
cmd 'resize grow left 10 px or 25 ppt';
cmd 'split v';
-#cmd 'open';
-cmd 'exec /usr/bin/urxvt';
-sleep 0.5;
+my $third = open_window;
cmd 'mode toggle';
-sleep 0.5;
-cmd 'kill';
-sleep 0.5;
+cmd 'kill';
($nodes, $focus) = get_ws_content($tmp);
my $new_sum = sum map { $_->{rect}->{width} } @{$nodes};
# This testcase checks that the tree is properly flattened after moving.
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
use i3test;
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
-my $left = open_window($x);
-my $mid = open_window($x);
-my $right = open_window($x);
+my $left = open_window;
+my $mid = open_window;
+my $right = open_window;
-cmd 'move before v';
-cmd 'move after h';
+cmd 'move up';
+cmd 'move right';
my $ws = get_ws($tmp);
is($ws->{orientation}, 'horizontal', 'workspace orientation is horizontal');
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
use i3test;
- use_ok('X11::XCB::Window');
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
-my $left = open_window($x);
-my $mid = open_window($x);
+my $left = open_window;
+my $mid = open_window;
cmd 'split v';
-my $bottom = open_window($x);
+my $bottom = open_window;
my ($nodes, $focus) = get_ws_content($tmp);
# Create a floating window
-my $window = open_floating_window($x);
+my $window = open_floating_window;
ok($window->mapped, 'Window is mapped');
($nodes, $focus) = get_ws_content($tmp);
cmd 'floating toggle';
-my ($nodes, $focus) = get_ws_content($tmp);
+($nodes, $focus) = get_ws_content($tmp);
is(@{$nodes->[1]->{nodes}}, 3, 'three windows in split con after floating toggle');
# Regression test for moving a con outside of a floating con when there are no
# tiling cons on a workspace
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
-use Time::HiRes qw(sleep);
use i3test;
- use_ok('X11::XCB::Window');
+sub sync_cmd {
+ cmd @_;
+ sync_with_i3;
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
-my $left = open_window($x);
-my $mid = open_window($x);
-my $right = open_window($x);
+my $left = open_window;
+my $mid = open_window;
+my $right = open_window;
# go to workspace level
-cmd 'level up';
-sleep 0.25;
+sync_cmd 'level up';
# make it floating
-cmd 'mode toggle';
-sleep 0.25;
+sync_cmd 'mode toggle';
# move the con outside the floating con
-cmd 'move before v';
-sleep 0.25;
+sync_cmd 'move up';
# move another con outside
-cmd '[id="' . $mid->id . '"] focus';
-cmd 'move before v';
-sleep 0.25;
+sync_cmd '[id="' . $mid->id . '"] focus';
+sync_cmd 'move up';
# Regression test for correct focus behaviour when moving a floating con to
# another workspace.
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
use i3test;
- use_ok('X11::XCB::Window');
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
# open a tiling window on the first workspace
-#sleep 0.25;
my $first = get_focused($tmp);
# on a different ws, open a floating window
my $otmp = fresh_workspace;
-#sleep 0.25;
my $float = get_focused($otmp);
cmd 'mode toggle';
-#sleep 0.25;
# move the floating con to first workspace
cmd "move workspace $tmp";
-#sleep 0.25;
# switch to the first ws and check focus
is(get_focused($tmp), $float, 'floating client correctly focused');
# Regression test for inplace restarting with dock clients
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
use i3test;
- use_ok('X11::XCB::Window');
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
# open a dock client
-my $window = open_window($x, {
+my $window = open_window({
background_color => '#FF0000',
window_type => $x->atom(name => '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK'),
# perform an inplace-restart
cmd 'restart';
-sleep 0.25;
-wait_for_unmap $x;
+wait_for_unmap $window;
@docked = get_dock_clients;
is(@docked, 0, 'no dock clients found');
# create a dock client with a 1px border
-$window = open_window($x, {
+$window = open_window({
border => 1,
rect => [ 0, 0, 30, 20 ],
background_color => '#00FF00',
is($docknode->{rect}->{height}, 20, 'dock node has unchanged height');
cmd 'restart';
-sleep 0.25;
@docked = get_dock_clients;
is(@docked, 1, 'one dock client found');
# Test if the requested width/height is set after making the window floating.
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
use i3test;
my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
# Create a floating window which is smaller than the minimum enforced size of i3
-my $window = open_window($x, { rect => [ 0, 0, 400, 150 ] });
+my $window = open_window({ rect => [ 0, 0, 400, 150 ] });
my ($absolute, $top) = $window->rect;
cmp_ok($absolute->{height}, '>', 150, 'i3 raised the height');
cmd 'floating toggle';
($absolute, $top) = $window->rect;
# Regression test for closing one of multiple dock clients
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
use i3test;
- use_ok('X11::XCB::Window');
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
# open a dock client
-my $first = open_window($x, {
+my $first = open_window({
background_color => '#FF0000',
window_type => $x->atom(name => '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK'),
# Open a second dock client
-my $second = open_window($x, {
+my $second = open_window({
background_color => '#FF0000',
window_type => $x->atom(name => '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK'),
# Test to see if i3 combines the geometry of all children in a split container
# when setting the split container to floating
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
use i3test;
- use_ok('X11::XCB::Window');
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
# open a window with 200x80
-my $first = open_window($x, {
+my $first = open_window({
rect => [ 0, 0, 200, 80],
background_color => '#FF0000',
# Open a second window with 300x90
-my $second = open_window($x, {
+my $second = open_window({
rect => [ 0, 0, 300, 90],
background_color => '#00FF00',
# Test if new containers get focused when there is a fullscreen container at
# the time of launching the new one.
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
use i3test;
- use_ok('X11::XCB::Window');
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
# open the left window
-my $left = open_window($x, { background_color => '#ff0000' });
+my $left = open_window({ background_color => '#ff0000' });
is($x->input_focus, $left->id, 'left window focused');
# Open the right window
-my $right = open_window($x, { background_color => '#00ff00' });
+my $right = open_window({ background_color => '#00ff00' });
diag("right = " . $right->id);
# Open a third window
-my $third = open_window($x, {
+my $third = open_window({
background_color => '#0000ff',
name => 'Third window',
dont_map => 1,
-sync_with_i3 $x;
diag("third = " . $third->id);
cmd "move workspace $tmp2";
# verify that the third window has the focus
is($x->input_focus, $third->id, 'third window focused');
# Regression test: level up should be a noop during fullscreen mode
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
use i3test;
- use_ok('X11::XCB::Window');
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
# open a window, verify it’s not in fullscreen mode
-my $win = open_window($x);
+my $win = open_window;
my $nodes = get_ws_content $tmp;
is(@$nodes, 1, 'exactly one client');
cmd 'nop making fullscreen';
cmd 'fullscreen';
-my $nodes = get_ws_content $tmp;
+$nodes = get_ws_content $tmp;
is($nodes->[0]->{fullscreen_mode}, 1, 'client fullscreen now');
cmd 'level up';
cmd 'fullscreen';
-my $nodes = get_ws_content $tmp;
+$nodes = get_ws_content $tmp;
is($nodes->[0]->{fullscreen_mode}, 0, 'client not fullscreen any longer');
# Tests if the WM_TAKE_FOCUS protocol is correctly handled by i3
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
use i3test;
-use v5.10;
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
subtest 'Window without WM_TAKE_FOCUS', sub {
- my $window = open_window($x);
+ my $window = open_window;
- ok(!wait_for_event($x, 1, sub { $_[0]->{response_type} == 161 }), 'did not receive ClientMessage');
+ ok(!wait_for_event(1, sub { $_[0]->{response_type} == 161 }), 'did not receive ClientMessage');
my $take_focus = $x->atom(name => 'WM_TAKE_FOCUS');
- my $window = open_window($x, {
+ my $window = open_window({
dont_map => 1,
protocols => [ $take_focus ],
- ok(wait_for_event($x, 1, sub {
+ ok(wait_for_event(1, sub {
return 0 unless $_[0]->{response_type} == 161;
my ($data, $time) = unpack("L2", $_[0]->{data});
return ($data == $take_focus->id);
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
-# !NO_I3_INSTANCE! will prevent complete-run.pl from starting i3
# Tests if the various ipc_socket_path options are correctly handled
-use i3test;
+use i3test i3_autostart => 0;
use File::Temp qw(tempfile tempdir);
use POSIX qw(getuid);
use v5.10;
# See which files exist in /tmp before to not mistakenly check an already
# existing tmpdir of another i3 instance.
my @files_before = </tmp/i3-*>;
-my $pid = launch_with_config($config, 1);
+my $pid = launch_with_config($config, dont_add_socket_path => 1, dont_create_temp_dir => 1);
my @files_after = </tmp/i3-*>;
@files_after = grep { !($_ ~~ @files_before) } @files_after;
-$pid = launch_with_config($config, 1);
+$pid = launch_with_config($config, dont_add_socket_path => 1, dont_create_temp_dir => 1);
ok(-d "$rtdir/i3", "$rtdir/i3 exists and is a directory");
$socketpath = "$rtdir/i3/ipc-socket." . $pid;
ipc-socket $socketpath
-$pid = launch_with_config($config, 1);
+$pid = launch_with_config($config, dont_add_socket_path => 1, dont_create_temp_dir => 1);
ok(-S $socketpath, "file $socketpath exists and is a socket");
