.export _set_brk, _reset_brk
.destructor _reset_brk
.export _brk_a, _brk_x, _brk_y, _brk_sr, _brk_pc
- .importzp ptr1
+ .import BRKStub, BRKOld, BRKInd
+ .importzp ptr1
.include "c128.inc"
_brk_sr: .res 1
_brk_pc: .res 2
-oldvec: .res 2 ; Old vector
-uservec: jmp $FFFF ; Patched at runtime
+uservec: jmp $FFFF ; Patched at runtime
-; Where will we put the break stub?
-stub_addr = $0E00 ; BASIC sprite area
; Set the break vector
.proc _set_brk
sta uservec+1
stx uservec+2 ; Set the user vector
- lda oldvec
- ora oldvec+1 ; Did we save the vector already?
- bne L2 ; Jump if we installed the handler already
+ lda BRKOld+1
+ ora BRKOld+2 ; Did we save the vector already?
+ bne @L1 ; Jump if we installed the handler already
- lda BRKVec
- sta oldvec
+ lda BRKVec ; Save the old vector
+ sta BRKOld+1
lda BRKVec+1
- sta oldvec+1 ; Save the old vector
+ sta BRKOld+2
+ lda #<BRKStub ; Set the break vector to our stub
+ ldx #>BRKStub
+ sta BRKVec
+ stx BRKVec+1
- ldy #stub_size-1 ; Copy our stub into the low mem area
-L1: lda brk_stub,y
- sta stub_addr,y
- dey
- bpl L1
+ lda #<brk_handler ; Set the indirect vector to our handler
+ ldx #>brk_handler
+ sta BRKInd+1
+ stx BRKInd+2
-L2: lda #<stub_addr ; Set the break vector to our stub
- sta BRKVec
- lda #>stub_addr
- sta BRKVec+1
- rts
+@L1: rts
; Reset the break vector
.proc _reset_brk
- lda oldvec
- bne @L1
- ldx oldvec
- beq @L9 ; Jump if vector not installed
-@L1: sta BRKVec
- stx BRKVec+1
+ lda BRKOld+1
+ ldx BRKOld+2
+ beq @L9 ; Jump if vector not installed
+ sta BRKVec
+ stx BRKVec+1
+ lda #$00
+ sta BRKOld+1 ; Clear the saved vector
+ sta BRKOld+2
@L9: rts
- .org stub_addr
- pla ; Get original MMU value
- sta MMU_CR ; Re-enable our config
- jmp brk_handler ; Jump to the user handler
- .reloc
-stub_size = * - brk_stub
; This must be the *first* file on the linker command line
- .export _exit
- .import initlib, donelib
- .import initconio, doneconio, zerobss
- .import push0, _main
+ .export _exit
+ .export BRKStub, BRKOld, BRKInd
+ .import condes, initlib, donelib
+ .import initconio, doneconio, zerobss
+ .import push0, _main
+ .import __RAM_START__, __RAM_SIZE__
- .include "c128.inc"
- .include "../cbm/cbm.inc"
+ .include "c128.inc"
+ .include "../cbm/cbm.inc"
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Constants
+CC65_MMU_CFG = $0E ; Bank 0 with kernal ROM
+IRQInd = $2FD ; JMP $0000 - used as indirect IRQ vector
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Define and export the ZP variables for the C64 runtime
lda MMU_CR ; Get current memory configuration...
pha ; ...and save it for later
- lda #$0E ; Bank0 with kernal ROM
- sta MMU_CR
+ lda #CC65_MMU_CFG ; Bank0 with kernal ROM
+ sta MMU_CR
; Clear the BSS data
stx spsave ; save system stk ptr
- lda #<$C000
- sta sp
- lda #>$C000
- sta sp+1
+ lda #<(__RAM_START__ + __RAM_SIZE__)
+ sta sp
+ lda #>(__RAM_START__ + __RAM_SIZE__)
+ sta sp+1 ; Set argument stack ptr
; Call module constructors
jsr initconio
+; If we have IRQ functions, chain our stub into the IRQ vector
+ lda #<__IRQFUNC_COUNT__
+ beq NoIRQ1
+ lda IRQVec
+ ldx IRQVec+1
+ sta IRQInd+1
+ stx IRQInd+2
+ lda #<IRQStub
+ ldx #>IRQStub
+ sei
+ sta IRQVec
+ stx IRQVec+1
+ cli
; Pass an empty command line
- jsr push0 ; argc
- jsr push0 ; argv
+NoIRQ1: jsr push0 ; argc
+ jsr push0 ; argv
ldy #4 ; Argument size
jsr _main ; call the users code
-; Call module destructors. This is also the _exit entry.
+; This is also the _exit entry. Reset the IRQ vector if we chained it.
+_exit: lda #<__IRQFUNC_COUNT__
+ beq NoIRQ2
+ lda IRQInd+1
+ ldx IRQInd+2
+ sei
+ sta IRQVec
+ stx IRQVec+1
+ cli
+; Run module destructors
-_exit: jsr donelib ; Run module destructors
+NoIRQ2: jsr donelib
; Reset the conio stuff
; Reset stack and the MMU
- ldx spsave ; Patched at runtime
+ ldx spsave
- lda mmusave ; Patched at runtime
+ lda mmusave
sta MMU_CR
; Copy back the zero page stuff
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; The C128 has ROM parallel to the RAM starting from $4000. The startup code
+; above will change this setting so that we have RAM from $0000-$BFFF. This
+; works quite well with the exception of interrupts: The interrupt handler
+; is in ROM, and the ROM switches back to the ROM configuration, which means
+; that parts of our program may not be accessible. Since the crt0 module is
+; the first module in the program, it will always be below $4000 and always
+; in RAM. So we place several short stubs here that switch back our ROM
+; config before calling our user defined handlers. These stubs are only
+; used if any other code uses the interrupt or break vectors. They are dead
+; code otherwise, but since there is no other way to keep them in low memory,
+; they have to go here.
+ cld ; Just to be sure
+ lda MMU_CR ; Get old register value
+ pha ; And save on stack
+ lda #CC65_MMU_CFG ; Bank 0 with kernal ROM
+ sta MMU_CR
+ ldy #<(__IRQFUNC_COUNT__*2)
+ lda #<__IRQFUNC_TABLE__
+ ldx #>__IRQFUNC_TABLE__
+ jsr condes ; Call the functions
+ pla ; Get old register value
+ sta MMU_CR
+ jmp IRQInd ; Jump to the save IRQ vector
+ pla ; Get original MMU_CR value
+ sta MMU_CR ; And set it
+ jmp BRKInd ; Jump indirect to break
+; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+; Data
zpsave: .res zpspace
+; Old break vector preceeded by a jump opcode
+BRKOld: jmp $0000
+; Indirect vectors preceeded by a jump opcode
+BRKInd: jmp $0000
spsave: .res 1
mmusave:.res 1
.export _mouse_box, _mouse_info
.export _mouse_move, _mouse_pos
.export _mouse_buttons, _mouse_info
+ .condes MouseIRQ, 2
.import _readjoy
.import popa, popax, addysp1
; unsigned char type);
+.proc _mouse_init
jsr popa ; Ignore type and port
- ldy OldIRQ+1 ; Already initialized?
+ lda Initialized ; Already initialized?
bne AlreadyInitialized ; Jump if yes
; Initialize variables
sta XMax
stx XMax+1 ; XMax = 320 + sprite width
-; Remember the old IRQ vector
+; Save the old init status and reset bit 0. This will disable the BASIC
+; IRQ handler which will otherwise try to manage the mouse sprite on its
+; own
- lda IRQVec
- sta OldIRQ
- lda IRQVec+1
- sta OldIRQ+1
+ sta OldInitStatus
+ and #$FE
-; Set our own IRQ vector. We cheat here to save a few bytes of code:
-; The function is expected to return a value not equal to zero on success,
-; and since we know that the high byte of the IRQ handler address is never
-; zero, we will return just this byte.
+; Mouse successfully initialized
- ldx #<MouseIRQ
- lda #>MouseIRQ
- bne SetIRQ ; Branch always
+ lda #1
+ sta Initialized
+ rts
- lda #0 ; Error
+ lda #0 ; Error
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; void mouse_done (void);
- ldx OldIRQ ; Initialized?
- lda OldIRQ+1
- beq Done ; Jump if no
- ldy #0
- sty OldIRQ+1 ; Reset the initialized flag
-SetIRQ: sei ; Disable interrupts
- stx IRQVec ; Set the new/old vector
- sta IRQVec+1
- cli ; Enable interrupts
-Done: rts
+.proc _mouse_done
+ lda Initialized ; Initialized?