# restart.
# found in eb8ad348b28e243cba1972e802ca8ee636472fc9
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
use List::Util qw(first);
use i3test;
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
-my $window = open_window($x);
+my $window = open_window;
sub get_border_style {
my @content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
# perform an inplace-restart
cmd 'restart';
-sleep 0.25;
is(get_border_style(), '1pixel', 'border style still 1pixel after restart');
# Regression test for setting the urgent hint on dock clients.
# found in 4be3178d4d360c2996217d811e61161c84d25898
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
use i3test;
- use_ok('X11::XCB::Window');
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
# open a dock client
-my $window = $x->root->create_child(
- rect => [ 0, 0, 30, 30],
- background_color => '#FF0000',
+my $window = open_window(
window_type => $x->atom(name => '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK'),
-sleep 0.25;
# check that we can find it in the layout tree at the expected position
# Tests if WM_STATE is WM_STATE_NORMAL when mapped and WM_STATE_WITHDRAWN when
# unmapped.
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
use i3test;
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
-my $window = open_window($x);
+my $window = open_window;
is($window->state, ICCCM_WM_STATE_NORMAL, 'WM_STATE normal');
-wait_for_unmap $x;
+wait_for_unmap $window;
is($window->state, ICCCM_WM_STATE_WITHDRAWN, 'WM_STATE withdrawn');
use i3test;
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
sub two_windows {
my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 0, 'no containers yet');
- my $first = open_window($x);
- my $second = open_window($x);
- sync_with_i3 $x;
+ my $first = open_window;
+ my $second = open_window;
is($x->input_focus, $second->id, 'second window focused');
ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 2, 'two containers opened');
# 'kill window'
-my $tmp = two_windows;
+$tmp = two_windows;
cmd 'kill window';
# and check if both are gone
-my $tmp = two_windows;
+$tmp = two_windows;
cmd 'kill client';
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
-# !NO_I3_INSTANCE! will prevent complete-run.pl from starting i3
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
-use X11::XCB::Connection;
-use i3test;
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
+use i3test i3_autostart => 0;
# 1: test the following directive:
my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
-my $window = $x->root->create_child(
- rect => [ 0, 0, 30, 30 ],
- background_color => '#00ff00',
- event_mask => [ 'structure_notify' ],
-$window->name('Border window');
-wait_for_map $x;
+my $window = open_window(name => 'Border window');
my @content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
cmp_ok(@content, '==', 1, 'one node on this workspace now');
is($content[0]->{border}, 'normal', 'normal border');
-wait_for_unmap $x;
+wait_for_unmap $window;
-my @content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
+@content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
cmp_ok(@content, '==', 0, 'no more nodes');
diag('content = '. Dumper(\@content));
-$window = $x->root->create_child(
- rect => [ 0, 0, 30, 30 ],
- background_color => '#00ff00',
- event_mask => [ 'structure_notify' ],
# TODO: move this to X11::XCB::Window
sub set_wm_class {
-set_wm_class($window->id, 'borderless', 'borderless');
-$window->name('Borderless window');
-wait_for_map $x;
+$window = open_window(
+ name => 'Borderless window',
+ before_map => sub { set_wm_class($_->id, 'borderless', 'borderless') },
@content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
cmp_ok(@content, '==', 1, 'one node on this workspace now');
is($content[0]->{border}, 'none', 'no border');
-wait_for_unmap $x;
+wait_for_unmap $window;
@content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
cmp_ok(@content, '==', 0, 'no more nodes');
$tmp = fresh_workspace;
-$window = $x->root->create_child(
- rect => [ 0, 0, 30, 30 ],
- background_color => '#00ff00',
- event_mask => [ 'structure_notify' ],
-$window->name('special title');
-wait_for_map $x;
+$window = open_window(name => 'special title');
@content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
cmp_ok(@content, '==', 1, 'one node on this workspace now');
is($content[0]->{border}, 'normal', 'normal border');
$window->name('special borderless title');
-sync_with_i3 $x;
@content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
is($content[0]->{border}, 'none', 'no border');
$window->name('special title');
-sync_with_i3 $x;
cmd 'border normal';
is($content[0]->{border}, 'normal', 'border reset to normal');
$window->name('special borderless title');
-sync_with_i3 $x;
@content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
is($content[0]->{border}, 'normal', 'still normal border');
-wait_for_unmap $x;
+wait_for_unmap $window;
@content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
cmp_ok(@content, '==', 0, 'no more nodes');
$tmp = fresh_workspace;
-$window = $x->root->create_child(
- rect => [ 0, 0, 30, 30 ],
- background_color => '#00ff00',
- event_mask => [ 'structure_notify' ],
-$window->name('special mark title');
-wait_for_map $x;
+$window = open_window(name => 'special mark title');
@content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
cmp_ok(@content, '==', 1, 'one node on this workspace now');
is($content[0]->{border}, 'none', 'no border');
-my $other = open_window($x);
+my $other = open_window;
@content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
cmp_ok(@content, '==', 2, 'two nodes');
$tmp = fresh_workspace;
-$window = $x->root->create_child(
- rect => [ 0, 0, 30, 30 ],
- background_color => '#00ff00',
- event_mask => [ 'structure_notify' ],
+$window = open_window(
+ name => 'usethis',
+ before_map => sub { set_wm_class($_->id, 'borderless', 'borderless') },
-set_wm_class($window->id, 'borderless', 'borderless');
-wait_for_map $x;
@content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
cmp_ok(@content, '==', 1, 'one node on this workspace now');
is($content[0]->{border}, 'none', 'no border');
cmd 'kill';
-wait_for_unmap $x;
+wait_for_unmap $window;
+# give i3 a chance to delete the window from its tree
@content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
cmp_ok(@content, '==', 0, 'no nodes on this workspace now');
set_wm_class($window->id, 'borderless', 'borderless');
-wait_for_map $x;
+wait_for_map $window;
@content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
cmp_ok(@content, '==', 1, 'one node on this workspace now');
$tmp = fresh_workspace;
-$window = $x->root->create_child(
- rect => [ 0, 0, 30, 30 ],
- background_color => '#00ff00',
- event_mask => [ 'structure_notify' ],
-set_wm_class($window->id, 'bar', 'foo');
-wait_for_map $x;
+$window = open_window(
+ name => 'usethis',
+ before_map => sub { set_wm_class($_->id, 'bar', 'foo') },
@content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
cmp_ok(@content, '==', 1, 'one node on this workspace now');
$tmp = fresh_workspace;
-$window = $x->root->create_child(
- rect => [ 0, 0, 30, 30 ],
- background_color => '#00ff00',
- event_mask => [ 'structure_notify' ],
+$window = open_window(
+ name => 'usethis',
+ before_map => sub { set_wm_class($_->id, 'bar', 'foo') },
-set_wm_class($window->id, 'bar', 'foo');
-wait_for_map $x;
@content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
cmp_ok(@content, '==', 1, 'one node on this workspace now');
is($content[0]->{border}, 'none', 'no border');
$tmp = fresh_workspace;
-$window = $x->root->create_child(
- rect => [ 0, 0, 30, 30 ],
- background_color => '#00ff00',
- event_mask => [ 'structure_notify' ],
+$window = open_window(
+ name => 'usethis',
+ before_map => sub { set_wm_class($_->id, 'bar', 'foo') },
-set_wm_class($window->id, 'bar', 'foo');
-wait_for_map $x;
@content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
cmp_ok(@content, '==', 1, 'one node on this workspace now');
is($content[0]->{border}, 'normal', 'normal border');
$tmp = fresh_workspace;
-$window = $x->root->create_child(
- rect => [ 0, 0, 30, 30 ],
- background_color => '#00ff00',
- event_mask => [ 'structure_notify' ],
+$window = open_window(
+ name => 'usethis',
+ before_map => sub {
+ my ($window) = @_;
+ my $atomname = $x->atom(name => 'WM_WINDOW_ROLE');
+ my $atomtype = $x->atom(name => 'STRING');
+ $x->change_property(
+ $window->id,
+ $atomname->id,
+ $atomtype->id,
+ 8,
+ length("i3test") + 1,
+ "i3test\x00"
+ );
+ },
-my $atomname = $x->atom(name => 'WM_WINDOW_ROLE');
-my $atomtype = $x->atom(name => 'STRING');
- $window->id,
- $atomname->id,
- $atomtype->id,
- 8,
- length("i3test") + 1,
- "i3test\x00"
-wait_for_map $x;
@content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
cmp_ok(@content, '==', 1, 'one node on this workspace now');
is($content[0]->{border}, 'none', 'no border (window_role)');
$tmp = fresh_workspace;
-$window = $x->root->create_child(
- rect => [ 0, 0, 30, 30 ],
- background_color => '#00ff00',
- event_mask => [ 'structure_notify' ],
-wait_for_map $x;
+$window = open_window(name => 'usethis');
@content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
cmp_ok(@content, '==', 1, 'one node on this workspace now');
is($content[0]->{border}, 'normal', 'normal border (window_role 2)');
-$atomname = $x->atom(name => 'WM_WINDOW_ROLE');
-$atomtype = $x->atom(name => 'STRING');
+my $atomname = $x->atom(name => 'WM_WINDOW_ROLE');
+my $atomtype = $x->atom(name => 'STRING');
-sync_with_i3 $x;
@content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
cmp_ok(@content, '==', 1, 'one node on this workspace now');
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
-# !NO_I3_INSTANCE! will prevent complete-run.pl from starting i3
# Tests if assignments work
-use i3test;
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
-use X11::XCB::Connection;
-use v5.10;
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
+use i3test i3_autostart => 0;
# TODO: move to X11::XCB
sub set_wm_class {
+sub open_special {
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $wm_class = delete($args{wm_class}) || 'special';
+ $args{name} //= 'special window';
+ return open_window(
+ %args,
+ before_map => sub { set_wm_class($_->id, $wm_class, $wm_class) },
+ );
# start a window and see that it does not get assigned with an empty config
ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 0, 'no containers yet');
-my $window = $x->root->create_child(
- rect => [ 0, 0, 30, 30 ],
- background_color => '#0000ff',
- event_mask => [ 'structure_notify' ],
-set_wm_class($window->id, 'special', 'special');
-$window->name('special window');
-wait_for_map $x;
+my $window = open_special;
ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 1, 'special window got managed to current (random) workspace');
my $workspaces = get_workspace_names;
ok(!("targetws" ~~ @{$workspaces}), 'targetws does not exist yet');
-my $window = $x->root->create_child(
- rect => [ 0, 0, 30, 30 ],
- background_color => '#0000ff',
- event_mask => [ 'structure_notify' ],
-set_wm_class($window->id, 'special', 'special');
-$window->name('special window');
-wait_for_map $x;
+$window = open_special;
ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 0, 'still no containers');
ok("targetws" ~~ @{get_workspace_names()}, 'targetws exists');
ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 0, 'no containers yet');
ok("targetws" ~~ @{get_workspace_names()}, 'targetws does not exist yet');
-my $window = $x->root->create_child(
- rect => [ 0, 0, 30, 30 ],
- background_color => '#0000ff',
- event_mask => [ 'structure_notify' ],
-set_wm_class($window->id, 'special', 'special');
-$window->name('special window');
# We use sync_with_i3 instead of wait_for_map here because i3 will not actually
# map the window -- it will be assigned to a different workspace and will only
# be mapped once you switch to that workspace
-sync_with_i3 $x;
+$window = open_special(dont_map => 1);
ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 0, 'still no containers');
ok(@{get_ws_content('targetws')} == 2, 'two containers on targetws');
$tmp = fresh_workspace;
ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 0, 'no containers yet');
-my $workspaces = get_workspace_names;
+$workspaces = get_workspace_names;
ok(!("targetws" ~~ @{$workspaces}), 'targetws does not exist yet');
-my $window = $x->root->create_child(
- rect => [ 0, 0, 30, 30 ],
- background_color => '#0000ff',
- event_mask => [ 'structure_notify' ],
-set_wm_class($window->id, 'special', 'special');
-$window->name('special window');
-wait_for_map $x;
+$window = open_special;
my $content = get_ws($tmp);
ok(@{$content->{nodes}} == 0, 'no tiling cons');
$tmp = fresh_workspace;
ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 0, 'no containers yet');
-my $workspaces = get_workspace_names;
+$workspaces = get_workspace_names;
ok(!("targetws" ~~ @{$workspaces}), 'targetws does not exist yet');
-my $window = $x->root->create_child(
- rect => [ 0, 0, 30, 30 ],
- background_color => '#0000ff',
- event_mask => [ 'structure_notify' ],
-set_wm_class($window->id, 'SPEcial', 'SPEcial');
-$window->name('special window');
-wait_for_map $x;
+$window = open_special(wm_class => 'SPEcial');
-my $content = get_ws($tmp);
+$content = get_ws($tmp);
ok(@{$content->{nodes}} == 0, 'no tiling cons');
ok(@{$content->{floating_nodes}} == 1, 'one floating con');
# syntax
is(@docked, 1, 'one dock client yet');
-my $window = $x->root->create_child(
- rect => [ 0, 0, 30, 30 ],
- background_color => '#0000ff',
+$window = open_special(
window_type => $x->atom(name => '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK'),
- event_mask => [ 'structure_notify' ],
-set_wm_class($window->id, 'special', 'special');
-$window->name('special window');
-wait_for_map $x;
-my $content = get_ws($tmp);
+$content = get_ws($tmp);
ok(@{$content->{nodes}} == 0, 'no tiling cons');
ok(@{$content->{floating_nodes}} == 0, 'one floating con');
@docked = get_dock_clients;
-sleep 0.25;
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
-# !NO_I3_INSTANCE! will prevent complete-run.pl from starting i3
# Tests the workspace_layout config option.
-use i3test;
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
-use X11::XCB::Connection;
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
+use i3test i3_autostart => 0;
# 1: check that with an empty config, cons are place next to each
ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 0, 'no containers yet');
-my $first = open_window($x);
-my $second = open_window($x);
+my $first = open_window;
+my $second = open_window;
is($x->input_focus, $second->id, 'second window focused');
-ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 2, 'two containers opened');
+my @content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
+ok(@content == 2, 'two containers opened');
isnt($content[0]->{layout}, 'stacked', 'layout not stacked');
isnt($content[1]->{layout}, 'stacked', 'layout not stacked');
ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 0, 'no containers yet');
-$first = open_window($x);
-$second = open_window($x);
+$first = open_window;
+$second = open_window;
is($x->input_focus, $second->id, 'second window focused');
-my @content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
+@content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
ok(@content == 1, 'one con at workspace level');
is($content[0]->{layout}, 'stacked', 'layout stacked');
cmd 'focus parent';
-my $right_top = open_window($x);
-my $right_bot = open_window($x);
+my $right_top = open_window;
+my $right_bot = open_window;
@content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
is(@content, 2, 'two cons at workspace level after focus parent');
# Verifies that i3 survives inplace restarts with fullscreen containers
use i3test;
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
-use X11::XCB::Connection;
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
cmd 'layout stacking';
-sleep 1;
cmd 'fullscreen';
-sleep 1;
cmd 'restart';
-sleep 1;