+ beq @L1 ; Jump if no
+ lda #0
+ sta Initialized ; Reset the initialized flag
+ lda OldInitStatus ; Load the old BASIC int bit
+ and #$01 ; Mask it
+ ora INIT_STATUS ; Restore the old state
+@L1: rts
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; void mouse_hide (void);
+.proc _mouse_hide
lda Invisible ; Get the flag
bne @L1 ; Jump if already invisible
@L1: inc Invisible ; Set the flag to invisible
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; void mouse_show (void);
+.proc _mouse_show
lda Invisible ; Mouse invisible?
beq @L1 ; Jump if no
dec Invisible ; Set the flag
@L1: rts
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; void __fastcall__ mouse_box (int minx, int miny, int maxx, int maxy);
+.proc _mouse_box
ldy #0 ; Stack offset
add YCorr ; Adjust the Y value
jmp addysp1 ; Drop params, return
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; void __fastcall__ mouse_pos (struct mouse_pos* pos);
; /* Return the current mouse position */
+.proc _mouse_pos
sta ptr1
stx ptr1+1 ; Remember the argument pointer
rts ; Done
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; void __fastcall__ mouse_info (struct mouse_info* info);
; /* Return the state of the mouse buttons and the position of the mouse */
+.proc _mouse_info
; We're cheating here to keep the code smaller: The first fields of the
; mouse_info struct are identical to the mouse_pos struct, so we will just
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; void __fastcall__ mouse_move (int x, int y);
+.proc _mouse_move
add YCorr ; Add Y coordinate correction
bcc @L1
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; unsigned char mouse_buttons (void);
+.proc _mouse_buttons
lda #$00 ; Use port #0
jmp _readjoy ; Same as joystick
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Mouse interrupt handler
- cld
- lda SID_ADConv1 ; Get mouse X movement
+ lda Initialized ; Mouse initialized?
+ beq IRQDone ; Jump if no
+ lda SID_ADConv1 ; Get mouse X movement
ldy OldPotX
jsr MoveCheck ; Calculate movement vector
sty OldPotX
@L4: sty YPos
stx YPos+1
-; Move the mouse sprite if it is enabled
+; Move the mouse sprite to the current mouse position. Must be called
+; with interrupts off. MoveSprite1 is an entry without checking.
+ lda Invisible ; Mouse visible?
+ bne Done ; Jump if no
+; Set the high X bit
+ lda VIC_SPR_HI_X ; Get high X bits of all sprites
+ and #$FE ; Clear bit for sprite #0
+ ldy XPos+1 ; Test Y position
+ beq @L5
+ ora #$01 ; Set high X bit
+@L5: sta VIC_SPR_HI_X ; Set hi X sprite values
+; Set the low X byte
+ lda XPos
+ sta VIC_SPR0_X ; Set low byte
- jsr MoveSprite ; Move the sprite
+; Set the Y position
-; Jump to the next IRQ handler
+ ldy YPos+1 ; Negative or too large?
+ bne Done ; Jump if yes
+ lda YPos
+ sta VIC_SPR0_Y ; Set Y position
- jmp (OldIRQ)
+; Done
+Done: rts
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; x/a = delta value for position
+.proc MoveCheck
sty OldValue
sta NewValue
ldx #$00
@L2: txa ; A = $00
-; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-; Move the mouse sprite to the current mouse position. Must be called
-; with interrupts off. MoveSprite1 is an entry without checking.
- lda Invisible ; Mouse visible?
- bne MoveSpriteDone ; Jump if no
-; Set the high X bit
- lda VIC_SPR_HI_X ; Get high X bits of all sprites
- and #$FE ; Clear bit for sprite #0
- ldy XPos+1 ; Test Y position
- beq @L1
- ora #$01 ; Set high X bit
-@L1: sta VIC_SPR_HI_X ; Set hi X sprite values
-; Set the low X byte
- lda XPos
- sta VIC_SPR0_X ; Set low byte
-; Set the Y position
- ldy YPos+1 ; Negative or too large?
- bne MoveSpriteDone ; Jump if yes
- lda YPos
- sta VIC_SPR0_Y ; Set Y position
-; Done
- rts
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Data
-OldIRQ: .res 2 ; Old IRQ vector
+Initialized: .res 1 ; True if mouse initialized
+OldInitStatus: .res 1 ; Old IRQ flag value
OldValue: .res 1 ; Temp for MoveCheck routine
NewValue: .res 1 ; Temp for MoveCheck routine
YCorr: .res 1 ; Correction for Y coordinate