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
-# !NO_I3_INSTANCE! will prevent complete-run.pl from starting i3
# Tests if the 'force_focus_wrapping' config directive works correctly.
-use i3test;
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
-use X11::XCB::Connection;
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
+use i3test i3_autostart => 0;
# 1: test the wrapping behaviour without force_focus_wrapping
ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 0, 'no containers yet');
-my $first = open_window($x);
-my $second = open_window($x);
+my $first = open_window;
+my $second = open_window;
cmd 'layout tabbed';
cmd 'focus parent';
-my $third = open_window($x);
+my $third = open_window;
is($x->input_focus, $third->id, 'third window focused');
cmd 'focus left';
ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 0, 'no containers yet');
-$first = open_window($x);
-$second = open_window($x);
+$first = open_window;
+$second = open_window;
cmd 'layout tabbed';
cmd 'focus parent';
-$third = open_window($x);
+$third = open_window;
is($x->input_focus, $third->id, 'third window focused');
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
-# !NO_I3_INSTANCE! will prevent complete-run.pl from starting i3
# Tests if i3-migrate-config-to-v4 correctly migrates all config file
# directives and commands
-use i3test;
+use i3test i3_autostart => 0;
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
use File::Temp qw(tempfile tempdir);
use v5.10;
ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+3 workspace 3|), 'workspace changed');
$output = migrate_config('bindsym Mod1+3 m3');
-ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+3 move workspace 3|), 'move workspace changed');
+ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+3 move container to workspace 3|), 'move workspace changed');
$input = <<EOT;
workspace 3 work
$output = migrate_config($input);
ok(!line_exists($output, qr|^workspace|), 'workspace name not present');
-ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+3 move workspace work|), 'move to named workspace in bindings');
+ok(line_exists($output, qr|^bindsym Mod1\+3 move container to workspace work|), 'move to named workspace in bindings');
# check whether an i3bar call is added if the workspace bar bar was enabled
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
-# !NO_I3_INSTANCE! will prevent complete-run.pl from starting i3
# checks if i3 starts up on workspace '1' or the first configured named workspace
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
-use X11::XCB::Connection;
-use i3test;
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
+use i3test i3_autostart => 0;
# 1: i3 should start with workspace '1'
my $pid = launch_with_config($config);
my @names = @{get_workspace_names()};
-cmp_deeply(\@names, [ '1' ], 'i3 starts on workspace 1 without any configuration');
+is_deeply(\@names, [ '1' ], 'i3 starts on workspace 1 without any configuration');
$pid = launch_with_config($config);
-my @names = @{get_workspace_names()};
-cmp_deeply(\@names, [ 'foobar' ], 'i3 starts on named workspace foobar');
+@names = @{get_workspace_names()};
+is_deeply(\@names, [ 'foobar' ], 'i3 starts on named workspace foobar');
$pid = launch_with_config($config);
-my @names = @{get_workspace_names()};
-cmp_deeply(\@names, [ 'foobar' ], 'i3 starts on named workspace foobar');
+@names = @{get_workspace_names()};
+is_deeply(\@names, [ 'foobar' ], 'i3 starts on named workspace foobar');
my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
my $marks = get_marks();
-cmp_deeply($marks, [], 'no marks set so far');
+is_deeply($marks, [], 'no marks set so far');
# 2: check that setting a mark is reflected in the get_marks reply
cmd 'open';
cmd 'mark foo';
-cmp_deeply(get_marks(), [ 'foo' ], 'mark foo set');
+is_deeply(get_marks(), [ 'foo' ], 'mark foo set');
# 3: check that the mark is gone after killing the container
cmd 'kill';
-cmp_deeply(get_marks(), [ ], 'mark gone');
+is_deeply(get_marks(), [ ], 'mark gone');
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
-# !NO_I3_INSTANCE! will prevent complete-run.pl from starting i3
# Regression: Checks if focus is stolen when a window is managed which is
# assigned to an invisible workspace
-use i3test;
-use X11::XCB qw(:all);
-use X11::XCB::Connection;
-use v5.10;
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
+use i3test i3_autostart => 0;
# TODO: move to X11::XCB
sub set_wm_class {
+sub open_special {
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $wm_class = delete($args{wm_class}) || 'special';
+ $args{name} //= 'special window';
+ return open_window(
+ %args,
+ before_map => sub { set_wm_class($_->id, $wm_class, $wm_class) },
+ );
# start a window and see that it does not get assigned with an empty config
ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 0, 'no containers yet');
ok(get_ws($tmp)->{focused}, 'current workspace focused');
-my $window = $x->root->create_child(
- rect => [ 0, 0, 30, 30 ],
- background_color => '#0000ff',
-set_wm_class($window->id, 'special', 'special');
-$window->name('special window');
-sleep 0.25;
+my $window = open_special;
ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 0, 'special window not on current workspace');
ok(@{get_ws_content('targetws')} == 1, 'special window on targetws');
# the same test, but with a floating window
-$window = $x->root->create_child(
- rect => [ 0, 0, 30, 30 ],
- background_color => '#0000ff',
+$window = open_special(
window_type => $x->atom(name => '_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY'),
-set_wm_class($window->id, 'special', 'special');
-$window->name('special window');
-sleep 0.25;
ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 0, 'special window not on current workspace');
ok(@{get_ws_content('targetws')} == 1, 'special window on targetws');
ok(get_ws($tmp)->{focused}, 'current workspace still focused');
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
-# !NO_I3_INSTANCE! will prevent complete-run.pl from starting i3
# Tests the new_window and new_float config option.
-use i3test;
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
+use i3test i3_autostart => 0;
# 1: check that new windows start with 'normal' border unless configured
ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 0, 'no containers yet');
-my $first = open_window($x);
+my $first = open_window;
my @content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
ok(@content == 1, 'one container opened');
ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 0, 'no containers yet');
-$first = open_window($x);
+$first = open_window;
@content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
ok(@content == 1, 'one container opened');
ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 0, 'no containers yet');
-$first = open_floating_window($x);
+$first = open_floating_window;
my $wscontent = get_ws($tmp);
my @floating = @{$wscontent->{floating_nodes}};
ok(@{get_ws_content($tmp)} == 0, 'no containers yet');
-$first = open_floating_window($x);
+$first = open_floating_window;
$wscontent = get_ws($tmp);
@floating = @{$wscontent->{floating_nodes}};
use POSIX qw(mkfifo);
use File::Temp qw(:POSIX);
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
use ExtUtils::PkgConfig;
# setup dependency on libstartup-notification using pkg-config
is(@{get_ws_content($second_ws)}, 0, 'no containers on the second workspace yet');
-my $win = open_window($x, { dont_map => 1 });
+my $win = open_window({ dont_map => 1 });
# We don’t use wait_for_map because the window will not get mapped -- it is on
# a different workspace.
# We sync with i3 here to make sure $x->input_focus is updated.
is(@{get_ws_content($second_ws)}, 0, 'still no containers on the second workspace');
is(@{get_ws_content($first_ws)}, 1, 'one container on the first workspace');
# same thing, but with _NET_STARTUP_ID set on the leader
-my $leader = open_window($x, { dont_map => 1 });
+my $leader = open_window({ dont_map => 1 });
-$win = open_window($x, { dont_map => 1, client_leader => $leader });
+$win = open_window({ dont_map => 1, client_leader => $leader });
is(@{get_ws_content($second_ws)}, 0, 'still no containers on the second workspace');
is(@{get_ws_content($first_ws)}, 2, 'two containers on the first workspace');
-my $otherwin = open_window($x);
+my $otherwin = open_window;
is(@{get_ws_content($second_ws)}, 1, 'one container on the second workspace');
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
-# !NO_I3_INSTANCE! will prevent complete-run.pl from starting i3
# Checks if the 'workspace back_and_forth' command and the
# 'workspace_auto_back_and_forth' config directive work correctly.
-use i3test;
-use X11::XCB::Connection;
-my $x = X11::XCB::Connection->new;
+use i3test i3_autostart => 0;
my $config = <<EOT;
# i3 config file (v4)
# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
-# !NO_I3_INSTANCE! will prevent complete-run.pl from starting i3
# Checks that the bar config is parsed correctly.
-use i3test;
+use i3test i3_autostart => 0;
# test a config without any bars
background #ff0000
statusline #00ff00
- focused_workspace #ffffff #285577
- active_workspace #888888 #222222
- inactive_workspace #888888 #222222
- urgent_workspace #ffffff #900000
+ focused_workspace #4c7899 #285577 #ffffff
+ active_workspace #333333 #222222 #888888
+ inactive_workspace #333333 #222222 #888888
+ urgent_workspace #2f343a #900000 #ffffff
background => '#ff0000',
statusline => '#00ff00',
+ focused_workspace_border => '#4c7899',
focused_workspace_text => '#ffffff',
focused_workspace_bg => '#285577',
+ active_workspace_border => '#333333',
active_workspace_text => '#888888',
active_workspace_bg => '#222222',
+ inactive_workspace_border => '#333333',
inactive_workspace_text => '#888888',
inactive_workspace_bg => '#222222',
+ urgent_workspace_border => '#2f343a',
urgent_workspace_text => '#ffffff',
urgent_workspace_bg => '#900000',
}, 'colors ok');
+# verify that the old syntax still works
+$config = <<EOT;
+# i3 config file (v4)
+font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
+bar {
+ # Start a default instance of i3bar which provides workspace buttons.
+ # Additionally, i3status will provide a statusline.
+ status_command i3status --bar
+ output HDMI1
+ output HDMI2
+ tray_output LVDS1
+ tray_output HDMI2
+ position top
+ mode dock
+ font Terminus
+ workspace_buttons no
+ verbose yes
+ socket_path /tmp/foobar
+ colors {
+ background #ff0000
+ statusline #00ff00
+ focused_workspace #ffffff #285577
+ active_workspace #888888 #222222
+ inactive_workspace #888888 #222222
+ urgent_workspace #ffffff #900000
+ }
+$pid = launch_with_config($config);
+$i3 = i3(get_socket_path(0));
+$bars = $i3->get_bar_config()->recv;
+is(@$bars, 1, 'one bar configured');
+$bar_id = shift @$bars;
+cmd 'nop yeah';
+$bar_config = $i3->get_bar_config($bar_id)->recv;
+is($bar_config->{status_command}, 'i3status --bar', 'status_command correct');
+ok($bar_config->{verbose}, 'verbose on');
+ok(!$bar_config->{workspace_buttons}, 'workspace buttons disabled');
+is($bar_config->{mode}, 'dock', 'dock mode');
+is($bar_config->{position}, 'top', 'position top');
+is_deeply($bar_config->{outputs}, [ 'HDMI1', 'HDMI2' ], 'outputs ok');
+is($bar_config->{tray_output}, 'HDMI2', 'tray_output ok');
+is($bar_config->{font}, 'Terminus', 'font ok');
+is($bar_config->{socket_path}, '/tmp/foobar', 'socket_path ok');
+ {
+ background => '#ff0000',
+ statusline => '#00ff00',
+ focused_workspace_text => '#ffffff',
+ focused_workspace_bg => '#285577',
+ active_workspace_text => '#888888',
+ active_workspace_bg => '#222222',
+ inactive_workspace_text => '#888888',
+ inactive_workspace_bg => '#222222',
+ urgent_workspace_text => '#ffffff',
+ urgent_workspace_bg => '#900000',
+ }, '(old) colors ok');
--- /dev/null
+# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
+# Verifies that i3 does not leak any file descriptors in 'exec'.
+use i3test;
+use POSIX qw(mkfifo);
+use File::Temp qw(:POSIX tempfile);
+my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
+my $tmp = tmpnam();
+mkfifo($tmp, 0600) or die "Could not create FIFO in $tmp";
+my ($outfh, $outname) = tempfile('/tmp/i3-ls-output.XXXXXX', UNLINK => 1);
+cmd qq|exec ls -l /proc/self/fd >$outname && echo done >$tmp|;
+open(my $fh, '<', $tmp);
+# Block on the FIFO, this will return exactly when the command is done.
+# Get the ls /proc/self/fd output
+my $output;
+ local $/;
+ $output = <$outfh>;
+# Split lines, keep only those which are symlinks.
+my @lines = grep { /->/ } split("\n", $output);
+my %fds = map { /([0-9]+) -> (.+)$/; ($1, $2) } @lines;
+# Filter out 0, 1, 2 (stdin, stdout, stderr).
+delete $fds{0};
+delete $fds{1};
+delete $fds{2};
+# Filter out the fd which is caused by ls calling readdir().
+for my $fd (keys %fds) {
+ delete $fds{$fd} if $fds{$fd} =~ m,^/proc/\d+/fd$,;
+is(scalar keys %fds, 0, 'No file descriptors leaked');
--- /dev/null
+# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
+# Regression test: Changing border style should not have an impact on the size
+# (geometry) of the child window. See ticket http://bugs.i3wm.org/561
+# Wrong behaviour manifested itself up to (including) commit
+# d805d1bbeaf89e11f67c981f94c9f55bbb4b89d9
+use i3test;
+use Data::Dumper;
+my $win = open_floating_window(rect => [10, 10, 200, 100]);
+my $geometry = $win->rect;
+is($geometry->{width}, 200, 'width correct');
+is($geometry->{height}, 100, 'height correct');
+cmd 'border 1pixel';
+$geometry = $win->rect;
+is($geometry->{width}, 200, 'width correct');
+is($geometry->{height}, 100, 'height correct');
--- /dev/null
+# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
+# Checks that variables are parsed correctly by using for_window rules with
+# variables in it.
+use i3test i3_autostart => 0;
+# starts i3 with the given config, opens a window, returns its border style
+sub launch_get_border {
+ my ($config) = @_;
+ my $pid = launch_with_config($config);
+ my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path(0));
+ my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
+ my $window = open_window(name => 'special title');
+ my @content = @{get_ws_content($tmp)};
+ cmp_ok(@content, '==', 1, 'one node on this workspace now');
+ my $border = $content[0]->{border};
+ exit_gracefully($pid);
+ return $border;
+# test thet windows get the default border
+my $config = <<EOT;
+# i3 config file (v4)
+font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
+is(launch_get_border($config), 'normal', 'normal border');
+# now use a variable and for_window
+$config = <<'EOT';
+# i3 config file (v4)
+font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
+set $vartest special title
+for_window [title="$vartest"] border none
+is(launch_get_border($config), 'none', 'no border');
+# check that whitespaces and tabs are ignored
+$config = <<'EOT';
+# i3 config file (v4)
+font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
+set $vartest special title
+for_window [title="$vartest"] border none
+is(launch_get_border($config), 'none', 'no border');
--- /dev/null
+# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
+# Tests for the scratchpad functionality.
+use i3test;
+use List::Util qw(first);
+my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
+my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
+# 1: Verify that the __i3 output contains the __i3_scratch workspace and that
+# it’s empty initially. Also, __i3 should not show up in GET_OUTPUTS so that
+# tools like i3bar will not handle it. Similarly, __i3_scratch should not show
+# up in GET_WORKSPACES. After all, you should not be able to switch to it.
+my $tree = $i3->get_tree->recv;
+is($tree->{name}, 'root', 'root node is the first thing we get');
+my @__i3 = grep { $_->{name} eq '__i3' } @{$tree->{nodes}};
+is(scalar @__i3, 1, 'output __i3 found');
+my $content = first { $_->{type} == 2 } @{$__i3[0]->{nodes}};
+my @workspaces = @{$content->{nodes}};
+my @workspace_names = map { $_->{name} } @workspaces;
+ok('__i3_scratch' ~~ @workspace_names, '__i3_scratch workspace found');
+my $get_outputs = $i3->get_outputs->recv;
+my $get_ws = $i3->get_workspaces->recv;
+my @output_names = map { $_->{name} } @$get_outputs;
+my @ws_names = map { $_->{name} } @$get_ws;
+ok(!('__i3' ~~ @output_names), '__i3 not in GET_OUTPUTS');
+ok(!('__i3_scratch' ~~ @ws_names), '__i3_scratch ws not in GET_WORKSPACES');
+# 2: Verify that you cannot switch to the __i3_scratch workspace and moving
+# windows to __i3_scratch does not work (users should be aware of the different
+# behavior and acknowledge that by using the scratchpad commands).
+# Try focusing the workspace.
+my $__i3_scratch = get_ws('__i3_scratch');
+is($__i3_scratch->{focused}, 0, '__i3_scratch ws not focused');
+cmd 'workspace __i3_scratch';
+$__i3_scratch = get_ws('__i3_scratch');
+is($__i3_scratch->{focused}, 0, '__i3_scratch ws still not focused');
+# Try moving a window to it.
+is(scalar @{$__i3_scratch->{floating_nodes}}, 0, '__i3_scratch ws empty');
+my $window = open_window;
+cmd 'move workspace __i3_scratch';
+$__i3_scratch = get_ws('__i3_scratch');
+is(scalar @{$__i3_scratch->{floating_nodes}}, 0, '__i3_scratch ws empty');
+# Try moving the window with the 'output <direction>' command.
+# We hardcode output left since the pseudo-output will be initialized before
+# every other output, so it will always be the first one.
+cmd 'move output left';
+$__i3_scratch = get_ws('__i3_scratch');
+is(scalar @{$__i3_scratch->{floating_nodes}}, 0, '__i3_scratch ws empty');
+# Try moving the window with the 'output <name>' command.
+cmd 'move output __i3';
+$__i3_scratch = get_ws('__i3_scratch');
+is(scalar @{$__i3_scratch->{floating_nodes}}, 0, '__i3_scratch ws empty');
+# 3: Verify that 'scratchpad toggle' sends a window to the __i3_scratch
+# workspace and sets the scratchpad flag to SCRATCHPAD_FRESH. The window’s size
+# and position will be changed (once!) on the next 'scratchpad show' and the
+# flag will be changed to SCRATCHPAD_CHANGED.
+my ($nodes, $focus) = get_ws_content($tmp);
+is(scalar @$nodes, 1, 'precisely one window on current ws');
+is($nodes->[0]->{scratchpad_state}, 'none', 'scratchpad_state none');
+cmd 'move scratchpad';
+$__i3_scratch = get_ws('__i3_scratch');
+my @scratch_nodes = @{$__i3_scratch->{floating_nodes}};
+is(scalar @scratch_nodes, 1, '__i3_scratch contains our window');
+($nodes, $focus) = get_ws_content($tmp);
+is(scalar @$nodes, 0, 'no window on current ws anymore');
+is($scratch_nodes[0]->{scratchpad_state}, 'fresh', 'scratchpad_state fresh');
+$tree = $i3->get_tree->recv;
+my $__i3 = first { $_->{name} eq '__i3' } @{$tree->{nodes}};
+isnt($tree->{focus}->[0], $__i3->{id}, '__i3 output not focused');
+$get_outputs = $i3->get_outputs->recv;
+$get_ws = $i3->get_workspaces->recv;
+@output_names = map { $_->{name} } @$get_outputs;
+@ws_names = map { $_->{name} } @$get_ws;
+ok(!('__i3' ~~ @output_names), '__i3 not in GET_OUTPUTS');
+ok(!('__i3_scratch' ~~ @ws_names), '__i3_scratch ws not in GET_WORKSPACES');
+# 4: Verify that 'scratchpad show' makes the window visible.
+# Open another window so that we can check if focus is on the scratchpad window
+# after showing it.
+my $second_window = open_window;
+my $old_focus = get_focused($tmp);
+cmd 'scratchpad show';
+isnt(get_focused($tmp), $old_focus, 'focus changed');
+$__i3_scratch = get_ws('__i3_scratch');
+@scratch_nodes = @{$__i3_scratch->{floating_nodes}};
+is(scalar @scratch_nodes, 0, '__i3_scratch is now empty');
+my $ws = get_ws($tmp);
+my $output = $tree->{nodes}->[1];
+my $scratchrect = $ws->{floating_nodes}->[0]->{rect};
+my $outputrect = $output->{rect};
+is($scratchrect->{width}, $outputrect->{width} * 0.5, 'scratch width is 50%');
+is($scratchrect->{height}, $outputrect->{height} * 0.75, 'scratch height is 75%');
+ ($outputrect->{width} / 2) - ($scratchrect->{width} / 2),
+ 'scratch window centered horizontally');
+ ($outputrect->{height} / 2 ) - ($scratchrect->{height} / 2),
+ 'scratch window centered vertically');
+# 5: Another 'scratchpad show' should make that window go to the scratchpad
+# again.
+cmd 'scratchpad show';
+$__i3_scratch = get_ws('__i3_scratch');
+@scratch_nodes = @{$__i3_scratch->{floating_nodes}};
+is(scalar @scratch_nodes, 1, '__i3_scratch contains our window');
+is($scratch_nodes[0]->{scratchpad_state}, 'changed', 'scratchpad_state changed');
+# 6: Verify that repeated 'scratchpad show' cycle through the stack, that is,
+# toggling a visible window should insert it at the bottom of the stack of the
+# __i3_scratch workspace.
+my $third_window = open_window(name => 'scratch-match');
+cmd 'move scratchpad';
+$__i3_scratch = get_ws('__i3_scratch');
+@scratch_nodes = @{$__i3_scratch->{floating_nodes}};
+is(scalar @scratch_nodes, 2, '__i3_scratch contains both windows');
+is($scratch_nodes[0]->{scratchpad_state}, 'changed', 'changed window first');
+is($scratch_nodes[1]->{scratchpad_state}, 'fresh', 'fresh window is second');
+my $changed_id = $scratch_nodes[0]->{nodes}->[0]->{id};
+my $fresh_id = $scratch_nodes[1]->{nodes}->[0]->{id};
+is($scratch_nodes[0]->{id}, $__i3_scratch->{focus}->[0], 'changed window first');
+is($scratch_nodes[1]->{id}, $__i3_scratch->{focus}->[1], 'fresh window second');
+# Repeatedly use 'scratchpad show' and check that the windows are different.
+cmd 'scratchpad show';
+is(get_focused($tmp), $changed_id, 'focus changed');
+$ws = get_ws($tmp);
+$scratchrect = $ws->{floating_nodes}->[0]->{rect};
+is($scratchrect->{width}, $outputrect->{width} * 0.5, 'scratch width is 50%');
+is($scratchrect->{height}, $outputrect->{height} * 0.75, 'scratch height is 75%');
+ ($outputrect->{width} / 2) - ($scratchrect->{width} / 2),
+ 'scratch window centered horizontally');
+ ($outputrect->{height} / 2 ) - ($scratchrect->{height} / 2),
+ 'scratch window centered vertically');
+cmd 'scratchpad show';
+isnt(get_focused($tmp), $changed_id, 'focus changed');
+cmd 'scratchpad show';
+is(get_focused($tmp), $fresh_id, 'focus changed');
+cmd 'scratchpad show';
+isnt(get_focused($tmp), $fresh_id, 'focus changed');
+# 7: Verify that using scratchpad show with criteria works as expected:
+# When matching a scratchpad window which is visible, it should hide it.
+# When matching a scratchpad window which is on __i3_scratch, it should show it.
+# When matching a non-scratchpad window, it should be a no-op.
+# Verify that using 'scratchpad show' without any matching windows is a no-op.
+$old_focus = get_focused($tmp);
+cmd '[title="nomatch"] scratchpad show';
+is(get_focused($tmp), $old_focus, 'non-matching criteria have no effect');
+# Verify that we can use criteria to show a scratchpad window.
+cmd '[title="scratch-match"] scratchpad show';
+my $scratch_focus = get_focused($tmp);
+isnt($scratch_focus, $old_focus, 'matching criteria works');
+cmd '[title="scratch-match"] scratchpad show';
+isnt(get_focused($tmp), $scratch_focus, 'matching criteria works');
+is(get_focused($tmp), $old_focus, 'focus restored');
+# Verify that we cannot use criteria to show a non-scratchpad window.
+my $tmp2 = fresh_workspace;
+my $non_scratch_window = open_window(name => 'non-scratch');
+cmd "workspace $tmp";
+is(get_focused($tmp), $old_focus, 'focus still ok');
+cmd '[title="non-match"] scratchpad show';
+is(get_focused($tmp), $old_focus, 'focus unchanged');
+# 8: Show it, move it around, hide it. Verify that the position is retained
+# when showing it again.
+cmd '[title="scratch-match"] scratchpad show';
+isnt(get_focused($tmp), $old_focus, 'scratchpad window shown');
+my $oldrect = get_ws($tmp)->{floating_nodes}->[0]->{rect};
+cmd 'move left';
+$scratchrect = get_ws($tmp)->{floating_nodes}->[0]->{rect};
+isnt($scratchrect->{x}, $oldrect->{x}, 'x position changed');
+$oldrect = $scratchrect;
+# hide it, then show it again
+cmd '[title="scratch-match"] scratchpad show';
+cmd '[title="scratch-match"] scratchpad show';
+# verify the position is still the same
+$scratchrect = get_ws($tmp)->{floating_nodes}->[0]->{rect};
+is_deeply($scratchrect, $oldrect, 'position/size the same');
+# hide it again for the next test
+cmd '[title="scratch-match"] scratchpad show';
+is(get_focused($tmp), $old_focus, 'scratchpad window hidden');
+is(scalar @{get_ws($tmp)->{nodes}}, 1, 'precisely one window on current ws');
+# 9: restart i3 and verify that the scratchpad show still works
+$__i3_scratch = get_ws('__i3_scratch');
+my $old_nodes = scalar @{$__i3_scratch->{nodes}};
+my $old_floating_nodes = scalar @{$__i3_scratch->{floating_nodes}};
+cmd 'restart';
+$__i3_scratch = get_ws('__i3_scratch');
+is(scalar @{$__i3_scratch->{nodes}}, $old_nodes, "number of nodes matches ($old_nodes)");
+is(scalar @{$__i3_scratch->{floating_nodes}}, $old_floating_nodes, "number of floating nodes matches ($old_floating_nodes)");
+is(scalar @{get_ws($tmp)->{nodes}}, 1, 'still precisely one window on current ws');
+is(scalar @{get_ws($tmp)->{floating_nodes}}, 0, 'still no floating windows on current ws');
+# verify that we can display the scratchpad window
+cmd '[title="scratch-match"] scratchpad show';
+$ws = get_ws($tmp);
+is(scalar @{$ws->{nodes}}, 1, 'still precisely one window on current ws');
+is(scalar @{$ws->{floating_nodes}}, 1, 'precisely one floating windows on current ws');
+is($ws->{floating_nodes}->[0]->{scratchpad_state}, 'changed', 'scratchpad_state is "changed"');
+# 10: on an empty workspace, ensure the 'move scratchpad' command does nothing
+$tmp = fresh_workspace;
+cmd 'move scratchpad';
+# 11: focus a workspace and move all of its children to the scratchpad area
+$tmp = fresh_workspace;
+my $first = open_window;
+my $second = open_window;
+cmd 'focus parent';
+cmd 'move scratchpad';
+$ws = get_ws($tmp);
+is(scalar @{$ws->{nodes}}, 0, 'no windows on ws');
+is(scalar @{$ws->{floating_nodes}}, 0, 'no floating windows on ws');
+# show the first window.
+cmd 'scratchpad show';
+$ws = get_ws($tmp);
+is(scalar @{$ws->{nodes}}, 0, 'no windows on ws');
+is(scalar @{$ws->{floating_nodes}}, 1, 'one floating windows on ws');
+$old_focus = get_focused($tmp);
+cmd 'scratchpad show';
+# show the second window.
+cmd 'scratchpad show';
+$ws = get_ws($tmp);
+is(scalar @{$ws->{nodes}}, 0, 'no windows on ws');
+is(scalar @{$ws->{floating_nodes}}, 1, 'one floating windows on ws');
+isnt(get_focused($tmp), $old_focus, 'focus changed');
+# TODO: make i3bar display *something* when a window on the scratchpad has the urgency hint
--- /dev/null
+# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
+# Tests the standalone parser binary to see if it calls the right code when
+# confronted with various commands, if it prints proper error messages for
+# wrong commands and if it terminates in every case.
+use i3test i3_autostart => 0;
+sub parser_calls {
+ my ($command) = @_;
+ # TODO: use a timeout, so that we can error out if it doesn’t terminate
+ # TODO: better way of passing arguments
+ my $stdout = qx(../test.commands_parser '$command' 2>&-);
+ # Filter out all debugging output.
+ my @lines = split("\n", $stdout);
+ @lines = grep { not /^# / } @lines;
+ # The criteria management calls are irrelevant and not what we want to test
+ # in the first place.
+ @lines = grep { !(/cmd_criteria_init()/ || /cmd_criteria_match_windows/) } @lines;
+ return join("\n", @lines);
+# 1: First that the parser properly recognizes commands which are ok.
+is(parser_calls('move workspace 3'),
+ 'cmd_move_con_to_workspace_name(3)',
+ 'single number (move workspace 3) ok');
+is(parser_calls('move to workspace 3'),
+ 'cmd_move_con_to_workspace_name(3)',
+ 'to (move to workspace 3) ok');
+is(parser_calls('move window to workspace 3'),
+ 'cmd_move_con_to_workspace_name(3)',
+ 'window to (move window to workspace 3) ok');
+is(parser_calls('move container to workspace 3'),
+ 'cmd_move_con_to_workspace_name(3)',
+ 'container to (move container to workspace 3) ok');
+is(parser_calls('move workspace foobar'),
+ 'cmd_move_con_to_workspace_name(foobar)',
+ 'single word (move workspace foobar) ok');
+is(parser_calls('move workspace 3: foobar'),
+ 'cmd_move_con_to_workspace_name(3: foobar)',
+ 'multiple words (move workspace 3: foobar) ok');
+is(parser_calls('move workspace "3: foobar"'),
+ 'cmd_move_con_to_workspace_name(3: foobar)',
+ 'double quotes (move workspace "3: foobar") ok');
+is(parser_calls('move workspace "3: foobar, baz"'),
+ 'cmd_move_con_to_workspace_name(3: foobar, baz)',
+ 'quotes with comma (move workspace "3: foobar, baz") ok');
+is(parser_calls('move workspace 3: foobar, nop foo'),
+ "cmd_move_con_to_workspace_name(3: foobar)\n" .
+ "cmd_nop(foo)",
+ 'multiple ops (move workspace 3: foobar, nop foo) ok');
+is(parser_calls('exec i3-sensible-terminal'),
+ 'cmd_exec((null), i3-sensible-terminal)',
+ 'exec ok');
+is(parser_calls('exec --no-startup-id i3-sensible-terminal'),
+ 'cmd_exec(--no-startup-id, i3-sensible-terminal)',
+ 'exec --no-startup-id ok');
+is(parser_calls('resize shrink left'),
+ 'cmd_resize(shrink, left, 10, 10)',
+ 'simple resize ok');
+is(parser_calls('resize shrink left 25 px'),
+ 'cmd_resize(shrink, left, 25, 10)',
+ 'px resize ok');
+is(parser_calls('resize shrink left 25 px or 33 ppt'),
+ 'cmd_resize(shrink, left, 25, 33)',
+ 'px + ppt resize ok');
+is(parser_calls('resize shrink left 25 px or 33 ppt'),
+ 'cmd_resize(shrink, left, 25, 33)',
+ 'px + ppt resize ok');
+is(parser_calls('resize shrink left 25 px or 33 ppt,'),
+ 'cmd_resize(shrink, left, 25, 33)',
+ 'trailing comma resize ok');
+is(parser_calls('resize shrink left 25 px or 33 ppt;'),
+ 'cmd_resize(shrink, left, 25, 33)',
+ 'trailing semicolon resize ok');
+is(parser_calls('resize shrink left 25'),
+ 'cmd_resize(shrink, left, 25, 10)',
+ 'resize early end ok');
+is(parser_calls('[con_mark=yay] focus'),
+ "cmd_criteria_add(con_mark, yay)\n" .
+ "cmd_focus()",
+ 'criteria focus ok');
+is(parser_calls("[con_mark=yay con_mark=bar] focus"),
+ "cmd_criteria_add(con_mark, yay)\n" .
+ "cmd_criteria_add(con_mark, bar)\n" .
+ "cmd_focus()",
+ 'criteria focus ok');
+is(parser_calls("[con_mark=yay\tcon_mark=bar] focus"),
+ "cmd_criteria_add(con_mark, yay)\n" .
+ "cmd_criteria_add(con_mark, bar)\n" .
+ "cmd_focus()",
+ 'criteria focus ok');
+ "cmd_criteria_add(con_mark, yay)\n" .
+ "cmd_criteria_add(con_mark, bar)\n" .
+ "cmd_focus()",
+ 'criteria focus ok');
+is(parser_calls('[con_mark="yay"] focus'),
+ "cmd_criteria_add(con_mark, yay)\n" .
+ "cmd_focus()",
+ 'quoted criteria focus ok');
+# Make sure trailing whitespace is stripped off: While this is not an issue for
+# commands being parsed due to the configuration, people might send IPC
+# commands with leading or trailing newlines.
+is(parser_calls("workspace test\n"),
+ 'cmd_workspace_name(test)',
+ 'trailing whitespace stripped off ok');
+is(parser_calls("\nworkspace test"),
+ 'cmd_workspace_name(test)',
+ 'trailing whitespace stripped off ok');
+# 2: Verify that the parser spits out the right error message on commands which
+# are not ok.
+ "Expected one of these tokens: <end>, '[', 'move', 'exec', 'exit', 'restart', 'reload', 'border', 'layout', 'append_layout', 'workspace', 'focus', 'kill', 'open', 'fullscreen', 'split', 'floating', 'mark', 'resize', 'nop', 'scratchpad', 'mode'\n" .
+ "Your command: unknown_literal\n" .
+ " ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^",
+ 'error for unknown literal ok');
+is(parser_calls('move something to somewhere'),
+ "Expected one of these tokens: 'window', 'container', 'to', 'workspace', 'output', 'scratchpad', 'left', 'right', 'up', 'down'\n" .
+ "Your command: move something to somewhere\n" .
+ " ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^",
+ 'error for unknown literal ok');
--- /dev/null
+# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
+# Verifies that i3 survives inplace restarts with fullscreen containers
+use i3test;
+my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
+open_window(name => 'first');
+open_window(name => 'second');
+cmd 'focus left';
+my ($nodes, $focus) = get_ws_content($tmp);
+is(scalar @$nodes, 2, 'two tiling nodes on workspace');
+is($nodes->[0]->{name}, 'first', 'first node name ok');
+is($nodes->[1]->{name}, 'second', 'second node name ok');
+is($focus->[0], $nodes->[0]->{id}, 'first node focused');
+is($focus->[1], $nodes->[1]->{id}, 'second node second in focus stack');
+cmd 'restart';
+($nodes, $focus) = get_ws_content($tmp);
+is(scalar @$nodes, 2, 'still two tiling nodes on workspace');
+is($nodes->[0]->{name}, 'first', 'first node name ok');
+is($nodes->[1]->{name}, 'second', 'second node name ok');
+is($focus->[0], $nodes->[0]->{id}, 'first node focused');
+is($focus->[1], $nodes->[1]->{id}, 'second node second in focus stack');
--- /dev/null
+# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
+# Tests that the provided X-Server to the t/5??-*.t tests is actually providing
+# multiple monitors.
+use i3test;
+my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
+# Request tree
+my $tree = $i3->get_tree->recv;
+my @outputs = map { $_->{name} } @{$tree->{nodes}};
+is_deeply(\@outputs, [ '__i3', 'xinerama-0', 'xinerama-1' ],
+ 'multi-monitor outputs ok');
--- /dev/null
+# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
+# Verifies that scratchpad windows show up on the proper output.
+# ticket #596, bug present until up to commit
+# 89dded044b4fffe78f9d70778748fabb7ac533e9.
+use i3test;
+my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
+# Open a workspace on the second output, put a window to scratchpad, display
+# it, verify it’s on the same workspace.
+sub verify_scratchpad_on_same_ws {
+ my ($ws) = @_;
+ is(scalar @{get_ws($ws)->{nodes}}, 0, 'no nodes on this ws');
+ my $window = open_window;
+ is(scalar @{get_ws($ws)->{nodes}}, 1, 'one nodes on this ws');
+ cmd 'move scratchpad';
+ is(scalar @{get_ws($ws)->{nodes}}, 0, 'no nodes on this ws');
+ cmd 'scratchpad show';
+ is(scalar @{get_ws($ws)->{nodes}}, 0, 'no nodes on this ws');
+ is(scalar @{get_ws($ws)->{floating_nodes}}, 1, 'one floating node on this ws');
+my $second = fresh_workspace(output => 1);
+# The same thing, but on the first output.
+my $first = fresh_workspace(output => 0);
+# Now open the scratchpad on one output and switch to another.
+sub verify_scratchpad_switch {
+ my ($first, $second) = @_;
+ cmd "workspace $first";
+ is(scalar @{get_ws($first)->{nodes}}, 0, 'no nodes on this ws');
+ my $window = open_window;
+ is(scalar @{get_ws($first)->{nodes}}, 1, 'one nodes on this ws');
+ cmd 'move scratchpad';
+ is(scalar @{get_ws($first)->{nodes}}, 0, 'no nodes on this ws');
+ cmd "workspace $second";
+ cmd 'scratchpad show';
+ my $ws = get_ws($second);
+ is(scalar @{$ws->{nodes}}, 0, 'no nodes on this ws');
+ is(scalar @{$ws->{floating_nodes}}, 1, 'one floating node on this ws');
+ # Verify that the coordinates are within bounds.
+ my $srect = $ws->{floating_nodes}->[0]->{rect};
+ my $rect = $ws->{rect};
+ cmd 'nop before bounds check';
+ cmp_ok($srect->{x}, '>=', $rect->{x}, 'x within bounds');
+ cmp_ok($srect->{y}, '>=', $rect->{y}, 'y within bounds');
+ cmp_ok($srect->{x} + $srect->{width}, '<=', $rect->{x} + $rect->{width},
+ 'width within bounds');
+ cmp_ok($srect->{y} + $srect->{height}, '<=', $rect->{y} + $rect->{height},
+ 'height within bounds');
+$first = fresh_workspace(output => 0);
+$second = fresh_workspace(output => 1);
+verify_scratchpad_switch($first, $second);
+$first = fresh_workspace(output => 1);
+$second = fresh_workspace(output => 0);
+verify_scratchpad_switch($first, $second);
--- /dev/null
+# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
+# Verifies the 'focus output' command works properly.
+use i3test;
+use List::Util qw(first);
+my $tmp = fresh_workspace;
+my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
+# use 'focus output' and verify that focus gets changed appropriately
+sub focused_output {
+ my $tree = $i3->get_tree->recv;
+ my $focused = $tree->{focus}->[0];
+ my $output = first { $_->{id} == $focused } @{$tree->{nodes}};
+ return $output->{name};
+is(focused_output, 'xinerama-0', 'focus on first output');
+cmd 'focus output right';
+is(focused_output, 'xinerama-1', 'focus on second output');
+# focus should wrap when we focus to the right again.
+cmd 'focus output right';
+is(focused_output, 'xinerama-0', 'focus on first output again');
+cmd 'focus output left';
+is(focused_output, 'xinerama-1', 'focus back on second output');
+cmd 'focus output left';
+is(focused_output, 'xinerama-0', 'focus on first output again');
+cmd 'focus output up';
+is(focused_output, 'xinerama-0', 'focus still on first output');
+cmd 'focus output down';
+is(focused_output, 'xinerama-0', 'focus still on first output');
+cmd 'focus output xinerama-1';
+is(focused_output, 'xinerama-1', 'focus on second output');
+cmd 'focus output xinerama-0';
+is(focused_output, 'xinerama-0', 'focus on first output');
--- /dev/null
+# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
+# Tests whether 'workspace next_on_output' and the like work correctly.
+use List::Util qw(first);
+use i3test;
+# Setup workspaces so that they stay open (with an empty container).
+is(focused_ws, '1', 'starting on workspace 1');
+# ensure workspace 1 stays open
+cmd 'focus output right';
+is(focused_ws, '2', 'workspace 2 on second output');
+# ensure workspace 2 stays open
+cmd 'focus output right';
+is(focused_ws, '1', 'back on workspace 1');
+# We don’t use fresh_workspace with named workspaces here since they come last
+# when using 'workspace next'.
+cmd 'workspace 5';
+# ensure workspace 5 stays open
+# Use workspace next and verify the correct order.
+# The current order should be:
+# output 1: 1, 5
+# output 2: 2
+cmd 'workspace 1';
+cmd 'workspace next';
+is(focused_ws, '2', 'workspace 2 focused');
+cmd 'workspace next';
+is(focused_ws, '5', 'workspace 5 focused');
+# Now try the same with workspace next_on_output.
+cmd 'workspace 1';
+cmd 'workspace next_on_output';
+is(focused_ws, '5', 'workspace 5 focused');
+cmd 'workspace next_on_output';
+is(focused_ws, '1', 'workspace 1 focused');
+cmd 'workspace prev_on_output';
+is(focused_ws, '5', 'workspace 5 focused');
+cmd 'workspace prev_on_output';
+is(focused_ws, '1', 'workspace 1 focused');
+cmd 'workspace 2';
+cmd 'workspace prev_on_output';
+is(focused_ws, '2', 'workspace 2 focused');
--- /dev/null
+# vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab
+# Tests whether the 'move workspace <ws> to [output] <output>' command works
+use List::Util qw(first);
+use i3test;
+# TODO:
+# introduce 'move workspace 3 to output <output>' with synonym 'move workspace 3 to <output>'
+# Setup workspaces so that they stay open (with an empty container).
+is(focused_ws, '1', 'starting on workspace 1');
+# ensure workspace 1 stays open
+cmd 'focus output right';
+is(focused_ws, '2', 'workspace 2 on second output');
+# ensure workspace 2 stays open
+cmd 'focus output right';
+is(focused_ws, '1', 'back on workspace 1');
+# We don’t use fresh_workspace with named workspaces here since they come last
+# when using 'workspace next'.
+cmd 'workspace 5';
+# ensure workspace 5 stays open
+# Move a workspace over and verify that it is on the right output.
+# The current order should be:
+# output 1: 1, 5
+# output 2: 2
+cmd 'workspace 5';
+is(focused_ws, '5', 'workspace 5 focused');
+my ($x0, $x1) = workspaces_per_screen();
+ok('5' ~~ @$x0, 'workspace 5 on xinerama-0');
+cmd 'move workspace to output xinerama-1';
+sub workspaces_per_screen {
+ my $i3 = i3(get_socket_path());
+ my $tree = $i3->get_tree->recv;
+ my @outputs = @{$tree->{nodes}};
+ my $xinerama0 = first { $_->{name} eq 'xinerama-0' } @outputs;
+ my $xinerama0_content = first { $_->{type} == 2 } @{$xinerama0->{nodes}};
+ my $xinerama1 = first { $_->{name} eq 'xinerama-1' } @outputs;
+ my $xinerama1_content = first { $_->{type} == 2 } @{$xinerama1->{nodes}};
+ my @xinerama0_workspaces = map { $_->{name} } @{$xinerama0_content->{nodes}};
+ my @xinerama1_workspaces = map { $_->{name} } @{$xinerama1_content->{nodes}};
+ return \@xinerama0_workspaces, \@xinerama1_workspaces;
+($x0, $x1) = workspaces_per_screen();
+ok('5' ~~ @$x1, 'workspace 5 now on xinerama-1');
+# Verify that the last workspace on an output cannot be moved.
+cmd 'workspace 1';
+cmd 'move workspace to output xinerama-1';
+($x0, $x1) = workspaces_per_screen();
+ok('1' ~~ @$x0, 'workspace 1 still on xinerama-0');
+# Verify that 'move workspace to output <direction>' works
+cmd 'workspace 5';
+cmd 'move workspace to output left';
+($x0, $x1) = workspaces_per_screen();
+ok('5' ~~ @$x0, 'workspace 5 back on xinerama-0');